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Marry More Than One, And Here's Why - Romance - Nairaland

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Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by iLegendd(m): 10:51pm On Mar 11

It’s our tradition, but white men truncated it with their Western religion and demonized it.

Since we always see ourselves as inferior compared to whites, whatever they say or put in a book, we follow without question.

Any African who refuses to conform is seen as an evil sinner by their fellow Africans—because white men told them so. These same Africans will defend white men with their last breath, quoting books written by them as if they contain the only truth.

Every gender and race has its own "unfair stars"—advantages that tilt the scale in their favor, often at the expense of others. The key is to identify and leverage them.

Women's Unfair Stars Against Men

1. If a woman accuses you of rape or domestic violence—whether true or not—you’re in trouble. Even if you survive it, your reputation is ruined. If a man accuses a woman of the same, people either laugh, dismiss him, or call him weak. Women understand this power and use it when they want to put a man in jail, even if he’s innocent.

2. A woman doesn’t need to go to school or have money. As long as she is respectful, black and beautiful (or fair and beautiful) and knows how to moan sweetly, she can marry a rich man who will provide for all her needs. A man, on the other hand, can be handsome, but if he’s broke or speaks poorly, women will avoid him. Even if he’s rich, many will still only come for the money but never want to be seen with him in public.

White People's Unfair Stars Against Black Men

1. As long as you're white, many Africans automatically assume you're smart and rich. They will respect you instantly—sometimes even worship you—just as some of our forefathers did.

2. As long as you’re white, black people often perceive you as handsome or beautiful. Many have been conditioned to dislike their own skin tone and prefer lighter ones. However, this narrative is beginning to change with the rise of black beauties from Ethiopia and Northern Nigeria.

Black Men's Unfair Stars Against Women and White Men

1. As long as you're black, people assume you’re strong, athletic, great in bed, and well-endowed.

2. As long as you're black and born in Africa, you are entitled to three or more women—provided you’re man enough to control them within your kingdom. Women, however, can't do this in Africa unless the culture has been compromised by Western influence promoting female sexual liberty.

So, every race and gender has one or two "unfair stars." Unfortunately, men no longer utilize theirs because Westerners disapproved of it. Worshipping everything they tell us through books and TV is foolish. Some of their ideas are good, but not all.

Now, I know some of you come from dysfunctional polygamous homes and hate polygamy because of it. You know who caused it? Your father. More on that later.

I was on Instagram and saw a skit maker’s wife—who had just undergone surgery—accusing him of cheating while she was in the hospital. She was questioning why he proposed to her in the first place. That pissed me off, so I left this comment:

"Marry more than one woman, but stupid men won’t listen because of what a foreign religion told them. If you can only afford one woman, don’t marry until you can afford three.

If it’s just you and her, she sees you as her equal and fight mate. But if it’s her and two other beautiful women, they either fight amongst themselves or unite to compete for your attention—by being good in bed, off bed, and in the kitchen."

Put women in a position where they compete with each other, not with you, or you’ll regret it—unless you’re lucky. If you come from a polygamous home and it didn’t work, it’s because your father was either a SIMP or lacked the financial capacity for three wives. You can't have 3 wives and be a working class—you must have multiple streams of income.

From age 20, any man who falls in love is stupid. Don’t seek love at that age—it’s a transaction-ship. But instead of paying with money, pay with your sexual prowess. Love is for boys under 19.

Also, any man who marries just one woman is not man enough. Either marry three or stay single or have a baby mama. If it’s only one, you become her fighting mate —she’ll constantly monitor your phone and accuse you of cheating.

If they are three or more—like Ned Nwoko— they fight themselves to mate with you, the KING. You become a scarce commodity because of rotation. Women love drama and competition. If they don’t have other women or neighbors to battle, they’ll battle you. SIMPLE!

Without conflict, she gets bored and cheats—then blames you, calling you unromantic and dull.

When sex is involved, a woman never takes accountability. The blame always falls elsewhere, especially you, the man, the Devil, or something she drank.

So, as a man, use your unfair star just as women use theirs every single time.

If the culture were reversed and women could marry multiple men, every single woman would have at least four husbands—and they’d be proud of it, even if Western books disapproved.

Men are lucky that this unfair star doesn’t belong to women. Otherwise, we’d be in serious trouble—just like we already are with falsified rape and domestic violence accusations. A woman can rape you and still accuse you of being the perpetrator. You're cooked.

With this, multiple wives, she'll NEVER check your phone to know if you're cheating because she knows your penis is on ration.

