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Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? - Religion - Nairaland

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Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by SIRTee15: 3:41am On Dec 25, 2024
According to Muslims, every Prophet sent to mankind came with a revelation that supersede the previous revelations brought by past prophets.
This mean believers must accept the final revelation sent to them until another revelation comes from Allah's messenger.

At least, this is the argument presented by Muhammed to the Jews and Christians when asked why they should follow him.

Muhammed argued since he was the final messenger of Allah, all believers of Allah must abandon their previous books and embrace the Quran.

However, when this argument is scrutinized and critically examined in the Quran itself, it becomes problematic and falls apart.

According to Muslims, Jesus was a messenger of Allah sent to the Jews with a revelation called the injil. This meant Jews during the time of Jesus were meant to follow the injil. Jews after the era of Jesus prior to revelation of Quran were also expected to follow the injil.

Then in the footsteps of the prophets, We sent Jesus, son of Mary, confirming the Torah revealed before him. And We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light and confirming what was revealed in the Torah—a guide and a lesson to the God-fearing.

Quran 5.46

This shows the injeel supersede the torah for guidance and since Jesus was sent to the Jews, they were expected to be dependent on the INJEEL FOR GUIDANCE- NOT THE TORAH prior to Muhammed appearing on stage.

However, what we find in the Quran is Allah telling the Jews to use the torah for guidance. Allah confirmed in the Quran that the Jews should judge by the Torah- a book that should have been superseded by the Injeel.

But how is it that they come to you for judgement while they have the Torah, in which is the judgement of Allah? Then they turn away, [even] after that; but those are not [in fact] believers.
Quran 5.43
Indeed, We revealed the Torah, containing guidance and light, by which the prophets, who submitted themselves to Allah, made judgments for Jews. So too did the rabbis and scholars judge according to Allah’s Book, with which they were entrusted and of which they were made keepers. So do not fear the people; fear Me! Nor trade my revelations for a fleeting gain. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the disbelievers.

Now if we harmonise the above Quranic verses, what we deduce is the ff:
The Quran says Jesus was a legitimate prophet to the Jews and he brought the injeel for guidance.
Yet same Quran orders the Jews to retain their dependence on the Torah and not the injeel.
Therefore the Quran contradict itself in denying the supremacy of the injeel over the Torah.

That the Jews rejected Jesus as a prophet or Messiah should not be a reason why Allah would tell them to continue to use the Torah. If the Jews erred by rejecting injeel, should Allah approve such action for the Jews?

The Quran shouldnt validate such error but actually correct them by referring them back to the injeel for guidance.
Otherwise Allah would be seen as approving disobedience of his word and undermining the authority of one of the mighty prophets sent to the Jews.

This presents Allah as either a forgetful God or confused deity who seem contradict his own words or doesnt have adequate insight into his commandments OR takes his commandment with levity.

Muslims are welcomed to defend their Allah and present their case. Pls understand the argument b4 rushing to type. This is a highly cerebral and intellectual theological insight.

Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by haekymbahd(m): 4:21am On Dec 25, 2024
Mathew 5
17. “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
18. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
19. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by AntiChristian: 7:10am On Dec 25, 2024
According to Muslims, every Prophet sent to mankind came with a revelation that supersede the previous revelations brought by past prophets.
This mean believers must accept the final revelation sent to them until another revelation comes from Allah's messenger.
This is outrageously false. Do you have evidence for these two paragraphs?

At least, this is the argument presented by Muhammed to the Jews and Christians when asked why they should follow him.

Muhammed argued since he was the final messenger of Allah, all believers of Allah must abandon their previous books and embrace the Quran.

However, when this argument is scrutinized and critically examined in the Quran itself, it becomes problematic and falls apart.

According to Muslims, Jesus was a messenger of Allah sent to the Jews with a revelation called the injil. This meant Jews during the time of Jesus were meant to follow the injil. Jews after the era of Jesus prior to revelation of Quran were also expected to follow the injil.

Then in the footsteps of the prophets, We sent Jesus, son of Mary, confirming the Torah revealed before him. And We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light and confirming what was revealed in the Torah—a guide and a lesson to the God-fearing.

Quran 5.46

This shows the injeel supersede the torah for guidance and since Jesus was sent to the Jews, they were expected to be dependent on the INJEEL FOR GUIDANCE- NOT THE TORAH prior to Muhammed appearing on stage.

However, what we find in the Quran is Allah telling the Jews to use the torah for guidance. Allah confirmed in the Quran that the Jews should judge by the Torah- a book that should have been superseded by the Injeel.

But how is it that they come to you for judgement while they have the Torah, in which is the judgement of Allah? Then they turn away, [even] after that; but those are not [in fact] believers.
Quran 5.43
Indeed, We revealed the Torah, containing guidance and light, by which the prophets, who submitted themselves to Allah, made judgments for Jews. So too did the rabbis and scholars judge according to Allah’s Book, with which they were entrusted and of which they were made keepers. So do not fear the people; fear Me! Nor trade my revelations for a fleeting gain. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the disbelievers.

Now if we harmonise the above Quranic verses, what we deduce is the ff:
The Quran says Jesus was a legitimate prophet to the Jews and he brought the injeel for guidance.
Yet same Quran orders the Jews to retain their dependence on the Torah and not the injeel.
Therefore the Quran contradict itself in denying the supremacy of the injeel over the Torah.

That the Jews rejected Jesus as a prophet or Messiah should not be a reason why Allah would tell them to continue to use the Torah. If the Jews erred by rejecting injeel, should Allah approve such action for the Jews?

The Quran shouldnt validate such error but actually correct them by referring them back to the injeel for guidance.
Otherwise Allah would be seen as approving disobedience of his word and undermining the authority of one of the mighty prophets sent to the Jews.

This presents Allah as either a forgetful God or confused deity who seem contradict his own words or doesnt have adequate insight into his commandments OR takes his commandment with levity.

Muslims are welcomed to defend their Allah and present their case. Pls understand the argument b4 rushing to type. This is a highly cerebral and intellectual theological insight.


There's nothing cerebral or intellectual in all these!

Your answer is in the context and settings of your premises. There are Jewish communities then who did not receive the message of Jesus!

The settings you quoted was for a judgement regarding stoning the adulter. The Jews knew the verse of stoning in their Torah but hid it. So they wanted the (Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam) to ratify another law which they chose for them. The Prophet exposed them and used their law for them. And the law was to stone Adulterers to death. This law is the same in the Torah and Islam.

Jesus was sent to the children of Israel of his time and his message never reached all of them. So it's clear not all Jews will believe in Jesus.

