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Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by crossman9(m): 3:09pm On Mar 06, 2012 |
PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME TEACHES THAT SALVATION COMPLETED IN HELL. part 1 PROSPERITY GOSPEL PREACHERS SPREAD PENIAPHOBIA- FEAR OF POVERTY Whereas we will not get into the unnecessary theological arguments on the Jesus- went to hell Doctrine (which involves translations, bible versions and Hebrew and Greek customs), we will however defend the faith concerning how Prosperity Gospel preachers use it for their gain and as a justification of and loving the world. In his DVD teaching ” Who is a Christian ” Pastor Chris erroneously declares the following. 1. A Christian who suffers from diabetes does not know the truth and A Christian cannot fall sick because he is born of God and not of blood when he is born gain – what about Timothy and Epaphroditus in Philippians were they not born again? 2.Satan has lost his power – yet Satan is the god of this world. It does not make him more powerful than God Almighty but he also has power. 3.Jesus defeated Satan in hell not at the cross—- but what do the Scriptures say for that is our final authority as believers ? 1.Ephesians 1:7 declares that Jesus made those who were far from God near to him by HIS BLOOD. 2.Colossians 1:13-14 declares that Jesus gave us believers redmption through HIS BLOOD To nail this Prosperity Gospel Heresy of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is Colossians 2:14 where it says that he spoiled principalities and powers triumphing over them in HIS CROSS. This is why Paul declared solely that he will preach Christ crucified .He did not say he will preach Jesus in Hell, did he ? Peter boldly declared that we have been redeemed with the precious blood of Jesus and not corruptible things such as gold. The blood of Jesus that was shed was for our redemption without which we would have been condemned.From his death we receive forgiveness of sins because sins separate us from God ,yet God does not want us, his creation to be separated from him. He wants us to be reconciled to him. With all these scriptures that clearly declare where Jesus defeated the powers and principalities why do Pastors want to add to the scriptures simply because the Apostle’s Creed says that Jesus descended to hell. They actually MODIFY THE APOSTLES CREED by saying that Jesus descended to hell and defeated the devil yet the scriptures say this was done at the cross. The issue is not about descent but about redemption from sin, because sin is the sting of death. Satan led man to sin but man has been redeemed by Jesus who shed his blood for us for life is in the blood and not in hell. The Prosperity Preachers preach this doctrine because when people hear the word hell they know it is a place of suffering and weeping. However the closest picture to hell is poverty. Yet most of the congregation are working class and thus should be taught how to share with one another. The irony of Prosperity churches is that they despise poor saints yet they claim to break the spirit of poverty. In fact the true gospel is about giving to the poor and sharing not hoarding riches for yourself and being grateful to God for that which you have as long as you have worked for it. PENIAPHOBIA AND THE GROWTH OF THE PROSPERITY GOSPEL IN AFRICA Many working class Africans come from poor/middle level backgrounds with a few who have been in well to do families. In fact poverty only became an extreme issue in the early 80s and 90s when the Oil crisis led to Economic Neo Colonization by the World Bank and IMF which created Extreme Capitalism in Africa. There are both stinking rich Africans and wallowing poor people . One British anaylst analysed Kenya’s multi-national population and its relation to poverty and wealth as follows ‘ … very FEW Kenyan Whites (a minority population) are poor and some of them are very rich, some Kenyan Asians are very poor and other Kenyan Asians are very rich; but when it comes to black Kenyans who make up the majority of the population MANY Black Kenyans are very poor but the richest Kenyan elite are Black Kenyans. This grinding poverty has made many desperate and depressed especially the working poor. Thus prosperity Gospel came with promises of peace and riches and freedom from the hell of poverty( not sin and the devil) if one only gives their life to Jesus. The more prosperity preaching the more poverty, the more the crime, the more the giving because the rich preachers of the churches get richer and the poor givers get poorer for giving more but receiving less hence more poverty. The Prosperity Gospel destroys the focus of the gospel by putting emphasis on getting rich quick since that means you are escaping hell on earth. Yet what the scriptures teach is that giving to the poor and SHARING AMONG BELIEVERS AND ALL MEN are the ways of dealing with grinding poverty as one ‘s heart desires holiness and righteousness and love not greed and jealousy. — a typical Kenyan mansion- Many Christians have been blinded to desire and think about mansions than holiness Moreover this get rich scheme comes with a cost called tithe an Old Covenant command, you must bribe God for him to bless you and make you rich like Abraham. However we are in the New Covenant and the Levitical Law is inapplicable …we are to give and not tithe and the giving is for the ministry of the saints not building big castles falsely called churches. Jesus died for your sins to be forgiven and not for you to drive 3 cars and live in 2 mansions when your brother has lost his job and has no food to eat. Look at the stats and see where