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Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) - Travel (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Travel / Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) (20193 Views)

Truck Falls On Otedola Bridge This Morning (Photos) / Fire On Otedola Bridge Guts Multiple Vehicles (Video) / BREAKING: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by Globad(f): 10:07pm On Mar 11
On Otedola bridge or under Otedola bridge?

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Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by 4tomandchi: 10:08pm On Mar 11
Can only one truck extinguish that fire?
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by Mathain19(m): 10:08pm On Mar 11
So sad such ugly accident occurred,just hope no life was Lost,
Had it been nigeria as a country is ready for development,such explosive products are supposed to be transported through pipelines to various states and get rid of old trucks in pitiable conditions conveying such highly inflameable products ..
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by AbujaLagos: 10:09pm On Mar 11
God please allow us go and and come back in peace as we go for our daily bread Amen
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by gidigbam1: 10:13pm On Mar 11
The same rule of law / supreme court that DSS has refused to obey by releasing nnamdi kanu abi na another one? grin

Bro, please show me supreme court judgement that says Nnamdi Kanu should be released please. Spoke with someone the other day and he was arguing there was no such judgement.
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by SugarRay001: 10:17pm On Mar 11

Church, Buildings, Cars Razed In Lagos Tanker Explosion

This Otedola bridge and these type of occurrences ehn

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Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by Germi9: 10:21pm On Mar 11
It’s the season to serve mamor and give unto Ceazer for then will your earthly reward be accomplished
Behold I send you out as sheeps amidst the wolves
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by gabbasin(m): 10:24pm On Mar 11
To me, this Otedola bridge is cursed, I can't count the number of accidents that have been reported from this bridge alone so far.

It was on this particular bridge that God saved my life one time like that.

I hope no casualties.
otedola bridge isn't cursed, the terrain of the road will always be recipe for disaster especially for heavy duty vehicle descending and ascending the bridge. Roll back while ascending the bridge is common among heavy duty trucks especially in traffic hold up. The solution is reconstruction of the road to reduce the slope

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Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by delpee(f): 10:24pm On Mar 11
This Otedola bridge should be renamed Kanayo O Kanayo Bridge

If you know u know🚢🚢

I think the problem is the slope. Maybe it's sometimes difficult for loaded tankers to navigate.


Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by kayyyy44: 10:28pm On Mar 11
Ote$ bridge

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Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by PHIPEX(m): 10:28pm On Mar 11
Whoever designed that bridge should be arrested.

That's the only bridge in Lagos that's designed like a valley and that't why the accidents keeps occuring. The governemnt should demolish and reconstruct that bridge.

Vehicles can't even easily pass under the bridge. I havent seen any similar bridge in Lagos.

The bridge should start at Mobil filling station and end at Capital oil filling station at the other end but whoever handled it must have used half of the money to build a house


Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by revelation2013(m): 10:30pm On Mar 11
There is something structural wrong with that bridge and we have engineers with first class in this country but the government will not call them to check what is happening and reward them handsomely until some other countries that value knowledge snatch our brilliant minds away.


Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by free2ryhme: 10:33pm On Mar 11

Church, Buildings, Cars Razed In Lagos Tanker Explosion


Incidents of Fire Explosions on Otedola Bridge

June 2018: A petrol tanker fell, leaked, and exploded, engulfing dozens of vehicles in flames and claiming multiple lives.

October 2020: A collision between a tanker and a trailer led to another fire outbreak, though no casualties were reported.

December 2020: Yet another explosion rocked the bridge, adding to the series of tragic incidents.

May 2021: Another tanker fire incident occurred, raising further concerns about road safety in the area.

October 2023: A petrol tanker explosion caused panic among motorists, reigniting fears of recurring disasters.

March 2025: Yet another fire explosion, reinforcing the urgent need for stricter safety measures.

God protect us all.

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Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by TUANKU(m): 10:37pm On Mar 11
Otedola bridge AGAIN...at this rate one can say there's something diabolical about that bridge with the number of mishaps that occur there annually.

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Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by justmondris: 10:43pm On Mar 11
Is this the only bridge in Lagos? How come there is always tanker explosion every year on that bridge that that keeps killing people?

Maybe there is something evil about that bridge

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Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by omooba05: 10:45pm On Mar 11
They should change the name of the bridge. Some names are demonic ... Its a divine message
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by Sdelight(m): 10:45pm On Mar 11
Lord have mercy
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by spencekat(m): 10:46pm On Mar 11
Otedola bridge again?

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Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by meobizy(f): 10:58pm On Mar 11

Mommy and Daddies, please i have been soliciting for assistance from kind hearted Nigerians. please I am not a scammer, I can prove everything I say here beyond all doubt! i won't be doing this if only there's a glimmer of hope. please forgive me, but it seems that I have no choice. I'm typing this with tears in my eyes and with a very heavy heart. I'm doing this for my little girl who is asthmatic, I have exhausted my savings to buy her Seretide inhaler but at this point it has become too expensive to afford.