In the same chapter Allah says what means:

Surah Al-Maeda, Verse 68:
Say (O Muhammad SAW) "O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! You have nothing (as regards guidance) till you act according to the Taurat (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel), and what has (now) been sent down to you from your Lord (the Quran)." Verily, that which has been sent down to you (Muhammad SAW) from your Lord increases in many of them their obstinate rebellion and disbelief. So be not sorrowful over the people who disbelieve.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by SIRTee15: 10:43am On Dec 25, 2024

Mathew 5
17. “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
18. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
19. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Then why did Allah tell the Jews to use the Torah for guidance and not the injeel.
Why did Allah give the injeel to Jesus if it was book not meant to be followed.
During the time of Jesus, which book were the Jews meant to follow - Torah or injeel.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by SIRTee15: 11:31am On Dec 25, 2024
This is outrageously false. Do you have evidence for these two paragraphs?
So are U saying Muslims during the time of David can choose to ignore the zabur and choose only the Torah for guidance.
Or Muslims during the time of Abraham can choose to ignore him and follow only Noah?
Is that what U saying ?


There's nothing cerebral or intellectual in all these!
Your answer is in the context and settings of your premises. There are Jewish communities then who did not receive the message of Jesus!
So injeel is not for all the Jews. I thought Jesus was a prophet sent to the Jews, even if he didn't reach some some communities what about his book, the injeel? That one too didn't reach all Jewish communities too?

Didn't your Qur'an say Jesus was sent to the children of Israel, where did it give exception for some Jewish communities?

3.49. And will make him [‘Eesa (Jesus)] a Messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): ‘I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I design for you out of clay, a figure like that of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s Leave; and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by Allah’s Leave. And I inform you of what you eat, and what you store in your houses. Surely, therein is a sign for you, if you believe.


The settings you quoted was for a judgement regarding stoning the adulter. The Jews knew the verse of stoning in their Torah but hid it. So they wanted the (Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam) to ratify another law which they chose for them. The Prophet exposed them and used their law for them. And the law was to stone Adulterers to death. This law is the same in the Torah and Islam.
So there's no law on adultery in the injeel? I thought Jesus adjucated over an adultery case in the injeel?
So the Jews couldn't use the adultery law in the injeel?


Jesus was sent to the children of Israel of his time and his message never reached all of them. So it's clear not all Jews will believe in Jesus.
99% of all Jews do not believe in Jesus. With such significant number who exactly did Jesus preached to among the Jews. Who among the Jews accepted him if he couldn't reach over 99% of Jewish community.
What is the relevance of a Muslim prophet sent by Allah if he couldn't pass his message across to 99% of his people?


In the same chapter Allah says what means:
Surah Al-Maeda, Verse 68:
Say (O Muhammad SAW) "O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! You have nothing (as regards guidance) till you act according to the Taurat (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel), and what has (now) been sent down to you from your Lord (the Quran)." Verily, that which has been sent down to you (Muhammad SAW) from your Lord increases in many of them their obstinate rebellion and disbelief. So be not sorrowful over the people who disbelieve.

Stop the cap bro. Your scholars calls U a liar.
Jews b4 Muhammed were meant to follow the injeel because it abrogated some laws in the Torah.
The injeel modified the Torah.

3.50. ‘And I have come confirming that which was before me of the Tawraat (Torah), and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you, and I have come to you with a proof from your Lord. So fear Allah and obey me’”

Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his Tafseer (2/44):

Tawraat and Injeel: The Tawraat is the Book that Allah revealed to Moosa ibn ‘Imraan, and the Injeel is the Book that Allah revealed to ‘Eesa (peace be upon them both). ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) followed them both. End quote.

He also (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“confirming the Tawraat (Torah) that had come before him” means, following it, not going against what was in it, except in a few matters where he explained to the Children of Israel that concerning which they differed, as Allah tells us that the Messiah (peace be upon him) said to the Children of Israel: “and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you”.

Hence the sounder view among the scholars is that the Injeel abrogated some of the rulings of the Tawraat. End quote.

Tafseer Ibn Katheer (3/126)

Now if the injeel brought by Jesus abrogated some laws in the Torah, what book are Jews after Jesus meant to follow to ensure proper guidance from Allah? Injeel or Torah

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Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by haekymbahd(m): 1:36pm On Dec 25, 2024

Then why did Allah tell the Jews to use the Torah for guidance and not the injeel.
Why did Allah give the injeel to Jesus if it was book not meant to be followed.
During the time of Jesus, which book were the Jews meant to follow - Torah or injeel.
The Quran simply didnt tell Jews to choose Torah over Gospel but they have to believe both else their faith isn't complete... In Islam we can't believe in a prophet and disbelieve in another prophet from God we have to believe in all...

"Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people."
(QS. Al-Maaida 5: Verse 68)

Mathew 5
17. “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by SIRTee15: 2:51pm On Dec 25, 2024
The Quran simply didnt tell Jews to choose Torah over Gospel but they have to believe both else their faith isn't complete... In Islam we can't believe in a prophet and disbelieve in another prophet from God we have to believe in all...

"Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people."
(QS. Al-Maaida 5: Verse 68)

Mathew 5
17. “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.

It's like U guys don't get it.
The injeel corrected the Torah for the Jews after Jesus era. The injeel is the better book for judgement.

3.50. ‘And I have come confirming that which was before me of the Tawraat (Torah), and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you, and I have come to you with a proof from your Lord. So fear Allah and obey me’”

Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his Tafseer (2/44):

Tawraat and Injeel: The Tawraat is the Book that Allah revealed to Moosa ibn ‘Imraan, and the Injeel is the Book that Allah revealed to ‘Eesa (peace be upon them both). ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) followed them both. End quote.

He also (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“confirming the Tawraat (Torah) that had come before him” means, following it, not going against what was in it, except in a few matters where he explained to the Children of Israel that concerning which they differed, as Allah tells us that the Messiah (peace be upon him) said to the Children of Israel: “and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you”.

Hence the sounder view among the scholars is that the Injeel abrogated some of the rulings of the Tawraat. End quote.

Tafseer Ibn Katheer (3/126)

But Allah kept telling the Jews to judge by the Torah and not the injeel.

But how is it that they come to you for judgement while they have the Torah, in which is the judgement of Allah? Then they turn away, [even] after that; but those are not [in fact] believers.
Quran 5.43
Indeed, [b]We revealed the Torah, containing guidance and light, by which the prophets, who submitted themselves to Allah, made judgments for Jews. So too did the rabbis and scholars judge according to Allah’s Book, with which they were entrusted and of which they were made keepers. [/b]So do not fear the people; fear Me! Nor trade my revelations for a fleeting gain. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the disbelievers.

