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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? (12166 Views)
I Think Life Is Unfair To Women & Guys Need To Be Realistic! / Why Is Life So Unfair To Single Guys? / Why Is Life So Unfair To Men? (2) (3) (4)
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Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by LaParisienne(f): 10:41pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
-We have to choose between having a high flying career and having a family. -We have to choose between marrying a rich man aka bad boy, and marrying a nice guy who might not be so rich. -We are expected to be mothers, wives, lovers, sisters, housekeepers, career and business women etc. -We are expected to be awesome in the sack. -We have to accept that our men will always cheat(mostly nigerian men). I really really hate this!!! -We are paid a lot less than our male colleagues in the same positions. -And ofcourse the pressure to get married early is there. I spoke with one of my aunts today and she asked me if I'm getting married soon. This same woman has a son who's 5 yrs older than me and he's single. He's doing his Phd now and he's busy travelling around the world, having fun. Marriage is not even in his mind. When I asked her why her son isn't married yet, she said he's a man, he can marry anytime. This got me thinking. Men are really having it easy, I'd love to be a man. All men do is bleep around and make money, they don't have to make tough choices in life. I'm sad ![]() PS: this thread is not a feminists versus misogynists thread. This is just how I feel, useful comments are welcomed 1 Like |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by MrCork17: 10:54pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
Larapasaso. Aint you gots plates to wash or food to cook? white women dont act like this! ![]() |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by MrCork17: 10:55pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
and just in case u lookin for husband, am avalable! ![]() |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by LaParisienne(f): 10:57pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
^^^You are not needed here. |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Flashaldrin(m): 11:07pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
@op, i feel you jare, i really empathise with women and i respect them a lot although believe me, men also have their own challenges, lots of them! 1 Like |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by MrCork17: 11:13pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
La Parisienne: sweery larasarisa. am a lover not a fighter and i be fair to you. was your number? ![]() |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Acidosis(m): 11:14pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
Flashaldrin: Flashaldrin: |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Mynd44: 11:18pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
@OP, why must you obey the laws set by society? Someone here said girls do what their mothers tell them, Ladies do what society tells them and women do what they want. So who are you? Will you continue to let people decide how to live your life or you gonna do your own thing? 1 Like |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by LaParisienne(f): 11:31pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
Mynd_44:I'm a woman. At the same time, I can't alienate myself from the society. Whether we accept it or not, the society plays a big role in our lives. Flashaldrin:Men don't hve many challenges, they have a lot of time in their hands. All they do is bleep and make money. I love being a woman but right now, I wish I were a man. ![]() |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by MrCork17: 11:37pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
*** ^^^ the chick is loookin for husband. trusss me ![]() |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by LaParisienne(f): 11:39pm On Feb 01, 2012 |
^^^I nor get your time today |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by MrCork17: 12:07am On Feb 02, 2012 |
Ok. Back to the topic: Women are made to be loved, not understood ![]() |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Mynd44: 12:08am On Feb 02, 2012 |
La Parisienne:You don't really have to live according to other people's standards. Your happiness is a personal thing not something that should decided by society 1 Like |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by claremont(m): 12:15am On Feb 02, 2012 |
The world is perfectly neutral, and is not fair/unfair to either males or females. Anyone who chooses to blame the society/world for his/her fate is simply playing to the gallery, the earlier people start to realise that they are the sole masters of their destiny, the better for them. |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Candyness(f): 12:16am On Feb 02, 2012 |
I feel ya OP. its all about being independent. holla |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Killz3(m): 12:44am On Feb 02, 2012 |
