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Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 - Forum Games (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Xmen149(m): 7:39pm On Jan 15
Good cook
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by demmie1: 7:40pm On Jan 15
Guys, let's play a little simulation game. Build your ideal woman with ₦1000, with the following attributes.

Let's go! 😄

Good cook

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Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Yungmil: 7:49pm On Jan 15
Big breast 500? For what na

Kaduna girls can give you for free

What of Tiv girls?

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Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by thrillionaire(m): 7:53pm On Jan 15
Big ass 500
Faithful 300
Beauty 200
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by deanoffaculty: 8:01pm On Jan 15
Guys, let's play a little simulation game. Build your ideal woman with ₦1000, with the following attributes.

Let's go! 😄
Big breast #500
Godly #300
Good cook #200

Na that big breast sweet me pass.

Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Rajosh(m): 8:02pm On Jan 15

Being Godly automatically comes with being respectful and faithful.
Good in bed and good cook are things that can be learned.

Big ass , big boobs, if e dey Alhamdulilah.
If e no dey, Alhamdulilah.
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by ITbomb(m): 8:06pm On Jan 15
Faithful 300
Good cook 200
Very important
Respectful better past Godly 300
(Godly these days, na pastor dey benefit)
Since money no reach for intelligence make I settle with beauty 200 (my intelligence go reach my children)
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by ITbomb(m): 8:08pm On Jan 15

Being Godly automatically comes with being respectful and faithful.
Good in bed and good cook are things that can be learned.

Big ass , big boobs, if e dey Alhamdulilah.
If e no dey, Alhamdulilah.
Church girl never do you something before. From sleeping with pastor to nagging at home but na prayer warrior for church

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Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Cocolatti(m): 8:13pm On Jan 15
Good cook

My choice too.

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Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by CaveAdullam: 8:16pm On Jan 15
Intelligence - 500

I want my children to be intelligent as fvck.

Godly - 300

If she's godly, she will be faithful and respectful + other things.

Beauty - 200

Imagine having intelligent and beautiful kids.

And, an intelligent + beautiful + godly woman.

That's man just struck gold.


Fortunately, there are many of such women outside.

The problem lies in patience and scouting for them.


Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Czarugo007: 8:30pm On Jan 15
Guys, let's play a little simulation game. Build your ideal woman with ₦1000, with the following attributes.

Let's go! 😄
NYASH 1000
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Czarugo007: 8:32pm On Jan 15
For me….NYASH N1000…any other thing can go to hell.
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Bodydiialect57: 9:35pm On Jan 15
Good in bed-200 ( some gals can make u crazy and u forget ur name)
Faithful -300 ( i cant come and father anoda persons pikin)
Respect-300 ( A man's currency is the respect given to him by his wife. No man can run a home when their is no respect. Infact, a man dont want love but he wants respect )
funny -200 ( No be every time u go dey vex na. Dey lively for us na. Be my friend not my enemy ).
Worthy of mentioning but cant pick it because of how expensive it is "intelligence".
For the godly aspect, it is also nice but menh, a woman can be godly and dont have respect for her husband except her pastor. She can be godly and attach godliness to every thing we do. Be it finance, sex live, social live etc.............

Lastly, beauty dances to the rhythm of perspective." With money, she can become beautiful. In fact no woman ugly, na say she no get money. Give r money and take care of r.. Beauty go show

Godliness isn't the same as being religious. A godly woman is guided by the Spirit of God always, and yes she will definitely show that in her dealings with people especially her husband.

A religious woman on the other hand is one that has the appearance of godliness, but lack the power to manifest it.
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Kennyideal(m): 9:41pm On Jan 15
Breasts 500
Another breasts 500

Total 1000 grin
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by henrycantona(m): 10:09pm On Jan 15
Guys, let's play a little simulation game. Build your ideal woman with ₦1000, with the following attributes.

Let's go! 😄
Good in bed=200
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by ireke(m): 4:48am On Jan 16

Don't say that my brother, if I don't see breast in a week to suck, my body will be itchinge

Must the breast be big before you enjoy it? If woman get bad character, you go get time to near the big breast self.
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by joshkke(m): 9:40am On Jan 16
This budget no reach, my people
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Zinpat: 11:44am On Jan 16
Here's mine:

Being godly automatically comes with being respectful and faithful.

So, my ideal woman:

Godly= 300
Intelligent= 500
Beauty = 200

That would do for me. The others are secondary. We can learn to cook together.

Who big breasts and buttocks epp?