Allah told Jewish scholars and rabbi to judge based on the Torah!!! When Jesus already brought modified laws with his injeel!!!

Why are Jewish rabbi and scholars not judging by the injeel brought by Jesus for the Jews.

That's the confusion!!!!
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by Qasim6(m): 6:54pm On Dec 25, 2024
According to Muslims, every Prophet sent to mankind came with a revelation that supersede the previous revelations brought by past prophets.
This mean believers must accept the final revelation sent to them until another revelation comes from Allah's messenger.

At least, this is the argument presented by Muhammed to the Jews and Christians when asked why they should follow him.

Muhammed argued since he was the final messenger of Allah, all believers of Allah must abandon their previous books and embrace the Quran.

However, when this argument is scrutinized and critically examined in the Quran itself, it becomes problematic and falls apart.

According to Muslims, Jesus was a messenger of Allah sent to the Jews with a revelation called the injil. This meant Jews during the time of Jesus were meant to follow the injil. Jews after the era of Jesus prior to revelation of Quran were also expected to follow the injil.

Then in the footsteps of the prophets, We sent Jesus, son of Mary, confirming the Torah revealed before him. And We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light and confirming what was revealed in the Torah—a guide and a lesson to the God-fearing.

Quran 5.46

This shows the injeel supersede the torah for guidance and since Jesus was sent to the Jews, they were expected to be dependent on the INJEEL FOR GUIDANCE- NOT THE TORAH prior to Muhammed appearing on stage.

However, what we find in the Quran is Allah telling the Jews to use the torah for guidance. Allah confirmed in the Quran that the Jews should judge by the Torah- a book that should have been superseded by the Injeel.

But how is it that they come to you for judgement while they have the Torah, in which is the judgement of Allah? Then they turn away, [even] after that; but those are not [in fact] believers.
Quran 5.43
Indeed, We revealed the Torah, containing guidance and light, by which the prophets, who submitted themselves to Allah, made judgments for Jews. So too did the rabbis and scholars judge according to Allah’s Book, with which they were entrusted and of which they were made keepers. So do not fear the people; fear Me! Nor trade my revelations for a fleeting gain. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the disbelievers.

Now if we harmonise the above Quranic verses, what we deduce is the ff:
The Quran says Jesus was a legitimate prophet to the Jews and he brought the injeel for guidance.
Yet same Quran orders the Jews to retain their dependence on the Torah and not the injeel.
Therefore the Quran contradict itself in denying the supremacy of the injeel over the Torah.

That the Jews rejected Jesus as a prophet or Messiah should not be a reason why Allah would tell them to continue to use the Torah. If the Jews erred by rejecting injeel, should Allah approve such action for the Jews?

The Quran shouldnt validate such error but actually correct them by referring them back to the injeel for guidance.
Otherwise Allah would be seen as approving disobedience of his word and undermining the authority of one of the mighty prophets sent to the Jews.

This presents Allah as either a forgetful God or confused deity who seem contradict his own words or doesnt have adequate insight into his commandments OR takes his commandment with levity.

Muslims are welcomed to defend their Allah and present their case. Pls understand the argument b4 rushing to type. This is a highly cerebral and intellectual theological insight.


In as much as prophets came with messages that supersede the previous revelation. The core message of their revelations which is the most important is always believe in God and all your worship should be directed to God and they (the prophets) are just messengers and servants of God. This message was never abrogated and will never be abrogated.

Duet 6:4
Hear, O Israel, The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

John 17:3
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the ONLY TRUE God, and Jesus Christ, whom YOU HAVE SENT.

Q 21:25
We never sent a messenger before you ˹O Prophet˺ without revealing to him: “There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Me, so worship Me ˹alone˺.

For Jews that live after Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad, the most important thing is do they still hold to the most basic tenet 'Believe in one God and directing all their worship to God' and do they remain Jew base on the fact that that is the only way they find convincing and not that they reject the message of the last 2 prophets out of pride and arrogance or worldly gains.

For Christians the most important thing is believing in one true God and Jesus as the messanger of God and are they Christians because that is the way they truly find convincing and they are not just following man-made doctrines and not that they reject the message of the last prophet out of arrogance or because of worldly gains. You can check Qur'an 5:117 till the end of the chapter for context.

Indeed, the believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians—whoever ˹truly˺ believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.

We have revealed to you this Book with the truth, as a confirmation of previous Scriptures and a supreme authority on them. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and do not follow their desires over the truth that has come to you. To each of you We have ordained a code of law and a way of life. If Allah had willed, He would have made you one community, but His Will is to test you with what He has given ˹each of˺ you. So compete with one another in doing good. To Allah you will all return, then He will inform you ˹of the truth˺ regarding your differences.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by haekymbahd(m): 10:13am On Dec 26, 2024

It's like U guys don't get it.
The injeel corrected the Torah for the Jews after Jesus era. The injeel is the better book for judgement.

3.50. ‘And I have come confirming that which was before me of the Tawraat (Torah), and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you, and I have come to you with a proof from your Lord. So fear Allah and obey me’”

Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his Tafseer (2/44):

Tawraat and Injeel: The Tawraat is the Book that Allah revealed to Moosa ibn ‘Imraan, and the Injeel is the Book that Allah revealed to ‘Eesa (peace be upon them both). ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) followed them both. End quote.

He also (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“confirming the Tawraat (Torah) that had come before him” means, following it, not going against what was in it, except in a few matters where he explained to the Children of Israel that concerning which they differed, as Allah tells us that the Messiah (peace be upon him) said to the Children of Israel: “and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you”.

Hence the sounder view among the scholars is that the Injeel abrogated some of the rulings of the Tawraat. End quote.

Tafseer Ibn Katheer (3/126)

But Allah kept telling the Jews to judge by the Torah and not the injeel.

But how is it that they come to you for judgement while they have the Torah, in which is the judgement of Allah? Then they turn away, [even] after that; but those are not [in fact] believers.
Quran 5.43
Indeed, [b]We revealed the Torah, containing guidance and light, by which the prophets, who submitted themselves to Allah, made judgments for Jews. So too did the rabbis and scholars judge according to Allah’s Book, with which they were entrusted and of which they were made keepers. [/b]So do not fear the people; fear Me! Nor trade my revelations for a fleeting gain. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the disbelievers.

Allah told Jewish scholars and rabbi to judge based on the Torah!!! When Jesus already brought modified laws with his injeel!!!

Why are Jewish rabbi and scholars not judging by the injeel brought by Jesus for the Jews.

