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Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) - Politics (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) (4681 Views)

Babangida (IBB) Achieved All These In 8 Years / President Ibrahim Babangida Is Alive - Yemi Saka / Ibrahim Babangida (IBB's) Message To Igbos (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by CJStarz: 8:13am On Jan 03

By far we are.

You people don't know how horrible all these unaccountable military regimes were and the nightmare it was to live under them.

My brother,tell that to that to a Gen Z born.
I experienced the military juntas.
Things weren't that bad then.
Kerosene and fuel were much cheaper under the 'despotic Abacha' than under 'democratic Tinubu '.
Tinubu via NADECO fought to enthrone democracy only for Nigerians to groan and suffer under his leadership, more than we did under Abacha.
You'd say there was no freedom of speech and expression under the juntas and I ask,
Is there any freedom of speech and expression under a expression under this Tinubu led democratic administration?

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by Peakdesign23(f): 8:16am On Jan 03
He can pray for himself, his household can also do same. Case closed.

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by tubolancer(m): 8:24am On Jan 03

We work with facts not emotions
Can you please tell us how much he made during those time and the gulf war.
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by aswani(m): 8:25am On Jan 03

You'd say there was no freedom of speech and expression under the juntas and I ask,
Is there any freedom of speech and expression under a expression under this Tinubu led democratic administration?

I am sorry but for you to type this suggests your memories of the military regime is non existent.

Do you know how many times news organisations were raided? Or how many Democracy activists jailed or worse still?

Find time to read up on a certain person called Dele Giwa. Or about a Decree called Decree number 4 (which Bubu then used).

People on Nairaland routinely call President Tinubu a drug baron and mandate thief without any proof and the website has not been pulled with the owner is still allowing such to he be posted every day.

Charly rodent, Ezekwesili for example are still walking around freely despite saying the most unintelligible nonsense.

Sometimes I think we need the military back to show us serious shege pro max to appreciate were we are.

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by ZombieDredd: 8:25am On Jan 03

We should pray for someone tbat knowingly truncated democracy, effectively handed over to Abacha who set about surpressing democracy in a way never seen before in Nigeria killing and jailing people left, right and centre.

Pray for someone that refused to tell us why he truncated democracy. No thanks.
Neither should we pray for someone who bribed his way into aso rock, who crashed the economy and plunge people into multidimensional poverty
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by aswani(m): 8:30am On Jan 03

Neither should we pray for someone who bribed his way into aso rock, who crashed the economy and plunge people into multidimensional poverty

Why not start a thread for that. This thread topic is specific enough and has nothing to do with your post which I am sure APC people can counter.

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by ruffhandu: 8:33am On Jan 03
Let's pray for IBB please

Bible says we should pray for our leaders
For what exactly? People never pray for Gbola, na Maradona.
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by presido11: 8:38am On Jan 03

Buhari had the second worst performance. The present exchange rate of 1,500 has more to do with Buhari than Tinubu.
See them. Twisting facts in our very b4.

During Bubu you guys praised him to high havens, today you are attributing Bulaba obvious failures to bubu.
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by 9japride(m): 8:42am On Jan 03
go check how developed your region is sir.....anyway.. developed or not...the looting continues.

The politicians in my region and the whole country in general are all the same.
They haven't done much.
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by MadPolitician: 8:48am On Jan 03

First off, I am not APC.

No one voted IBB when he took over power. The one that was voted for, he annuled elections without saying why. I can only imagine how much you will hate him if it was an election that Peter Obi "clearly" won and IBB happened to him. You think IBB would have annuled the elections if the Northerner had won?

He brought in SAP which caused widespread hunger and suffering the land.

By the way, it was him that did a coup to bring Buhari into power.

I am not sure how old you were when IBB was ruling as you eulogising him suggests you don't realise the absolutely hopeless and cunning character he was.

What next, we start hailing Abacha too?

Both Abacha and Babangida were many times better than tinubu and buhari. Do an unbiased analysis and come back here to report. Do you even know the caliber of technocrats in Babangidas government? He and Abacha were just empty military men who managed to bulldoze their way to power. If they were renowned politicians who had a mission as administrators, the country would have succeeded.

