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Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? - Education (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Powersurge: 11:02am On Dec 27, 2024

Them go write exam before dem go give them permission to dey practice medicine or treat patientsfor the abroad YES or NO

Guy rest. The stench of your ignorance lethal.

Person wey no get sense for Naija no fit get sense anywhere.

To even think that you are insulting everybody upon your ignorance is sickening.

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Orch1981: 11:02am On Dec 27, 2024

Your posts are entirely wrong. Entirely, entirely wrong.

I'm a medical doctor, I'm doing this just to educate you and others that may read your posts later.

Most Nigerian certificates are acceptable in the West. The exams health workers write is to establish their proficiency and fitness to practice in those countries, and not for an additional education.

A medical doctor who trained abroad would have to write a professional exam organized by the MDCN before he/she would be able to practice in Nigeria.

Only a few countries respect international medical degrees without requesting for further examinations. For example, a doctor who has practiced in the UK for up to 2 years or so would be fit to practice in places like NZL and Australia without taking further exams. See?

Your assertion that Nigerian doctors only work in care homes unless they retrain abroad is unbelievably wrong, please. There are many Nigerian doctors working with the NHS with their university certificates... all they need to do is to pass IELTS and PLAB.

Hope this helps.
... all they need to do is to pass IELTS and PLAB.
That what you said up there that they need to pass IELTS and PLAB, no be exam be that?
Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by ihavesense: 11:03am On Dec 27, 2024
yes but certificate doesn't matter abroad

what matters abroad is what you can do with your hands and what's in your brain
Who told you that certificates doesn’t matter in abroad?
Yes, with your hands and brain, you will make ends meet and even have good savings depending on the country you are living in. But brazenly claiming that certificates doesn’t matter abroad is not entirely true.
If you present a certificate abroad (whether you got it from your home country or abroad), you will be expected to know your onus on the field as per your certificate.
If you are based in abroad, you shouldn’t limit yourself by saying certificate doesn’t matter, it does.

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by BlessingIsraelM: 11:03am On Dec 27, 2024

Good question..

I hope I try to explain this as much understandable as I can for you.

You see all those doctors here in Nigeria right, they are not doctors when the relocate abroad. They get jobs as home care aid to nursing sick people. That is a different occupation far far from practicing as a doctor in America or Canada or UK.
Infact you can as well apply to be a home care assistant as well with your university degree from Nigeria which is considered a normal equivalent to diploma here. You just have to pass the nursing exam which I know a 200level university student from Nigeria can read the Q&A and pass as well.
What you do is simply take care of old people or mentally unstable people and make sure they don't poop on their self or when they do you change them and also make sure they take their meds regularly and also monitor them so they don't harm their self.
Anybody can do that job infact that is equivalent to a factory job if you don't know only this time you be more careful because you handling a human life and can be arrested and you go to jail if you flop because it is stated there in your agreement you sign before you start working.

If you want to be a doctor in these countries, you have to apply for a medical or a nursing program/ degree where you undergo the process from the begining according to the countries teaching regulations and standards, pass the necessary exams, go for your training practice, write another exam if you fail you have to retake it which happens very often because I have friends who it has happened to. Then luckily you pass them you go under the process to be a certified nurse or doctor depending on the field you choose.

I hope you get the point now. Merry Xmas and season greetings.

How can you come to a public forum and show your ignorance to the world? How can a doctor here in Nigeria become a nanny in America? They get jobs as doctors. I have friends who were doctors here and got jobs as doctors abroad. You only need license to practice . Go and edit your ignorance!

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by ndidibabe(f): 11:03am On Dec 27, 2024

Lol just typing rubbish with calmness han han feeding people with lies.

I am a physiotherapist, I got a job in UK directly from Nigeria in 2022 and I moved there and I work with NHS, I only applied for a license to work as a physiotherapist in UK. That is all I did.

I have met so many doctors that studied in Nigeria, working as doctors here, they didn’t have to go to any more school, they just wrote the licensing exams to practice which is standard.

