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Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? - Religion - Nairaland

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Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by LagosShia: 1:18am On Jan 16, 2012
It's typical of Christians. Many of them boast with pride about the Biblical Jesus' character thinking that anyone who reads about him would be so amazed by the beautiful character of this man that they will just simply submit to the Gospels at once. Well this only works for people who use their emotions and not their intellect. I have read the Gospels and as a so-called 'God Incarnate', I don't find the Biblical Jesus to be impressive at all. As for a human Prophet, I think I can rank the Biblical Jesus 'Average' and as for an ordinary man, I would have to admit that he is a great man, but nothing more.

Let me give some reasons as to why I am not as impressed by the Biblical Jesus as Christians would want me to.

- The Biblical Jesus Wasn't a Great Example of How To Talk To One's Mother
- The Biblical Jesus Didn't Know How To Preach Properly
- The Biblical Jesus Told his Disciples to Take a Donkey and Colt Without the Owner's Permission
- The Biblical Jesus Didn't Make it a Sin To Call Non Christians 'Fools'
- The Biblical Jesus Was a Curse
- The Biblical Jesus Accused God of Abandoning Him
- The Biblical Jesus Showed Unwillingness To Do His Mission
- The Biblical Jesus Referred To The Gentiles As 'Dogs'
- The Biblical Jesus Refused to Heal a Sick Child Until His Mother Pressured Him
- The Biblical Jesus Taught Us to Love Satan
- The Biblical Jesus' Unfair Law of Divorce
- The Biblical Jesus Purposely Goes Out To Be Tempted By The Devil
- The Biblical Jesus Didn't Let One Disciple To Attend His Father's Funeral Or The Other To Bid His Family Farewell
- The Biblical Jesus Prioritized Himself Over the Poor
- The Biblical Jesus Didn't Offer Practical Solutions to The World's Problems

The Biblical Jesus Wasn't a Great Example of How To Talk To One's Mother

The Biblical Jesus is not a very good role model to follow when it comes to knowing how to speak to your mother. Let us observe how the Biblical Jesus spoke to his mother,

John 2:3-4
3When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine." 4"Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied, "My time has not yet come."

This is definitely not an appropriate way to speak to your mother. "Why do you involve me?" How can a respectable role model say such a thing to his mother?

Donald Arthur (D. A.) Carson says.
The form of address, gynai ('Dear Woman'), though thoroughly courteous, is not normally an endearing term, nor the form of address preffered by a son addressing a much loved mother. (D.A. Carson, The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel According to John, Commentary on John 2:1-11, p. 170)

One might argue back that Jesus' statement to his mother was not rude. However, as D.A. Carson indirectly admits, Jesus could (and should if he is the perfect example to follow) have chosen his words better when speaking to his mother.
In another passage, the Biblical Jesus says,

Matthew 12:47-49
47Someone told him, "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you."[a]
48He replied to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" 49Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers.

New Testament scholar Craig L. Blomberg says in his commentary.

Jesus does not directly address his family but does implicitly rebuke them. They deserve no preferential treatment. Human kinship does not take priority over spiritual kinship, and Jesus is busy ministering to crowds that include his spiritual family. On calling disciples his brothers, cf. Heb 2:11; also cf. Matthew 28:10. The 'will of God', as through out Matthew, means obedience to God's commands by following Jesus. Matthew does say what Mary thought of her unusual son at this point in his career, but the most natural reading of Mark 3:21 would include her among those who thought he was 'out of his mind'. His brothers are singularly umimpressed and in no way yet his supporters (cf. John 7:1-5). Given the strong family ties in ancient Palestine, Jesus' attitude here would have proved as shocking as in 8:22 and 10:37. (Craig L. Blomberg, The New American Commentary, Commentary on Matthew 12:48-50, pp. 208-209, added emphasis is mine)

It appears that even Jesus' mother and disciples had a problem with his attitude (to the extent that they thought he was out of his mind!).

The Biblical Jesus Didn't Know How To Preach Properly

Jesus wasn't a good preacher,

Matthew 23:33
33"You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?

Luke 11:40
40You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also?

Matthew 16:23
23Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."