Prosperity Gospel thrives, Poverty thrives the more. Prosperity Gospel fuels Greed and not the Love of God. The Salvation In Hell teaching is bent at making Christians believe that all suffering Christians are not really born again when actually that is a lie. When poverty is feared like that ,you feel sorry for those who live in it for they face stigmatization and condemnation when it is the rich elite that manipulate the world ‘s economies hence punishing the poor. This teaching insults the blood of Jesus thinking that redemption is found in the money seed one sent to TBN or to their pastor. Falsehood and dear Christian turn away from the Prosperity teachers that are teaching these lies. Thus what Pastor Chris is preaching is false gospel that works to enrich himself by lying to you that you will be promoted and live stress free and have no disease because Jesus went to hell and defeated Satan. Jesus defeated Satan at the cross by shedding his blood for your sins that you may have access to God and life everlasting. CHRIS OYAKHILOME TEACHES THAT JESUS DEFEATED SATAN IN HELL BLASPHEMY part 2 15MondayNov 2010 This is in response to people who still believe that Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is right in teaching that we got salvation from Hell and not in the blood of Jesus.This is a false gospel that attracts money and does not teach people the truth about what Jesus did on the cross for us all. They preach it because people want heaven on earth meaning riches when Jesus dais seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His Righteousness then all these thing shall be added unto you. — Pastor Chris Oyakhhilome , teaching the false Salvation in Hell Blasphemy that is well spread by many prominent TBN preachers, First what the scriptures say in full about our redemption in his BLOOD. Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace Colossians 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Colossians 2:14-15 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it The Last verse shows that Jesus triumphed over the principalities and powers IN THE CROSS.The cross is where he shed his blood. In the Law, the shedding of blood for the atonement of one’s sins was necessary for remission and righteousness. And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. Heb 9:22 WHAT IS SIN? It is the transgression of God’s law. All have transgressed because all came from Adam who transgressed against God. Satan’s main weapon is not poverty or sickness as Pastor Chris and others want us to believe.Satan’s main weapon is SIN. He sinned and was condemned and thus he came to God’ s creation so that they would sin also and be condemned like him. Through sin, he wants to steal God’s creation by capturing them to his side to receive the same condemnation set for him. Many are going to Hell not because they were poor and never lived like an ambassadors as Christ embassy wants us to believe). Many are not going to hell because they had cancer and refused to plant a seed to get healed. Many are going to Hell because of SIN, SIN, SIN. HOW DOES GOD DEAL WITH SIN IN THE WORD OF GOD ? God allowed for the shedding of a spotless animal for the remission of sins. And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.Heb 9:22 WHY BLOOD ? The blood of the flesh is the life of the flesh. 11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. Lev 17:11 The flesh includes the lambs and bullocks that were sacrificed for sins and other offerings. Jesus shed his blood as the Passover Lamb. Remember what happened in Egypt where the Israelites were told to sacrifice a lamb and smear its blood on the lintels of the door. When the Angel of Death came he did not cause death to come to the homes which had the blood. When John saw Jesus as he came for baptism, John declared that this was the Lamb that taketh away the sin of the world. The lamb ‘s spotlessness signified the holiness/cleansing that was given to the people once it was slaughtered for their sins because the life of flesh is in the blood. The Righteousness of God is imputed on us since the spotless, holy lamb called Jesus, died for the cleansing of us sinners. He then rose again for our justification. HOW HAS THE BLOOD OF JESUS DEFEATED SATAN Since Satan tempted man to sin, death and darkness filled the world. Jesus paid the price for us by being the holy precious lamb that gave his life for the life of the condemned world. Sin Separated man from God but now through the blood of Jesus we have access to the Father. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; And having an high priest over the house of God; Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Heb 10:20-22 This access is important to the believer for it guarantees our access to God through prayer by which when we pray in the name of Jesus the Father hears us as we pray by his Spirit in the will of God. We have access to Light, Love, Mercy, Wisdom, Grace, Inheritance ,Strength, Righteousness, Joy, Eternal Life, Truth, Peace because of the blood of Jesus. All these spiritual blessings. Amen. More over if we sin he is faithful and just to forgive us if we confess. However this is not a ticket to sin as Jesus cannot come back and die again for the sins we commit. We should live holy by his grace ,grace of which we can get because of the new and living way ,by the blood of Jesus. Entering the holiest was only for the High priest, but because of the blood of Jesus all believers have access. And still this victory at the cross is leads to the resurrection of Jesus of which shows he has conquered DEATH. What is the sting of Death?? SIN How is sin purged away ? By the shedding of Blood Whose blood ? The Blood of Jesus Christ, Where ? At the Cross. The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. 