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This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less - Romance (3) - Nairaland

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Men Are Becoming More Lonely Because Women Are Not Settling For Less (photos) / Don't Feel Guilty For Not Settling For Less... / Lady Says They Are No Longer Settling For Potential In Men. (2) (3) (4)

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Hushpuppy20(m): 11:11am On Jan 09
With this one wey muhammed people dey marry 9yrs old girl where you won see virgin for the whole of Nigeria
Guy the number of virgin ladies from my last count no reach 10 nationwide...in Lagos no one so ?
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by CorrectionFLuid: 11:11am On Jan 09
So, virginity is an achievement for you. I can't even imagine how your brain thinks. So, virginity is what you want your woman to bring to the table. Well, congratulations

If you don't value it, allow someone who does to value it in peace. Instead of joining women to shame him.


Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Autobiography: 11:13am On Jan 09
Some even settle for Lesser.......I mean they settle for Single Mothers.......tufiakwa

Some guys sha........

I the course of the day, you will see threads with headline.... 'Guys pls i need your advice,I'm in love with a single mother of three'
Guy, pls feel free, don't let the Internet and people's opinions determine our happiness in this life. If the woman gives u peace, who r we to judge. Enjoy this life, nobody will feel ur pain at d end of d day...

PLS i need your advice on what to do..
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Gboom: 11:16am On Jan 09

I'm talking about for women!
Believe me there are VERY FEW men a very successful lady can love and be compatible with, who is equally very successful
Woman mindset is to marry someone who they can look up to and have mutual understanding. On the hand, men are always afraid of successful women because they feel they will not submit to them except for gold diggers

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Jman06(m): 11:18am On Jan 09
So, virginity is an achievement for you. I can't even imagine how your brain thinks. So, virginity is what you want your woman to bring to the table. Well, congratulations
He is free to desire virgin girls. I too desire same!

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by emperordelis(m): 11:18am On Jan 09
Wehrey,If you like miss out on a good woman because you dey find virgin…..

I know someone that just had his wife donate a kidney to him,he never married her a virgin..

We have also read on this Obj’s internet where a said virign became a toto donor around the community she was married into..


Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by QuinQ: 11:21am On Jan 09

Woman mindset is to marry someone who they can look up to and have mutual understanding. On the hand, men are always afraid of successful women because they feel they will not submit to them except for gold diggers

There are gold digger men too, you.know
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by nuland(m): 11:32am On Jan 09
For me since the women are rigidly of the resolve that the size of a Man's wallet determines whether or not he deserves a (Nigerian) woman, I am tirelessly grinding hard and when the results come in Insha Allah I won't settle for less.
Why go through all these wahala then make the money and settle for one of those ladies who felt I was never good enough cos of my (then)financial status?

We (both sexes) should settle for their best!

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Brilliancepower: 11:46am On Jan 09
We have good and marriageable ladies that are not virgins and we have good husband materials that may not be rich.

Really? That is a niche! Start match Making Business! And be ready to be a counselor too if the women are not what you portray them to be.


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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by micflo28(m): 11:56am On Jan 09
Op everybody loves rich people including guys,the problem is guys are settling for broke ladies which is very bad, me personal I don't date women out of pity if you dont meet my standard bye bye,women are brutal with their decisions men too should follow suite
You are a very smart person, where do you base so we go for a drink, you could seriously run off on me. Woman do not pity men at all for being broke. A girl will be dating a broke guy and still be seeing a rich guy, the moment the guy complains, she is gone. Men should also demand standards from women too. Their are too many lazy woman now because they all need a rich guy to fund their lifestyle and feed her. Most no longer apply for jobs or attempt to even start small scale businesses to be a financial plan B for a man.

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Tayorshd87(m): 12:11pm On Jan 09
Some even settle for Lesser.......I mean they settle for Single Mothers.......tufiakwa

Some guys sha........

In the course of the day, you will see threads with headline.... 'Guys pls i need your advice,I'm in love with a single mother of three'

PLS i need your advice on what to do..

In respect of finding a true wife material I don't think single mother is exempted because d so called single ladies are not ready to settle down or they settle for rich men..

