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BLACK PEOPLE AND THE CHRISTMAS ENTRAPMENT. The Smart African 14 December 2024 There are periods in the history of a people when Providence allows knowledge to increase. The Black World is experiencing such a time! People today have a lot more information than their grandparents had. For our grandparents, it was by and large whatever the colonial priest or pastor told them that they took on. The present generations have access to the internet and to books from all parts of the world. Thus, the new found consciousness spreading everywhere that the Saviour as described in Scripture is the BLACK MESSIAH who looks like an African man is most thrilling. Children and teens instantly love it. When it comes to adults, some have yet to accept this centuries-hidden truth. Perhaps they are waiting for their pastor or priest to give them permission to take up truth that they can read for themselves in their Bibles. Ha ha ha! That imposter known as “White Jesus”, scattered throughout Africa is an unforgivable falsehood and heresy. Since White people lie about that, what else have they lied about? We therefore need to review the interpretations of the Bible taught to us, and throw out every lie that Europeans deceived us with because they had the power to do so as an oppressor: the coloniser and the enslaver. Another falsehood is linking Christmas to the Messiah. Scripture makes it clear that the coloniser’s Christmas is unscriptural and has nothing at all to do with the Bible. If we want to do it right, and be obedient, the festivals and special days that the God of the Bible wants celebrated are described for us in the Old Testament. To therefore say that we are honouring God by celebrating a day He never said we should, yet at the same time failing to celebrate the days He said we should, is disingenuous is it not, and a form of self-deception. (How important that is, I do not know – we will all find out on Judgement Day.) For now, we can start with what we know. We know that Christmas is a festival of the coloniser: it is Saturnalia and dies natalis solis invicti (birthday of the invincible sun) combined. When the coloniser celebrates Christmas, he is celebrating something that links him to his ancestors. Given the horrendous history of slavery, colonisation and now neocolonisation, why would a Black person want to be linked to the ancestors and the culture of his oppressor? These are questions that Black people who are serious about the Bible should answer for themselves. Consider the message we give out by accepting the lie of White Jesus and celebrating the coloniser’s Christmas: It is bowing to the authority (and supremacy) of the coloniser over us, and also that we are listening to the coloniser instead of listening to the Bible. All of us have been infected by the coloniser’s lies and culture because for now, he controls the global media and manipulates algorithms of the internet. Nevertheless, we have entered a new era where the Global South is saying enough is enough and decolonising their minds, lifestyles, and countries. Before leaving this subject under discussion, clearly, if we say we honour the Bible as the ultimate guide, then it is the festivals in that Bible we should keep. It is as simple and straightforward as that. Some people (being influenced by the coloniser’s teachings) may be scornful by saying those festivals are “legalistic” or for the Old Testament period BUT how about “Christmas” – is that not shameful to celebrate given it magnifies the oppressor? If we want to meet up with family and friends, enjoy good food, give presents to our children etc, then we have Kwanzaa, the seven-day festival from 26 December to 1 January. It is non-religious so it is not a festival decreed by the God of the Bible. What it does for us is it promotes decolonisation of our minds and lives. It is a means to connect with Black peoples worldwide, try out our various foods (we can use recipes from online videos), learn some history and culture, and deepen positive regard for our community. Each day of Kwanzaa promotes a particular Principle: -- Kwanzaa Principle 1: Umoja (Unity) - to strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and Race. -- Kwanzaa Principle 2: Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) - to define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves. -- Kwanzaa Principle 3: Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) - to build and maintain our community together and to make our brothers’ and sisters’ problems our problems and to solve them together. -- Kwanzaa Principle 4: Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) - to build and maintain our stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together. -- Kwanzaa Principle 5: Nia (Purpose) - to make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. -- Kwanzaa Principle 6: Kuumba (Creativity) - to do always as much as we can in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. -- Kwanzaa Principle 7: Imani (Faith) - to believe with all our heart in our people and the righteousness and victory of our struggle. The fact that the coloniser (a thief and killer) refuses to leave Africans in peace to enjoy Africa and has continued with neocolonisation is evidence of his enduring enmity against Africans, because it is now quite beyond greed. We continue to battle with all kinds of discriminatory and racist acts against us that he seems incapable of stopping. We Black people have a completely different nature, and we have a different destiny from them. Our strength and security come from Proverbs 3:31, “Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose NONE of his ways.” Is that so hard to understand? Dear people, we are no longer forced to accept the religious lies of the coloniser and oppressor, nor his ways and traditions. We can break all the chains that tie us to the coloniser, and live in our own ways and with our own values and principles. NOTES 1) A warning in Isaiah 28:15 for Black people who insist on holding onto the lies of the coloniser: “Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement… for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves.” 2) “Decolonizing the Bible: Who founded the denominations that Africans follow?” 3) Fair Use Disclaimer is applied (poster below)
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