That's the confusion!!!!
You saw in that verse that those who came to pro. muhammad (S.A.W) for judgement were Jews and not Christians meaning they claim not and never to believe in any other book apart from Torah...

Allah was referring to those set of Jews who came to Muhammad for judgement and claiming they believe only in Torah...

But according to Quran the people of the scripture (Jews) must judge with both Torah and Injeel and Quran by merging its teachings..

"Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people."
(QS. Al-Maaida 5: Verse 68)
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by SIRTee15: 1:52pm On Dec 26, 2024
You saw in that verse that those who came to pro. muhammad (S.A.W) for judgement were Jews and not Christians meaning they claim not and never to believe in any other book apart from Torah...

Allah was referring to those set of Jews who came to Muhammad for judgement and claiming they believe only in Torah...

But according to Quran the people of the scripture (Jews) must judge with both Torah and Injeel and Quran by merging its teachings..

"Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people."
(QS. Al-Maaida 5: Verse 68)

Are U guys for real!!!
So if I don't believe in Quran, Allah would tell me to judge by injeel or tell any Jews to judge by the Torah!!!

So are U saying Allah is ok if I reject the Quran and choose to have guidance from the gospel.

Are U saying Allah felt it was ok for the Jews to reject the injeel and continue to use the tawrat for guidance?

What U guys don't understand is your argument undermines the authority of Prophet ISA who was sent to the Jews.

Besides Allah said rabbi and Jewish scholars should judge by the tawrat!!!! He didn't mention the injeel.

Allah already corrected the Torah with new laws in the injeel. Yet he told rabbi and Jewish scholars to judge with a defective Torah!!!

If Jews reject the injeel, should Allah also join them in rejecting the injeel!!!

This is serious confusion.

3.50. ‘And I have come confirming that which was before me of the Tawraat (Torah), and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you, and I have come to you with a proof from your Lord. So fear Allah and obey me’”

Indeed, We revealed the Torah, containing guidance and light, by which the prophets, who submitted themselves to Allah, made judgments for Jews. So too did the rabbis and scholars judge according to Allah’s Book, with which they were entrusted and of which they were made keepers. [/b]So do not fear the people; fear Me! Nor trade my revelations for a fleeting gain. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the disbelievers.

Btw people of the scriptures is not just the Jews. Stop lying.
Christian, Sabeans and Jews were all called people of the scripture in your Qur'an.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by SIRTee15: 2:34pm On Dec 26, 2024

In as much as prophets came with messages that supersede the previous revelation. The core message of their revelations which is the most important is always believe in God and all your worship should be directed to God and they (the prophets) are just messengers and servants of God. This message was never abrogated and will never be abrogated.

Duet 6:4
Hear, O Israel, The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

John 17:3
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the ONLY TRUE God, and Jesus Christ, whom YOU HAVE SENT.

Q 21:25
We never sent a messenger before you ˹O Prophet˺ without revealing to him: “There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Me, so worship Me ˹alone˺.

For Jews that live after Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad, the most important thing is do they still hold to the most basic tenet 'Believe in one God and directing all their worship to God' and do they remain Jew base on the fact that that is the only way they find convincing and not that they reject the message of the last 2 prophets out of pride and arrogance or worldly gains.

For Christians the most important thing is believing in one true God and Jesus as the messanger of God and are they Christians because that is the way they truly find convincing and they are not just following man-made doctrines and not that they reject the message of the last prophet out of arrogance or because of worldly gains. You can check Qur'an 5:117 till the end of the chapter for context.

Indeed, the believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians—whoever ˹truly˺ believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.

We have revealed to you this Book with the truth, as a confirmation of previous Scriptures and a supreme authority on them. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and do not follow their desires over the truth that has come to you. To each of you We have ordained a code of law and a way of life. If Allah had willed, He would have made you one community, but His Will is to test you with what He has given ˹each of˺ you. So compete with one another in doing good. To Allah you will all return, then He will inform you ˹of the truth˺ regarding your differences.

U guys are setting a dangerous precedence with your justification of Jewish rejection of the injeel.

The injeel was sent to the Jews and actually corrected the Torah. But Jews continue to use an out of date book for guidance and Allah is saying he's ok with it.

Not only did Allah approved a defective book for guidance and judgement; Allah also undermined the authority of one his prophet by accepting the idea of people rejecting prophets sent to them.

That's what it looks like when he tells Jews to judge by the Torah and not the injeel. Allah embraced the decision of Jews to reject the injeel rather than reprimanding them.

Why then do U think Jews will embrace the Quran when they were not punished for rejecting the injeel?
Instead they got the nod from Allah to continue judging with the tawrat.

And Why do U think Christians won't jump on that loop hole created by Allah and also reject Muhammed and hold onto the gospel?

If the issue is all scripture sent by Allah talked about oneness of God, then all I need to do is become a Unitarian Christian and continue with my gospel. I have no business with the Quran.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by SIRTee15: 5:07pm On Dec 26, 2024
What we seeing here is U don't even need to follow the Quran to believe in Allah.
Just say 'I believe in monotheism' and pick any scriptures to suits your fancy and U good to go.

Believing in Muhammed or Quran is not compulsory to worship Allah.
Muhammed is the one that imposed himself on believers as a must.

Reading the Quran, it's very clear Allah has no problem with believers rejecting prophets if they dont like the prophet.

The Jews rejected Jesus and his injeel, and Allah approved such ridiculous decision.
In the Quran, Allah told the Jews to continue using the Torah for guidance- a book that was corrected and modified by the injeel.

Common sense should tell us Jews are to judge by the latest book brought to them which is the injeel BUT almighty Allah told the rabbi to use the defective Torah to judge!!!!

Why would U think the Jews would take the Quran serious when Allah already allowed them to denigrate the works of Prophet ISA?

And why should I as a Christian abandon the gospel for Quran, when Allah supported the Jews who abandoned the injeel for the Torah.
Worst of all, I would become Unitarian Christian and continue using my gospel for guidance.

Don't let any one lie to U...U don't need Muhammed to be a believer.
U dont even need the Quran to be a Muslim according to their own definition of 'muslim'.

Just pick any of the previous book and believe in one God and U have done well in the sight of Allah.
Believing in Muhammed or the Quran is not a must.

That's the confusion in the so called final universal religion.