You guys in the south west should come to the realisation that one of the lessons we have learnt in these APCs years, is that your enemy is not necessarily my enemy too. If you hate Babangida because of June 12, I don't. You know why? Nothing about Abiola suggests to me that he would have been better as a president than Babangida or say Abacha. Abiola could at best have ended up like Tinubu! What with his chaotic family life and questionable business dealings.

And again, Abacha and Babangida didn't annul June 12 because of a Yoruba conspiracy. They just didn't like MKO. It was more of an intra class clash than an a tribal jab


Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by CodeTemplarr: 8:55am On Jan 03
He no longer controls things. Though he has accumulated so.e other things.
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by aswani(m): 8:56am On Jan 03

Nothing about Abiola suggests to me that he would have been better as a president than Babangida or say Abacha.

With the utmost respect, you wrote a boatload of, let's just say, nonsense based on some anti Yoruba bitterness.

That MKO wouldn't have been a good President is a moot point. He was voted for by a majority of Nigerians who determined he was the right person for them. No one has the right to stop him being President especially someone that no one voted for.

Now you are trying to whitewash Abacha's image, you clearly don't remember people dancing in the streets when the news filtered through that he died.

Hate Ndi Yoruba all you want but at least, set the hatred aside and be reasonable sometimes.

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by SalamRushdie: 8:56am On Jan 03

What mad him best president? Criminals who usurped Nigerian development by pilfering tge common wealth if the people. If they tell Nigerian leaders, leadership os transient they would never believe until they get there where all tge stolen funds don't mean anything to them anymore. These are the thieves who put Nigeria in ness

Babangida should actually be a Nigerian Hero for the FF reasons:

1. He saved Nigerian economy from total destruction the the failed Buhari govt was meting on Nigeria .His coup against Buhari was a saver.

2. He was able to take the Nigerian economy from the brink of ruins Buhari put it in by taking the economy from a major depression to some growth.

3. Built a whole city Abuja almost from scratch with very little resources and low crude oil prices .

4. electrified most of the rural areas of Nigeria under his DFFRI program, without that many villages won't have tasted electricity today.

5 . Introduced digital telephone exchange in Nigeria , growing Nitel subscriber base from a mere 25 thousand to over 500 thousand in a few years .

6.Buiit third mainland bridge

7 Nullified the 1992 election there by saving Nigerians from a Tinubu like character.

8. Introduced the first indigenous participation of local Nigerians in the oil industry thereby minting Nigerias first set of oil millionaires


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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by SalamRushdie: 8:59am On Jan 03
Can you please tell us how much he made during those time and the gulf war.

Under Babangida Nigeria made only about 12.5 billion dollars from oil mad he used most of it to build a brand new city , build third mainland bridge , electrified villages , built trunk B roads to villages ...

The man IBB is not even as rich as you are being lied to , many of your politicians today are a thousand times richer than him
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by MadPolitician: 9:14am On Jan 03

With the utmost respect, you wrote a boatload of, let's just say, nonsense based on some anti Yoruba bitterness.

That MKO wouldn't have been a good President is a moot point. He was voted for by a majority of Nigerians who determined he was the right person for them. No one has the right to stop him being President especially someone that no one voted for.

Now you are trying to whitewash Abacha's image, you clearly don't remember people dancing in the streets when the news filtered through that he died.

Hate Ndi Yoruba all you want but at least, set the hatred aside and be reasonable sometimes.


1) As at the time the election was annuled, the total results from all the states of Nigeria as at then has not been announced. Many states results have been announced, but not all. So technically/legally, Abiola won no elections. You win or lose an election after the results have been announced and authenticated by the legally constituted bodies entrusted with the official mandate to do so... Plss.

2) People jumping around after Abachas demise was a Yoruba/South west thing, and understandably so. It was never a general Nigerian thing. I can't remember reading of people jumping up and down in Birnin Kebbi or Nkalagu.. The yorubas had their beef with Abacha. They declared a jihad on him. He unleashed an intifada on them. He died suddenly and Yorubas were elated, not the whole country..

3) You can't even say that the electoral process that threw up Abiola, could be used to ascertain the actual electoral choices of the people of Nigeria as it regards the Nigerian presidency then. The whole process was riddled with all sort of anti democratic enactments by babangida. So much so, that the Nigerian people were genuinely surprised when he cancelled the election. They thought that all the annulments and impositions of candidates were done to pave way for Abiola.