So d poor guy should die and get old single all in the name of looking for single ladies 🤔

Even these are ladies with high taste
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Gboom: 12:16pm On Jan 09

There are gold digger men too, you.know
Yes naw
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Xisnin(m): 12:16pm On Jan 09
Op everybody loves rich people including guys,the problem is guys are settling for broke ladies which is very bad, me personal I don't date women out of pity if you dont meet my standard bye bye,women are brutal with their decisions men too should follow suite
Why do you assume the motives of other men and also conclude that they are less than honorable than yours?

Men or women do not marry out of pity.
The so-called rich men dating poor women stem from gross misunderstanding of social dynamics.

Men usual marry from their own socio-economic circle and whenever they venture out of this, you get
reasons such as beauty, familiarity, tradition or religious reasons for such move. Never out of pity.
Also, some men tend to avoid going for higher class women to preserve their ego and ensure "respect".

Similarly for women, marriage is mainly within their socio-economic circle. With the main difference being that women have no issues
marrying into a higher class.
Even at this, children of the poor mostly marry themselves, so do children middle class, rich or any group you
can imagine.

Perhaps you base your view on some women being "picked from the gutters" by "rich" men.
While these do occur, it is still not a pity party, the man in question is definitely getting something out of such arrangement.
Such men often are from the "gutters" themselves and only recently escaped.
It is never as a favor.

There are millions of women in various "gutters" across the country but we don't millions of "rich"
men trooping to rescue them.


Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Lovit(m): 12:24pm On Jan 09
Bro forget about all these gen Z ladies saying 'I must marry a rich man', the song usually changes as they gets older

Many average earning men are getting married daily, don't let social media deceive you
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by maasoap(m): 12:29pm On Jan 09

What does virginity really add to your life??

I insist on a partner who is well-educated and ambitious, well-behaved, and ridiculously fine. I'm not settling for less just because she may not be a virgin.

His point was that why couldn't ladies demand or look for those kinds of qualities you mentioned instead of looking for guys with money. He meant that if that's the only major quality ladies need, men should also demand for a similar ridiculous quality

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Reverseng: 12:36pm On Jan 09
Follow the bible at your peril

The bible is like the news. The news is a propaganda tool that gives power to the government

The bible is a propaganda tool that gives power to the church

Go through some of my post for insight

Hope there is a manual for V men and women .. remind me of the bible verse I read yesterday@1 Corinthians 7:14

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by HisRoyalHardnes(m): 12:43pm On Jan 09
My virgin ex had anal with not just me. Virgin kor, yahoo ni grin
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by budaatum: 12:48pm On Jan 09
Eri eni ti won ko dada nile ( opio)

If you brought something worthwhile to a relationship you wouldn't be so pained by my comment.
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Hushpuppy20(m): 1:37pm On Jan 09
So you know? na ladies like you dey take wahala kill their husband, that is if you have one because i doubt you have one. secondly no matter what your husband bring on a table it will never be enough for you. Until you seek for another man that will add to what he already gave you.
Oloju kokoro nie. mind you i know your husband is no more and na your wahala kill am.

If you brought something worthwhile to a relationship you wouldn't be so pained by my comment.

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by luminouz(m): 2:05pm On Jan 09
Virgin men should settle for virgin women. You can be a non Virgin guy and be looking for virgin woman. You can't have your cake, eat it, and still have it.

Women working in masculine roles robs them of their femininity...their woman energy as they start to think and behave like men. Survival is logical.

That being said, women should know that they're equal, simultaneous and opposite to men, as Newton put it (although he left out the Simultaneous part, which is the Big problem of the science community today)

Women should know that equality with men in every standard is wrong. A man can never carry a baby. Women aren't Fit, mentally and physically, to work in masculine roles as society preaches.

Remember, there's nothing like dirty water. It's either water or it's something else. There's nothing like logical women, and there's nothing like feminine men.

So women should return to feminine by being appreciative of what men bring to the table and know their place in humanity, NOT society because society is made up of some people who don't think for themselves, forcing rules of others, on Others

And men should be masculine by taking accountability for the women they're with. You don't promise a girl marriage and castles, only to have sex with her and abandon her. Be precise with your dealings.