Let me call more Muslims to come and defend this confusion.
LegalWolf Vanessa7 AntiChristian Empiree, Rash4ductluv, BabaHeekmat, aekymbahd, motayoayinde, drlateef, Lukuluku69, hakeemhakeem, AbuTwins ,Akhirastriver ,Akinbahm, Gaskiyamagana, drlateef,FATHAT , talk2hb1 , iamrealdeji , Encyclopedia1 , SWATMan rolams aheeqilmaktoom , Bintdawood , Flanker , Raheeqilmaktoom , rolams ,honesttalk21 , Negroid001 , Nvestor02 , Coolsat, iamrealdeji madridguy Almunjid MohammadSAW , STRI1 Explore2xmore satmaniac Ohyoudidnt , 4islam ThatFairGuy1 BroOptimist. Bakrabas. Musa95 Ibrahimlagosian Explore2xmore DuaWorrior
hakeemhakeem ItsReal correctguy101 Qasim6 youngdroly Bliss52 Qasim6 truthday Almunjid hayzedibd ahmedio2017 Ahmadusmanu Harnny Leemzyy RealLordZeus.

cc: MightySparrow TenQ ANTIlSLAM innotutorial FxMasterz advocatejare PROVERBZ G
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by Qasim6(m): 5:23pm On Dec 26, 2024

U guys are setting a dangerous precedence with your justification of Jewish rejection of the injeel.

The injeel was sent to the Jews and actually corrected the Torah. But Jews continue to use an out of date book for guidance and Allah is saying he's ok with it.

Not only did Allah approved a defective book for guidance and judgement; Allah also undermined the authority of one his prophet by accepting the idea of people rejecting prophets sent to them.

That's what it looks like when he tells Jews to judge by the Torah and not the injeel. Allah embraced the decision of Jews to reject the injeel rather than reprimanding them.

The injeel was meant to make lawful for them some of the things that were previously unlawful, either some things they made unlawful for themselves or some things God made unlawful previously like not keeping the Sabbath. And to provide more commentary on the laws of the Torah. So the injeel was just an extension of the Torah.

Well, It is not just Black and white, there are gray areas in between. The fact is there are still Jews and Christians till today and God indeed sent down scriptures to that effect.. so if there are Jews and Unitarian Christians till today that are following their religion because that is the way they truly find convincing then I believe they are the ones their truth will benefit as described Q5:117-119

God will say, “Today, the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness. They will have Gardens with flowing rivers, where they will abide forever. God is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. That is the supreme triumph!”


Why then do U think Jews will embrace the Quran when they were not punished for rejecting the injeel?
Instead they got the nod from Allah to continue judging with the tawrat.

And Why do U think Christians won't jump on that loop hole created by Allah and also reject Muhammed and hold onto the gospel?

If the issue is all scripture sent by Allah talked about oneness of God, then all I need to do is become a Unitarian Christian and continue with my gospel. I have no business with the Quran.

If anyone intentionally want to reject the message of Islam despite knowing that prophet Muhammad is a true prophet of God by choosing to be Jew, Christian or whatever then they should be ready to face the consequences, They are the real Kuffar. God can not be deceived.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by SIRTee15: 5:41pm On Dec 26, 2024

The injeel was meant to make lawful for them some of the things that were previously unlawful, either some things they made unlawful for themselves or some things God made unlawful previously like not keeping the Sabbath. And to provide more commentary on the laws of the Torah. So the injeel was just an extension of the Torah.

Well, It is not just Black and white, there are gray areas in between. The fact is there are still Jews and Christians till today and God indeed sent down scriptures to that effect.. so if there are Jews and Unitarian Christians till today that are following their religion because that is the way they truly find convincing then I believe they are the ones their truth will benefit as described Q5:117-119

God will say, “Today, the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness. They will have Gardens with flowing rivers, where they will abide forever. God is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. That is the supreme triumph!”

If anyone intentionally want to reject the message of Islam despite knowing that prophet Muhammad is a true prophet of God by choosing to be Jew, Christian or whatever then they should be ready to face the consequences, They are the real Kuffar. God can not be deceived.

So in effect U saying it's ok according to the Quran for Jews and Christians to continue using the gospel and Torah respectively if they reject Muhammed as a prophet.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by Qasim6(m): 6:45pm On Dec 26, 2024

So in effect U saying it's ok according to the Quran for Jews and Christians to continue using the gospel and Torah respectively if they reject Muhammed as a prophet.

Do you find it unjust that God does not want to throw into hell Jews and Christians that are genuinely following ways He himself sent guidance for?
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by SIRTee15: 7:29pm On Dec 26, 2024

Do you find it unjust that God does not want to throw into hell Jews and Christians that are genuinely following ways He himself sent guidance for?

So what's the relevance of Muhammed and the book he brought, if I can continue to follow the old ways and still be saved?

If the old ways are still relevant, what then is the usefulness of Muhammed?
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by Qasim6(m): 9:22pm On Dec 26, 2024

So what's the relevance of Muhammed and the book he brought, if I can continue to follow the old ways and still be saved?

If the old ways are still relevant, what then is the usefulness of Muhammed?

Prophet Muhammad was sent as a prophet to all of mankind, the fact that salvation includes genuine Jews and Christians of all ages does not in anyway invalidates the message of Islam. It only shows how compassionate God is.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by honesttalk21: 9:39pm On Dec 26, 2024

So what's the relevance of Muhammed and the book he brought, if I can continue to follow the old ways and still be saved?

If the old ways are still relevant, what then is the usefulness of Muhammed?

What is a common universal message for all eternity as said by the prophets?

Did the earlier prophets say there will be no message after them from God? Did Prophet Muhammad pbuh say the messages of the former prophets are invalid?

What we seeing here is U don't even need to follow the Quran to believe in Allah.
Just say 'I believe in monotheism' and pick any scriptures to suits your fancy and U good to go.

Believing in Muhammed or Quran is not compulsory to worship Allah.
Muhammed is the one that imposed himself on believers as a must.

Reading the Quran, it's very clear Allah has no problem with believers rejecting prophets if they dont like the prophet.

The Jews rejected Jesus and his injeel, and Allah approved such ridiculous decision.
In the Quran, Allah told the Jews to continue using the Torah for guidance- a book that was corrected and modified by the injeel.

Common sense should tell us Jews are to judge by the latest book brought to them which is the injeel BUT almighty Allah told the rabbi to use the defective Torah to judge!!!!

Why would U think the Jews would take the Quran serious when Allah already allowed them to denigrate the works of Prophet ISA?

And why should I as a Christian abandon the gospel for Quran, when Allah supported the Jews who abandoned the injeel for the Torah.
Worst of all, I would become Unitarian Christian and continue using my gospel for guidance.

Don't let any one lie to U...U don't need Muhammed to be a believer.
U dont even need the Quran to be a Muslim according to their own definition of 'muslim'.

