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Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk - Health (150) - Nairaland

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Tobiegal(f): 7:57am On Nov 27, 2013
@Hummkngbird , congratulations to you. . I sincerely hope they are a set of pretty girls. Your family pictures is gonna be the cutest ever.

@byvan , pikin dey throw me serious punch oh, no be say na go chop.
Thanks my boy did super well at his interview yesterday, they were surprised he been in creche/pre school all these while.
@deyhem shei u sef see say you were just getting worried over nothing. Congrats on his freedom na to begin dey chase am to go baff remain.

May God continue to bless us with strength to go on jere.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Chicolo(f): 8:13am On Nov 27, 2013
Hummingbird.....CONGRATULATUA,Our God is indeed faithful.
Na dis one dem dey call "DOUBLE TWICE".
The Lord is your Muscle.
All preggy mommas,I hail ooo.Una doh oo
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Tbaby4real(f): 8:19am On Nov 27, 2013
In Sunny Ade's voice * The merciful God ..... Oba to she ore fun mi she ore fun e she ore lojo jumo ...*

Hello beautiful mamas,
I am back alive, I am so grateful for your support, prayers and encouragement. You are all wonderful mamas....
@ beauty, ebony and all mamas that keep checking on me via email, I am really grateful. Thanks so much, a word can not describe how I appreciate your love and care. Thank you.
@ all una weldone ooooo, @ Udoka and all November mamas, wishing you stress free delivery. Waiting anxiously for your story.
@ hummingbird congrat dear, God knows you are capable that's why you have them. grin
@ all love you.....
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by goldwaters(f): 8:19am On Nov 27, 2013
Hummingbird! This is fertility at its peak o. Welldone. God is ur strength!
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 8:44am On Nov 27, 2013
Rukemi,talking of hummingbird getting a job,dont you know she had to resign to care for her first set of twin.Caring for a child is cumbersome, i guess you can imagine what it ll be like to care for 4 little babies under 2yrs.i can only imagine,the money you ll pay for babysitters nko ? getting a job is completely out the equation, atleast,till kids grow to a certain level.She is even in more stress than her hubby that ll pay the bills.With the stress I go through with my kids,no doubt hummingbird is in hot okro soup.

@Hummingbird, am still in shock shocked,,chai!!!this really won't be easyoooo!!!çongratulations!!

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kafcakes: 9:12am On Nov 27, 2013
joilin: Urgent help pls. I went for anc today and they gave me tt now my hand is so heavy and full of pain o. Can i rub it or use ice block

My only advice to you is.to manage oh, when I took my first tt, I massaged and pressed it, i almost fainted, it became so painful and heavy, it even gave me fever and made all my symptoms worse, so my mum told me not.to.do that again, it took about 4days b4 it became better, but when I took the second dose, I didn't touch it, i didn't even massage or touch the area, it hurt for about a day, but that was it, so the secret is leaving it alone, kpele
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kafcakes: 9:15am On Nov 27, 2013
Hummingbird: Did my first ultrasound today...result was ( 10weeks and 2days showed 2 gestational sacs with two visible heartbeats...now I feel like running away..:'
@byvan and all dos praying for me to have triplets..here I am,tanx for all una prayers..no tell me say na joke o..

Anyhow sha I don tell hubby say m putting them up for adoption..I can't die..

After dis am nt going for any FP,am getting my uterus out..c'est finni..so people wnt start calling me a pig
.. undecided.

Hummingbird, , are you for real,OMG, congrats oh, in fact I'm shocked, lol, the Lord is and shall always be your strength.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kafcakes: 9:20am On Nov 27, 2013

Dont rub it o. It will ease by itself.

Hummingbird. I will be so frank with you.
Are u testing God's patience? When last did you visit the ttc thread? I think you should go there often to appreciate God better.
What do you mean by putting them up for adoption? Did God say He can't provide for them?
Why are you so ungrateful?
I feel so sad each time I read from pple ttc and you are here displaying drama.

I am 100% sure some ttc women will cry and lose faith in God after reading that your post. Who do you think you are?
You better start seeking for serious forgiveness and amend that post (that is why i am not quoting it).

And you, ebony13, you are asking God to bless you the way He has blessed someone else. Can't you ask God to bless you in His own unique way that will be beneficial to you? She is seeing your so-called 'blessing' as a curse and you are wishing for same?
Let's be careful what we wish for.

