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Are Nigerians Really Good People? - Literature - Nairaland

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Are Nigerians Really Good People? by Pokemon45: 8:29am On Jan 10
Curiosity makes me wonder if we are actually a good people. We wake up daily striving to survive and fend for our family but those trying to make life unbearable for others abound. Let's start with the police, making lives unbearable for citizens illegal extortion, illegal arrest, EFCC in the hunt for Cyber crime perpetrators (Yahoo boys) go after innocent civilians who are not their target, destruction of properties and causing them trauma in the process. The parents at home are so money oriented that they sacrifice good morals and proper upbring of their children for money. Having a well behaved child and a disciplined teenager and youth is now like searching for raw gold in our society today. Are we a good people I ask again? Nowadays parents now go to church to pray with pictures of their children who are into cyber fraud, for them to get clients. Parents now buy computers and send their children to whoever they know to teach their children how the tricks and skills of cyber crime. Teenagers and youths flaunt iPhones and gadgets that the take home allowance of their parents combined cannot afford and their parents do no question or see anything wrong. They go as far as doing rituals for cybercrime now called Yahoo plus plus, so desperate to have things their parents cannot afford, to live a lie of affluence beyond their means, resorting to go to any length to get it and the society applauds and celebrate the. They make those earning a living legitimately working look inadequate like they're lazy and foolish. Pastors collect tithe from Yahoo boys and have turned the alter of God to a money making venture. The undiluted message of God is no longer preached. Are we a good people? Politicians are acquiring money, carrying out outrageous projects just using virtually anything as a project to loot money. The nation keeps borrowing. Kidnapping and ritual killings are now like a norm in the country that it's now seen as a normal thing. The quest for money at the expense of anyone's head, property, even if it means doing the unthinkable. Government policies are outrageous with no succor, no capital punishment for certain offences like cybercrime, looting in public offices and more when even the government is no different after all, borrowing with nothing to show for the extraordinary sums borrowed. Are we really a good people. A phone was stolen this year with password and finger print securities, in four minutes debit alerts were received in the email box of the victim. Meaning they opened the device and accessed it in a span of 4 minutes, that's to show you a glimpse of how far they've gone in evil doing and cyber crime. Are we really a good people?

My summary is Nigerians and Africans in general are despicably wicked people full of evil. A person that can buy 3 computers for several billions of naira, or one that can behead another person for ritual purpose to get 10k, 20k or 50k or a person that can remove irons from man holes on major highways without caring about the accident or loss of lives that can cause or someone that can award a constituency project to an inexistent company just to loot money, or steal public funds to pay his childrens fees for years to come without thinking if those children will be alive in those coming years, one that can pick another person's phone causing the person pain and sorrow, one that wakes up everyday strategizes on the next person to steal from are these people really good? Nigerians are not good people. They deserve Tinubu and every evil called government because they are evil people.

The Agony of a Nigerian victim 😭

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