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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? (2424 Views)
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Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by MrWhy1(m): 5:19pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Most of our people especially gullible ones in the diaspora ran away because they couldn't stand the heat in the kitchen. Now, they want to tell us how to organize and run our country from a distant land? How sensible is that? At the outset of the North African revolution, many of their comrades outside came back to take active part despite the dangers on the ground. Some even took up arms in the case of Libya to fight.That is real Patriotism and passion to want to see their country change. In our own case, we have our peeps shouting and cursing from afar.Internet brave men and women. If war broke out in Nigeria, they would be the first to say," Thank God I left that God forsaken country", while their hosts treat them as riff raffs. Have you got integrity? Stop making the loudest noise. 1 Like |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by manny4life(m): 5:43pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
^^^ Dude, your post reeks with so much hatred and bitterness, damn ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I won't speak for others, but in the Norther African Revolution, they came together for "ONE PURPOSE". Fuel subsidy, though I DON'T SUPPORT THE REMOVAL "now" BUT it's not for "one purpose" reason why people should return. Give me a GOOD and STRONG reason (like Nigeria planning to split, protest against Corruption, Boko Haram, Insecurity et al), and you will see people stand for the fight. BTW, how do you know that people haven't returned home to fight for what they believe in? ![]() ![]() ![]() While our host treats us as riff raffs? Brother, you gat jokes yo. What has Nigeria offered Nigerians? What has your lovely leaders done to serve and protect you, your family and properties? Rather Nigerians are served with a platter of pains and anguish topped with hot misery, enslaved in their own country, bound by the shackles of modern day slavery and corruption, YET, you look at others and point an accusing finger ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by Kobojunkie: 5:58pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
@Poster, I just have one question. What has integrity to do with noise making? ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by Nobody: 6:00pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Mr--Why: Because we think outside the BOX ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by nastydamus(m): 6:10pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Probably coz when they leave Nigeria's shores, they see a semblance of how good life can be if leaders decide to do the right thing? |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by Beaf: 6:19pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
@OP You pointed out a lot of things indeed! If you have followed discussions on NL very closely, you will find that practically all the organisers of the protest ran abroad the week before. Check it anywhere you can, here on NL, facebook, tweeter etc and you will find that they are ALL abroad. That fact begins to draw questions of why they all ran away. There is genuine pain from the subsidy removal, no doubt, but that couldn't have made them run away and innocent people do not run. As you pointed out, in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and the other places these folk love to echo; those in diaspora actually returned to organise the streets, supply services or hit the warfront as in Libya. Its strange indeed that "patriots" should run away to organise a protest. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by MrWhy1(m): 6:19pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
manny4life: What hatred? Why should I feel hatred? Na wetin u get wey I go feel hatred? Abegi, free talk jare. Just stating the obvious here. Many who came back and took up government post are among the most corrupt that is milking this country dry; check their profiles including that "glorified" Okonjo(her cheek would make a good meat for soup) amongst others. I am not trying to compare or contrast. Just saying that the platitudes from thousand miles ought to seize. We need a grassroots approach to make huge changes and not internet drumming. Bro, I seen many like you during my visits outside including our so called intellectuals. All they know how to do is speak Big grammar and narrate baseless political philosophies. A perfect definition of an empty suit. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by MrWhy1(m): 6:27pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Beaf: You understand my point. You wanna see for yourself Mr Beaf? Just go to embassies and see those crying foul on how they are finding way to run out of the country. Nigeria is experience the most interesting time in her history and we have these "internet warriors" all crying foul from Antarctica. The funny thing is that, they are not the real Nigerians feeling the pain. They sit in their "comfortable" environment and lament. Do they want to contribute concretely? Let them come back and engage in grassroots work. Bunch of noise makers. 