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JW 033 by MaxInDHouse(m): 12:59pm On Dec 18, 2024 |
According to God's word (Bible) the first person to alienate himself from God is a spirit son of God. He wasn't contented with his position as one out of many spirit sons of God rather he wanted more! Isaiah 14:12-13 But since he was alone in his rebellion he wanted others both angels and humans to join his rebel group that's why he possessed the most cautious creature in the garden of Eden {Genesis 3:1-5 compare to Matthew 10:16} he first spoke to Eve so that the woman can convince her husband to join the rebel group! Genesis 3:6 God cursed this rebellious angel that he will surely be destroyed but as long as he exists there will always be enmity between his rebel group and loyal worshipers of the true God! Genesis 3:15 He succeeded in diverting the attention of many angels away from divine assignment given to them in heaven so they joined his rebel group and lost their privileges as loyal spirit sons of God! 2Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6 But the prophecy @ Genesis 3:15 has to do with rebellious humans too so who are those that proved to be offspring of the devil among humans in ancient times? John 8:44 What do they love doing and how can we IDENTIFY them today? 1John 2:18-19 To be continued..... |
Re: JW 033 by MaxInDHouse(m): 1:31pm On Dec 18, 2024 |
APOSTATES have no life without the assembly of God so they don't know what to do when there is no ORGANIZED people doing God's will because Satan is their leader it's until they notice an assembly of loyal worshipers that they become active opposers against the congregation of God. Ironically the first set of Apostates was the first human couple (Adam and Eve) Satan quickly initiated these two because failure to do so will mean his speedy destruction. How? If Adam and Eve have produced children before their rebellion death will not affect such ones as they will be without sin and it will be obvious that it's the ones burn after rebellion that's growing old, getting sick and dying of oldage so he needed to act fast in order to initiate the couple before they can produce perfect children. From God's standpoint all humans are rebels since we inherited sin from our first parents! {Romans 3:23} that is why we are growing old, getting sick and dying of oldage! Romans 5:12 What pained Satan mostly is the statement God made when passing judgment on the three rebels, God said there will surface loyal worshipers from among the descendants of Adam and rebellious humans who are like the devil in character will continue to be enemies of these loyal ones! Genesis 3:15 So when Abel proved to be the first loyal son of Adam the other son who is rebellious like Satan killed him quickly! Genesis 4:1-8 So the beginning of war declared between the offspring of loyal worshipers and offspring of rebellion! Who later joined the rebellious offspring and who remained loyal to God's arrangement? To be continued... |
Re: JW 033 by MaxInDHouse(m): 1:45pm On Dec 18, 2024 |
For many centuries apostasy disappeared from the scene until God decided to organize the Israelites as one assembly of worshipers and Satan started his work again! This time around he used those who has been rescued from slavery in Egypt to oppose God's arrangement as they began criticizing Moses and whatever he does this led to the death of all those above twenty years of age that left Egypt except Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephuneh these two remained loyal throughout so God swore in His anger that only these two men will enter into the promise land! Numbers 14:30 What did Caleb and Joshua did that impressed the most high God? Well they both remained loyal to Moses who was chosen to lead God's people even though Moses had his own flaws as fallible human yet Caleb and Joshua remained loyal throughout to Moses when other mature men were seriously criticizing Moses. This continue until the first century when Jesus of Nazareth began his earthly ministry. To be continued..... |
Re: JW 033 by MaxInDHouse(m): 3:14pm On Dec 18, 2024 |
When Jesus walked the earth the nation of Israel has splited to two nations ten northern tribes known as Samaritans while the two Southern tribes were called Jews. Jesus was a Jew so his ministry started within the Jews but since Satan knew when Jesus was born he has gathered enough enemies ahead before Jesus began so by the time Jesus was gathering loyal and faithful Jews to establish a movement or assembly of loyal worshipers of the true God Satan agents have gotten everywhere covered. Wherever Jesus goes the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes just to mention prominent ones among the Jewish schools of thought that were on ground disputing over supremacy in Judea. These rival groups were fighting for political ambitions to gather Jewish fighters in order to break free from Roman oppression therefore they all needed fighters to join their group but when Jesus began his own ministry his teachings sounds illogical as he was preaching love for neighbors and even enemies! Mark 12:31; Luke 6:27-28 ![]() But with the supernatural gifts Jesus was getting the