Good in bed? That's dicey. It's important but marriage is much more than that. As long as she doesn't deny me my conjugal sexual right, then we can always find a way to work around that.

Funny? I only need a woman with a sound mind. If she's not funny, at least she's not dull or sadistic. Being intelligent and godly can make up for that, because a godly woman knows to always be in joy.

So yeah, that's it for me. 😊

Truely, you have sense...lol
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by nairamaniac: 1:01pm On Jan 16
Here's mine:

Being godly automatically comes with being respectful and faithful.

So, my ideal woman:

Godly= 300
Intelligent= 500
Beauty = 200

That would do for me. The others are secondary. We can learn to cook together.

Who big breasts and buttocks epp?

Good in bed? That's dicey. It's important but marriage is much more than that. As long as she doesn't deny me my conjugal sexual right, then we can always find a way to work around that.

Funny? I only need a woman with a sound mind. If she's not funny, at least she's not dull or sadistic. Being intelligent and godly can make up for that, because a godly woman knows to always be in joy.

So yeah, that's it for me. 😊

A beautiful face without brezz and yanchhh is BEAUTIFUL NONSENSE.

I would personally go for:

1. Spend 200naira for her being good in bed. Even without a pretty face, big beast and yanch, the babe can satisfy me.
I also don't need my girl to be funny.
This is serious-business and no room for jokes at all.

2. Would also spend 200 naira on her being faithful. I don't need her respectful. If she disrespects me, he faithfulness would always bring her back to me. As she wouldn't cheat on me, as konji would always bring her back.

3. Then I would spend like 500naira on her intelligence. An intelligent woman is a life partner in pertinent issues.

So you see:
200naira on GOOD IN BED.
300naira on FAITHFULNESS
500naira on INTELLIGENCE.

Then we are good to go💃💃💃💃💃
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by cassyrooy(m): 5:17pm On Jan 16
This ideal model only works for Conservative people, so for me;

Faithful (300)
Respectful (300)
Good Cook (200)
Beautiful (200)
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Felimax(m): 7:18am On Jan 17

If a woman is godly will she not be respectful and vice versa?

Yes she will but godly is what i prefers.
I initially misunderstood you.
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by lexy2014: 7:32am On Jan 17

You are contradicting yourself.
If that is what 1k will do then that is what i will get.
How can a woman be godly and not respectful, can you make me understand please?

that is a question you need to ask yourself.


Good cook

If a woman is godly will she not be respectful and vice versa?

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Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by lexy2014: 7:34am On Jan 17
This ideal model only works for Conservative people, so for me;

Faithful (300)
Respectful (300)
Good Cook (200)
Beautiful (200)

if a woman is respectful, will she not be faithful?

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Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Felimax(m): 7:35am On Jan 17

that is a question you need to ask yourself?

If a woman is godly will she not be respectful and vice versa?

I have reviewed what i responded initially.
Respect, is a very vital element in a relationship for me.
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Rajosh(m): 7:59am On Jan 17

Church girl never do you something before. From sleeping with pastor to nagging at home but na prayer warrior for church
being Godly and being Churchy are two different things. There are many church girls or church boys that are not Godly.
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by cassyrooy(m): 2:29pm On Jan 17

if a woman is respectful, will she not be faithful?
No. Someone may respect you but still cheat, and may also be faithful but still have zero respect for you.

Both aren't quite the same.
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by lexy2014: 2:49pm On Jan 17
No. Someone may respect you but still cheat, and may also be faithful but still have zero respect for you.

Both aren't quite the same.

how can a woman who respects you cheat on you?

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Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by cassyrooy(m): 3:34pm On Jan 17

how can a woman who respects you cheat on you?
This is the mysterious thing about them.
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by lexy2014: 3:40pm On Jan 17
This is the mysterious thing about them.

its not a mystery. if a woman respects you, she cant cheat on you
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by cassyrooy(m): 10:27pm On Jan 17

its not a mystery. if a woman respects you, she cant cheat on you
I'm not contesting with you but I'm going to stop here.
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by MrCuteAndLoaded: 1:02am On Jan 18

1) Godly - a Godly woman will be faithful and respectful.
2) intelligent- that covers the outer beauty
3) Good cook- nothing like smiling and perceiveing the aweet aroma of your woman's food. It the joy of eating good food.

Oga...you no put prize nah
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by MrCuteAndLoaded: 1:07am On Jan 18
Big boobs 800
Big thick long nipples 200

If she shows defect in other things at least I can suck beta breast and bxxb fck to drown the wahala

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