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What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? - Education (4) - Nairaland

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Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by gokuu(m): 9:33pm On Feb 24, 2012
^^^^We all know that UNILAG is the toughest University to get into in Nigeria and the west of Africa.
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by tpia5: 7:30pm On Feb 25, 2012
^^^^^you're welcome to your opinion.
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by Drzak(m): 11:45am On Sep 02, 2012
University of Port Harcourt
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by Olajesu27: 10:47am On Nov 30, 2012
pedestal82: @Suyaeater,in Uniben cost is cheap, skool fees apart from fresh year is roughly N9k, no spending of money on blocking,male hostel you can get for almost free if u choose to colonise,oficial fee is 6k. A functional faculty Library, if u can't afford books, u don't buy handouts,lecture notes are given to class reps, all u do is collect and photocopy,a funstional computer room, if u can't afford a laptop. The list goes on and on. Trust me Uniben pharmacy skool shld be ur best bet, all u need do is JACK and JACK, PASS, or be sent home even in Year 5. My 2 cent
pedestal82: @Suyaeater,in Uniben cost is cheap, skool fees apart from fresh year is roughly N9k, no spending of money on blocking,male hostel you can get for almost free if u choose to colonise,oficial fee is 6k. A functional faculty Library, if u can't afford books, u don't buy handouts,lecture notes are given to class reps, all u do is collect and photocopy,a funstional computer room, if u can't afford a laptop. The list goes on and on. Trust me Uniben pharmacy skool shld be ur best bet, all u need do is JACK and JACK, PASS, or be sent home even in Year 5. My 2 cent

Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by claremont(m): 8:52pm On Jan 20, 2013
Guy, choose UNIBEN. I received a quality tertiary education there, on the same course as well. I 'jack' so tey dem give me award when I graduate! grin
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by TOBIBIGGER: 10:02am On Feb 08, 2013
pedestal82: @OP, all university mentiond above (except uniben), u will get, Bachelor of Pharmacy(B.Pharm), a five year programe, Univ of Benin u get Doctor of pharmacy for a 6 yrs program. Doctor of pharm(D pharm) which is the in thing around the world presently. Geting to convert from B.pharm to D. Pharm, still run by Uniben, is a three yrs part time programm. My 1 cent
excuse me pls can i av ur contact info... In order to contact you
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by Steve74(m): 3:36pm On May 03, 2013
For many reasons than one the University of Lagos will continue to lead the pack, at least in Nigeria. I recall when I was preparing to write my JAMB exams for university admission, practically everyone of us jambitos opted for Unilag. I think UI came in tow, then Uniben, OAU, etc. What was the attraction for Unilag? Simple. We were proud. We saw the institution as the most competitive, thus the most difficult to conquer or scale. For us, Unilag was analogous to a supremely beautiful young woman that got just too many eligible bachelors helplessly smitten. You know, only the most capable may be able to win her over. That was the catch. If you could gain admission into Unilag, then you might as well declare yourself the best. Besides, the school was always in the news. Meaning Unilag was perhaps as popular as was Facebook. And often people associate popularity with success. Again success has many fathers. Seen as a successful institution, many young Nigerians just couldn't help but go for Unilag. Indeed many are willing to write Jamb exams for as long as it takes just so as to be reckoned GREAT AKOKITES!!!!! It thus has nothing to do with its being a metropolitan university. Will you ever attribute Harvard's or Oxford's popularity to any metropolitan location without falling into an error? Well like they say success has many fathers, and failure an orphan. By every parameter, Unilag leads. It parades the best Law Faculty in Nigeria. LUTH/CMUL can only come behind UCH in ranking; the school's faculty arguably parades the largest number of professors and PhD holders in any Nigerian University; the school's infrastructural capital has also evolved over the years to be one of the best in the country; the NUC has on an annual basis continued to award the school the leading institution in the generation of IGR. So, if its School of Pharmacy comes tops, I will not be surprised. However, if I say I'm an authority in ranking Pharmacy schools, then I'm telling a lie. But I do believe It cannot be any where outside the first three.

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Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by femtob1: 1:54pm On Aug 14, 2013

If you read my response well, you would realise I spoke on only 2 schools that I have information on because I graduated from one and for the other, my uncle used to be the faculty officer as such I have visited the department many times. Till tomorrow, Ife does not allow you carry over a single pharmacy course. If you need confirmation, you can take the next available cab to Ife to confirm grin grin grin lipsrsealed.
Lastly, never be in a haste to generalise when you are not sure because it doesn't speak well of you. You just committed a fallacy of hasty generalisation (in philosophy) and fallacy of composition (in economics) by the bolded part of your response.
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by femtob1: 1:57pm On Aug 14, 2013
all of una wey dey oau go dey brag ontop past glories..nd na una products dey make most mistakes for labour market esp. in medicine nd pharmacy...