I work two jobs to provide for my family but it never seem to be enough and as it stands I have exhausted all channels with which I can borrow money to buy it. It is sold for 18,500 but anything we can lay our hands on is perfectly okay please. Even 1k will go a long way to keep my baby girl alive please. Please my family, am on my knees, I am pleading for assistance to save my daughters life. I beg you in God's name pleatse.. Any well meaning Nigerian whom God has touched their heart to help us, please help us. May the Almighty GOD bless all you lay your fingers on, amen.

Acct num:
First City Monument Bank (FCMB)

May God bless you immensely ❀️ πŸ™

Ps: this is the last one I bought, it will finish latest tomorrow. I thank GOD Almighty in heaven for sustaining my baby girl to this point. But please with your help she can have a bright future and a chance to live like her peers.

Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by meobizy(f): 11:01pm On Mar 11
Tanker explosions are normal. When I saw the one which occurred in America, I calmed down to accept that whatever deity people believe in protects them. Me wey no get god go rely on luck and survival instinct.
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by JaskanFactor: 11:02pm On Mar 11
on march 11, 11 is ritual number. Yahoo government of bandits .
The only reason the government of kidnappers allow this problem to persist is to do ritual
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by Dearlord(m): 11:08pm On Mar 11
God just saved my cousin few hours ago from his place of work, the driver did his best but a lot of people, building & cars got burnt to death.

May their souls rest in peace
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by stevups(m): 11:10pm On Mar 11
That otedola bridge is a disaster always happening..and the govt does nothing about it. Every 3 years tamker explodes on that bridge. Them go carry tanker with fuel give aboki, tanker wey no fit to dey road.

No be lie. Then when tanker driver stole, sold larger part of the fuel, the next step is to throw way the truck to avoid punishment.
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by Ayatullah(m): 11:20pm On Mar 11
To me, this Otedola bridge is cursed, I can't count the number of accidents that have been reported from this bridge alone so far.

It was on this particular bridge that God saved my life one time like that.

I hope no casualties.

β˜† It's not cursed in any way, let those plying it check themselves.

β˜† Today, God saved some lives too.

β˜† If there are casualties what can you do about it?

Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by tunary(m): 11:21pm On Mar 11
Dear Mommy and Daddies, please i have been soliciting for assistance from kind hearted Nigerians. please I am not a scammer, I can prove everything I say here beyond all doubt! i won't be doing this if only there's a glimmer of hope. please forgive me, but it seems that I have no choice. I'm typing this with tears in my eyes and with a very heavy heart. I'm doing this for my little girl who is asthmatic, I have exhausted my savings to buy her Seretide inhaler but at this point it has become too expensive to afford.

I work two jobs to provide for my family but it never seem to be enough and as it stands I have exhausted all channels with which I can borrow money to buy it. It is sold for 18,500 but anything we can lay our hands on is perfectly okay please. Even 1k will go a long way to keep my baby girl alive please. Please my family, am on my knees, I am pleading for assistance to save my daughters life. I beg you in God's name pleatse.. Any well meaning Nigerian whom God has touched their heart to help us, please help us. May the Almighty GOD bless all you lay your fingers on, amen.

Acct num:
First City Monument Bank (FCMB)

May God bless you immensely ❀️ πŸ™

Ps: this is the last one I bought, it will finish latest tomorrow. I thank GOD Almighty in heaven for sustaining my baby girl to this point. But please with your help she can have a bright future and a chance to live like her peers.

are you handicapped?
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by APOPTOSIS: 11:28pm On Mar 11
It's normal in Lagos.
When Lawlessness becomes the NORM
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by horgarzer(m): 11:52pm On Mar 11
God please allow us go and and come back in peace as we go for our daily bread Amen
amen ijn
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by Sirianese: 11:53pm On Mar 11
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by villionz(m): 11:59pm On Mar 11
It's just a bridge

It looks exactly as one.


Sometimes the truth and the fact are so close, too close we can't see the differences.

Dat household name attached to the bridge does ring a bell

As well as

Ancestral juju dey
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by merits(m): 12:02am
Otedola bridge is devilish bridge that needs to be renamed.
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by Ezmans: 12:03am
To me, this Otedola bridge is cursed, I can't count the number of accidents that have been reported from this bridge alone so far.

It was on this particular bridge that God saved my life one time like that.

I hope no casualties.
the spot is bend but government here channel there power in demolition of people's property rather than reconstruction of the road
Re: Tanker Explosion On Otedola Bridge In Lagos (Video) by caye(m): 12:20am
Are you guys not making a connection with the :-
- tanker explosion in Niger state ( Jan)
- other explosions around the country

What kind of fuels or what is happening to cause the explosions?
Nigerians, we need to increase our IQ o.

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