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Should I Sing For You? - Properties - Nairaland

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Should I Sing For You? by Schoolguy9(m): 5:27pm On Feb 18
If you are a music lover and you need me to sing for you before you can buy into IYANU ESTATE please let me know because this is what will favor you.

I can start from now to sing about the goodness of Iyanu until we get to Twitter but what will make you marvel us just the price.

With the sum of N5m, you can buy a plot of land inside Iyanu Estate which is the hottest investment option of the hour!

I am not kidding you! Iyanu is powered by Pwan Xtra and marketed by my humble self because this is not our first time! Buy now, secure a plot with boldness.

We will have you in the midst of goodness, surprises and more goodies because our primary aim is to make you feel special. With Iyanu, we are achieving just that. Has anyone ever wowed you with a good voice, a good land and a prompt response to your queries? Let Imiano do just that.

Who is Imiano?
Imiano is a PBO, that is a Pwan Business Owner that specializes in delivering top-notch real estate services to people that matter in the society! If you are a member of WDT, you would have known him by now. By WDT, I mean the Wise Decision and Action Takers! It's a club where your opinion, safety and comfort matters.

Let's give you the best! Join us on WhatsApp, Facebook and even Telegram to get notified when new estates drop!

As for now, we are marketing Iyanu and we are unstoppable! Be part of it. No whyning, we give you more than is required.

Celebrate us as we celebrate you! Every land owner is a celebrity. Claim your badge now and be in line with our newest moves.

Once again, with just N5m, you can get a plot in Iyanu Estate, Epe and when you make a deposit of N2.5m now, allocation can be done instantly.

Let's identify with you in this computer age because we are faster than ChatGPT. Lols!

Re: Should I Sing For You? by Schoolguy9(m): 5:29pm On Feb 18

Yes if you wish but what if you don't have a wife? Just go ahead and buy. The reason is because I know that if you have a wife and you discuss it with her, she will be so happy that you discovered such an opportunity. As we speak, people are already buying into it!

Ok, let's assume that you want to put the saying that a family that prays together, move together into action, it means that you can even come along with your wife and siblings for the physical inspections of land! Yes, we will provide a means of transportation or you can just take a clue from us.

The truth is that we are about to form a club of wise decision and action takers (WDT) where every member knows the importance of securing the future for himself, wife and children and also have the opportunity to regain massively in the case of a resale of a property bought earlier on. That is what we do and to post it here shows that we are aware of all the procedures involved in securing problem-free lands in ultimate locations.

Let's say we are starting with IYANU GARDEN ESTATE, EPE! This is a mind-blowing offer because only few people know about it as it was newly launched! Yes, this is one of the real estate option to have come on board in 2025! Our very own Iyanu estate is selling like fire. Be part of it.

It is located in a goodly environment devoid of katakata! Just buy now and enjoy later because allocation is instant! Be aware that OVERTAKING IS ALLOWED! If somebody had just bought 2 plots yesterday and is still waiting for documentation, you can buy 10 plots and SMASH THE RECORD! Yes, we are solidly behind you.

This is not solely a students' estate, it's for big men because one plot is sold for N5m only and you can pay gradually after an initial deposit of N500k. You will enjoy so many benefits because we have you in mind and we have started a club to take the bull by its horn.

Start buying now!!

Re: Should I Sing For You? by Schoolguy9(m): 5:33pm On Feb 18

I don't know why most Nigerians don't visit my wall to see things for themselves.

For crying out loud, I am a civilian that knows his onions in real estate, business registration and data bundle vending.

If you go to my wall, you will see that I am sharing scholarship tips, information regarding real estate and genuine investment options and I also put up motivational articles. So, I don't know why anybody wouldn't love such a wall being that I have kept it clean for years! Be it as it may, I believe that Nigerians are ruled by some religious, political and personal beliefs which might not even allow them to notice me but that shouldn't be enough reason not to say yes to life changing opportunities.

So, even though we might come from different angles, I want you to patronize me. Yes, I am a verifiable person! So, there's nothing to fear for.

Let's say you want to buy land, build house or buy an already built house in Nigeria, all you have to do is call me on phone and get genuine information on how to go about it, location of our available estates and some small strategic encouraging words I might chirp in. You see, it's a win for you and a win for me because you get an extra value for your money.

Let's be extraordinary today! Volunteer to spend your money wisely and we will take over from there. Go to my wall and confirm the way forward! I will mostly be sharing bonuses here and I hope you grab them offers soon.

Because everybody likes good things, I am here to attend to you!

Re: Should I Sing For You? by Schoolguy9(m): 5:36pm On Feb 18

Invest in a Brighter Future with IYANU GARDEN

Are you looking for a smart investment that will guarantee a secure future for you and your loved ones?

Do you want to make a move that will redefine your next 20-25 years?

Look no further than IYANU , strategically located in Igbodu Isiwo

This prime property offers more than just ownership; it's an opportunity to tap into real estate appreciation and generate generational wealth and income.

With its excellent amenities and features, IYANU is the perfect choice for savvy investors.

Key Features and Landmarks

❤️Augustine University
❤️ Epe Food Logistic Parks
❤️Epe Resorts
❤️Several residential estates
❤️Isimi Lagos


🩸- Fencing and gatehouse
🩸- Landscaping
🩸- Street names
🩸- Security cameras

Acquisition Details
this estate is available for purchase at ₦5,000,000.

Pay 50% (₦2,500,000) and get allocated instantly within 12 hours.

Visit www.facebook.com/nzeakor.davis for more...

Re: Should I Sing For You? by Schoolguy9(m): 5:37pm On Feb 18

Everything you could ever ask for in any estate is within reach!

Enjoy property ownership made absolutely very easy...just pay 50% and get allocated in just 12 hours...

From its beautifully landscaped gardens to its state-of-the-art security cameras, iyanu has everything you need to live life to the fullest.

Don't settle for anything less – invest in the best with Yanugardi Estate.

Key Features and Landmarks

❤️Augustine University
❤️ Epe Food Logistic Parks
❤️Epe Resorts
❤️Several residential estates
❤️Isimi Lagos


🩸- Fencing and gatehouse
🩸- Landscaping
🩸- Street names
🩸- Security cameras

Acquisition Details
this estate is available for purchase at ₦5,000,000.

Pay 50% (₦2,500,000) and get allocated instantly within 12 hours.
Re: Should I Sing For You? by Schoolguy9(m): 5:47pm On Feb 18

I don't know how to say this but living without having a plot of land in Iyanu Estate is like living without any testimony.

Our duty is to give you reasons to buy but the sole decision is yours because you will be enjoying most of the benefits alone. Who on Earth would have thought that a beautiful thing as Iyanu Garden would happen in 2025? Since January, people started hearing bad news! Now, let us brighten your day with something special.

Iyanu is a place for you! Yes, we want to populate the place, bring development to the area and get you more connected with reasonable people! What else could be better than that? Become a superking, own a plot in Iyanu garden and build as you want. Today, you can book a physical examination of the land with us which in essence, costs you nothing.

Yes, going to the place to see Iyanu lands is free, talking to me is free and feeling of forms is free but what shows you are a serious buyer is when you pay in! Yes, we take you serious the moment you trust us with your time. There is no room for bias as we serve people from diverse orientations!

Let's have you at our office today, call me on phone or reach out to me on https:///message/KVFVTCQA4RZVO1 I will be very ready to attend to you! Just like everyone else, my body is telling me to do giveaway but I will wait for the first buyer!

Make us happy and everybody has a reason to celebrate.

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