4) Babangida formed the two parties involved in the elections; The SDP and The NRC. Babangida funded the two parties two. He built their party houses around all local governments in the country. Babangida annuled a previous presidential process that was about making Yaradua senior his successor, and banned all the candidates that participated in the process. So when some of you make it look like babangida was fixated on Abiola, you should be reminded of how wrong you are,. If babangida allowed the initial PDP primaries to go through, there wouldn't have been a second primary. It was that second primary that threw up Abiola

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by aswani(m): 9:19am On Jan 03


1) As at the time the election was annuled, the total results from all the states of Nigeria as at then has not been announced. Many states results have been announced, but not all. So technically/legally, Abiola won no elections.

I should have stopped reading at this point.

Technically indeed.
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by Brenbentondiaz: 10:12am On Jan 03

I don't know whether you were politically aware during the time of IBB. If you were, you will agree with me that he was a million times better than the bundle of embarrassments that you guys support and praise as Nigerias president today. He was the one who kicked out buhari for his incompetence as a president, people like you brought that calamity back through APC. Just Look at the country and what it has become ever since, and tell me why the whole citizens of this country shouldn't be praying and thanking babangida for putting his life on the line to save all of us from that iniquitous character from Daurra who midwifed the presidency of the current drug barron in power..

Lolz. Only an Igbo has the capacity to post this dross. Every other normal humans in Nigeria knows the decadence that's bedevilling Nigeria started with IBB. I know he's a hero to you clowns, since he truncated the the election of a Yoruba man. And his sainthood just got perfected this week, as your packaged fraud met with him. You bums are so predictable.

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by Brenbentondiaz: 10:17am On Jan 03

And now that we have Democracy, are we better off?

The only people who think military rule was better are:
1. Those that gained from the looting by the military.

2. Those that were born yesterday.

3. Those that are grieving and mourning because Nigerians didn't buy their packaged fraud.

4. Those whose memory is as sharp as that of of a dead donkey.

Most evil forest dwellers actually belong to groups 2, 3 and 4.

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by Brenbentondiaz: 10:19am On Jan 03

First off, I am not APC.

No one voted IBB when he took over power. The one that was voted for, he annuled elections without saying why. I can only imagine how much you will hate him if it was an election that Peter Obi "clearly" won and IBB happened to him. You think IBB would have annuled the elections if the Northerner had won?

He brought in SAP which caused widespread hunger and suffering the land.

By the way, it was him that did a coup to bring Buhari into power.

I am not sure how old you were when IBB was ruling as you eulogising him suggests you don't realise the absolutely hopeless and cunning character he was.

What next, we start hailing Abacha too?

You've never read a post by these dunces praising Abacha on Nairaland? You've not realised that many people you discuss with here are 13 year olds?

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by aswani(m): 10:23am On Jan 03

You've never read a post by these dunces praising Abacha on Nairaland? You've not realised that many people you discuss with here are 13 year olds?

I believe this poster claimed they were politically active during IBB time.

I take your point sha
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by Ringstonermasks: 10:32am On Jan 03
Did IBB asked you to pray for him? And pray for him about what exactly?
pray for him so that old age will turn to youthfulness once again

Some people just lyk Oversabi

d man is old, what is it to pray for again aside to die

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by Yampotatocarrot(m): 10:52am On Jan 03
Did he tell you he's sick?

Why do you want to pray for him?

Is he a [/b]young man[b] with a sickness?


Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by Abee79(m): 12:04pm On Jan 03
He is an old man, these are lists of his achievements in 8 years as a military rule:
- He created Yobe state,
- He created Katsina state,
- He created Taraba state,
- He created Jigawa state,
- He created Kebbi state
- He created Enugu state,
- He created Edo state,
- He created Delta state,
- He created Osun state.
- He created Akwa Ibom state,

- He created Federal Road Safety Corps

- He created State Security Service (SSS)
- He created National Intelligence Agency (NIA)
- He created Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA).

- He built Asorock Villa.

- He built Third Mainland Bridge, the largest bridge on the continent at the time.

- He completed the Shiroro Hydroelectric Power Station.

- He constructed Toja Bridge in Kebbi.

- He created the Jibia Water Treatment Plant.

-He built Challawa Cenga Dam in Kano.