I have countless number of nurses who got job directly from Nigeria.

Stop spreading misinformation
Don't mind the idiot. I was reading and shaking my head. So many Nigerian doctors practicing in UK, Australia and Canada. Only need to write a qualifying exam which you obviously won't pass if you are not a doctor.

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by santaclaws: 11:03am On Dec 27, 2024

For me, Nigerian degrees even if FIRST CLASS it's not actually useful outside Nigeria. Mostly in western countries i.e USA Canada Luxembourg etc.

That's why when people who relocate to this country who want to push on their professional careers always go back to school in those country.
Reason I guess is based on their educational and teaching standard requirements.

I'm sure you don't have a degree... Ignorant comments like this can only be made by people without university education trying to make themselves feel better.

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Idaytesj29(m): 11:04am On Dec 27, 2024

You see you are a very stupid physiotherapist I must say..
Did you read what I wrote well you illiterate of a person..

Did they not write an exam to be given that certificate or did they just present their Nigerian degrees and got the job...
You be really idiot.
I no feel like insulting you so don't make me at all.

You dey UK dey make mouth. Lagos of abroad I bet na peckham u dey self dey make all this noise
My friend relocate to a much better country before you start talking rubbish or do you consider backdoor UK as abroad..
My friend you better read well before you come open you smelling mouth and talk rubbish with me. Small illiterate.

You need to calm down. you can both clearly explain what you are saying without abuses. All the abuses and names calling are unnecessary.

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by MT: 11:04am On Dec 27, 2024
Your question depends on the sector.

In IT for instance, most interviewers won't even ask you the school you finished from or the class of your grade.

It is straight to the problem you are to solve but in medicals for instance, you need to show you are well certificated in all your degrees
Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Factcheck0001: 11:04am On Dec 27, 2024
so Pali is d same in your language but only difference is k

Your language is d corrupted yoruba language n I wish to know where u from
Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by ndidibabe(f): 11:07am On Dec 27, 2024

Good question..

I hope I try to explain this as much understandable as I can for you.

You see all those doctors here in Nigeria right, they are not doctors when the relocate abroad. They get jobs as home care aid to nursing sick people. That is a different occupation far far from practicing as a doctor in America or Canada or UK.
Infact you can as well apply to be a home care assistant as well with your university degree from Nigeria which is considered a normal equivalent to diploma here. You just have to pass the nursing exam which I know a 200level university student from Nigeria can read the Q&A and pass as well.
What you do is simply take care of old people or mentally unstable people and make sure they don't poop on their self or when they do you change them and also make sure they take their meds regularly and also monitor them so they don't harm their self.
Anybody can do that job infact that is equivalent to a factory job if you don't know only this time you be more careful because you handling a human life and can be arrested and you go to jail if you flop because it is stated there in your agreement you sign before you start working.

If you want to be a doctor in these countries, you have to apply for a medical or a nursing program/ degree where you undergo the process from the begining according to the countries teaching regulations and standards, pass the necessary exams, go for your training practice, write another exam if you fail you have to retake it which happens very often because I have friends who it has happened to. Then luckily you pass them you go under the process to be a certified nurse or doctor depending on the field you choose.

I hope you get the point now. Merry Xmas and season greetings.
Why do people boldy say things they don't know about from their hut. Quite ridiculous. When they say there is a brain drain in Nigeria, what exactly do you think they were talking about? I can't count the number of my IT colleagues when I was still working in Nigeria that got a job offer overseas with their Naija degree. Abeg o..


Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Idaytesj29(m): 11:07am On Dec 27, 2024
so Pali is d same in your language but only difference is k

Your language is d corrupted yoruba language n I wish to know where u from

Yoruba language is not corrupted. It's the non native speaker that will be saying trash and say it's Yoruba they are speaking


Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by AutoC: 11:07am On Dec 27, 2024

You see you are a very stupid physiotherapist I must say..
Did you read what I wrote well you illiterate of a person..