The world is wholly not fair, not just to women alone. The world is so unfair to women is just a phrase coined by lazy bums that have lost complete touch with reality! Is the world fair to men? The issue of fairness should not even come up IMO. Male or Female, we are designed with different roles and responsibilities. If a woman starts desiring the role of the Man, and starts complaining about her roles, what's that supposed to mean? Men were "naturally" supposed to provide and take care of the family, be the head of the family. It wasnt the woman's role! But nowadays, women want to work and earn and call the shots over the man!!!. . . . . . Bullshit! La Parisienne:It's a matter of personal choice! You aint under obligation to have a family, are you? Neither are you forced to choose the high flying career. It depends on your values and the one you deem most important. Raising a family is no easy task, it's a lot of responsibility, especially if you want a united family and of course, you are doing it with the help of a man. You can always "choose" to remain single and pursue your high flying career, you can try combining the career with your family, or try a "low" flying career that wont impact much negatively on your family life. All in all, sacrifices are involved, and as a matured lady with functional faculties of reasoning, you should understand the meaning of sacrifices by default! -We have to choose between marrying a rich man aka bad boy, and marrying a nice guy who might not be so rich.Rich men arent necessarily bad, and marriage should not be about money, or about the guy that is more rich! Very rich men seldom have time for their families. Is that the kind of family you want? Have you heard about happiness and contentment, no matter how little? It depends again on your priorities, and what you deem as most necessary in your life, especially in terms of marriage. You have to choose between Money or Happiness. Remember, money CANNOT buy happiness. It always pays to crave for a balanced situation. Therefore, marrying a nice guy who might not be so rich would be the best way forward in my opinion, because then, you could be balanced if your priorities suit the situation. Your choice! -We are expected to be mothers, wives, lovers, sisters, housekeepers, career and business women etc.Duh!!! Men are expected to be fathers, husbands, lovers, brothers, family keepers, family men, bread winner, career men, businessmen, role models for kids, head of family, responsible. . . Where is the complain here? Women have their roles, men have theirs! Stick to yours and let them stick to theirs! 1:1 -We are expected to be awesome in the sack.And men are supposed to be what? Dull in the sack? I laugh in pidgin! ![]() -We have to accept that our men will always cheat(mostly nigerian men). I really really hate this!!!This is BULLSHIT in capital letters and in high Definition! A senseless, needless and unwarranted generalization and compartmentalization especially on the Nigerian men! That's wholly unfair! Men dont always cheat! All humans, men and women alike are born imperfect. Imperfection means you are prone to vices, and cheating is one of them vices. Humans have the individual capability to make choices, and to exercise self control! We also have a sense of what is right and wrong. We all know cheating is bad, but then, due to the imperfection in us we are prone to cheating. That is where "choice" and "self control" comes in! You have to choose whether to restrain yourself or not! Some men have actually cultivated that spirit of self control, and would never ever cheat on their spouses, partners or significant other. Classifying men as "always cheats" is a terrible and unacceptable fallacy. And an insult to those who do not cheat, and who go through temptations daily, but in their resolve to remain faithful, they exercise self control! That point was a pointless point! -We are paid a lot less than our male colleagues in the same positions.Like seriously? ![]() ![]() -And ofcourse the pressure to get married early is there.You know why it seems as if there is pressure! The female body was not designed like the male body! You know the drill about menopause and all that. All women ant to get married, but most of them want to achieve the world before settling down, and by then the biological clock would no longer be in their favor. So it seems as if there is pressure! but you can always choose! You can force a horse to the stream, but you cant force it to drink water! If you dont want to get married, then by all means dont! If you want to achieve the world before you get married, by all means do! But, never ever blame anyone for the choice you made, and the resulting effects! If you are being pressured to marry, look them in the eye and say NO! Explain your reasons, and if you are convincing enough the pressures will seize! This got me thinking. Men are really having it easy, I'd love to be a man. All men do is bleep around and make money, they don't have to make tough choices in life. I'm sadLike seriously, this comment should be the what tha fcck comment of the day! ![]() All man for himself! I haff talketh mine! 2 Likes |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by dealordea(m): 1:28am On Feb 02, 2012 |
