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Pray First By Soibi Versatile - Religion - Nairaland

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Pray First By Soibi Versatile by Dailymemoirs4: 11:10pm On Feb 06
Jesus Community Network
Daily Devotional
Scriptural Composition

Pray First

“When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17, ESV).

Germaine woke up on a sunny Saturday getting ready for his weekend exercise when he saw a large blood settlement on his arm. What could it be? He wondered. He tried touching it and it hurt him badly. So terrified he had to call of his exercise and head straight to the hospital out of fear of his predicament.

We all have situations that scare the life out of us as humans and when they do occur our first instinct is to panic and wonder what may be the cause. While we have earned the right to ask questions we are also to learn the practice of trusting God over our worries. Why do we have to trust God ? Because without our hope in God we are vulnerable to Satan's mind attacks.

Even when our plights require an emergency. We should always turn to prayer first before seeking an alternative help for our concerns. The bible says " When the righteous cry for help. The Lord hears their concerns ( Psalm 34;17) God is concerned about your challenges and he hears your cry of concern.

Always turn to God for help as he is always out to grant us deliverance from our troubles. Even when the issue is glaring and scary we have to turn to God in prayer and avoid reacting in fearful ways. God will do something about the issue that bothers you and will be out to save you.

Reflect on these

When have you faced a fearful situation?

How was your response ?

Key Point: God comes to the rescue of those who cry out to him for help

Prayer: Lord I thank you for your listening ears to my cries for help.

Soibi Versatile is the Founder of Jesus Community Network.

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