Rationing brings scarcity and scarcity brings value. NEPA does this and when they do give your zone light, you make good use of it before it goes.

If she knows she's the only one that has the dick and will get it whenever she wants, at any point, she'll get tired and would want to explore other men's dicks behind your back.

Even though yours is WAY bigger than who she's about to cheat with and you're way richer and more handsome too.

It's just that she feels this man gives her attention, which you give her even more, but those naughty chats she had with him has created a yearning and a fantasy that she MUST fullfil before she can have peace.

And when she achieves it and gets caught, she starts crying and blames it on something while begging for forgiveness as she promises she'll never do it again, but if you, stupid SIMP, forgives her, she'll laugh within herself and two months or a year later, she'll do it again and again, but this time, you'll NEVER catch her.

Now, you see the size isn't why she cheated, it's the thrill and adventure of something new because she knows your dick is hers whenever she wants. She has conquered you and needs new territory to conquer and any man who chats in a way that turns her on is the next man.

A certain gospel musician just divorced his wife because she was chatting naughty with a stranger and they were exchanging nùdes. This is exactly what I'm saying.

So, you see? Be wise and have multiple women like Solomon and that is exactly who women secretly crave, but they'll always deny it and say, "I want my man for myself. I'm a selfish lover."

My dear, any women that says this will one day kill you. These are the women that cheat the most. They don't want to share you, but they're sharing themselves behind your back and you'll never know.

It's not what a woman says, but what she does and responds to. Sharing your dick with her co-wives is the only way for her not to monitor you or accuse you of cheating, but if you catch her cheating, divorce her.

This is your unfair star, use it to the fullest, just as she would if the case was reversed.


1. Go and make money and be wealthy like Ned
2. Be great in bed to the point she'll be the one craving for you
3. Own a big farm (you can't be buying 100% of your food)
4. After you know she's addicted to your sex, tell her you're in a serious relationship, but if she becomes your second wife, she'll never lack. This is probably the line Ned used on Regina.
5. When you meet the second girl, also tell her the same.
6. The third girl, tell her the same.

Now you have three girls who are ready to become your second wife even though you don't have a wife yet.

Since you're confident, rich and great in bed, they'll agree, especially if they're at age 25 and single or young and broke.

If you ask 40 women, 25 or more will agree. In the North, almost all will.

Choose the ones her parents are already dead and don't have many siblings to reduce your "in-law" responsibilities and the number of weddings, disturbance or burials you'll attend or waste money on in the future.

Now, make sure your farm is always producing, you never run out of money and you never run out of sexual stamina or lose the power of leadership and become a SIMP.

This my big dick, only 1 woman go enjoy am? God forbid!!! 1 woman kills or controls a man faster than any thing.

If a woman becomes the madam of the house, the house is in trouble, but if she lives knowing that her days are numbered and the day she misbehaves, she leaves, she'll live with you with respect and loyalty.

If you're a SIMP or too westernised, avoid polygamy. It's only for rich alphas who can lead.

Look at Ne-yo.

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Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by Dundalk(m): 10:53pm On Mar 11
Yes of course...

We got that right from day one..
Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by iLegendd(m): 11:05pm On Mar 11
If Christianity is holding you back, convert to Islam like Ned, even if you won't go to Mosque.

At the end of the day, we'll all realize the Arabs and the Whites brought their religions to Africa to destabilise our family union and unity where men marry as many as they want and women don't cheat.

Remember, you wont live forever, so enjoy your life with your multiple p*ssies (wives).

Failure to do this, you'll have yourself one greedy and over-entitled Eve monitoring a man like you because she feels she owns you to herself. A woman can never own a man. Every gender has their unfair stars. Enjoy yours.

Some innocent men are in prison because women used their own unfair stars to accuse them. Use yours to enjoy life with freedom and zero heartbreak.

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Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by iLegendd(m): 11:44pm On Mar 11
Also, don't forget that women will always have mood swings. If you're h*rny and she has it as the only wife, you're cooked.

She'll use it to deprive you of pleasure and before you know it, you've started begging for it and from there, you'll begin to bend to be demand and control and start to SIMP just to be inside your wife or girlfriend.

Be wise. Never put yourself in a position of no option.


Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by Dundalk(m): 11:48pm On Mar 11
If Christianity is holding you back, convert to Islam like Ned, even if you won't go to Mosque.

At the end of the day, we'll all realize the Arabs and the Whites brought their religions to Africa to destabilise our family union and unity where men marry as many as they want and women don't cheat.