Op: it has always been men world from adam and will continue to be! No population of women can surpass the might and power we men have, no matter the level of degree you get, you will still end up in a man's world! Accept so next time when coming into the world, fight your place to be a man if not, you don dey on a long thing! Long live men. Peace out |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by MrCork17: 2:33am On Feb 02, 2012 |
Ok. we need to protest for Equality to women on Nairaland!! ![]() |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Nobody: 4:55am On Feb 02, 2012 |
@OP life is about MAKING CHOICES and standing by them (and the consequences of such choices). you CANT have your cake and eat it too. you either please your FAMILY, or please SOCIETY, or please YOURSELF. there are no ways you can please them all at once, none! -We have to choose between having a high flying career and having a family. is it really THAT difficult to have a high flying career and family? -We have to choose between marrying a rich man aka bad boy, and marrying a nice guy who might not be so rich. rich man being a bad boy?! nice guys being poor? woah what a preconception!? have you ever thought about marrying a poor guy and building a fortune TOGETHER, or is that not within your options? -We are expected to be mothers, wives, lovers, sisters, housekeepers, career and business women etc. arent men expected to be fathers, husbands, lovers, brothers, bills-keepers, career and business men etc?! -We are expected to be awesome in the sack. shouldnt men be awesome too, or will you really settle for a men who aint shiit in bed?! -We have to accept that our men will always cheat(mostly nigerian men). I really really hate this!!! if you have already accepted that fact then NO WONDER most do! you do NOT have to accept anything you dont want in life, the fact that you do is down to YOU and your low self esteem desperate insecure self. -We are paid a lot less than our male colleagues in the same positions. i am safe to say that if you were working at Mc Ds, you would get the same salary as your workmates, lol! it should be all down to merit, and if you are underpaid at work then take it up with your superiors and sue them until you get the right compensation. et voila! -And ofcourse the pressure to get married early is there. WHAT pressure to get married early?!?!?!?!?! I spoke with one of my aunts today and she asked me if I'm getting married soon. This same woman has a son who's 5 yrs older than me and he's single. He's doing his Phd now and he's busy travelling around the world, having fun. Marriage is not even in his mind. When I asked her why her son isn't married yet, she said he's a man, he can marry anytime. the reality of life is that you CAN marry anytime you want, but it wont be easy (for a woman) to conceive after 45. |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by TisaBone: 5:09am On Feb 02, 2012 |
Well I'm from Indiana. I was raised by my grandfather, and he told me women could do anything that a man could do. only that they drove too fast. and some of the smartest women he knew (career wise) were dumb when it came to men. and he warned me not to be that way. he told me never to take no ish off a a man. so i dont think that women have it worse than men. Life is what you make it. Besides, the easiest thing a woman could do is lie and say that a man hit her, and he would immediately go to jail. if a man hits you, women you dont have to take that. if he hits you, all you have to do is wait until he is watching tv or playing ps3, then you sneak up behind him and hit him upside the head with something. (preferably a pot or pan, until he is unsconscious)i bet he will never hit you again! And if he cheats on you, you can always take him to the cleaners and leave him with nothing but the drawers on his butt. So actually, i dont think life is all that unfair to women at all. If you are in Nigeria, I really dont know what to tell you, because I dont know how things work over there. But there has got to be something you can do to a man who doesn't treat you right. If a man mistreated me in nigeria, i would probably poison him, or piss in his food. At least that way I would get some sort of satisfaction. |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by femmy2010(m): 6:40am On Feb 02, 2012 |
i do say life is hard and easy for both sex. Placing God first is the way to enjoy the sweetest of life. |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by TisaBone: 6:56am On Feb 02, 2012 |
Amen to that. I suppose it is best to turn the other cheek. But I swear, I have tolerated a lot of things, but no man will ever put his hands on me. I feel like Sophia from the Color Purple. I will kill a man DEAD, before I let him hurt me. |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by LaParisienne(f): 7:39am On Feb 02, 2012 |
