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Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man - Romance - Nairaland

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Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by topDollar(f): 9:06pm On Mar 21, 2006
From A Recovering Hater-a-tor

At the urging of a sister-friend here's my issue:
And before you jump to conclusions, let's just establish the fact that I know I need some help undecided


I am a Nigerian who grew up in Nigeria [all my formative years were in naija] but I can't figure out why I can't date a Nigerian man anymore. Although I claim that I like Nigerian guys I've come to learn that I am very critical of them and very dismissive of any woo-ing efforts from that direction.

I find myself being impatient with you guys and will completely blow-off a Nigerian guy for the same reasons I'll find a man from another culture attractive.

Surface Example:
Recently, a naija co-worker/toaster friend of mine called me, and then drove over to my house to show me his newly purchased BMer. My attitude was somewhat negative and I recall thinking "how tacky, am I supposed to be impressed?" On the other hand, another toaster from a different culture did something similar and I felt it was a sweet gesture that he wanted me to be the first to see his new car. Not sure why I'd react in different ways.

So help a sister out and tell me one reason/way to start loving a Nigerian man today!
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by Seun(m): 9:17pm On Mar 21, 2006
In Nigerian Singles In The US', chi-chi suggested that Nigerian singles need to get together and quit fighting each other. In 'Nigerian Girls in the US are Lonely' I suggested that it's not wise to go about looking for a Nigerian man if there are available men of other races around you and interested in you.

Back to your question. Love has no race, no color, so let's embrace happiness and stop discriminating!
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by topDollar(f): 9:32pm On Mar 21, 2006
Thanks Seun. I'll take a look.

I do consider myself to be open minded to other cultures and races so maybe afterall is said and done the reasons won't even matter.
But, I still need more reasons to consider though,
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by Bright2(m): 10:23pm On Mar 21, 2006
Topdoller my sister i really understand how you feel but before i give you 1 reason,let me know how old you are.
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by enigma1(m): 10:37pm On Mar 21, 2006
well all i have 2 say is dat,a bad son gives his family a bad name,i guess men vary?
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by richolly(m): 2:42am On Mar 22, 2006
As per nigerian men, they can either be fantastic or not just like other nationals. it depends on individuals. it will only be better to choose from a culture that you understand most. if you are planning to settle in nigeria, then, a nigerian man will be ideal for you but if not, i will advise you face somewhere else.

By the way, you didnt tell us why you are so critical and dismissive of nigerian men. that will really help in this analysis
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by whitelexi(m): 11:42am On Mar 22, 2006
I find myself being impatient with you guys and will completely blow-off a Nigerian guy for the same reasons I'll find a man from another culture attractive.

Trust me, this is what luv does to people, you dont need any help, u r already in luv with naija guyz. All u need to do is search your heart and find out who the guy is and chikina! - its done grin grin grin
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by Rhodalyn(f): 11:46am On Mar 22, 2006
because he's handsome
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by whitelexi(m): 3:11pm On Mar 22, 2006
Looks aint all that matters cool
Naija guyz are also very gud at many other things grin
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by kajad(m): 5:12pm On Mar 22, 2006
I think your reaction is caused by previous unpleasant experience which has made you to attribute similar trait to all Nigerian men. No suggestion can help you because you have developed a peculiar repulsion to Nigerian men. The only advice I can give to you is to stop seeing men primarily from their origin; if the truth must be told Nigeria has over 250 ethnic grouping which mean you already have 250 different types of Nigerian men. If you cannot choose from these lot, then FORGET!
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by Rhodalyn(f): 2:28pm On Mar 23, 2006

Looks aint all that matters cool
Nigeria guyz are also very good at many other things grin
you mean like in bed? wink
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by izu: 4:55pm On Mar 23, 2006
This is my first time here (I i mean the site). Its very sad that everyday we devalue ourself (Men) but to this question i strongly believe its a personal thing. Choice is what sepeartes any living being from the rest. Most times peer pressure beclouds our sense of judgemnt alas our choice of men. I am 29/M/Niaja and must confess that i envy the whites but adores our black women. That you detest the idea that a young brother's gesture towards a sister is premature and remember it takes a thief to identify a rogue. My dear anyone that fails to identify with its root needs to stop existing and start living. I appreciate your candid question but will rather plead that you open up alittle and assimulate the other good quality(ies) of a young Nigerian male. after all what else have we got when our women dispise us? thanks
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by whitelexi(m): 9:26am On Mar 24, 2006
you mean like in bed?

Use your tongue to count your teeth grin
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by Nobody: 6:18pm On Mar 24, 2006
i think your reaction is simply discrimination in another guise. you just don't know it yet or u're in denial.

It's a mindset that makes you blow off a nigerian guy for the exact reasons that American or british guy looks cute and sweet. In your heart you have settled not to have anything to do with a nigerian guy, you want to marry a sophisticated, possibly white foreigner as your own trophy of "having arrived"! So no matter what effort that poor nigerian puts, u're just going to turn him down.