1 Cor 15:56 The mistake Pastor Chris is making is focusing on the wrong enemies or minor things. Sickness will not hinder you from inheriting God’s coming kingdom even though God does not desire sickness, which is a symptom of the fallen world because of sin’s entrance in the same. These guys are preaching salvation to get worldly riches which are in the domain of the Prince of this world SATAN instead of the spiritual riches in Jesus Christ. Poverty cannot separate you from the love of God and his promises even as God knows the suffering the poor face and calls for believers to show mercy and give to them. Sin is what separates us from God and the coming blasphemy against the Holy Spirit during the 666 Economic system will certainly separate many from God forever. Sin includes teaching false doctrine and sitting under false doctrines. The blind leader and his followers both fall into the ditch. False doctrine means Doctrine replacing God ‘s word ,hence idolatry which is sin. Yet this is not what Pastor Chris and many others like Kenneth Copeland and Joyce Meyer who teach the same Salvation in Hell teaching are teaching. They are busy teaching the Apostle’s creed Salvation/Salvation in Hell, twisting the scriptures. The Biblical Salvation is that of Redemption in the blood of Jesus. This is why we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony of Jesus the Lamb that was slain for the sins of the world. Who is alive and is coming back again to reign forever. Amen. 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by iheanyi4u(m): 6:52pm On Mar 06, 2012 |
Seriously What are u blabbing about. If u don't agree with the man keep it to yourself. What's with all this Pastor Chris bashing #smh 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by winiamanda: 8:07pm On Mar 06, 2012 |
Crossman are you saying in other words that Pastor Chris and every other preacher that believes in the financial prosperity of a christian are of the devil? 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by Azibalua(f): 9:33pm On Mar 06, 2012 |
See if you want to remain poor,it's not a problem it's your choice, stop blabbing trash , you need to be more enlightened. But you have refused knowledge |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by MOILOVINA: 7:00am On Mar 07, 2012 |
It amazes me that you still take out time to listen to his message. It is also surprising to me that you did not learn a single thing in the messages. we have talked about this before, stop destroying ur life. |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by Joagbaje(m): 7:43am On Mar 07, 2012 |
^^ Ask him o Luke 20:18 18 Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by Nobody: 7:47am On Mar 07, 2012 |
See them like bees protecting the nest, running after queen bee.bunch of oyakhilome worshippers. kia! |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by Azibalua(f): 8:30am On Mar 07, 2012 |
diluminati: I don't think you even read the post Follow follow |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by OmoPastor(m): 8:53am On Mar 07, 2012 |
@ op there are sayings you need to know: the lion does not turn around when a small dog barks. he who digs a grave for his enemy may be digging it for himself. a stubborn chicken learns its lesson in a hot pot of pepper soup. a dog that wants to go astray will not wait to listen to the voice of the master. |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by newmi(m): 8:54am On Mar 07, 2012 |
diluminati:ta ta do you have any problem with that why not comment on the topic in question and at least salvage some honour for yourself |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by newmi(m): 8:58am On Mar 07, 2012 |
Azibalua:Forget it she doesn't have time for that |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by newmi(m): 9:03am On Mar 07, 2012 |
forget it this guy loves pastor chris he doesn't just know to say it well if you'd need any help on how to vent that love in expression am good at it i'll be glad to help ;d ;d ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by crossman9(m): 4:51pm On Mar 28, 2012 |
i love him as christ told us to love our enmemies but i hate what he teaches |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by unphilaz(m): 8:38pm On Mar 31, 2012 |
@OP it will be proper to put it in paragraph form to make sense |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by MistadeRegal(m): 6:20pm On Aug 23, 2013 |
Although, only GOD knew those who are trully worshipping HIM! Even the Bible states that, "If any man suffers as a Christian, he should never be ashamed." Most, who preach about MONEY are not helping anyone in the cause of Salvation. HE never preached about wealth. What HE did were clearly stated in the Bible! Before HE returned to Heaven, HE commanded Peter and said, "Peter do you love me?" Peter replied, "Yea LORD! You know I do!" Then JESUS answered, "Feed my Sheep." JESUS repeated this saying thrice which made Peter get angry. It is a pity today that men of today have added "ON" in the mid of that sentence. They've turned it to "Feed ON my sheep" 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaches That Salvation Completed In Hell. by crossman9(m): 12:49pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
Mistade Regal: Although, only GOD knew those who are trully worshipping HIM! Even the Bible states that, "If any man suffers as a Christian, he should never be ashamed." well said PERFECT if only people in Christ embassy would wake up |
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