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White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order - Foreign Affairs (3) - Nairaland

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Osnuf34(m): 10:20am On Feb 11
Choose Wisely
I will gladly slap my pastor with all my heart and still do thanksgiving in his church that I slap him

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Winnin009: 10:22am On Feb 11

No Arab country has become better without America, what makes you think a black nation can?

Lol. This question na big slap o. 🤣😅🤣😅

Painful reality.

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Edusouls(m): 10:22am On Feb 11
Let them leave and go back to Europe wicked and very cruel Dutch people that put South Africans under apartheid rule for almost 200 years committing unspeakable atrocities,
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by omoredia: 10:22am On Feb 11
Black people are more racist

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Winnin009: 10:22am On Feb 11
The whites should fight for rights to form their own country no matter how small it is...
They should carve out Capetown and some other and lobby the UN us Britain and others and declare their own republic......the black man is simply a nigggabthat never have been given independence

They have been clamoring for such since last year.


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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by lastmessenger: 10:27am On Feb 11
Stop being dumb bro
You are better than this

Trump can go to hell

Africa can be better without white people participations
example is Zimbabwe. They are doing great after the whites left them with their vast agricultural land.

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by markcute: 10:28am On Feb 11
Let them leave and go back to Europe wicked and very cruel Dutch people that put South Africans under apartheid rule for almost 200 years committing unspeakable atrocities,

How did 50 years turn to 200 yra?

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by tctrills: 10:30am On Feb 11

Cry baby.

It must always end with you insulting me, lool. The moment you get uncomfortable with the topic, you have to deviate to fighting me. I can only laugh. There is no argument that is superior to the truth that is why I can always remain focused on the point and see no need to call you names
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Calitoscassius(m): 10:46am On Feb 11
If they leave, black south africans would not be capable to run their own country. They d drink themselves with alcohol to death, HIV or shoot themselves to oblivion. Oh! I forgot, the Indians would take over SA.

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by jaxxy(m): 10:47am On Feb 11
if the whites leave south Africa it will become a pigsty. undecided

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Pelicanbrief(m): 10:47am On Feb 11
They should expel all the parasitic Yorobastards from their land
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Greenback: 10:48am On Feb 11

They have been clamoring for such since last year.

They should clamour more ..
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Golan007: 10:59am On Feb 11

It must always end with you insulting me, lool. The moment you get uncomfortable with the topic, you have to deviate to fighting me. I can only laugh. There is no argument that is superior to the truth that is why I can always remain focused on the point and see no need to call you names

Cry more.


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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Golan007: 10:59am On Feb 11
If they leave black south africans would not be capable to run their own country. They d drink themselves with alcohol to death, HIV or shoot themselves to oblivion. Oh! I forgot, the Indians would take over SA.

What's wrong with a country being full of drunks, if that's what they want?

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by justmondris: 11:06am On Feb 11
Isreal needs the relocation to US more than the white in South Africa.
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Kooyepeju01(m): 11:07am On Feb 11
Trump, the rable rouser!
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by tctrills: 11:11am On Feb 11

Cry more.

oya na no wahala. Anytime I have time to correct your falsehood, I will cry more ok
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Calitoscassius(m): 11:23am On Feb 11

What's wrong with a country being full of drunks, if that's what they want?

Nothing wrong with that, if that is what they want.
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Golan007: 11:26am On Feb 11
Nothing wrong with that, if that is what they want.

Thanks for understanding.

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Calitoscassius(m): 11:26am On Feb 11
Let them leave and go back to Europe wicked and very cruel Dutch people that put South Africans under apartheid rule for almost 200 years committing unspeakable atrocities,
Leave? Yea right, people who claimed South africa should be a white only country.
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Calitoscassius(m): 11:28am On Feb 11

Thanks for understanding.
Neu warries maete! cheesy

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Nwaikpe: 11:47am On Feb 11
Another case of an inferiority complex inflicted individual

Nations can achieve greatness without relying on the U.S.

Take China, Russia, and India, for example—India continues to make steady progress without capitulating to the U.S.

The Arab world is capable of thriving with or without U.S. involvement. In fact, it would likely have seen far greater progress without U.S. interference.

Libya, Syria, and Iraq are clear examples of how U.S. actions, along with its Western allies, have contributed to setbacks in the region.

Listen to yourself again and review who you refer to as having an inferiority complex.

The fact that you don't know the right allies or circle to keep is a very big pointer to an inferiority complex.