@Killz -Do I have to choose between having a high flying career and having a family? I believe I can have both, it'll take a lot of stress. But a man can easily have both. -Yeah rich aren't necessary bad. Truth is, it takes a agression and strong will power to make a lot of money. Nice guys don't have the guts to do it. -It's generally accepted in Nigeria that men will always cheat. Even on Nairaland, I hear it a lot. To be honest, I think 80& of married Nigerian men cheat on their wives. -Argue all you want. In reality, life is a lot easier for men. Just like my cousin, men can get advanced degrees, build a good career, make good money, bleep responsibly as much as they want, and then get married at 30. This is certainly easier for them. |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Killz3(m): 7:45am On Feb 02, 2012 |
TisaBone:This is serious! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by pendo89(f): 7:48am On Feb 02, 2012 |
^^ LMAO!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That post made me forget what I wanted to post! Tisa,you made my day!bye |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Nobody: 8:03am On Feb 02, 2012 |
This is a mans world but men do av their own challenges like taking care of the family paying 80% of the bills e.t.c |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by dealordea(m): 8:06am On Feb 02, 2012 |
Op! Am including you in my naughty list for posting this! |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by LaParisienne(f): 8:07am On Feb 02, 2012 |
MRbrownJAY:Yes it's very tough for a woman to have both! I'll love to build a fortune together with a man who has prospects. But is it wrong to secretly wish I could be swept off my feet by one billionaire who's crazy about me and who happens to be a guy good guy? Oh wait, they are always bad boys who only have time for their career/biz. Now I have to choose between the two. But I want a man who's both rich and nice, who'll also have time for the family(yea I know, it's a dream ![]() Lol. Most men are lousy in bed, but they think are awesome ![]() I don't accept it, most nigerians do and it's pretty sad. That's why it'll be dificult for me to marry a nigerian man, unless he grew up elsewhere and doesn't have that polygamy mentality. Lol at bolded. I can see you don't wish me well! -Yeah a woman can marry anytime, but the earlier the better. A woman has no time in her hands, unlike a man. |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Killz3(m): 8:08am On Feb 02, 2012 |
La Parisienne:How easy do you think it is for a Man to have both? Majority of breadwinners worldwide are men. Is that easy for them too? You can have both ofcourse, and the stress is to be expected. Nothing good comes easy. Were you expecting freebies? -Yeah rich aren't necessary bad. Truth is, it takes a agression and strong will power to make a lot of money. Nice guys don't have the guts to do it.What is more important to you? Money or Happiness? life is all about choices. You cant have it all, and you know it. Most of the big shots with lots of money are crooks and they made their money from fraudulent means. Tell me why i should get aggressive & fraudulent to make money just to impress a lady? ![]() -It's generally accepted in Nigeria that men will always cheat. Even on Nairaland, I hear it a lot. To be honest, I think 80& of married Nigerian men cheat on their wives.It's not generally accepted. Who's feeding you these fables? ![]() ![]() -Argue all you want. In reality, life is a lot easier for men. I'll like to get advanced degrees, build a good career, make good money, bleep responsibly as much as I want, and then get married at 30. This is certainly easier for men.Smh@ bleep responsibly! I never knew wanton gallivanting and promiscuity were now desirable traits! Do you have values at all? You want to expose yourself to premeditated risks and then get married at 30 and start living with the consequences? Forget the hype! There's always a consequence for every action taken! So what is stopping you from doing all that? Whatever it is that is stopping you is only telling you that you cant eat your cake and have it! |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by Killz3(m): 8:12am On Feb 02, 2012 |
pendo89:LOL! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by LaParisienne(f): 8:13am On Feb 02, 2012 |
@Tisabone, you didn't hve to edit your post. Lol Seriously, I get ur point. I love independence but I don't want to be too independent to the point of losing my womanly attributes. It's better to balance it. Do women really drive faster? I know I love speed, so I wont be surprised. |
Re: Why Is The World So Unfair To Women? by LaParisienne(f): 8:23am On Feb 02, 2012 |
~Killz~:You probably didn't understand what I said or maybe I wasn't clear enough. Those are things men do and nobody raises an eyebrow, not things I want to do. Lol Ofcourse I have values and principles, there's no atom of irresponsiblity in me ![]() |
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