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Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by samley19(m): 12:19am On Jul 28, 2014
gokuu: LIAR!!! last year, UNILAG had the highest no of applicants in JAMB followed by ABU, UNN, UNIZIK and UNIBEN, oau was not even amongst the five most-preferred institutions. If you say its because Lagos is a metropolis, are zaria and Nsukka also metropolitan in nature? which one is political University? UNILAG remains west Africa's most competitive University in terms of Admissions. UNILAG's UTME cut-off for medicine was 76%, which is 304/400 as against oau's 295 and all its village applicants were shouting unnecessarily. Honestly, i would'nt have replied your post, but you just had to be informed.
doz dis mean u ddnt grasp wt d guy penultimately postd?? ... 295 is wat u nid fr jmb...yl 85% z fr p.dgree... u cnvertd ur 76% fr p.degree to /400 ... if dtz d case den cnvrt 85% to /400.
.i.e 340/400... nw u see unilag znt any close... well i wd gv my sggstns frm a clear mind...i lov d system in OAU blv me, asds Awo (a hostel) d strctures and facilities ar up tyt... ife phrm z hot... nd v toff... dz yr only 60peeps made tru frm 200l to 300l of 197peeps, u cn fnd out...bt truly wen i got to knw dt uniben ws offern doc of phrm...i lovd d idea nd wshd to skul der, snce it z easier to pass ovr der, moreso dey allw carry ovr...leme add dz... only ife has dspnsn 60% pass mrk in pt3.. oda courses ar 50% pass mrk.. tell me hw cool it z to hv 59%F Ife z hellish i must cnfss
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by ronnyboo(m): 2:38am On Aug 04, 2014
samley19: doz dis mean u ddnt grasp wt d guy penultimately postd?? ... 295 is wat u nid fr jmb...yl 85% z fr p.dgree... u cnvertd ur 76% fr p.degree to /400 ... if dtz d case den cnvrt 85% to /400.
.i.e 340/400... nw u see unilag znt any close... well i wd gv my sggstns frm a clear mind...i lov d system in OAU blv me, asds Awo (a hostel) d strctures and facilities ar up tyt... ife phrm z hot... nd v toff... dz yr only 60peeps made tru frm 200l to 300l of 197peeps, u cn fnd out...bt truly wen i got to knw dt uniben ws offern doc of phrm...i lovd d idea nd wshd to skul der, snce it z easier to pass ovr der, moreso dey allw carry ovr...leme add dz... only ife has dspnsn 60% pass mrk in pt3.. oda courses ar 50% pass mrk.. tell me hw cool it z to hv 59%F Ife z hellish i must cnfss

hello samley, I just want to point out to you that Unilag school of pharmacy does not only require a 60%pass mark in dispensing in part3 but also in part 1 and 2. A particular Pcl in part 2 also requirres a 60% pass mark too. I'm sure its also the same in most other pharm schools given the severity that could be associated with the slightest dispensing error; so try to get ur facts straight.
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by Samgreguc(m): 6:59am On Aug 04, 2014
UNIPORT is going there. They came first in d jst concluded PANS Convention quiz competition.
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by Nobody: 8:49pm On Jan 20, 2015
Can somebody give me the list i need to go back to nigeria to study pharmacy!
how far now?
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by Nobody: 11:31pm On Jan 20, 2015

Amazing! I doff my hat for una o! Na im be say if i for dia I skool, I no for graduate lipsrsealed shocked shocked
This is cheating.
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by flightz(f): 3:37pm On Apr 07, 2016

Sincerely, you would have graduated. The fact that you choose to study the course simply implies you have the zeal you need to study hard and excel. The worst that might happen is you may have to repeat but that is not the end of the world. I once had 5 roommates who were Pharmacy Students when I was in Part 3 and though sometimes when I look back now I laugh because then I pitied them.
which year was that?
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by flightz(f): 3:52pm On Apr 07, 2016
doz dis mean u ddnt grasp wt d guy penultimately postd?? ... 295 is wat u nid fr jmb...yl 85% z fr p.dgree... u cnvertd ur 76% fr p.degree to /400 ... if dtz d case den cnvrt 85% to /400.
.i.e 340/400... nw u see unilag znt any close... well i wd gv my sggstns frm a clear mind...i lov d system in OAU blv me, asds Awo (a hostel) d strctures and facilities ar up tyt... ife phrm z hot... nd v toff... dz yr only 60peeps made tru frm 200l to 300l of 197peeps, u cn fnd out...bt truly wen i got to knw dt uniben ws offern doc of phrm...i lovd d idea nd wshd to skul der, snce it z easier to pass ovr der, moreso dey allw carry ovr...leme add dz... only ife has dspnsn 60% pass mrk in pt3.. oda courses ar 50% pass mrk.. tell me hw cool it z to hv 59%F Ife z hellish i must cnfss
I have always known you to exaggerate facts and figures, when are you gonna change?
Re: What Are The Top Rank Universities In Naija To Study Pharmacy? by GboyegaD(m): 5:54pm On Apr 07, 2016
which year was that?

2004/2005 session.

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