1 Like |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by MrWhy1(m): 6:30pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Kobojunkie: Because when you talk too much over and over and over and overrrrrrrrrrr again with a Loud voice without acting. Your words become platitudes; thereby you loose Integrity. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by violent(m): 6:33pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Mr--Why: I'm not usually the type to insult people on the internet, but if you think like this on a regular day, then it may be a sign that you are naturally dumb! People are abroad for many reasons you i[i]d[/i]iot!. . would you expect me to seriously stay back in Nigeria and lose out of a deal worth millions simply because I'd like to make a protest? don't be s[i]t[/i]upid, the fact that people abroad raised their voices shows they are concerned about their country, they have the option of doing nothing like several thousands of people back home! |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by isalegan2: 6:37pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
"Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair?" Because you don't live on the the shores of Nigeria 12 months of the year does not mean you lose the right to address the issues concerning Nigeria. Most people plan to return. I don't see anyone complaining about interference when diasporans send billions of dollars home every year to help citizens provide what the government refuses to provide, the basic necessities of life! |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by manny4life(m): 6:40pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Mr--Why: Hatred speak volume, I need not explain further even the Holy Bible (if you believe in it) said --- Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So go figure on that one. Hatred or perhaps hate is not until when someone has/get something, people express hate differently, some express hate through their crimes, some express it orally and vocally, while some express it through other means, either way, their actions speaks volume, Many who came back and took up government post are amongst the corrupt? Ngozi Iweala is now corrupt because she said NO to subsidy? SMH once again, like your types including media sources (Sahara) being the lead, your attempts to detriment her image has proven futile on several occasions, give me crimes she's involved with, and committed, and I will stand against her, till then, she's just an employee of the FG and at certain times, it's OK that I'm not to be pleased with her decision but it WILL NOT change the FACT I will call her corrupt. Oh, don't worry about her cheeks, her cheeks has always been that way, I don't see how relevant her cheeks is ![]() ![]() ![]() Lest you forget, same Northern Africans you talked about used the same internet media to coordinate their activities, so what's the beef now again with the internet and thousands of miles away? ![]() ![]() ![]() You have seen many like me? Isn't it rather ironic that if you had indeed seen many like me, you will know there different people with different reasoning. What has Big grammar and baseless political philosophies got to do with this? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Exactly, we're an empty suit but don't forget, STOP pointing accusing fingers at others, because three other fingers are pointing right back at you. Like they always say, DON'T HATE THE PLAYERS, HATE THE GAME. Nigerians regardless of where they are are just the players of the game called Nigeria, hold those (your leaders) who run the game called Nigeria RESPONSIBLE. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by manny4life(m): 6:49pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Mr--Why: There you go again with your one-eye opened statements. "The funny thing is that, they are not the real Nigerians feeling the pain. They sit in their "comfortable" environment and lament". You know what, people are not angry and bitter as you are, many people have conscience, I might not be the one lamenting, you're right, I'm in my comfortable environ, but how does that change the fact I cannot relate with what's going on? Again, people are not angry and bitter like you, I might not be home, but the important thing is touch lives , By the grace of God, last year thanksgiving and Christmas , my brother and I did, and I'm happy we both did and I really care any less what a an angry person says. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by Arosa(m): 6:53pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political. It's because you guys back home are too dull, you don't know what to fight for or when to fight. we have no other choice than to keep shouting at you until you get things right. You should also know that many of us are never coming back home, so it your life. But we care nevertheless. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by MrWhy1(m): 7:04pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
manny4life: Bros, you still dey preach. Kumbayah as they say in America ![]() President Jonathan is a good man with good intentions and great ideas for this country. The problem I have is those that are trying to undermine him including noise makers from and in the diaspora. manny4life you sound collected and articulate.Start a blog for in depth analysis based on grassroots approach like the North Africans did(many of them who initiated change were blogger's). What I meant by " I have come across likes of you" is that you sound all intellectual like others out there but with no force. Cmon man, lets start some action ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by MrWhy1(m): 7:10pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Arosa: A classic case of a lost sheep and among the very people who make the loudest noise. Go and tell the bolded to African Americans who have never felt at home in Northern Hemisphere despite living there for centuries. Do you know the true meaning of "home" despite it's shortcomings? Accept the fact that you need to have your head examined. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by koruji(m): 7:10pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
