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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead (390 Views)
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A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by Courz: 12:34pm On Nov 24, 2024 |
I am creating this thread to serve as a means of enlightenment for the Body of Christ. This thread is a strong warning to Christians who follow Pastors that engage in the Prophetic movement and Miracle Healing. We are living in the time that everything that has been hidden is being exposed for all just as our Lord Jesus said. Jesus being the Head of the Church warned thousands of years ago against False Prophets. We all know this warning. Christians who are obsessed with visiting churches just to get one help or the other need this warning. Some of you worship your Pastors and your Pastors can do no wrong in your eyes even when he has been exposed for one Evil or the other. This thread is for you. This Man exposes why members attached to these churches defend their Pastors with all their might. It isn't normal. This thread is also for those who are fond of buying and collecting anointing Oils, Holy Water, Soils, Handkerchief, Towels known as Mantles, Salt, Soaps, Perfumes, Incense, posters of your Pastors, e.t.c from your so called Men of God. All these items have a Source and this Man sharing this testimony reveals where they are really from. This thread is going to be about a Testimony from a Spiritual Father who had many Pastors under his wing. His role was to specifically help Pastors grow their Church. Unfortunately, this man was into Luciferianism and very deep Satanism of which all the pastors He managed were part of. He reveals many activities you see in Churches today and what they really mean and do in the Spirit realm and how they affect the members attending these churches. He also exposes the Roman Catholic church, their incense, their Ave Maria chant, their So called Saints and which particular Entity is attached to the Ave Maria chant. In fact, his experience completely exposes the Pentacostal movement, many Satanic sects and the Catholic church. He also exposes how he makes the miracles Pastors do look believable, what entities are responsible for those miracles. Yes, Demonic spirits also perform miracles but with a Price! He explains the difference between a Fake Prophet and a False Prophet. Warning! If you know that you as a Christian have collected any item mentioned above from any so called Man of God, no matter how small or insignificant, Repent from your Sins. Denounce your association with the entities attached to these items, seek for deliverance ASAP before it is too late and give your life to Jesus! Do not wait any longer. Repent and burn those items NOW! I hope that this revelation from this Man who has now given his Life to Jesus, will serve as a Cautionary tale, a means to be convicted by the Holy Spirit and a means to bring you closer to Almighty God and Jesus Christ our Lord. The Videos are long but if you love your life and value where you want to be after you die, you will watch these videos. You can watch them in parts. I will be posting 3 Videos with each going deep into this Man's experience. May the Holy Spirit help you see the light and make you do the necessary changes in the mighty name of Jesus our Lord. Amen. |
Re: A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by Courz: 12:45pm On Nov 24, 2024 |
This is the Part 2 of his testimony titled How I initiated Pastors into Dark Powers. There had to be a Part 2 because the viewers had so many questions they had and they needed more information. It is worthy to note that his testimony implicates many Pastors in Nigeria, South Africa and other African countries. Take note of the things he mentioned and if you notice the same thing happening in your Church, then you know who your Pastor truly serves. |
Re: A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by floss(m): 12:50pm On Nov 24, 2024 |
I didn’t get any message from what you wrote 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by MaxInDHouse(m): 1:01pm On Nov 24, 2024 |
Re: A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by Courz: 1:02pm On Nov 24, 2024 |
This video below is the Part 3. This time the man goes very deep to explain everything. The Man even provided videos and pictures to explain the use of these items I mentioned above. In this video, another Man who was also a Pastor that used Demonic spirits to perform miracles in his church reveals his own experience. Again, I repeat, take note of everything they are saying. A lot of what they said can be found in Churches today. When you go to church, be more observant and watch your Pastors. If your Pastor is the type that is a Spiritual Father, watch him very well! If he is the type that invites Pastors over and the Pastors depend on him one way or the other and are made to stand in the altar for one blessing or the other or are made to dress a certain way or are made to pass one sword to another, Beware! What you are seeing could very well be an Initiation taking place right in front of you. If you see anything these men revealed in your Church, you are following a Witch doctor and not a Man of God. Be Wise! Open your eyes! One thing they said that I noted was Anywhere you see False Prophecy in a Church, there is Witchcraft! |
Re: A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by Courz: 1:04pm On Nov 24, 2024 |
floss: Then this testimony is not for you. 1 Like |
Re: A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by Courz: 3:15pm On Nov 24, 2024 |
This is another testimony from a Pastor titled How I used Witchcraft in my Church to Heal people who was under the Spiritual Father in the Op. He relates his experience as to how he met this man and gained powers to grow his Church. Thereafter, he left him to gain more powers when he started experiencing problems. It was this same Spiritual Father that advised him to stop and that it was time they changed and gave their lives to Christ and also Warn Christians of what so called Men of God are doing. |
Re: A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by keymatt(m): 3:24pm On Nov 24, 2024 |
Following. 1 Like |
Re: A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by Courz: 9:47pm On Nov 26, 2024 |
A very good example of an Initiation happening right inside a Church is the video below. Look at the whole atmosphere of the video. Look at how the initiates are dressed. Look at how the Spiritual Father is dressed plus the long staff he is holding. Look at thei colours of their dressing. Look at the colour of the dressing of the ushers. Look at the hand symbols some are making. Look at the way the Spiritual Father is positioning his fingers with one finger touching where their Third eye is located. You can see him rubbing his finger on their foreheads. This video is a good example of an Initiation. You don't need to be told that what you are seeing is Satanism. It is very obvious. If you watched the video in the Op, you will hear the Spiritual Father talking about Impartation. The narrator in the below Video mentioned the Spiritual Father making impartation upon the Ministers he is ordaining. If you watched his testimony, he explained the meaning of the impartation. What is happening is the Spiritual Father is transferring the demons and power from himself to the ministers he is initiating. Also, look at the way he used a sword which is quite similar to the initiation of a Freemason initiate. |
Re: A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by Courz: 9:57pm On Nov 26, 2024 |
This video below goes in depth to expose this Man doing the above initiation. |
Re: A Spiritual Father Who Helped Pastors Gain Power Using Spirits Of The Dead by Courz: 10:22pm On Nov 26, 2024 |
This video below is from A guy who attended this initiation. He explains what he knows about the event. He also used to move around with different Men of God and has exposed them. He knows a lot about Nigerian Pastors. |
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