Courtship should be a step towards marriage and not the nonsense we have in society today. If you don't see a future with her, don't date her.

Most of you men are dating girls you know you'll never bring to your parents. But instead if ending the courtship, you'll keep deceiving the girl, all because of sex that surprisingly enough ruins your life grin, because you're having a spiritual activity with someone you don't love. Obtained through deceit.

Some people choose the path of suffering and complain when the suffering happens.

Nice guys creates dysfunctional girls and dysfunctional girls creates players.

But guess what? Players don't create nice guys. So it's a straight line and not a cycle.

The burden is on men, because it's the mess we started, so we have to take accountability and put an end to it.

It's not a matter of setting for less. It's a matter of dealing with the monsters you made.

Premium rubbish

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by luminouz(m): 2:07pm On Jan 09

What does virginity really add to your life??

I insist on a partner who is well-educated and ambitious, well-behaved, and ridiculously fine. I'm not settling for less just because she may not be a virgin.


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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by luminouz(m): 2:08pm On Jan 09
Just see as men dey this thread dey disgrace themselves. The same men the OP is trying to save. No wonder y'all end up marrying karishikas and come here to create threads of lamentations.

The redpill is life.

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Starz825(m): 2:14pm On Jan 09

What does virginity really add to your life??

I insist on a partner who is well-educated and ambitious, well-behaved, and ridiculously fine. I'm not settling for less just because she may not be a virgin.

While ...virginity doesn't really influence much; still this is what you don't know...

If you marry someone who's not a virgin and with a multiple body count with let's say at least 4-5 guys

Now.... naturally..women give their best to the first or the first two guys in their relationship lives

The rest of the guys will see hell ..

Trust issues.. arrogance.. disobedience and all

But if you found favor from God and marry a virgin (marriageable one oo)

You are her first..and if you are a serious man....she will stick and experience life with you....her virginity shows discipline and commitment on her end ...

imagine a 25 yrs old virgin for this kind of world...

Unlike all this girls that just want to be in your life for your money or just to bear your name... showing fake love ..cos of their biological clock is ticking faster and their is pressure from home....

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by mirrael68: 3:47pm On Jan 09
There is nobody that is less. But if several ladies don't want to settle for broke guys and some guys may want to hustle to meet up, why not guys too vehemently settle for virgins?

If some ladies are plain on what they want and size guys before agreeing to date, why are guys not so loud in insisting that they want only virgins when they make it.

The ladies seem to be winning here. Many ladies have sex with multiple people and these same ladies may insist on marrying rich guys. They may even broke shame working class guys who earn averagely. So why are guys not so loud on insisting on virginity. Raise the standard!

Truth: Am just saying this as its part of the insight I got from one or more person.
We have good and marriageable ladies that are not virgins and we have good husband materials that may not be rich.

Shallow write-up.
What does the WORD of God tell you?
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by budaatum: 3:51pm On Jan 09
So you know? na ladies like you dey take wahala kill their husband, that is if you have one because i doubt you have one. secondly no matter what your husband bring on a table it will never be enough for you. Until you seek for another man that will add to what he already gave you.
Oloju kokoro nie. mind you i know your husband is no more and na your wahala kill am.

A useless bring nothing to the table man can not share a table with my sort, because when he sees what I put on the table his little diq will shrivel up.

I'm not the sort who thinks a woman is only worth what's between her legs, you see, or who should rely on what a man brings to the table, because my parents packed my head with far more valuable stuff that I can bring to any table than you can begin to imagine.

So, I suggest you up your game so a sensible woman values you instead of you thinking we are all expecting you to feed us like I am feeding you sense.

Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by advanceDNA: 4:02pm On Jan 09

What does virginity really add to your life??

I insist on a partner who is well-educated and ambitious, well-behaved, and ridiculously fine. I'm not settling for less just because she may not be a virgin.