What type of perfect role model is this to follow? He went around insulting people while he preached, while at the same time he told his followers to show love to their enemies? He even went so far as calling one of his disciples "Satan"!! Why couldn't Jesus be more patient and hold his tongue?
Jesus even got a bit physical at times,

John 2:15
13When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. 15So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16To those who sold doves he said, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!"

What authority did Jesus have to do such a thing? This story seems to teach us that vigilantism is okay at times.
Jesus also had a problem trying to communicate his teachings clearly. See this article.

The Biblical Jesus Told his Disciples to Take a Donkey and Colt Without the Owner's Permission

Matthew 21:1-3
1As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, 2saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away."

I don't think that Jesus' orders were ethical at this point. You must ask the owner for permission to borrow something from him or at least buy it or rent it from him. Some will argue that Jesus needed the donkey to fulfill a prophecy. But why would God want Jesus to commit a sin in order to fulfill a prophecy?

The Biblical Jesus Didn't Make it a Sin To Call Non Christians 'Fools'

Jesus made it clear that one cannot call his brother (spiritual brother) a fool,

Matthew 5:22

22But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca,' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.

Brother in the above verse does not mean 'brother in humanity'. Because if it did then Jesus would be a hypocrite for he would have broken his own command.

Matthew 23:17

17You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred?

So it seems that Jesus made it a big deal for one to call his Christian brother a fool, while we don't see the same warning or condemnation if one were to do it with a non-Christian.

The Biblical Jesus Was a Curse

The Bible says that Jesus became a curse,
Galatians 3:13
13Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."
Now that's not a nice thing to be, now is it?

The Biblical Jesus Accused God of Abandoning Him

Jesus allegedly said on the cross,

Matthew 27:46

46About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"?which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

How can a righteous Prophet speak to his Lord in such a way? How can he accuse God of forsaking him, especially when God has promised to not forsake those who truly seek him (Psalm 9:10) and are faithful (Psalm 37:28)?

The Biblical Jesus Showed Unwillingness To Do His Mission

The following verses show that Jesus was not willing to fulfill his mission,

Matthew 26:39

'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken away from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will'

Matthew 26:42

He went away a second time and prayed, 'My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done'

Mark 14:36

"'Abba, Father,' he said, 'everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will"

Luke 22:41-42

'Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done'

This shows that Jesus kept complaining to the Father; asking him to end the mission. Why would Jesus continue doing such a thing if he supposedly knew that his crucifixion should and was bound to happen? If he was a perfect role model, shouldn't he have been motivated to do God's will instead of being all depressed and hesitant about it?

The Biblical Jesus Referred To The Gentiles As 'Dogs'

The Biblical Jesus said,

Matthew 15:26

26He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs."

The Jews used to use the word 'dogs' as a derogatory term in order to refer to the Gentiles. Christians argue back that Jesus only used this term because it was common language back at that time and so the woman would have known what Jesus was speaking about.
This is a pathetic excuse. Jesus should have come and abolished this silly practice of referring to Gentiles as 'dogs'. If he wanted to communicate to the lady regarding Gentiles, he could have simply said 'Gentiles' and she would have understood. He didn't have that to use that term and continue allowing this silly and offensive practice to continue.

The Biblical Jesus Refused to Heal a Sick Child Until His Mother Pressured Him

The following incident is related to the story above,

Matthew 15:22-28
22A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession."
23Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us."
24He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."
25The woman came and knelt before him. "Lord, help me!" she said.
26He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs."
27"Yes, Lord," she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table."
28Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

I would expect that a 'God incarnate' person who is ultimately merciful wouldn't think twice before helping a sick child, especially since he has the power to do so.

The Biblical Jesus Taught Us to Love Satan

Jesus taught us to love our enemies,

Matthew 5:44-45

44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

Satan happens to be our enemy,

1 Peter 5:8

8Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Therefore, according to Jesus we should love Satan.

The Biblical Jesus' Unfair Law of Divorce

Jesus talked about divorce,

Matthew 5:32
But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.
Matthew 19:9
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

Truly this is an illogical law. Divorce is ONLY allowed if the other spouse cheats on the other? What if we are married and find out that we can't bear each other's attitude? Does this mean that we are forced to stay married to those we cannot be compatible with?