Did they not write an exam to be given that certificate or did they just present their Nigerian degrees and got the job...
You be really idiot.
I no feel like insulting you so don't make me at all.

You dey UK dey make mouth. Lagos of abroad I bet na peckham u dey self dey make all this noise
My friend relocate to a much better country before you start talking rubbish or do you consider backdoor UK as abroad..
My friend you better read well before you come open you smelling mouth and talk rubbish with me. Small illiterate.

People like you are f 00ls offine but here talking trash to people you cant even look in the face offline... The guy ask you to stop spreading missinformation which 'he is absolutely right' you are there saying he stays in pekham....Dindinrin...kid

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by damilare442: 11:08am On Dec 27, 2024
Then how come our doctors and nurses get jobs from these countries while still in nigeria

Dumb people. Many of these guys don't think with their brains.


Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Dijita: 11:08am On Dec 27, 2024

Lol just typing rubbish with calmness han han feeding people with lies.

I am a physiotherapist, I got a job in UK directly from Nigeria in 2022 and I moved there and I work with NHS, I only applied for a license to work as a physiotherapist in UK. That is all I did.

I have met so many doctors that studied in Nigeria, working as doctors here, they didn’t have to go to any more school, they just wrote the licensing exams to practice which is standard.

I have countless number of nurses who got job directly from Nigeria.

Stop spreading misinformation

Thank you very much. I was like where is this guy getting this information from? Has he ever venture out of the country?


Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by NewDea4: 11:08am On Dec 27, 2024

You see you are a very stupid physiotherapist I must say..
Did you read what I wrote well you illiterate of a person..

Did they not write an exam to be given that certificate or did they just present their Nigerian degrees and got the job...
You be really idiot.
I no feel like insulting you so don't make me at all.

You dey UK dey make mouth. Lagos of abroad I bet na peckham u dey self dey make all this noise
My friend relocate to a much better country before you start talking rubbish or do you consider backdoor UK as abroad..
My friend you better read well before you come open you smelling mouth and talk rubbish with me. Small illiterate.

Ol' boy you be very stupid guy o

(just stating the fact even though I don't really care if you're offended)

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Olatunji1929: 11:08am On Dec 27, 2024

Them go write exam before dem go give them permission to dey practice medicine or treat patientsfor the abroad YES or NO
why are you lying and disgracing your generation on nairaland this morning?you get sense so?

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Dittodat: 11:09am On Dec 27, 2024

You see you are a very stupid physiotherapist I must say..
Did you read what I wrote well you illiterate of a person..

Did they not write an exam to be given that certificate or did they just present their Nigerian degrees and got the job...
You be really idiot.
I no feel like insulting you so don't make me at all.

You dey UK dey make mouth. Lagos of abroad I bet na peckham u dey self dey make all this noise
My friend relocate to a much better country before you start talking rubbish or do you consider backdoor UK as abroad..
My friend you better read well before you come open you smelling mouth and talk rubbish with me. Small illiterate.

Posting rubbish and calling people "illiterate" when you don't even know the meaning of the word.
You must have graduated from one useless fourth-grade glorified high school called a university by mistake.

Nigerian certificates are very useful outside of Nigeria.
Even back in the 80s, they gave me credit for my A-level certificate from Nigeria at a very prestigious US university.
I also know many people who used their Nigeria certificate in the US.
You will definitely need a license to practice in any society you just moved to.
You cannot use a license that was approved in Nigeria to practice in the US or the UK.
You also cannot use a UK doctor's license to practice in the US.
In fact, you cannot use a license from one state in the US to practice in another state. Maybe with some exceptions but the vast majority still expect you to apply for their state licenses.