People writing foolish stuff and beating the strawman to death. What does being abroad have to with anything? You are the same ones posting statements by a UN official praising GEJ. And GEJ himself was bragging about praises he received from Obama a couple of months back. Yet, your own countrymen are of no value to you because they live abroad!!!! For your information, the labor of the disapora Nigerians you disparage contribute $10 billion to the Nigerian economy annually - more than all the subsidy over which GEJ and his goons are willing to shoot at their countrymen, and without which the economy will collapse under their able management. Lazy thinking people. Beaf: manny4life: Mr--Why: |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by Nobody: 7:11pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
manny4life: Oh, so you believe in the Bible, abi? Do you also believe in it when you insult people for no reason but then when they reply you, you quickly go edit your original post so that you look innocent and the other party looks like the aggressor, whereas you actually started the fight? That one is not in your Bible, abi? Oh, or because the Bible did not specifically mention NairaLand thats why you feel you can commit all sorts of evil on here? The "Hate" you quoted up there, how do you express your own? Vocally, Mentally, through Means, or by Actions? Rubbish hypocrite. Coming here quoting the Bible, yet the evil in their heart is longer than the Tappan Zee . . . . P.S: As for you, poster, I don't even know what to say to you. What about those that were born here (but only visited Nigeria occasionally), or those that were raised here? So, if they have love for Nigeria even though their whole lives are concentrated here they shouldn't be vocal about it? 'cause I don't get the point you're trying to make. ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by manny4life(m): 7:17pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
kingoflag: You are one angry brother, let's bury yesterday beef and move on, ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes o, I'm a FIRM BELIEVER in the Bible, dude, all through yesterday, DID I insult you eh? Reply me what? I edited my post due to writing errors (distraction + typing with my phone) , and I told you, ain't no shame in my game. Why should I be ashamed because I made errors I know that I could easily correct? Like seriously, you really thought I don't know how to write or compose in English? Brother, if that's your beef with me eh, forget it eh, no harm. Dude, I did not pick any fight with you, you insulted me FIRST, you were the one making mockery of my errors despite your failed attempts to answer my question, you were the first who posted the first funny pics about laughing seal or sea lion (whichever it is), you called me HOT AIR several times, you even went as far to say when was the last time I got laid, that I need se.x, so my brother, where did I go wrong? ![]() ![]() ![]() Finally, I don't entertain hate in me and if I show my dislike, I do so by writing, I love to write, because while I'm writing, it flows through me (forget the errors of yesterday, it's common), as for @OP, I only said hate because he was exhibiting a few characteristic of hate, anyway, I can understand his view but categorizing everyone who live oversees as such is WRONG Anyway, my NY brother, TRUCE? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by MrWhy1(m): 7:28pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
koruji: Another noise maker always bragging about how much he is got.Come and fight, die for your country like the Americans, French, Russians, North Africans, South Africans and many other revolutionaries did for their country(the so called "comfortable environment" you are enjoying now) and then we will know. Stop quoting fiat money. The Libyans didn't when Medical doctors and big time businessmen and so on came back to liberate their country. Cowardly Boko Haram is trying to cause mayhem. What are you noise makers doing? All you know how to do is rant and ramble and curse your MOTHERLAND. Do you know that a lot of Americans came back to join the military after 9/11? Man UP and stop giving excuses- we have heard all that before. Can you think? |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by tpia5: 7:40pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Most of our people especially gullible ones in the diaspora ran away because they couldn't stand the heat in the kitchen. Now, they want to tell us how to organize and run our country from a distant land? hope you're not calling we diasporans cowards ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by koruji(m): 7:42pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