- Kano - Abuja Dual Carriageway FCT, Abuja.
- Dam in Kano Others includes:

1. ECOWAS Headquarters Secretariat Abuja.

2. He constructed International Conference Centre Abuja.

3. Constructed FHA Estates Nationwide.

4. Constructed High Court Buildings in the States.

5. Constructed Fed Secretariat in 36 States/Abuja.

6. Constructed 2 Political Party Office in 36 States.

7. Constructed the 4 Divisional Headquarters, Nigeria Army.

8. Constructed Military Barracks in Abuja.

9. Constructed Army School of Armour Bauchi.

10. Nigeria Army Amphibious school Calabar.

11. Constructed Quarters for the 4 GOCs

12. Constructed Nigerian Navy Dockyard.

13. Constructed Nigeria Dockyard Snake Island.

14. Constructed Estate for workers of Federal Ministry of Works Housing & FMWH) Nationwide + FCT & Gwagwalada.

15. Constructed Site & SVC’s Satellite towns of 20. Constructed Federal Supreme
Isheri, Lagos, Gwagwalada, Abuja, Prototype Housing Schemes.

16. Constructed FEPA Hdqrt, Abuja.

17. FEPA Zonal Offices Nationwide & Central Laboratory, Yaba Lagos.

18. Constructed National Eye Centre, Kaduna.

19. Aluminium Smelter Company Ikot Abasi.

20. Constructed Federal Supreme Court, Abuja.

21. Constructed the Ajaokuta Steel Project Engineering Works.

22. Constructed Abuja International Airport Phase 1&2.

23. Constructed the National Assembly Abuja.

24. Constructed the Presidential Villa Abuja.

25. National Intelligence Agency(NIA) Headquarters.

26. State Security Services(SSS) Abuja.

27. Constructed Federal Mortgage Bank Hqrtr, Lagos.

29. Federal Mortgage Bank branches nationwide.

30. Constructed CBN Headquarters Abuja.

31. Security & Minting Hdqters Abuja.

32. Constructed Jabi District Abuja.

33. Abuja Central Area Phase 1&2.

34. Constructed Asokoro Area.

35. Constructed Secretariat Buildings for States created in 1991.

36. Houses of Assembly Complex for each States created in 1991.

37. Judiciary Buildings for States created in 1991.

38. Constructed Maitama Gen Hospital Abuja.

39. Wuse Gen Hospital Abuja.

40. State House Hospital Abuja.

41. National Hospital in the States.

42. Gusau Water Supply Scheme.

43. Asokoro Water Supply.

44. Kubwa Water Supply.

45. Abuja Municipal Water supply.

46. Gboko-Yandev Water Works.

47. Boreholes for 1004 Housing.

He did all these in 8 years, paid fuel subsidy, maintained a good dollar to Naira exchange and paid pension/ salary to workers.
He also institutionalized corruption in public service and was proud to be called "Evil Genius" 😄✌️✌️

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by tanigororo: 12:15pm On Jan 03

He also institutionalized corruption in public service and was proud to be called "Evil Genius" 😄✌️✌️
Do you have any evidence to back it up?

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by SouthSouth1914: 12:16pm On Jan 03
We need to pray for Tinubu for wisdom not Babangida the man is a past story not future, he brings nothing to the table.

Tinubu doesn’t need any prayer, he doesn’t bring anything to the table. Nigeria is far economic hardship since he came onboard illegally.
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by SouthSouth1914: 12:17pm On Jan 03
We need to pray for Tinubu for wisdom not Babangida the man is a past story not future, he brings nothing to the table.

Tinubu doesn’t need any prayer, he doesn’t bring anything to the table. Nigeria is far economic hardship since he came onboard illegally.

Tinubu’s name should not be mentioned with Babangida together.
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by slimfit1(m): 12:17pm On Jan 03

Tinubu doesn’t need any prayer, he doesn’t bring anything to the table. Nigeria is far economic hardship since he came onboard illegally.

Bible says pray for your leaders.

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Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by SouthSouth1914: 12:22pm On Jan 03

Bible says pray for your leaders.

Did Tinubu prayed for GEJ?
Re: Nigerians, Let's Pray For Former President Ibrahim Babangida IBB (photo) by Abee79(m): 12:55pm On Jan 03

Do you have any evidence to back it up?
The stinking rot in the the Nigerian "system" is the evidence 😔💔💔💔

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