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by ifinger: 11:10am On Dec 27, 2024
Then how come our doctors and nurses get jobs from these countries while still in nigeria

Now as a medic u will have to do an exam in that country it's called board certification it's when u pass the exam you will be able to practice in the country as a doctor
Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Quelme: 11:10am On Dec 27, 2024
so Pali is d same in your language but only difference is k

Your language is d corrupted yoruba language n I wish to know where u from
you don Bleep up by been stereotypical.
Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by SpaceAngel: 11:11am On Dec 27, 2024
Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Alakoriomo: 11:11am On Dec 27, 2024

Good question..

I hope I try to explain this as much understandable as I can for you.

You see all those doctors here in Nigeria right, they are not doctors when the relocate abroad. They get jobs as home care aid to nursing sick people. That is a different occupation far far from practicing as a doctor in America or Canada or UK.
Infact you can as well apply to be a home care assistant as well with your university degree from Nigeria which is considered a normal equivalent to diploma here. You just have to pass the nursing exam which I know a 200level university student from Nigeria can read the Q&A and pass as well.
What you do is simply take care of old people or mentally unstable people and make sure they don't poop on their self or when they do you change them and also make sure they take their meds regularly and also monitor them so they don't harm their self.
Anybody can do that job infact that is equivalent to a factory job if you don't know only this time you be more careful because you handling a human life and can be arrested and you go to jail if you flop because it is stated there in your agreement you sign before you start working.

If you want to be a doctor in these countries, you have to apply for a medical or a nursing program/ degree where you undergo the process from the begining according to the countries teaching regulations and standards, pass the necessary exams, go for your training practice, write another exam if you fail you have to retake it which happens very often because I have friends who it has happened to. Then luckily you pass them you go under the process to be a certified nurse or doctor depending on the field you choose.

I hope you get the point now. Merry Xmas and season greetings.

No you’re wrong. They won’t have to go to school but they’ll write standard exams before they start practicing. If a medical doctor from the US relocate to Nigeria before they start practicing they’ll also have to go through MCDN certification and write exams. It’s just the standard across the world.

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Factcheck0001: 11:12am On Dec 27, 2024

Yoruba language is not corrupted. It's the non native speaker that will be saying trash and say it's Yoruba they are speaking
God bless u

Imagine saying kpali, kpatakpata, kpekpeye

I just Dey vex anytime I see k before p in any Yoruba word spelling n I don't think a yoruba can do that but non yorubas who don't have words for it in their language want to add k so it will b different from d original one from d yorubas
Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Catapault: 11:14am On Dec 27, 2024

Your posts are entirely wrong. Entirely, entirely wrong.

I'm a medical doctor, I'm doing this just to educate you and others that may read your posts later.

Most Nigerian certificates are acceptable in the West. The exams health workers write is to establish their proficiency and fitness to practice in those countries, and not for an additional education.

A medical doctor who trained abroad would have to write a professional exam organized by the MDCN before he/she would be able to practice in Nigeria.

Only a few countries respect international medical degrees without requesting for further examinations. For example, a doctor who has practiced in the UK for up to 2 years or so would be fit to practice in places like NZL and Australia without taking further exams. See?

Your assertion that Nigerian doctors only work in care homes unless they retrain abroad is unbelievably wrong, please. There are many Nigerian doctors working with the NHS with their university certificates... all they need to do is to pass IELTS and PLAB.

Hope this helps.

Why are you conversing with an illiterate dropout?

Save your breath.

He is not here to learn.

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Alakoriomo: 11:14am On Dec 27, 2024
So there is this doctor that practice im Nigeria f9r 10 years but when he got a job and moved to USA, he started as an intern equivalent of medical students whom just passed out..

That’s called residency program. US medical school graduates also have to go through the same thing. Sometimes it lasts for 3,4,5yrs

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Factcheck0001: 11:14am On Dec 27, 2024
you don Bleep up by been stereotypical.
u don bleep up by saying nonsense

U corrupted a Yoruba word u have no word for in your language n added k before d p

So patapata that u changed to kpatakpata, what's d meaning of patapata in your language?