attention of the people because Moses told them a prophet like him will come so they were anticipating a miracle performing prophet and Jesus did just that so even the Pharisees were convinced that Jesus is proving true as the promised Messiah! John 3:1-3 So why did first century Jewish nation as a whole reject Jesus? What part did first century apostate played? Since the Jews were anticipating a warrior king they wanted to forcefully make Jesus their king {John 6:15} their intention is that if someone as powerful as Jesus who can raise the dead, heal all wounds, cure all sicknesses and even control forces of nature like the waves of the SEA should lead them against Rome they will conquer and thus fulfil what God promised their nation regarding ruling the world! Daniel 2:44 But Jesus turned down the offer instead he was preaching peace and love for everyone! ![]() This made most of his friends hate him and they kept waiting for him to utter something they can use as excuse to abandon him and that later happened! John 6:64-66 This now gave his enemies the upper hand as his disciples has left him remaining just few those who left him surely went back to join the revolutionary groups fighting for the liberation of the Jewish nation. Now the APOSTATES (Satan's agents) made use of those who turned back from following Jesus and form alliance to get Jesus killed. This people knew very well that they are living in the time that prophecies regarding the Christ should be fulfilled but since Jesus didn't dance to their tune they rejected him {John 7:} and stood against whatever God will do to their nation! Matthew 27:25 Who are the apostates of our time and what are they using to block others from doing God's will today? Matthew 23:13 To be continued.... |
Re: JW 033 by MaxInDHouse(m): 3:57pm On Dec 18, 2024 |
We are living in the end time when Satan and his cohorts are ready to let hell loose in fact they want everyone dead by all means so unlike the past apostates of our time refused to pitch their tents elsewhere but they want to remain in the assembly of loyal worshipers but at the same time antagonizing those who are loyal to God's arrangement by telling such ones that they want to FREE THEM: These are waterless springs and mists driven by a violent storm, and the blackest darkness has been reserved for them. They make high-sounding statements that are empty. By appealing to the desires of the flesh and with acts of brazen conduct, they entice people who have just escaped from those who live in error. While they are promising them freedom, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for if anyone is overcome by someone, he is his slave. Certainly if after escaping from the defilements of the world by an accurate knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they get involved again with these very things and are overcome, their final state has become worse for them than the first. It would have been better for them not to have accurately known the path of righteousness than after knowing it to turn away from the holy commandment they had received. What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog has returned to its own vomit, and the sow that was bathed to rolling in the mire. 2Peter 2:17-22 The irony of this is they are worshiping with the assembly yet they claim they want to liberate members of the same assembly! ![]() Ask them where they worship at least to know where you will worship if you leave the assembly they are criticizing. NO WAY! ![]() |
Re: JW 033 by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:20pm On Dec 29, 2024 |
Beware of APOSTATES because they hate truth so they go about telling lies against God's servants because the true servants of God don't allow them to prey on faithful people! ![]() |
Re: JW 033 by Janosky: 10:02pm On Dec 29, 2024 |
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Re: JW 033 by Janosky: 10:03pm On Dec 29, 2024 |
MaxInDHouse: Any man who always spends his time, money and energy to abuse, denigrate , insult and defame his former partner he called off their relationship, that man has deep seated very, serious personality flaws and very seriously ment. That abusive man is largely responsible for the breakup of the relationship, no matter their excuses on social media or this forum to polish their own image and play the victim card. Apostates are WAILING WAILERS whose motive is very vindictive,malicious & hatred for JW's. . That is what Apostates do. Their evil motives exposes their folly and fictitious claim of following the right path. (How does hatred for JW's translate to your following the right path?) You can not claim to love God whom you can not see & use this forum spread abuse,hatred against JW's whom you see. John the apostle made that point clearly . Your ex won't ever be perfect, but deserves a part on the back for putting up with the toxic WAILING WAILER who left the relationship. Like wise, JW's deserve commendation for putting up with an abusive vindictive person with deep seated personality flaws with over bloated ego of self importance. Apostates are sifia pained WAILING WAILERS. [/b] 1 Like 1 Share |
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