Why are u assuming he doesnt want all these things u listed plus the virginity?? .... U guys keep getting it wrong when a guy says he wants a virgin....ur brain start to picture a useless, uneducated, stvpid, poor, woman that has never had sex ......... I mean, since when did it become a crime for a person not to want a woman tens or even hundreds of men has slept with ??

There are men who chose to date and marry pórn stars..., I don't get why y'all get triggered because of pples choices when u clearly have urs


Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by budaatum: 4:17pm On Jan 09
I thought he was even going to talk about going for high value women who bring a lot to the marriage in terms of intelligence, education, earning power, cleanliness, etc.
So it's important to marry one dumb poorly educated girl all because she's a virgin?

He is simply showing how shallow his own level is.

And I bet you, that virgin will not bother looking at him because he clearly does not being a brain to the table.

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by budaatum: 4:28pm On Jan 09
Woman will never seize to be women, no be the same thing devil take confused Eve for garden of eden or do you think the golden apple in the tree of life is the real apple we are eating now ? No it's not what they mean is that all women love flashy things, they love material things.
All women are the same except those that have the fear of God.

Shows how little knowledge you have.

If Eve had not eaten that fruit, her and her stupid Adam would still be ignorant naked slaves in the garden of Eden. Instead, she ate the fruit, found it good for gaining wisdom and for opening eyes, and freed herself and her ignorant Adam from slavery from whence they became self employed and populated the entire earth. But this is certainly above the level of one created from mud like you are, I guess.

The link below is not for you, so please don't even bother reading it.

Ref: https://www.nairaland.com/8053233/god-more-evil-than-satan.i#129303285
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by SmartyPants(m): 5:07pm On Jan 09

Why are u assuming he doesnt want all these things u listed plus the virginity?? .... U guys keep getting it wrong when a guy says he wants a virgin....ur brain start to picture a useless, uneducated, stvpid, poor, woman that has never had sex ......... I mean, since when did it become a crime for a person not to want a woman tens or even hundreds of men has slept with ??

There are men who chose to date and marry pórn stars..., I don't get why y'all get triggered because of pples choices when u clearly have urs

If you're reasoning well, you should be able to tell that it is the OP who is triggered by other peoples' choices, hence the question he posed. I am merely responding to that by sharing my own worldview, which I've never said anyone must adopt. Get a grip!
Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by SmartyPants(m): 5:10pm On Jan 09

While ...virginity doesn't really influence much; still this is what you don't know...

If you marry someone who's not a virgin and with a multiple body count with let's say at least 4-5 guys

Now.... naturally..women give their best to the first or the first two guys in their relationship lives

The rest of the guys will see hell ..

Trust issues.. arrogance.. disobedience and all

But if you found favor from God and marry a virgin (marriageable one oo)

You are her first..and if you are a serious man....she will stick and experience life with you....her virginity shows discipline and commitment on her end ...

imagine a 25 yrs old virgin for this kind of world...

Unlike all this girls that just want to be in your life for your money or just to bear your name... showing fake love ..cos of their biological clock is ticking faster and their is pressure from home....

You're right in the sense that women tend to have one particular guy from their sexual past who they stay attached to for life. You're wrong to assume that this always has something to do with virginity. It has much more to do with the strength of your emotional connection and chemistry.

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Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by Hushpuppy20(m): 5:25pm On Jan 09
You cannot kill me as you kill your husband
Let me manage my little sense the way it is
mi o fẹ ku kekere.
Strong woman ( pele )

A useless bring nothing to the table man can not share a table with my sort, because when he sees what I put on the table his little diq will shrivel up.

I'm not the sort who thinks a woman is only worth what's between her legs, you see, or who should rely on what a man brings to the table, because my parents packed my head with far more valuable stuff that I can bring to any table than you can begin to imagine.

So, I suggest you up your game so a sensible woman values you instead of you thinking we are all expecting you to feed us like I am feeding you sense.

Re: This Generation Of Men Are Settling For Less by budaatum: 5:27pm On Jan 09
You cannot kill me as you kill your husband
Let me manage my little sense the way it is
mi o fẹ ku kekere.
Strong woman ( pele )

Glad to see you have found your level.

You will live long.

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