Why does the woman become an adulteress if she is divorced by her husband? He is the one, who initiated the divorce, so why does she become an adulteress?
It's an illogical law indeed.

The Biblical Jesus Purposely Goes Out To Be Tempted By The Devil

When one reads the story of Jesus' temptation in Matthew Chapter 4 you will see that this could have a negative influence on a person. For the story shows that Jesus purposely went out seeking the devil and put himself in a tight situation in which the devil was trying to tempt him.

This could influence people to purposely go out to bad places (e.g. parties, bars) and challenge themselves not to commit sin there so that they may 'over come' and 'defeat' the devil. This is putting one self in danger. I see Jesus being a bad role model here. Instead he should teach us to avoid the devil as much as possible and if we are to ever encounter him, then we resist him. Not to go out on purpose to seek the devil and then try to resist him.

The Biblical Jesus Didn't Let One Disciple To Attend His Father's Funeral Or The Other To Bid His Family Farewell

Following is a conversation that Jesus had with his disciples,

Luke 9:59-62

59He said to another man, "Follow me."
But the man replied, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father."
60Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."
61 Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family."
62Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."

This is a very insensitive thing to do. Look at the cold-hearted reply Jesus gave to that man, "Let the dead bury their own dead"! We are talking about a man's father here! How can Jesus reply back to him in such an insensitive way regarding a man's dead father?
Also, Jesus didn't allow another man to return to his family and bid them farewell. Imagine the pain and worry that this family went through when they weren't informed about the man's whereabouts.
Jesus did not even allow these people to take a break for around an hour to attend to very urgent family issues. He showed no open mindedness or mercy to these people. He did not bother trying to understand their current situation.
Truly, I am very unimpressed.

The Biblical Jesus Prioritized Himself Over the Poor

We read,
Mark 14:3-8
3While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.
4Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, "Why this waste of perfume? 5It could have been sold for more than a year's wages[a] and the money given to the poor." And they rebuked her harshly.
6"Leave her alone," said Jesus. "Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 7The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. 8She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial.

Indeed this is very strange. The people who rebuked the woman were right. How can she break a whole jar of very expensive perfume just in order to apply it on Jesus' body? She could have sold it and gave much money to the poor as her critics rightfully argued.
Instead of agreeing with them, Jesus defended the woman and said that she was correct in doing so. He said that they will have several chances to help the poor later on, but since Jesus was staying temporarily with them he should be taken as a priority and basically be pampered with expensive perfume applied on him to prepare himself for his burial.
I am very unimpressed with the Biblical Jesus' attitude here.

The Biblical Jesus Didn't Offer Practical Solutions to The World's Problems

One advantage that I definitely find in Islam over Christianity is that Islam offers practical solutions to problems. (e.g. Hajj and standing close in prayer to destroy racism, Islamic Sharia law to deal with criminals, etc.) However, I don't see this in Christianity. I feel that the teachings found in Christianity are too idealistic and are only practical in a utopia.

For instance, Jesus tells a man to sell everything he owns and give it to the poor. (Luke 12:33)

This is going a bit too far. Sure, we must be generous, but it is illogical to sell EVERYTHING you have and give it to the poor. If you end up following this faulty advice, you will end up like that poor person that you were trying to help.

Jesus said that if someone steals from you, don't try to get it back. (Luke 6:30) and he also said that if someone hits you, invite them to do it again. (Matthew 5:39).

Again this is illogical. We should stand up for ourselves and not let criminals take advantage over our character.

Someone may argue back that Jesus is not being literal in these verses. I will accept this for the sake of argument. However, my main problem is that Jesus keeps saying to us to be good yet he gives us no practical ways on how to do so.
For instance, Jesus condemns fornication and adultery yet he offers no practical ways for us to avoid it (Islam offers several ways e.g. instituting a modest dress code for women or prohibiting free mixing between different genders, etc.).
I can give several examples, but I think the readers have understood what I am trying to say.