What ever you say, you and GEJ will lose this fight, if he doesn't do what is right. You may just get your death wish too. Mr--Why: |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by antartica(m): 7:44pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Coming from a relatively sane world to lead home base nigerians who doesnt really understand that the man made problems they are facing are worth dying for will be like a full fledge sane person/s leading some bunch of headless chickens to a brutal war. Nobody can liberate U. Liberation is a call,a call that comes from within, a call of awareness and a call of freedom. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by Arosa(m): 7:44pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Mr--Why: It's interesting to note that you think people should stay in their country of origin for all eternity. In this day and age, where man is travelling to outer space and deliberating about colonising other planets, you still harbour this narrow mindset. I beg to differ. I envisage a future of ethnically diverse countries. After all, Europeans hardly confined themselves to their own countries, did they? On the contrary, they felt very much (perhaps a little too much) at home wherever they emigrated to. Black people have a choice - stay in a hellhole or go out into the world and become part of other nations. Regarding the racism we face in the diaspora, this is our fight and we will need to deal with it. The truth is, black people are becoming more and more part of the societies they emigrate to. For example, there is now a black American president; there are prominent black scientists, entrepreneurs, etc. in the diaspora. Every person can choose where he wants to call home. Humans have been migrating since the stone age and will continue to do so. At the end of the day, home is where you can achieve your full potential. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by MrWhy1(m): 7:45pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
tpia@: You get liver? koruji: No be today guy. E don tey. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by Kobojunkie: 7:48pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Mr--Why: Still don't think this response quite answers it because the dictionary meaning of the word does not seem to agree with anything you have said on it so far. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by Akanbiedu(m): 7:50pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
It can get very lonely out there, you know. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by manny4life(m): 7:50pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Mr--Why: I know say I still dey preach, what else can I do? Kwasia (not you though) The issue of subsidy is eating up amongst Nigerians, it's a problem that know no tribe, religion, ethnicity or what have you. I'm not so familiar with the subsidy thing sef, so I've abstained from arguments arising from it; however, I've being able to do some reading, and though process on this issue. My belief supports my formed opinion about the basic premise of fuel subsidy; I encourage the removal of subsidy ONLY IF terms and conditions are met, in this case, they were not and as such, I have shown displeasure amongst the hierarchy involved in this activity. Ngozi on the other hand, I have no beef with the woman, but as a human, she will more likely than not make wrong policies, we all do and I'm not obligated to accept her policies because she was once a WBG top employee. As for the budget, if you look on the threads about the budget, I showed no bias and out rightly condemned and rejected the budget because the budget does not accurately reflect the true realities of what facing Nigerians today. From Agriculture, to healthcare and then the Capital Expenditures, for a nation targeting a 2020 vision to be amongst the G-20 was absolutely POOR and AWFUL. As for President Good luck Jonathan, I strongly believe in him, however, until recently, I'm made to believe though he has good intentions, he's sought of weak and not courageous to face the pitfall that are gradually been dug for him. I also believe he lacks the mannerism to persuasively communicate his thoughts and reasoning. Nigerians need to be persuaded, if as leaders you cannot persuade your followers even at the mouth of death, hmm, there's something wrong. Brother, I wish I could start a blog, but there isn't time on my schedule, ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by Roland17(m): 7:56pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
So because people live outside their country of origin means they have no right to contribute to the political and socio-economic debates that happen in their country? you honestly need to travel and see my friend, you might possible understand what dividends of democracy truly means, especially in a country of many. am i also supposed to remind you that Nigerians in the diaspora have financially supported and sponsored numerous Government projects, especially health? My friend grow up, lets unite against corruption that has bedeviled our dear nation, |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by nateevs(m): 8:01pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Another lonely man desperate for attention. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by musiwa43: 8:02pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
that why. their family in nigeria
Re: Why Do Nigerians In Diaspora Make The Loudest Voice On Nigeria Political Affair? by LogicMind: 8:06pm On Jan 07, 2012 |
Mr Why is so bitter. Dem deport you or what? |
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