Just pick any of the previous book and believe in one God and U have done well in the sight of Allah.
Believing in Muhammed or the Quran is not a must.

That's the confusion in the so called final universal religion.

You tend to neglect a fundamental principle of Islamic faith. Belief in all prophets and their books as divinely revealed.

The Quran is the ultimate and complete revelation, which takes precedence over earlier scriptures. It affirms, rectifies, and replaces previous revelations. This is highlighted in Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:48).

We have revealed to you O Prophet this Book with the truth, as a confirmation of previous Scriptures and a supreme authority on them. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and do not follow their desires over the truth that has come to you. To each of you We have ordained a code of law and a way of life. If Allah had willed, He would have made you one community, but His Will is to test you with what He has given ˹each of˺ you. So compete with one another in doing good. To Allah you will all return, then He will inform you ˹of the truth˺ regarding your differences.

The Quran recognizes and respects the messages of earlier prophets and their scriptures, stating that they contain guidance and light. Quran 5:46.

In addition the Quran addresses specific misconceptions that arose in earlier scriptures and clarifies the true teachings of Islam. For instance, it emphasizes the oneness of God (Tawhid) and corrects views that diminish this principle.


According to Muslims, Jesus was a messenger of Allah sent to the Jews with a revelation called the injil. This meant Jews during the time of Jesus were meant to follow the injil. Jews after the era of Jesus prior to revelation of Quran were also expected to follow the injil.

This shows the injeel supersede the torah for guidance and since Jesus was sent to the Jews, they were expected to be dependent on the INJEEL FOR GUIDANCE- NOT THE TORAH prior to Muhammed appearing on stage.

However, what we find in the Quran is Allah telling the Jews to use the torah for guidance. Allah confirmed in the Quran that the Jews should judge by the Torah- a book that should have been superseded by the Injeel.

That the Jews rejected Jesus as a prophet or Messiah should not be a reason why Allah would tell them to continue to use the Torah. If the Jews erred by rejecting injeel, should Allah approve such action for the Jews?

The Quran shouldnt validate such error but actually correct them by referring them back to the injeel for guidance.
Otherwise Allah would be seen as approving disobedience of his word and undermining the authority of one of the mighty prophets sent to the Jews.


Indeed Jesus was a messanger sent to the Israelites yet they rejected him although majority accept Moses and the Torah. As they accept the Torah it is appropriate for this to be a reference point. Then the question is where was the original injil of Jesus documented?

Unlike the Quran, which has been preserved, the original text of the Injil does not exist today in its original form. The teachings of Jesus are found in the New Testament of the Bible, which was written by his followers.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by Almunjid(m): 10:49pm On Dec 26, 2024
What we seeing here is U don't even need to follow the Quran to believe in Allah.
Just say 'I believe in monotheism' and pick any scriptures to suits your fancy and U good to go.

Believing in Muhammed or Quran is not compulsory to worship Allah.
Muhammed is the one that imposed himself on believers as a must.

Reading the Quran, it's very clear Allah has no problem with believers rejecting prophets if they dont like the prophet.

The Jews rejected Jesus and his injeel, and Allah approved such ridiculous decision.
In the Quran, Allah told the Jews to continue using the Torah for guidance- a book that was corrected and modified by the injeel.

Common sense should tell us Jews are to judge by the latest book brought to them which is the injeel BUT almighty Allah told the rabbi to use the defective Torah to judge!!!!

Why would U think the Jews would take the Quran serious when Allah already allowed them to denigrate the works of Prophet ISA?

And why should I as a Christian abandon the gospel for Quran, when Allah supported the Jews who abandoned the injeel for the Torah.
Worst of all, I would become Unitarian Christian and continue using my gospel for guidance.

Don't let any one lie to U...U don't need Muhammed to be a believer.
U dont even need the Quran to be a Muslim according to their own definition of 'muslim'.

Just pick any of the previous book and believe in one God and U have done well in the sight of Allah.
Believing in Muhammed or the Quran is not a must.

That's the confusion in the so called final universal religion.

Let me call more Muslims to come and defend this confusion.
...madridguy Almunjid... truthday Almunjid hayzedibd...

cc: MightySparrow TenQ ANTIlSLAM innotutorial FxMasterz advocatejare PROVERBZ G
I respectfully request that you remove my moniker Almunjid from your Nairaland friends, as I am not interested in engaging in religious arguments with you. I have previously communicated my disinterest in these debates, and I kindly ask that you respect my decision. Henceforth, if I find that you have continued to include me in religious discussions or criticize my faith, I will report you directly to the owner of this platform. Everyone here has his or her own beliefs, and I believe that we can coexist without pressuring one another into unwanted conversations. Please refrain from further attempts to involve me in your religious debates.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by AntiChristian: 8:23am On Dec 27, 2024

So are U saying Muslims during the time of David can choose to ignore the zabur and choose only the Torah for guidance.
Or Muslims during the time of Abraham can choose to ignore him and follow only Noah?
Is that what U saying ?
I asked you for evidences for your first two paragraphs!

So injeel is not for all the Jews. I thought Jesus was a prophet sent to the Jews, even if he didn't reach some some communities what about his book, the injeel? That one too didn't reach all Jewish communities too?

Didn't your Qur'an say Jesus was sent to the children of Israel, where did it give exception for some Jewish communities?

3.49. And will make him [‘Eesa (Jesus)] a Messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): ‘I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I design for you out of clay, a figure like that of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s Leave; and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by Allah’s Leave. And I inform you of what you eat, and what you store in your houses. Surely, therein is a sign for you, if you believe.
Injeel is for the children of Israel! However how many children of Israel got the message of Jesus before he was taken up? Jesus never left Israel to preach. So only a few migrants may bring his message to Arabia. The message of Moses was more viral than that of Jesus since Moses had an extensive book unlike Jesus who wrote nothing himself but his disciples wrote a few of what he preached.

And I never said the Qur'an restricted who jesus was sent to. Jesus didn't reach Arabia. There were many established Jewish communities in Arabia!

So there's no law on adultery in the injeel? I thought Jesus adjucated over an adultery case in the injeel?
So the Jews couldn't use the adultery law in the injeel?
They do not believe in the Injeel as Jesus and trinity was not in their scripture. Jesus didn't give law for adultery in any Injeel. Even in the New testament which is not Injeel, Jesus never have any ruling about punishment on adultery. The Jews rely on their Torah and your Bible is strange to them!