There is really nothing that impressive about the character of the Biblical Jesus once he is scrutinized under the microscope. I believe Christians should stop bragging about him for there is seriously nothing that much to boast about.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Goshen360(m): 3:22am On Jan 16, 2012
It appears to me that you are finding faults in Jesus. However, I will attempt to answers all your questions if you are willing to keep an open mind. I cant do much if your mind is made up in finding fault. The reason being that, a carnally mind person cannot understand the things of the Spirit of God. However, I will want to know your stand in this statement then we can continue or not: Do you believe or accept the fact that, Jesus was operating under the old testament during His days while He was also setting up a new testament? for a testament is not in effect until the death of the testator. Heb 9:15-18. I will answer all of your questions on the above verses when I know if you accept the above fact or not.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Nobody: 7:30am On Jan 16, 2012
To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life.

Chose life
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by highland(m): 8:29am On Jan 16, 2012
Jesus is a person of God.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by bright007(f): 9:08am On Jan 16, 2012
@poster:Now I know who you are truly a sadducee $ å pharisee.
Even after your myopic brain has led you into blasphemy,I want you to know dat the Biblical Jesus was greater $ was more of a genuine prophet if compared to ur god-of-the-moon-worshipping Muhammed.

First of all:Jesus was born of å virgin and I believe ur comic book(d quran) also fed that in ur deaf hears.That cannot be said of muhammed who was once worshipping d moon.
Also,I believe those long-beared pharisee u call your imam should have told u that Jesus is d greatest of all d prophets that ever grazed d earth.
I pray Jesus will visit you the way he visited Paul.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by LagosShia: 9:22am On Jan 16, 2012

It appears to me that you are finding faults in Jesus. However, I will attempt to answers all your questions if you are willing to keep an open mind. I cant do much if your mind is made up in finding fault. The reason being that, a carnally mind person cannot understand the things of the Spirit of God. However, I will want to know your stand in this statement then we can continue or not: Do you believe or accept the fact that, Jesus was operating under the old testament during His days while He was also setting up a new testament? for a testament is not in effect until the death of the testator. Heb 9:15-18. I will answer all of your questions on the above verses when I know if you accept the above fact or not.

please stop addressing me.this isn't about me.also it isn't about Muhammad (sa).even though Muhammad (sa) as all prophets of God in Islam are faultless and sinless based on the Quran,you people still criticize and do not remember to find excuses.this isn't about carnal or spirit.this is about biblical Jesus.was he great? how and who was he? he was sent by God according to the bible as a prophet and teacher.was he exemplary or a hypocrite? was he misleading? if "god" in human flesh according to christianity can behave as such then how much less would ordinary men behave?what is the moral lesson in his behaviour? i know when we point out the in.cest,adul.tery,pros.titution of previous prophets like Noah,Judah and Lot in the bible and based on the bible,christians give excuse of "old covenant" and that they were under the law and they of the flesh and only Jesus in the bible was perfect and sinless.now the test is for Jesus.how different,moral,exemplary,descent,and great was he?

i do not need you to address me because i posted a great article.i even need not to bother myself in replying you guys.you can feel free to reply point by point of the article and defend your "lord and saviour".
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Arosa(m): 11:46am On Jan 16, 2012
@ LagosShia, I will like to address this part of your article.
The Biblical Jesus Taught Us to Love Satan
Jesus taught us to love our enemies,

This for me is what gave me the conviction that Jesus is Son of God. Jesus understand what evil is all about, and that the only way to erase or rather overcome it, is through love. God is love. Jesus came to show us the kingdom of God. In that kingdom there is no evil, when you start prying for your enemies instead of fighting them, the vicious circle of evil will end. that is what Jesus stood for.   
Matthew 5:44-45

44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by terrifikjo(m): 12:18pm On Jan 16, 2012

you can feel free to reply point by point of the article and defend your "lord and saviour".