Hey Rukemi291, chill out small now, hummingbird is human oh, im sure she didn't meant it that she was gonna give them up for adoption, then on another note, there is nothing.wrong.with adoption, if I'm not mistaken there is an adoption thread on nairaland.com, some women have gotten their own blessings and joy by adopting. If people.didnt give up their kids for.adoption then those women will be deprived, I think we as Africans need to change our view on adoption, a child is a child irrespective of who bore them, that's my take sha.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by baybiemee: 9:33am On Nov 27, 2013
Hummingbird: Did my first ultrasound today...result was ( 10weeks and 2days showed 2 gestational sacs with two visible heartbeats...now I feel like running away..:'
@byvan and all dos praying for me to have triplets..here I am,tanx for all una prayers..no tell me say na joke o..

Anyhow sha I don tell hubby say m putting them up for adoption..I can't die..

After dis am nt going for any FP,am getting my uterus out..c'est finni..so people wnt start calling me a pig
.. undecided.

My jaw is still hanging. shocked but I like Ur sense of humour sha. U r really fruitful.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by udoka2: 9:57am On Nov 27, 2013
Hmmmm congrats oogrin. The Lord is ur Strength!

My sister e never happen oo,

Happy pushing grin..in honipie's voice
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by joilin(f): 10:18am On Nov 27, 2013
Thanks to Favored gal, Rukemi and Cafecakes for ur reassurance and advise. I woke up this morning and behold the pains and heaviness have subsided substantially. Thank God o it was not easy.

@Rukemi with that kind of anger u fit send person go guarderoom o. Abeg they take am easy o. Abi na pregnancy induced anger lol.

@Ebony pls when u respond to that kind of post try and do it with love. Nobody is against any1 here we are all one big family. U too still harsh small. Peace

@deyhmee congrat to ur baby
@Tbaby so good to know ur strong. God is still on his throne and he ll not leave his children comfortless.
@all one love

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 10:20am On Nov 27, 2013
byvan. Of course she can't get a job now. The batallion she has is already a job. They definitely have to grow a little.
But she needs to get a job with time. I can imagine the four of them in school same time and maybe same class too. God is her strength. And if God wan do am again, she should see another heartbeat today again. Kai....

Kafcakes. My mouth is zipped cos i don't know what to say on adoption.

Tbaby. So so glad to hear from you. May that joy in your heart never fade.

Udoka. God is our strength.

Joilin. Lol. When i re-read the post, infact i saw that hummingbird tried for not getting angry. I thought we would have turned the thread to an e-punching thread.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hummingbird: 10:34am On Nov 27, 2013
byvan: Rukemi,talking of hummingbird getting a job,dont you know she had to resign to care for her first set of twin.Caring for a child is cumbersome, i guess you can imagine what it ll be like to care for 4 little babies under 2yrs.i can only imagine,the money you ll pay for babysitters nko ? getting a job is completely out the equation, atleast,till kids grow to a certain level.She is even in more stress than her hubby that ll pay the bills.With the stress I go through with my kids,no doubt hummingbird is in hot okro soup.

@Hummingbird, am still in shock shocked,,chai!!!this really won't be easyoooo!!!çongratulations!!

As in hot okro soup o...
About getting a job now,dats will be impossible for now..except if I want to break down finally sha
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hummingbird: 10:37am On Nov 27, 2013

Joilin. Lol. When i re-read the post, infact i saw that hummingbird tried for not getting angry. I thought we would have turned the thread to an e-punching thread.

Hormones @work...lol..I sincerely understnd
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by beauty4(f): 11:24am On Nov 27, 2013
tbaby, thank God you are back.

hummingbird, on a lighter note, what was the expression like on your doctor's face? abi was he not the one that took delivery of those handsome princes. i really wish you 2 beautiful princesses to balance your equation. Am happy you have got yourself back.

Rukemi, job keeee?? ?? ?? ?? If the world was still the way it should be, every mother shouldn't be working outside the home cos the kids are enough work. The good thing is, hummingbird will start her omoge life very soon. wink

Joilin, good to know you are fine, that TT is something else, ice block massage was what i used the 2nd time and it worked wonders, the 1st time was hell as i was rubbing and massaging it real hard, my hand at some point was so swollen you can see it from my cloth. its all for the best sha. May God help us to the end.

udoka and bigmom, we still dey wait una o
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kafcakes: 11:46am On Nov 27, 2013
January mama's, what's up, how una dey ohhhhh.

December mama's all respects and protocols observed, I dey una back oh. Lol
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kafcakes: 11:47am On Nov 27, 2013
Tbaby sup, how u dey now, good to have u back.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Tbaby4real(f): 11:54am On Nov 27, 2013
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I pray to be actively on this thread soon.
@ kaf cakes I dey kampe my sister.... Thanks. You need to respect your seniors ooooo( December mamas) before they tell you to raise up your hands and close one eye lol.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 11:59am On Nov 27, 2013
Hormones @work...lol..I sincerely understnd

Thanks babe.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by uwani(f): 12:38pm On Nov 27, 2013
[quote author=kaf cakes]January mama's, what's up, how una dey ohhhhh.