99% of all Jews do not believe in Jesus. With such significant number who exactly did Jesus preached to among the Jews. Who among the Jews accepted him if he couldn't reach over 99% of Jewish community.
What is the relevance of a Muslim prophet sent by Allah if he couldn't pass his message across to 99% of his people?
This lacks deep thought. It's not my business the number of people Jesus preached to. It's also not my business where Jesus's messages reached.

Noah preached for 950 years yet the flood still needed to destroy the disbelievers.
Jesus did what was expected of him accordingly. The message he preached was of oneness of God in his worship and Lordship!

Stop the cap bro. Your scholars calls U a liar.
Jews b4 Muhammed were meant to follow the injeel because it abrogated some laws in the Torah.
The injeel modified the Torah.

3.50. ‘And I have come confirming that which was before me of the Tawraat (Torah), and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you, and I have come to you with a proof from your Lord. So fear Allah and obey me’”

Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his Tafseer (2/44):

Tawraat and Injeel: The Tawraat is the Book that Allah revealed to Moosa ibn ‘Imraan, and the Injeel is the Book that Allah revealed to ‘Eesa (peace be upon them both). ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) followed them both. End quote.

He also (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“confirming the Tawraat (Torah) that had come before him” means, following it, not going against what was in it, except in a few matters where he explained to the Children of Israel that concerning which they differed, as Allah tells us that the Messiah (peace be upon him) said to the Children of Israel: “and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you”.

Hence the sounder view among the scholars is that the Injeel abrogated some of the rulings of the Tawraat. End quote.

Tafseer Ibn Katheer (3/126)

Now if the injeel brought by Jesus abrogated some laws in the Torah, what book are Jews after Jesus meant to follow to ensure proper guidance from Allah? Injeel or Torah

This is still foolishness. People will only follow what reaches them convincingly. Those whom the messages of Jesus reached and are convinced followed it. Those it didn't reach or were not convinced follows what reaches them convincingly!
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by AntiChristian: 8:40am On Dec 27, 2024
What we seeing here is U don't even need to follow the Quran to believe in Allah.
Just say 'I believe in monotheism' and pick any scriptures to suits your fancy and U good to go.
Where did you get all these falsehood from?

Believing in Muhammed or Quran is not compulsory to worship Allah.
Muhammed is the one that imposed himself on believers as a must.
Give us clear evidence on your lies!

Reading the Quran, it's very clear Allah has no problem with believers rejecting prophets if they dont like the prophet.
You are reading a part of the Qur'an and you didn't read it holistically. Whoever rejects the Prophet sent to them will be doomed!

The Jews rejected Jesus and his injeel, and Allah approved such ridiculous decision.
In the Quran, Allah told the Jews to continue using the Torah for guidance- a book that was corrected and modified by the injeel.
Yes, the Jews will use the Torah if they never got the message of Jesus or where not convinced. And Allah will judge you based on what messages you received.

Common sense should tell us Jews are to judge by the latest book brought to them which is the injeel BUT almighty Allah told the rabbi to use the defective Torah to judge!!!!

Why would U think the Jews would take the Quran serious when Allah already allowed them to denigrate the works of Prophet ISA?

And why should I as a Christian abandon the gospel for Quran, when Allah supported the Jews who abandoned the injeel for the Torah.
Worst of all, I would become Unitarian Christian and continue using my gospel for guidance.

Don't let any one lie to U...U don't need Muhammed to be a believer.
U dont even need the Quran to be a Muslim according to their own definition of 'muslim'.

Just pick any of the previous book and believe in one God and U have done well in the sight of Allah.
Believing in Muhammed or the Quran is not a must.

That's the confusion in the so called final universal religion.

In all, it is that you are a little bit adept in cherry picking parts of the Qur'an and leaving the parts against you!

What is clear from the Qur'an is that only Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam was sent to the world of mankind and Jinn. Jesus and others were sent to their people or nation(s) or some even just their families.

So what's my business in following a Prophet that was sent to Israel or other nations outside my domain? We only believe in them as Prophets!

Obeying the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is obligatory; in fact it is one of the fundamentals of faith, as the Quran indicates. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):

{O you who believe, obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those of you who are in authority. If you are in dispute over any matter, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you [truly] believe in Allah and the Last Day; that is better and more seemly in the end} [an-Nisa’ 4:59]

{Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and be on your guard. But if you turn away, then know that the duty of Our Messenger is only to convey the message in the clearest way} [al-Ma’idah 5:92]

{We did not send any Messenger except to be obeyed by Allah’s leave} [an-Nisa’ 4:64].

Allah, may He be exalted, tells us that no one truly believes until he makes the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) judge concerning what he faces in his life of novel events, and he finds no reservation in his heart towards his ruling, and he accepts it wholeheartedly. Allah, may He be exalted, says:

{But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you [O Muhammad] judge in all disputes between them, then find in their hearts no reservations about your verdicts, but accept them wholeheartedly} [an-Nisa’ 4:65].
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by MightySparrow: 9:59am On Dec 27, 2024

I respectfully request that you remove my moniker Almunjid from your Nairaland friends, as I am not interested in engaging in religious arguments with you. I have previously communicated my disinterest in these debates, and I kindly ask that you respect my decision. Henceforth, if I find that you have continued to include me in religious discussions or criticize my faith, I will report you directly to the owner of this platform. Everyone here has his or her own beliefs, and I believe that we can coexist without pressuring one another into unwanted conversations. Please refrain from further attempts to involve me in your religious debates.

If you build your house next to the market, you cannot be complaining about noise.grin
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by Almunjid(m): 11:28am On Dec 27, 2024

If you build your house next to the market, you cannot be complaining about noise.grin
Lol, it's not like I built my house next to the market – the market just decided to show up right next to where I live! So, I have every right to sue them for all that noise pollution. grin As for that guy, TēnQ, he keeps starting new threads just to talk about Islam, and honestly, most of his topics are pretty blasphemous. I tried to reason with him a few times, but he's just so stubborn and closed-minded that it's impossible to get through. Eventually, I figured it was better to just avoid him since he's not actually looking for answers, but just wants to argue for the sake of arguing.

But he just won't stop bringing up my name and sending me these frustrating arguments. The thing is, I'm a Muslim, and believing in Jesus is a crucial part of our faith – you can't even call yourself a Muslim if you don't believe in Jesus. That's why I can't just create threads insulting Jesus like he does with Prophet Muhammad. Most of my religious discussions are based on topics that are already on the front page or when I'm dragged into it by that guy. That's why I want him to stop mentioning me.