May God forgive you and have mercy on your soul,
You blaspheme the son of God!!!
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by LagosShia: 6:02pm On Jan 16, 2012

@ LagosShia, I will like to address this part of your article.
This for me is what gave me the conviction that Jesus is Son of God. Jesus understand what evil is all about, and that the only way to erase or rather overcome it, is through love. God is love. Jesus came to show us the kingdom of God. In that kingdom there is no evil, when you start prying for your enemies instead of fighting them, the vicious circle of evil will end. that is what Jesus stood for.

oh yeah! but when he went into the temple with a whip beating people and scattering their money and turning their tables it looks like he forgot his words!!!

but for ashewos and gross sinners,you support them,embrace them and dont even mind if they flourish in your very own places of worship.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Arosa(m): 7:11pm On Jan 16, 2012

oh yeah! but when he went into the temple with a whip beating people and scattering their money and turning their tables it looks like he forgot his words!!!

but for ashewos and gross sinners,you support them,embrace them and dont even mind if they flourish in your very own places of worship.

God loves ashewos and all sinners. that is why he send Jesus to us. Selling and gambling in the temples in the eyes of Jesus was a form of corruption or exploitation, that was counterproductive to the will of God. So he had to sanitise it. The priests in the temple were hypocrites, unlike the sinners who were just ignorant. Jesus has no hate in his heart.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by ShiaMuslim: 10:18pm On Jan 16, 2012

God loves ashewos and all sinners. that is why he send Jesus to us. Selling and gambling in the temples in the eyes of Jesus was a form of corruption or exploitation, that was counterproductive to the will of God. So he had to sanitise it. The priests in the temple were hypocrites, unlike the sinners who were just ignorant. Jesus has no hate in his heart.

but aren't we supposed to love our enemies?
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Arosa(m): 10:33pm On Jan 16, 2012

but aren't we supposed to love our enemies?

Yes especially our enemies. cos that is the only way to get rid of evil. Try it sometime.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by plappville(f): 11:22pm On Jan 16, 2012
First, there is only one Jesus and He is the one discribed by the Holy Bible.
Any other Jesus from other s religous source is not known to Us.

Whatever the bible recorded about Jesus, take it or u leave it.
You are only dissapointed that, he didnt teach fight them, kill them,( Ur) enemies but on the contrary.
This alone shows Who he really is. Love. This same Love God has for us that made him to send Jesus to die for u and i.

You misused words in the article. but also forget some of ur Quranic advises.
Becareful Mr, if ur soul is precious to u, turn to Jesus.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by bashydemy(m): 12:07am On Jan 17, 2012
Thanks Lagoshia for your effort on this, but some brainwashed xtians wont see anything bad in that, that was why i left the religious section for a while
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by bright007(f): 2:57am On Jan 17, 2012
Take it or leave it,Jesus Christ was $ is greater than ur moon worshipping muhammed.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by plappville(f): 11:18am On Jan 17, 2012
@bashy, if there is anyone who is under brainwash, is the Muslims.
Someone just wakeup one day, anf claim hr had revelation from one angel etc.
His deeds were not prophets like, he indulged in all kind of evil manipulations, he promoted Hate and adultery.
A R.apist, a murderer, a judge, a racist. We see all this in the Quran and Hadith and he practived them during his days and these practice still in Progress till date, yet u keep blind eyes and call other brainwashed?? Did Jesus R.ape any eoman or even take other people wife after killing thier husband? Did Jesus share slavr womrn with his disciples for sexual fun?
A man that indulged in all these evil act. By claiming He was a Prophet, yet U cant see his doctrine as proper evil as Discribed by the Holy words of God in The Bible. The counterfait angel Gabriel suddenly dissapear when he was poisoned? He had no more vision to see his days were soon numbered? Common Muslims wake up.
Your souls are gonna rot in condemnation if you insist in Muhammed's doctrine.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Arosa(m): 11:29am On Jan 17, 2012

@bashy, if there is anyone who is under brainwash, is the Muslims.
Someone just wakeup one day, anf claim hr had revelation from one angel etc.
His deeds were not prophets like, he indulged in all kind of evil manipulations, he promoted Hate and adultery.
A R.apist, a murderer, a judge, a racist. We see all this in the Quran and Hadith and he practived them during his days and these practice still in Progress till date, yet u keep blind eyes and call other brainwashed?? Did Jesus R.ape any eoman or even take other people wife after killing thier husband? Did Jesus share slavr womrn with his disciples for intimate fun?
A man that indulged in all these evil act. By claiming He was a Prophet, yet U cant see his doctrine as proper evil as Discribed by the Holy words of God in The Bible. The counterfait angel Gabriel suddenly dissapear when he was poisoned? He had no more vision to see his days were soon numbered? Common Muslims wake up.
Your souls are gonna rot in condemnation if you insist in Muhammed's doctrine.

well said, God is love. A rapist, adulterer and a killer does not know God.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Nobody: 3:06pm On Jan 17, 2012
Muhammed surely will be in hell regretting.

