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My Life @ Nysc Camp March 2012 Batch A - NYSC - Nairaland

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My Life @ Nysc Camp March 2012 Batch A by Nobody: 10:51am On Mar 04, 2012
Hello guys/gals
This is going to be my diary/blog abt my life @ nysc
Re: My Life @ Nysc Camp March 2012 Batch A by Nobody: 11:06am On Mar 04, 2012
So it all starts on friday, March 2, 2012, I'm off to the XYZ university in lagos to check out where I'm posted to. Everybody is eagerly waiting for where they will be posted, And finally the list is out, So much pushing and shoving my heart is seriously beating yet my hands are in my pockets to protect my fone and wallet (this is lasgidi ooo), I'm silently wishing for LAGOS cos that is where I runzd. it to. pple are screaming and shouting, some sobbing sef . I finally get to the front of the board and OGUN it is. I don't knw if to laff or cry or curse the nysc woman or my broda (u will soon knw why), I take a look at the list and notice something very interesting *To be continued*
Re: My Life @ Nysc Camp March 2012 Batch A by Nobody: 11:56am On Mar 06, 2012
Kk sorry guys been busy with a lot, I recently broke up with my gf, so I'm under some emotional stress
Back to my experience, What I noticed on the list was that majority of the people serving in Lagos were also from lagos and since my school is in unilag, you can guess ow random the posting was *rolling eyes* So there's is a lot of fever in the air abt camp, I particularly remember one girl that was posted to Zamfara, I could see the fear and sadness in her eyes, Her friends were consoling her but she was jst speechless, I av gotten the list of things to buy (from another thread on nairaland) for my nysc journey, I av spent over 20k on buying this and that, Didn't knw I will spend so much, And my parents are not forthcoming with cash, Thank God I have my own personal cash. I also av one bottle of vodka and whiskey in my bag, I hope it won't be seized. In short I think I'm ready, Meanwhile I'm still trying to redeploy to Lagos *to be continued*
Re: My Life @ Nysc Camp March 2012 Batch A by Nobody: 2:21pm On Mar 06, 2012
I should be at sagamu camp, Slugging it out with my fellow corpers, but guess where I'm @? At home watching Family Guy, I have finally got my bag packed, Jst one bag pack and I should leave for the camp very early tomorrrow morning, Enjoying my last few days in lagos, I hope the camp is fun, My parents finally agreed to improve my allowance for camp *Big smile* Afterall I no dey work, But serzly thinking abt wat other things I need to take like extra condoms (advise frm my ex, cn u imagine). I hope I dnt freak out there sha, I guess I'm being to apprehensive, Tomorrow the real camping begins, U're free to add comments, give advise and ask questions which will be really appreciated *to be continued*
Re: My Life @ Nysc Camp March 2012 Batch A by Nobody: 11:55pm On Mar 07, 2012
Hey guys, My first day @ sagamu and of c0urse sagamu is nt s0 far frm lag0s where I stay, Well the registrati0n is n0t as bad as th0t, And it actually pays t0 c0me 0n D̶̲̥̅̊ sec0nd day, The rush was minimal, First the bad news, My blackberry keypad is acting up, the "0" butt0n s0 all my letter "0" appear capitalized, Als0, my b0ttle of vodka broke in my bag smiley, 1 litre 0f pure ethan0l *crying* Thank G0d I have an0da b0ttle 0f whiskey which I suspect won't last t0 l0ng at the rate @ which it's been c0nsumed, And very c0nsci0us abt my bel0ngings c0s I dnt want anyb0dy "streeting" me, And t0 charge f0ne here na wa, Nysc camp simply put is b0arding h0use, finally g0t a plat00n, but n0 kit dnt even want 0ne yet sef, I cn av0id early m0rning j0ggin 2ma0, And the ladies, I'm seeing s0me fine sh0rties in my plat00n wh0 I have plans 4, 0ne girl was actually flirting with me, L0L, thnk G0d I'm a shy guy, But I will catch her still wink And s0me girls I knw frm unilag wnt t0 turn me t0 handbag always keep calling my name, I jst play with them, *to be continued*
Re: My Life @ Nysc Camp March 2012 Batch A by Nobody: 4:38am On Mar 08, 2012
W0ke up @ 3.30am which I c0nsidered very early, taking my bath was nt t00 difficult as sagamu camp has pr0vided adequately f0r us, I'm presently charging my f0ne which shud keep me c0mpany thru the day, I av nt been given a parade kit, Th0 I av my 0wn un0fficial kit which I br0ught with me frm h0me, I h0pe I cn av0id par0le when the s0ldiers c0me, life is generally g00d f0r nw, And t0day I must disc0ver where the babes her and drinks her, which may be the 0nly fun f0r me in this camp anyway, all th0se drilling,parading and j0ggin d0esnt interest me, it's fifteen minutes t0 5am and the s0ldiers are bl0win trumpet f0r parade, I'll give u gist 0w it g0es.
Re: My Life @ Nysc Camp March 2012 Batch A by Nobody: 10:35am On Mar 08, 2012
I guess the best thing t0 happen t0 me in this camp s0 far is t0 n0t have a kit, I'm presently chillin' in the h0stel bc0s I'm yet t0 get a kit while 0rder c0rpers are 0ut in the sun d0ing swearing in cerem0ny, I als0 need t0 rest0ck 0n cash c0s I need t0 get t0 an atm t0 get s0me cash, S0 and 0bje0tive has been set : T0 get 0ut 0f the camp t0 Atm, And there's 0ne babe in my plat00n that keeps staring @ me, I guess that will be my first catch, Cnt w8 t0 get int0 plat00ns and start busting babes, C0s I'm in this camp t0 d0 tw0 things, drinks and babes, all th0se c0rper shun things n0 interest me, S0 let's d0 this!!!
Re: My Life @ Nysc Camp March 2012 Batch A by Knnawuba(m): 8:32pm On Jul 08, 2012
Am in My PENULTIMATE year at the Univ of Nig! Can't wait 4 my turn! Yu makn it sound sooo interesting! cheesy

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