Remember, you wont live forever, so enjoy your life with your multiple p*ssies (wives).

Failure to do this, you'll have yourself one greedy and over-entitled Eve monitoring a man like you because she feels she owns you to herself. A woman can never own a man. Every gender has their unfair stars. Enjoy yours.

Some innocent men are in prison because women used their own unfair stars to accuse them. Use yours to enjoy life with freedom and zero heartbreak.
Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by effixxyguy1: 1:12am On Mar 12
Also, don't forget that women will always have mood swings. If you're h*rny and she has it as the only wife, you're cooked.

She'll use it to deprive you of pleasure and before you know it, you've started begging for it and from there, you'll begin to bend to be demand and control and start to SIMP just to be inside your wife or girlfriend.

Be wise. Never put yourself in a position of no option.
hmm. Are you supporting cheating now abi what options did you mean?

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Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by iLegendd(m): 1:52am On Mar 12
hmm. Are you supporting cheating now abi what options did you mean?

A man is not cheating if his intention is to expand his harem—he is simply living by his chosen path.

Life is about defining your direction and embracing it fully. Men, by nature, are polygamous. However, when the West realized that allowing Africa to continue practicing polygamy would lead to an overwhelming population advantage, they imposed monogamy, branding our ancestors' way of life as sinful.

So, where do you stand—poly or mono? Once you've chosen your path, you must abide by its rules.

A polygamist does not cheat because he is entitled to multiple women. He has the right for more.

A monogamist cheats because he is restricted to only one. So, he should obey his path and stick with her alone and she'll show him pepper soon.

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Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by Baronthecelebri: 5:31am On Mar 12
Also, don't forget that women will always have mood swings. If you're h*rny and she has it as the only wife, you're cooked.

She'll use it to deprive you of pleasure and before you know it, you've started begging for it and from there, you'll begin to bend to be demand and control and start to SIMP just to be inside your wife or girlfriend.
If she refuse to give me Bleep, I meet another woman, simple
Be wise. Never put yourself in a position of no option.
Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by Baronthecelebri: 5:32am On Mar 12
If she refuse I'll meet another woman
Also, don't forget that women will always have mood swings. If you're h*rny and she has it as the only wife, you're cooked.

She'll use it to deprive you of pleasure and before you know it, you've started begging for it and from there, you'll begin to bend to be demand and control and start to SIMP just to be inside your wife or girlfriend.
If she refuse to give me Bleep, I meet another woman, simple
Be wise. Never put yourself in a position of no option.
Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by Hullcity: 7:11am On Mar 12
I love this writeup

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Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by StillDtruth: 7:04pm On Mar 12
Only a fool listens to bad and foolish advice such as this.
Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by StillDtruth: 7:08pm On Mar 12

A man is not cheating if his intention is to expand his harem—he is simply living by his chosen path.

Life is about defining your direction and embracing it fully. Men, by nature, are polygamous. However, when the West realized that allowing Africa to continue practicing polygamy would lead to an overwhelming population advantage, they imposed monogamy, branding our ancestors' way of life as sinful.

So, where do you stand—poly or mono? Once you've chosen your path, you must abide by its rules.

A polygamist does not cheat because he is entitled to multiple women. He has the right for more.

A monogamist cheats because he is restricted to only one. So, he should obey his path and stick with her alone and she'll show him pepper soon.

What a stupid presentation.

Is cheating not when you do not tell your first partner that you are a multi partner racker?

Just say you want people to suffer and die like you are.

We can all see the bad things and shits you have been through.

It's even crazy that you should be telling men to have more than one wives as if they do not already know to do it
Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by iLegendd(m): 7:51pm On Mar 12
Kindly ignore the nonentity above. This is not the first time he's crossing my path. Since things didn't go well the first time, hatred and bitterness took over. I wish him speedy recovery.


Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by dkidd: 8:11pm On Mar 12
Only a fool listens to bad and foolish advice such as this.

It's called choice... Allow people live their lives in peace
Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by StillDtruth: 6:22am

It's called choice... Allow people live their lives in peace

This applies to him too.

Anyway he gave his own advice I gave mine and people now have choices.
Re: Marry More Than One, And Here's Why by StillDtruth: 6:25am
Kindly ignore the nonentity above. This is not the first time he's crossing my path. Since things didn't go well the first time, hatred and bitterness took over. I wish him speedy recovery.

Says the one who has been bitterly lamenting since one olosho left him even after all his best grooming and skills to follow one pastor.

You obviously have never recovered.

And see it when you talk these days people ignore you.

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