He paid for bible script stories and added tons of lies that doesnt make sense to teach his followers.

Muslims are jealous of christianity, it is very painful for them, they get floured even with words from their evil koran. And when they kill, christians maintain their peace. Never to fight back. This is a torn in their flesh. They are not ready for the truth. Destruction runs in their veins. Their evil prophet of doom. Muhamed has blinded their eyes with lies and deception.

Study the koran, you'll find the apex of deceptions. When 1+1 is two only to become 3 again in another verse due to an instruction from a demon they call angel.

For a lie to be established, it needs a few truths. These few truths, muhamed bought from the jewish rabbi.

Koran is the road to HELL
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by plappville(f): 1:03pm On Jan 30, 2012

Muhammed surely will be in hell regretting.

He paid for bible script stories and added tons of lies that doesnt make sense to teach his followers.

Muslims are jealous of christianity, it is very painful for them, they get floured even with words from their evil koran. And when they kill, christians maintain their peace. Never to fight back. This is a torn in their flesh. They are not ready for the truth. Destruction runs in their veins. Their evil prophet of doom. Muhamed has blinded their eyes with lies and deception.

Study the koran, you'll find the apex of deceptions. When 1+1 is two only to become 3 again in another verse due to an instruction from a demon they call angel.

For a lie to be established, it needs a few truths. These few truths, muhamed bought from the jewish rabbi.