Personally, I believe that all followers of Abrahamic religions are essentially practicing the same faith, even though our different doctrines and the names we call ourselves make us appear separate. The children of Abraham – Isaac and Ishmael and their descendants – have one God, the God of their father Abraham. You can call Him YHWH, Elohim, Alaha, or Allah – it's all the same. So, all Abrahamic religions should, in theory, be worshipping the same God.

However, different Man-made doctrines and interpretations have caused confusion, leading various sects within Abrahamic religions to believe that they're the only ones worshipping the "true" God of Abraham while others are seen as unbelievers, idol worshippers, or are condemned to hell for not accepting specific messengers of God. But we were all created by the same God, and we should remember that He's not the one causing all this confusion – we are. It's best to leave the judgment of who's right and who's wrong to Him.

Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by MightySparrow: 11:38am On Dec 27, 2024

Lol, it's not like I built my house next to the market – the market just decided to show up right next to where I live! So, I have every right to sue them for all that noise pollution. grin As for that guy, TēnQ, he keeps starting new threads just to talk about Islam, and honestly, most of his topics are pretty blasphemous. I tried to reason with him a few times, but he's just so stubborn and closed-minded that it's impossible to get through. Eventually, I figured it was better to just avoid him since he's not actually looking for answers, but just wants to argue for the sake of arguing.

But he just won't stop bringing up my name and sending me these frustrating arguments. The thing is, I'm a Muslim, and believing in Jesus is a crucial part of our faith – you can't even call yourself a Muslim if you don't believe in Jesus. That's why I can't just create threads insulting Jesus like he does with Prophet Muhammad. Most of my religious discussions are based on topics that are already on the front page or when I'm dragged into it by that guy. That's why I want him to stop mentioning me.

Personally, I believe that all followers of Abrahamic religions are essentially practicing the same faith, even though our different doctrines and the names we call ourselves make us appear separate. The descendants of Abraham – Isaac and Ishmael – have one God, the God of their father Abraham. You can call Him YHWH, Elohim, Alaha, or Allah – it's all the same. So, all Abrahamic religions should, in theory, be worshipping the same God.

However, different Man-made doctrines and interpretations have caused confusion, leading various sects within Abrahamic religions to believe that they're the only ones worshipping the "true" God of Abraham while others are seen as unbelievers, idol worshippers, or are condemned to hell for not accepting specific messengers of God. But we were all created by the same God, and we should remember that He's not the one causing all this confusion – we are. It's best to leave the judgment of who's right and who's wrong to Him.


Personally, I don't have any problems with Islam or Muslims. You Muslims start problems on this platform and even outside. I am a Yoruba man, before now, imams teach their religion and we don't have any problems with that until certain elements are rising now with a negative stereotype of Islam. If you can talk to the likes of antichristians and other warmongering Muslims in this platform, all will be fine. If they continue in their attack and fraudulently defaming our book and belief, I don't promise you a none mention.
These characters soil your white apparels with their behaviour. Until now, I never have recognized anyone going by your name on Nairaland.
Cheers, good brother.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by Almunjid(m): 1:42pm On Dec 27, 2024

Personally, I don't have any problems with Islam or Muslims. You Muslims start problems on this platform and even outside. I am a Yoruba man, before now, imams teach their religion and we don't have any problems with that until certain elements are rising now with a negative stereotype of Islam. If you can talk to the likes of antichristians and other warmongering Muslims in this platform, all will be fine. If they continue in their attack and fraudulently defaming our book and belief, I don't promise you a none mention.
These characters soil your white apparels with their behaviour.
Until now, I never have recognized anyone going by your name on Nairaland.
Cheers, good brother.
Both the Quran and the Bible emphasise individual accountability for one's actions. The Quran states, "No bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another" (35:18), while the Bible similarly asserts in Galatians 6:5, "For every man shall bear his own burden." It is therefore unscriptural to hold all Muslims accountable for the misdeeds of a few. Those who have issues with anti-Christian should address him specifically, without involving other Muslims who are not involved in the matter. After all, engaging in religious debates on Nairaland is not inherently wrong, as long as such discussions take place in the appropriate forum sections. The problem arises when uninterested individuals are dragged into these debates against their will.

In the case of anti-Christian and TēnQ, based on their conversations, the former critiques modern-day Christian practices and doctrines he believes contradict their scripture. In contrast, TēnQ targets Allah—the Arabic word for God—and Prophet Muhammad. Regardless of their differing approaches, it remains inappropriate to involve unwilling participants in their arguments. They should respect others' boundaries and confine their discourse to those who are interested and willing to engage.

Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by Lucifyre: 2:32pm On Dec 27, 2024
Both the Allah and Yhwh are seemingly confused entities who can't seem to know left from right but are somehow omniscient. Funny part is their deluded minions at each other's throat fighting for which delusion is less deluded.
Re: Does The Quran Depicts Allah As Forgetful Or Confused? by MightySparrow: 2:33pm On Dec 27, 2024

Both the Quran and the Bible emphasise individual accountability for one's actions. The Quran states, "No bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another" (35:18), while the Bible similarly asserts in Galatians 6:5, "For every man shall bear his own burden." It is therefore unscriptural to hold all Muslims accountable for the misdeeds of a few. Those who have issues with anti-Christian should address him specifically, without involving other Muslims who are not involved in the matter. After all, engaging in religious debates on Nairaland is not inherently wrong, as long as such discussions take place in the appropriate forum sections. The problem arises when uninterested individuals are dragged into these debates against their will.

In the case of anti-Christian and TēnQ, based on their conversations, the former critiques modern-day Christian practices and doctrines he believes contradict their scripture. In contrast, TēnQ targets Allah—the Arabic word for God—and Prophet Muhammad. Regardless of their differing approaches, it remains inappropriate to involve unwilling participants in their arguments. They should respect others' boundaries and confine their discourse to those who are interested and willing to engage.


Thanks brother. Like I pointed out not until you copied me, I have never noticed you on this platform. It is Muslims who would find problems with other people's religion and religious books. I don't really think that Allah has made Muslims the police of religions. It is this same Muslims that have problems with traditional worshippers. Why is that?

I don't have problems with any Muslim or. Islam but if anyone makes any irresponsible comments about my religion, the way I practice ir, and my own Jehovah has not reported me to him, there is no Law that prevents me to come heavily after such. As a Muslim, face your religion and I face mine
You can preach your religion to me, if I see anything good in it I could change. If you try to rubbish my religion like one Yussuf Adepọju calling Jesus a thief. I will respond.
Like I said, talk to the warmongering Muslims on this platform. They are your brothers.
If not, there is no way decent Muslims like you will not be caught in-between the crossfire of e - warriors.
All of this fights or most of it are initiated by errant Muslims in this forum..

God bless you Sír

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