Look at the reverse scenario. There are certain character flaws you would readily accept in your "foreign" guy that u won't be willing to put up with in the nigerian guy.
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by LoverBwoy(m): 7:04pm On Mar 24, 2006
the same reason u love nigeria at first!! u are nigeria, everyone is not the same if u dnt like all nigerian men then u dont really like urself in the first place u are the one that needs help

i dont understand why many nigerians dont like other nigerians, they dont like living where there are many nigerians for e.g, some sort of complex,
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by Nobody: 8:27pm On Mar 24, 2006
in line with my initial post, you are the problem. you don't like being nigerian, infact you resent being seen as a nigerian so your natura impulse is to ensure you don't have anything to do with nigerian men so u can spare ur offspring the ill-luck of being born nigerians!
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by Rhodalyn(f): 11:47pm On Mar 25, 2006

Use your tongue to count your teeth grin
cheesy :Dthats impossible cheesy
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by whitelexi(m): 7:01pm On Mar 26, 2006

cheesy :Dthats impossible cheesy

We elders speak in parables, u may need to consult another elder to find out what that truly means, but i tell u most solemnly, thats one of our easiest parables grin
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by whocares: 9:09pm On Mar 26, 2006
Why do you need a reason, your mind is obviously made up. i have better naija babes seeking good naija men so you are one less competitor. Be who you are and stop seeking validation for your choices
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by gem87(f): 6:26pm On Mar 29, 2006
whitelexi and rhodalyn u lot seem to be hmm flirting or rather just on each other's nerves, i just smell something fishy just kiddin lol,
anyways men are all different just dat a majority are bad but then u don't fight the right guys unless he's d one for you. wht d'yall think?
as for me i'm proud of being nigerian anytime anyday naija is d place to be for real i luv that country despite the flaws.
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by Longesson(m): 11:25am On Mar 30, 2006
There is also the other side to this story. I am male/Nigerian/27 yo living in the UK and just as u are more attracted to men of other countries, I find myself more attracted to women of other countries rather than Nigerians. Even other African countries. Upon analysis, I think it is a case of familiarity bringing contempt.

Even though we are meeting for thE first time, we actually go into interactions with so much bias and assumptions in the air without giving the other party the chance to express who they are as individuals. because we come from the same country, started in the same reality, have the same value systems and are now in a different environment , we let all our prejudices from the past to cloud our judgements.

MY OWN STEREOTYPES: I think Naija girls, here in the UK, "form" or act compared to most other girls.I think they are more materialistic. I think they are looking for the next eligible bachelor with a job to tie down in marraige FOREVER.I think they are not as adventurous as girls from other places. I think BUT U KNOW WHAT, I KNOW THIS IS NOT ALL TRUE!!!But that is the stereotype I get from my interactions.And I probably brought it with me from Naija!!!

It's like that girl/guy who we all went to school with, who speaks English through their nose even though the closest they have been to Jand is Ajao Estate on the way to the airport. You know how we dislike them and considered them fake? That's the way we Naija people feel about our own people here. We never admit it, but that's the way it is.

That's why I'd rather chase an English girl who, if she likes you, would kiss you 10 minutes after meeting you while a Naija girl would act like you don't exist even if she likes you. Yet I would be the first person to think the Naija girl is "loose" if she kisses me afetr 10 minutes. shocked shocked shocked YES IT IS COMPLEX, but NA SO E BE!!!

It's about value systems. Because we have the same value systems, it's difficult for us to transfer it into this foreign culture when there are things about the other culture's value systems that we like and want to indulge in.

Remember the law in physics that says "Like charges attract, and unlike charges repel", That's the best summary for the situation.

1. Treat each person as an individual and not based on their skin colour or our assumptons of their culture
2. Be aware how much of your judgement is clouded by stereotypes and gaurd against this
3. Spread the love - NAIJA WOMAN to NAIJA MAN and vice versa. cool

WHEN COLD CATCH FINISH, NA MY NAIJA WOMAN I WAN TAKE KILL AM!!! wink wink wink grin grin grin grin
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by curiousNja(f): 10:42pm On Mar 30, 2006
I'll get back to you when I think of one reason.
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by katherinae(f): 7:18pm On Nov 28, 2006
i think u dont like nigerian guys because u expect more from them, and they always fall short below ur expectations. undecided and as for the car doing, they all do that soo dont count that against them. (but trust me i feel your pain)
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by curiousNja(f): 2:10am On Nov 29, 2006
It's been 7 months since I said I would think of a reason to love a Nigerian man. I still have none.
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by katherinae(f): 6:44am On Nov 29, 2006
maybe u should stop looking an djust go with the flow, love and marry who ever u want
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by kachii(m): 9:36am On Nov 29, 2006
Marry whoever you want.At least marriage is about happiness.
But for your prejudice about nigerian men is really wrong.
Look am not trying to be harsh but really prejudice is evil against any race. psychologist have even described it as a disorder of thinking,moreso towards your root.
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by ghengis(m): 11:57am On Nov 29, 2006
i dont entirely blame you for ur prejudice, i guess its something the society somehow worked into ur head. Even in the business world, the company where i work is so open and responsive to foreign partners but once its nigerian, we've been taught to have our ears up,

On the light side, go try other guys preferably togolese, kenyans of folks from malawi, maybe u'll appreciate us beta then
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by Easyy(m): 4:59pm On Nov 29, 2006

On the light side, go try other guys preferably togolese, kenyans of folks from malawi, maybe u'll appreciate us beta then

Good point
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by ThoniaSlim(f): 11:26pm On Nov 29, 2006
None grin
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by Busta(f): 12:24am On Nov 30, 2006
don't even waste ur time loving em!
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by adconline(m): 9:10am On Nov 30, 2006

You have not tried me because I will bamboozle you with lots of love
Re: Give Me One Reason To Love A Nigerian Man by superman(m): 6:47pm On Nov 30, 2006
na waa oo

god bless naija! we are out!

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