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Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) - Health (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) (12184 Views)

Help !!! Help Save Light; A Great Fighter / 14 Most Bizarre Medical Conditions On Earth...warning GRAPHIC / 2 Year Old Indian Girl Born With Four Legs And Four Hands (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by ifyalways(f): 3:25pm On Mar 21, 2012
3Kay,Yes,I met same guy.
I contacted him from the numbers posted here,spoke with him a couple of times on phone before i visited.I even saw his mom and elder brother.
I met Oke John yesterday.
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by Jay11: 4:14pm On Mar 21, 2012
hey people, this isnt a scam.. i can confirm he is for real.. i ve met him though by coincidence. The pictures are displayed here and that of Ify is obviously different because of the bandages on them. A nurse visits him daily to dress his wounds. the reason why he wont want to visit a nigeria doctor is because it is a nigerian doctor that put him in his present predicament so you wont blame him. His real people save this young dude from his present state.
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by elampiro(m): 4:27pm On Mar 21, 2012
I could not even look at the pictures, but someone called Ify did not only take a look, she went physically to see and to help. May God Almighty bless Ify abundantly, also the charity team and the good people of nairaland. I would never have been able to be a doctor or a nurse. It is good to hear also that the young man's case is not as bad as it was initially stated. Good that he is able to work with his legs.
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by mbulela: 4:52pm On Mar 21, 2012
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by mbulela: 4:55pm On Mar 21, 2012
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by mbulela: 4:57pm On Mar 21, 2012
This Ify lady is an angel o!
In you hour of need, may you never walk alone.


Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by mbulela: 5:03pm On Mar 21, 2012
[quote author=blacksta]

Easy abeg

Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by mbulela: 5:05pm On Mar 21, 2012
A more important lesson from this whole drama is that folks need to watch their sugar intake and get checked regularly.
Diabetes is nasty.
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by r231(m): 7:01pm On Mar 21, 2012

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Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by eherbal(m): 8:09pm On Mar 21, 2012
andyanders: Please, take him to Synagogue Church of All Nations and Jesus Christ will have him healed through His son Senior Prophet T.B.Joshua.
Heal him or kill him?
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by eherbal(m): 8:19pm On Mar 21, 2012
Jay11: hey people, this isnt a scam.. i can confirm he is for real.. i ve met him though by coincidence. The pictures are displayed here and that of Ify is obviously different because of the bandages on them. A nurse visits him daily to dress his wounds. the reason why he wont want to visit a nigeria doctor is because it is a nigerian doctor that put him in his present predicament so you wont blame him. His real people save this young dude from his present state.
And who might you be?You sound desperate,trying to convince us that the dudes for real,while it's been proven by an aborigine NLander the termite is a scam artist.How it's now you 'met him by coincidence'? How come this is your second post?who are you?
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by pheesayor(m): 8:25pm On Mar 21, 2012
the campagne has been on since last week and if the guy says its 900k then he most likely hasn't checked for update, truly as at last weekend it was 900k but it definitely would increased without the guy knowing. This is not an excuse not to give
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by LadyT(f): 8:56pm On Mar 21, 2012
I think the problem here and the reason the word SCAM is being branded about the place is the fact IFY made a mistake. Im sorry to say this but to state that maybe the pictures of the rotting feet are someone elses is saying that this is a scam.

We need to be careful if we are not 100% sure of a certain situation. Its already all over twitter that Narailand people are claiming this is a scam and people are getting pissed off. I would not expect him to have the wounds wide open. And you cannot know what is under the bandages his feet are covered in.

It was a brave thing and kind thing to go and verify but maybe the questions you had should of been put to Oke while you were there like how comes he is able to wear shoes or walk.


Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by ifyalways(f): 9:00pm On Mar 21, 2012
John oke or most definitely the people close to him reading this thread should please take note;
I'm no fool and try as much as possible to take adequate care of my security before embarking on any assignment.

I only report back what I saw and told exactly how I see it and told.

Therefore, ejiro of 08063823115 that claimed to be Johns sister should not dare to call my line again to tell me any bulls. I only reported what I saw and stand to gain or lose anything from this story.

I have duly informed John of this development by sms and going this step as a further note of warning. No rubbish would be tolerated from my ends.
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by ifyalways(f): 9:06pm On Mar 21, 2012
LadyT, I asked him how come the legs looked ok and very different from what was posted online and his reply is up there.

And from what I saw, I came up with 3 guesses,dunno how you missed the last one which was that "the legs are healed or cured now"

I might be bling or silly but the bandaged ankle I saw is most definitely not any thing as "bad" as the leg posted on this thread.
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by LadyT(f): 9:20pm On Mar 21, 2012
ifyalways: LadyT, I asked him how come the legs looked ok and very different from what was posted online and his reply is up there.

And from what I saw, I came up with 3 guesses,dunno how you missed the last one which was that "the legs are healed or cured now"

I might be bling or silly but the bandaged ankle I saw is most definitely not any thing as "bad" as the leg posted on this thread.