Koran is the road to HELL

So true! Tell them make them hear.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by LagosShia: 2:22pm On Jan 30, 2012
christians and their lack of courage (to face the truth) going violent with verbal assaults again and name calling and insults.
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by billyG(m): 7:23pm On Jan 30, 2012
@lagosshia,i stmble on yur post God forgive me 4 reading yur eyesore,You are a lunatic,opium smoking fanatic 2 blaspheme the son of God didnt yur Koran tell u jesus is the greatest didnt muha said it that on the last day he will handover his follower to jesus to judge.Why do yu always read d scripture upsidedown.i dont hav time to educate yu on all yu wrote i believe u are evil,sent by satan to ridicle the son of God.Well i hav seen worst than yur kind turn a preacher of the Goodnews.apostle paul did worst than yu. angry angry angry angry angry angry
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Knight1(m): 9:13pm On Jan 30, 2012
This is the last topic i expected LagosShia to ever raise. For someone whose "prophet" reeks of so much unmentionable practices; whose lifestyle doesn't reflect a man of integrity, character or even proper moral sense ( the man had so many female companions in one lifetime! for heavens sake!), attempting to poke elsewhere is simply pathetic!
In your[b] First point[/b], even according to your post, the first word there is DEAR yet you dare mention rudeness?
your second point teaching properly is veiling the truth abi? Peter had a name, infact two names; why on earth would satan be added to those? only if you were a bit smarter, you'd know that satan is a spirit (not the type that you people throw physical stones at in Saudi) and can seek to use human beings? On being physical, incase you don't know, it means contact with somebody, there is no record in that scripture that Jesus touched anyone.
third point you didn't see the part where the owner will ask why the colt was being taken, will recieve the answer and SEND THEM RIGHT AWAY-CONSENT? are you even educated dude!!!!
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Knight1(m): 9:30pm On Jan 30, 2012
four had u read verse 16, you'd have known that they were really doing a foolish thing, but then in your blind desperation, you wouldn't have noticed. if by your definition, being a great person requires you not to say the truth it is unpalatable, then continue then; but don't think anyone is less because he does the right thing
five and six together i really wonder HOW you read the bible, because the question you have raised was exactly the point of that scripture and it was thoroughly explained. If a HE came to carry the sins of the world, and recieves a sentence of a curse that he may redeem you and me, and carries the filth of that sin, How do you expect the father who is of purer eyes that cannot behold iniquity to be with him? please read that scripture again and feel very bad at your silliness. IT's so plain in that scripture i'm getting angrier each letter i type angry
point seven unfortunately for you, JEsus was not a robot, he felt every single pain that was inflicted upon him, if being honest about your feelings yet subjecting yourself to the will of Him that sent you is wrong; I don't want to be right! i think that's one of the issues with you guys, you think the outward is totally what matters; in your thinking, you'd have preferred that Jesus kept his feeling to himself- that is what has led to the suppression of people in the islam world, many cannot even dare to ask questions about what they are forced to believe in; all you people care about is looking perfect even when all is wrong!
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Knight1(m): 9:54pm On Jan 30, 2012
on Jesus refusing to heal a child; Jesus quoted an adage. the place he went to (tyre and sidon) were not even part of the so called israel, it was part of the 'dog' grin area AND WE KNOW ANYWHERE HE WENT HE WAS DOING GOOD, so if he didn't intend to heal the child, no pressuring would have done made him do it.
Teaching us to love satan- this is literally to stupid to elicit a response from me
On divorce: that is exactly what should happen. couples should remain together and resolve their differences. they were once compatible, whatever decompatibilized cool them must go. SO that's the excuse you people use for dumping women when you are tired of them? no longer compatible? or cannot bear each other?
That he went to be tempted- i have a question for you? where can you ever go that you will not be tempted?
On the burial of father- If the man's pop had died, he'd be preoccupied with burial arrangements; but he wanted to wait till the old man kicked the bucket before following Jesus, No time for that! that's the cost of following Jesus. nothing insensitive there and to prove that, since you are fast becoming a bible head knowledge guru, you should have no difficulty finding the place where Peter's mum-in-law was sick and JEsus went to the house and healed the woman. so Jesus is not saying you should ignore family and friends, you just must do what is essential at the essential time!
Jesus Prioritised himself over the poor? this would have been tragic if it wasn't so annoying- after reading through the gospels LAgosShia, YOu can open your mouth to say JEsus ever prioritised himself OVER the poor? Not fair! even for your low standards! a man close to his death being annointed with perfume prioritising himself over the poor? WAs he to reject the woman's repentant offering? ( and you'd raise queries if that happened) this point really shows the kind of person you are. a heartless desperate fanatic. SERIOUSLY, HOW CAN YOU EVER EVEN THINK THAT?
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by Knight1(m): 10:08pm On Jan 30, 2012
Boko Haram has been bombing churches, Has any christian bombed a mosque? Yet Jesus was not practical
Pope JOhn Paul was shot by a person but he went to visit the same person in jail? Yet Jesus was not practical
Jesus asks you to forgive your enemies and offenders, Moh'd asks you to catch and kill them; Yet Jesus was not Practical
Jesus asks you to love your neighbor as your self, and Yet JEsus was not Practical
Have you not heard about the MOther THeresas, WEsley Brothers, MArtin Luther Kings; people literally changing the world, Yet LagosShia, a presumed sane mind, says JEsus did not offer solutions to the world's problems?
I COuld go on and on, but i think a normal brain would have seen his foolery by now!
Again i truly didn't expect that You'd ever think to raise questions about the integrity of Jesus Christ when the actions of Mohammed do not even conform to basic human right standards in todays world

As i have once told you,

C'est fini!
Re: Is The Biblical Jesus Such A Great Person? by LagosShia: 10:33pm On Jan 30, 2012
my reaction to all the nonsense and violent words assaulting me and name calling against islam,is to tell these fanatical courage-less christians to please allow the bible talk.i dey watch una.

and just for your info,know that we muslims believe in 'Jesus' but definitely the one we believe in and the one you believe in are very far apart in many aspects.also,only what the bible says about Jesus (as) is being presented.we are not inventing anything to insult him (and God for bid that i do such thing).we are only examining the bible and what it says about Jesus (as).

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