Japa that u changed to jakpa, what's d meaning of japa in your language?
Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by E2000: 11:15am On Dec 27, 2024

Lol just typing rubbish with calmness han han feeding people with lies.

I am a physiotherapist, I got a job in UK directly from Nigeria in 2022 and I moved there and I work with NHS, I only applied for a license to work as a physiotherapist in UK. That is all I did.

I have met so many doctors that studied in Nigeria, working as doctors here, they didn’t have to go to any more school, they just wrote the licensing exams to practice which is standard.

I have countless number of nurses who got job directly from Nigeria.

Stop spreading misinformation
He is not saying Rubbish the bottom line is they test you again one way or another to be sure you know what you are doing.

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Masterplanner1(m): 11:16am On Dec 27, 2024

Lol just typing rubbish with calmness han han feeding people with lies.

I am a physiotherapist, I got a job in UK directly from Nigeria in 2022 and I moved there and I work with NHS, I only applied for a license to work as a physiotherapist in UK. That is all I did.

I have met so many doctors that studied in Nigeria, working as doctors here, they didn’t have to go to any more school, they just wrote the licensing exams to practice which is standard.

I have countless number of nurses who got job directly from Nigeria. God bless u, dont mind him

Stop spreading misinformation
Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Idaytesj29(m): 11:16am On Dec 27, 2024
God bless u

Imagine saying kpali, kpatakpata, kpekpeye

I just Dey vex anytime I see k before p in any Yoruba word spelling n I don't think a yoruba can do that but non yorubas who don't have words for it in their language want to add k so it will b different from d original one from d yorubas

And arrogance in their ignorance is sickening. They will still argue with you.
Calling ponmo Kponmon.

Sometimes I will just say that's Ariaria, okija Ogoja , Calabar and Yenagoa invented words, not Yoruba

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Calitoscassius(m): 11:17am On Dec 27, 2024

Lol just typing rubbish with calmness han han feeding people with lies.

I am a physiotherapist, I got a job in UK directly from Nigeria in 2022 and I moved there and I work with NHS, I only applied for a license to work as a physiotherapist in UK. That is all I did.

I have met so many doctors that studied in Nigeria, working as doctors here, they didn’t have to go to any more school, they just wrote the licensing exams to practice which is standard.

I have countless number of nurses who got job directly from Nigeria.

Stop spreading misinformation
Yes, because you and your fellow colleagues are doctors and nurses. You are needed in the UK, Canada and maybe Australia.

No other proffessions are employed directly from third world countries other than healthcare. Besides, even when they employ doctors and nurses from they d still be under supervision with the senior doctors until they are good enough on their own..
Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Zuckembego: 11:18am On Dec 27, 2024

Them go write exam before dem go give them permission to dey practice medicine or treat patientsfor the abroad YES or NO

Guy, stop this your argument.
Writing an exam to get a license with your Nigerian certificate means the certificate is acceptable. If it's not acceptable, you can't be allowed to write exam with it.
Can a random person write the same exam without having medical degree?

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by Looking4Trouble: 11:18am On Dec 27, 2024

For me, Nigerian degrees even if FIRST CLASS it's not actually useful outside Nigeria. Mostly in western countries i.e USA Canada Luxembourg etc.

That's why when people who relocate to this country who want to push on their professional careers always go back to school in those country.
Reason I guess is based on their educational and teaching standard requirements.

If you continue posting nonsense like this, Ogun go soon kee you

Nigeria’s universities trained graduates are working as doctors, nurses, engineers, e.t.c. in US, UK, Canada, e.t.c. Some of these countries even come to Nigeria to recruit professionals, and you are typing this your nonsense from the psychiatric hospital

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Re: Is Nigeria Certificate Useful Outside The Country? by emmy4real94(m): 11:19am On Dec 27, 2024

That’s called residency program. US medical school graduates also have to go through the same thing. Sometimes it lasts for 3,4,5yrs
okay.. But the best way to utilize a Nigerian degree is to further in such country

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