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Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God by Nobody: 8:30pm On Feb 15, 2012 |
Sinners in the hands of an Angry God This title is taken from a message (now in book form) delivered by Jonathan Edwards (one of the Puritan ministers) in 1741. Although I have used this title but the contents of this message has got no input from Jonathan Edwards’ message as I am yet to read the chapter of the book that has this message. Most of the time, we emphasise most passionately about the mercies of God. We always use phrases like “His mercies endure forever”. There is no doubt that God is merciful and compassionate as several passages in the Bible attest to this. His mercies are so much, so that we have come to take Him for granted (2 Pet 3:9). But it will be a lifetime mistake for anyone to take the Almighty God for granted. Do you know that the Bible says that God is angry with the wicked everyday (Ps 7:11)? That the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord (Pro 15:8a), the way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord (Pro 15:9a) and the thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord (Pro 15:26)? That is the sacrifice (worship, church activities without the life of Christ), way (lifestyle) and thoughts (plans) of the wicked (sinner) are abomination (repugnance, loathing, revulsion) to our God. Our merciful God judges sin. Adam and Eve our fore-parents were judged by God for eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil that the Lord forbade them from eating (Gen 3:16-19). God pronounced a curse upon Cain for killing his brother Abel (Gen 4:10-12). God judged and destroyed the world by flood in the days of Noah because of the wickedness in the world (Gen 6:5-7). God rained fire and burning sulphur upon Sodom and Gomorrah because of the sins of its inhabitants (Gen 19:24-25). What about His beloved Israel? He removed them from the land of Canaan (the Promised Land) and for seventy (70) years the Southern kingdom of Judah and Benjamin were in captivity in Babylon (2 Kings 25:4-11; Dan 9:2). While the Northern kingdom comprising the other tribes of Israel went into captivity in Assyria and never came back to Canaan again (2 Kings 17:5-18). What about David (the one after God’s own heart)? Although God forgave him when he confessed his sin of killing Uriah but God judged him for this. God pronounced that the sword will never depart from David’s house (2 Sam 12:10). This wicked action of David was directly and indirectly responsible for the death of his four (4) sons (three of whom died while he was alive) 2 Sam 12:18; 13:28-29; 18:9,14; 1 Kings 2:21-25). The list of God’s judgement because of man’s ungodly actions is endless. If the Lord judged David for his sin in killing Uriah, do you think that He will spare any of us if we wilfully sin against Him? God has no favourites. He is a just God. Let us not for once think that God is a joker like most of us. He doesn’t play monopoly neither does he play pool or lottery. He means what He says and He says what He means. If the Bible says that God is angry with the wicked. It means that He is. God will judge people who wilfully sin against Him (Num 15:30-31; Heb 10:26-29). Do you know that sinning against God (especially wilfully) implies we are saying to Him “Lord You can’t rule over me or domineer over my life”? You are saying to God, I am the lord of my own life. You have rebelliously dethroned your Creator and enthroned yourself or the devil. The deeper you grow in sin the more repulsive God and whatever God stands for become repulsive to you. This is attested in most parts of the world. It is now the norm to hear statements like “I don’t do God”. This is pathetic and most unfortunate. But a day is coming! A day is coming when He will judge sin and every unrighteousness of man (Rom 2:16). Everybody will be judged whether you believed Him or not (Heb 10:30). Irrespective of your social status you will be judged. Irrespective of your religion you will be judged. Whether you believed in His Son Jesus Christ or not, you will be judged (1 Pet 4:5). That day shall be naked before all (Acts 17:31). A book shall be opened and another book shall be opened and all those whose names are not found in this Book of Life will be banished to hell fire forever (Rev 20:12-15). My prayer is that none of us reading this piece including me the writer should experience hell fire in JESUS’ name, Amen. The Bible says that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb 10:31). Remember that this merciful God is also a consuming fire (Heb 12:28-29). Who have you enthroned in your life? Is it Jesus Christ or the devil? The judgement of God for the wicked (those who refused to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour) and the hypocrites (those in the church and will not allow Jesus Christ rule their lives) will be most terrible and horrible. I say again, I don’t pray that anybody be there. If the rich man had known that his end will be such that he would wish that Lazarus the erstwhile beggar dips his hand in water to cool his tongue, he would have done all it takes while he was here on earth to ensure he was in Abraham’s bosom at his death (Luke 16:19-31). One thing that is clear from this passage is that there is no repentance after death. The Bible says in Heb 9:27 “as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”. This should tell us that there is no purgatory. Are you a politician and all you do is to rip-off your fellow citizens of the common wealth? Your legislation has made life unbearable for the common man. Your government has brought untold hardship to your fellow citizens while you live in wealth and opulence. Remember a day is coming when you will give account of your stewardship. Are you a contractor? All you do is to divert the funds given to you for those road constructions into your personal purse. Your refusal to construct those roads has led to the untimely death of several people on the roads, know today that a day is coming when you will render account. Are you a government worker? You do nothing in the office for which you receive your monthly pay, except you are bribed. A day is coming when you will be judged. What about you ladies who flush out babies like one flushing out wastes? Remember the cries of those innocent babies are calling unto God for vengeance. You will give account for every blood you shed through abortion. Are you a gentleman (the happening guy) who takes pleasure in impregnating ladies and insist that they abort the babies, remember that you will not go unpunished. Are you a minister of the gospel, you know the truth but you have refused to teach/preach it because you don’t want to lose your members, that is diminish the size of your “empire”. A day is coming when that empire will crumble like a pack of cards and in addition you will give account for the lives of those souls whom God made you their overseer. What about you who portrays himself as a minister of God but you know within you that you are a synagogue of Satan. You may fool men but you can never fool God. A day is coming when God will judge you. Brethren I say again that we shall all stand before the judgement seat of God one blessed day. I say blessed day because it will be a day of rejoicing for the saints. To the sinners and the wicked, please repent of your sins because God is angry with you. Turn to the living God for He will abundantly pardon (Isaiah 55:7). Kindly join me to sing this song or read it as a poem: When we get to heaven At the marriage supper All the saints shall gather At the last assembly No more sad parting No more heart breaking Farewell to sorrow Victory at last God bless you. |
Re: Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God by modavi: 9:58pm On Feb 17, 2012 |
nice1 ![]() |
Re: Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God by Lasinoh: 7:12am On Feb 23, 2012 |
It took 7 days to create the world, and it was ALL good! ![]() God should not be h-angry at what he created ke! ![]() |
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