US defeated Japan on China's behalf, or else China wouldn't even have existed as a country today, but as an annex of Japan like Hong Kong is to China. India totally relies on the American economy. Why Russia has not lived up to its potentials like Britain, Germany, or Italy is simply because they are not in the good books of America.

Go and sleep.

Instead of you Africans to be learning, you are rubbing shoulders and calling it "lack of inferirority complex."

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by frog12: 11:49am On Feb 11
so if the whites were in naija, you will still say the same?

Better let them leave bitter and hateful south Africans. They hate whites, hates fellow blacks and these guys can't survive without the contribution of whites and other Africans. At the end, they will crash everything built by same white.
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by higgs: 11:51am On Feb 11
When Trump says he doesn't want immigrants and refugees, he actually means those who are not Europeans or of European descent. This should be a lesson for xenophobic south Africans,they should learn to love their fellow black Africans.In this world,you look after your own before any others.
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by NOETHNICITY(m): 12:00pm On Feb 11

Listen to yourself again and review who you refer to as having an inferiority complex.

The fact that you don't know the right allies or circle to keep is a very big pointer to an inferiority complex.

[b]US defeated Japan on [/b]China's behalf, or else China wouldn't even have existed as a country today, but as an annex of Japan like Hong Kong is to China. India totally relies on the American economy. Why Russia has not lived up to its potentials like Britain, Germany, or Italy is simply because they are not in the good books of America.

Go and sleep.

Instead of you Africans to be learning, you are rubbing shoulders and calling it "lack of inferirority complex."
I gave up on you when you said US defeated Japan

The USA dropped a NUCLEAR BOMB on Japan in a most cowardly manner as it was staring defeat in the face

The USA has never worn a war on its own since the WW11

All the USA does is to invade small countries like they wanna do Gaza now

The USA is grossly overrated
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Thabothabo101: 12:19pm On Feb 11
Yeah, South Africa is barreling towards Zimbabwe's status. I tell you, these white fuckers leave, and it's the end for SA.
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Nwaikpe: 12:27pm On Feb 11
I gave up on you when you said US defeated Japan

The USA dropped a NUCLEAR BOMB on Japan in a most cowardly manner as it was staring defeat in the face

The USA has never worn a war on its own since the WW11

All the USA does is to invade small countries like they wanna do Gaza now

The USA is grossly overrated

I believe that Germany is not a major nation but hamas is.
I believe that Japan was not a major nation, but Afghanistan and Yemen is.


I belieeve that the US and Israel shouldn't use the product of their brains (bombs) to fight, instead, they should use their bodies, children and propaganda to win wars like Gaza.

grin grin grin

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by heniford2: 12:28pm On Feb 11

Just like the British left Nigeria in 1960 and we have overcome poverty, corruption and bad government.
Just as the white were forced out of Zimbabwe and it went form one of the biggest food exporters in Africa to overtaking the US in GDP.
Just as the indians were chased away from Uganda and Uganda became the center of commerce in Africa.
Should we keep going?
if the leave SA will be another glorified area like Zimbabwe

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by tctrills: 12:45pm On Feb 11
if the leave SA will be another glorified area like Zimbabwe
I tell you
Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by Empiree: 12:54pm On Feb 11
South Africa is gone

Our hearts are with them. They claimed to be the new big brother in Africa, let them use their technical know how to settle whatever issue they have with Trump
You his like being pessimists. Gone to where?. Trump is bluffing. It is not Trump's fault. If was Mandela's. He should have kicked them out of SA in 1994. There is no such thing as "White South Africans". Against behind to Blacks. West Asia(Middle East) behind to Arabs. Europe behind to Whites.. The only thing that binds is is trade.

Stop looking down on Africa. Trump is doing this because South Africa stands up to genocide in Gaza against Israel

Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by BabaIbo: 1:13pm On Feb 11
Another case of an inferiority complex inflicted individual

Nations can achieve greatness without relying on the U.S.

Take China, Russia, and India, for example—India continues to make steady progress without capitulating to the U.S.

The Arab world is capable of thriving with or without U.S. involvement. In fact, it would likely have seen far greater progress without U.S. interference.

Libya, Syria, and Iraq are clear examples of how U.S. actions, along with its Western allies, have contributed to setbacks in the region.

Na now I know say you la ck knowledge, even Chinese won't say Americans were not instrumental to their growth, w.r.t to those US companies that located their factories there etc.

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Re: White South Africans Clamour For US Resettlement After Trump Order by emperor4love(m): 1:28pm On Feb 11
Most farmland are owned by white,that's to show you who os feeding the blacks and have most farmland, how lazy can this black zulus be,lazing out on binge and women

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