December mama's all respects and protocols observed, I dey una back oh. Lol[/quote

We dey push am small small

Hummingbird don enter one chance. cheesy
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by juliebest(f): 1:01pm On Nov 27, 2013
@hummingbird, I sincerely thank God for you. I know its not easy, the Lord is your strength. I pray the spirit of twins from you to me abeg, my next pregnancy will be twins, 2 cute boys.

@ all preggie moms, I hail una, God will see us thru.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Rute(f): 1:04pm On Nov 27, 2013
@hummingbird congratulations oooo may God hit ttc thread with that kind of wave I'm happy for you

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 1:34pm On Nov 27, 2013
tbaby, thank God you are back.

hummingbird, on a lighter note, what was the expression like on your doctor's face? abi was he not the one that took delivery of those handsome princes. i really wish you 2 beautiful princesses to balance your equation. Am happy you have got yourself back.

Rukemi, job keeee?? ?? ?? ?? If the world was still the way it should be, every mother shouldn't be working outside the home cos the kids are enough work. The good thing is, hummingbird will start her omoge life very soon. wink

Joilin, good to know you are fine, that TT is something else, ice block massage was what i used the 2nd time and it worked wonders, the 1st time was hell as i was rubbing and massaging it real hard, my hand at some point was so swollen you can see it from my cloth. its all for the best sha. May God help us to the end.

udoka and bigmom, we still dey wait una o

Why do I feel that hummingbird want a prince and a princess but ll get another set of soldiers instead??

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by favoredgal: 1:46pm On Nov 27, 2013

Why do I feel that hummingbird want a prince and a princess but ll get another set of soldiers instead??

You read my mind exactly. I have a feeling it will be two boys again cheesy grin

Meanwhile, my 20 wks is this weekend...maybe the dr will see the second baby he dint see at
8 wks....oya hummingbord e-send the annoiting o! Make i close shop permanently after this remaining 20 wks

Tbaby my darling...good to hear from you kiss
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by beauty4(f): 2:36pm On Nov 27, 2013

Why do I feel that hummingbird want a prince and a princess but ll get another set of soldiers instead??

Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyvan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, u dey look for trouble o cheesy grin cheesy grin.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Tobiegal(f): 2:40pm On Nov 27, 2013
Una welldone oh.
@tbaby ,good to know you are back. . May you return actively again soonest.
@favoredgal na 20 weeks yiu have reach God dey oh...am pushing my 23rd week oh, next appointment is next week.
Really looking forward to checking the sex of this my baby. The last time, baby backed us during ultra sound, and don't want to go blindly this time.

Abeg make una leave mama twins oh.. she'll do just fine by His grace.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hummingbird: 3:00pm On Nov 27, 2013
@bvyan...I wnt talk no matter how hard you push me. lipsrsealed.lips are sealed..I really knw wat to do. undecided..

For the spirit of twins...make una bribe me...lots of meat,farouz and coke will do for now grin grin
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by favoredgal: 3:15pm On Nov 27, 2013
@tobiegal..im thinking of going blind o! Extra motivation to push

@humming...what is he address? Make i dhl the bribe

@ skimpchick...how are you doing darl?

@ smokeydrunkey...how far?
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by nice14: 3:42pm On Nov 27, 2013
my fellow mamas thank u, baby has been super active since he probably notice mummy was worried.@humming CONGRATS o, d LORD IS UR STRENGTH. in fact i tarp into ur testimony for my next pregnancy. @udoka just dey sleep well now, cos when baby comes na watch night u go dey do. grin. @favored gal i thought i could bear not wanting to knowing d sex but i nor fit o. as i want to shop for my lo wella. but op to wait till 22wks sha. @tbaby glad u are back, no slacking o.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 3:55pm On Nov 27, 2013
Tbaby you are welcome .

Lol, hummingbird tell God what you want the babies to be,he listens you know.

@Favoredgal, you really want twins shocked?

@ nice14, i feel good hearing that ,God bless the little one.

@Beauty,i dey dodge my face from E slaps while typing, i no fit handle hummingbird and her soldiers cool

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by joilin(f): 4:02pm On Nov 27, 2013
@tobiegal i wud hv prefered not knowing the sex but dh insist on knowing i dont know how to convince him.

@Byvan u peeps are not beeing fair to humming at all o and i know its only u dat can boldly say that. kai i cant imagin having boys all tru God abeg o grant me my heart desire 2 girls an 1 boy
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 4:17pm On Nov 27, 2013
@Joilin,there is a possibility that hummingbird want boys all through nah grin.

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