I didnt miss anything. But you are missing my point. Stating that you think the legs are cured /healed now is still saying this is a scam. Anyway each to their own. But you are already recieving phonecalls I just think its not smart to state things if you are not 100% sure you didnt see what was under the band aids we know that for a fact. Just be careful please people are crazy.

But I guess you believe you know what you are doing. Each to their own sha.
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by lukkie(m): 9:24pm On Mar 21, 2012
@Ify, thanks for your courage and public service. You're a good woman. May you always find happiness.

Please find the most recent PICS and UPDATE on Oke as at 9pm (Nigerian Time) today, March 21st, 2012. I guess this lays to rest all doubts.


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Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by ifyalways(f): 9:26pm On Mar 21, 2012
I'm careful. Thank you.
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by didislim: 10:15pm On Mar 21, 2012
Mbulela or what is ur name? Even if u have bn scammed by such people b4, are the pics u saw of Oke's legs not true enough for u? Which one is if he wants to go to india he should say so? I personally know Oke...and it's not just because i know him but at least show some pity based on what u saw. Infact, just keep ur comments to youself! Na wa o!
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by uppa(m): 10:25pm On Mar 21, 2012
All i want to say is that we should always be conscious of every statement we make in public it could have either a negative or positive effect on the minds of individuals....assuming i dont know oke in person i would av really tot it was a scam...bt dis guy have been struggling with this illness for the past 6 years......so pls lets know dat the situation on ground is real and not scam as purported

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Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by astronomical: 10:27pm On Mar 21, 2012
I stay close to Oke on 24 road, Festac, where he lives with his parents and siblings. I've known his family for decades. Oke's struggle with Diabetes is well known around the neighbourhood. I heard about his toes being amputated long before now. He's usually seen lying down on the balcony of their flat or taking a stroll with the aid of his crutches with a few friends. One thing that was amazing about him was the permanent smile on his face, even when he was in obvious discomfort. I have seen him with those bandaged feet for years now. I do not believe he deliberately planned to deceive people by doctoring those pictures. His Mum and siblings certainly would not subscribe to that extreme measure, as their initial plan was to even raise the required money on their own without having to ask the public for help. Perhaps those were old pictures before the feet healed a bit. I would have to visit him and find out.

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Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by damoskiy(m): 11:25pm On Mar 21, 2012
This post officially ends the save Oke life campaign. Thanks to everyone. We are happy to announce that Delta State Government has officially taken over his case and will write off the bill..

Thanks to Linda Ikeji for bringing up his plight, to @futurekash for political support and to you for making it happen.

Oke now needs your prayers for the surgery to be successful.
say dis on a friends faebook page that knows him.


Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by agiboma(f): 1:11am On Mar 22, 2012

is this the same guy they are talking about int he thread? does anyone know?
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by OAM4J: 3:25am On Mar 22, 2012
I wish Oke all the best. The people running his campaign should have used his recent pictures and not the other ones being used.

If this is his recent picture, then it is not different from what Ify reported.


Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by cabali(m): 8:14am On Mar 22, 2012
Dear ifyalways

while I commend your effort in getting the truth, it is obvious you made a hasty and unprofessional conclusion; this, I understand is based on what you expected to see. And as you saw different, you paid more attention to what will help you believe what you wanted to.

If you did not see the entire feet because they were bandaged, then you woulda asked for the band aids removed or keep your suggestion of being healed to your self.

The latest picture before my post actually has a better shot of the feet with the band aids removed. it is with this kinda shot you can make your suggestions comfortably.

From my own investigations, I conclude the boy really needs help, his neighbors also all said the same things about Oke; most strikingly, and as I noticed, his beaming smile.

If you are convinced not to aid Oke, so be it; but for the sake of Mike, don't kill the efforts of others without a report made from a conclusive and thorough investigation.


Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by cecegorz(m): 9:30am On Mar 22, 2012
This whole thing is sounding funny to me.
I am just seeing this NL version of #saveOke campaign
Someone i trusts twitted his plight and A/C number to me on sunday morning
and i instantly wired a donation from my bank's Mobile app.
I also found out most public figures on twitter were championing it,
but then, i doubt if any of them verified like Ifyalways did by visiting.

Well, i hope it's not a scam sha. Pray it's just a communication gap
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by Slyr0x: 12:30pm On Mar 22, 2012
^^^ It is NOT a scam. .Read updates here http://seunfakze./2012/03/21/saveoke-john-okeoghene/
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by TCD: 1:01pm On Mar 22, 2012
cabali: Dear ifyalways

while I commend your effort in getting the truth, it is obvious you made a hasty and unprofessional conclusion; this, I understand is based on what you expected to see. And as you saw different, you paid more attention to what will help you believe what you wanted to.

If you did not see the entire feet because they were bandaged, then you woulda asked for the band aids removed or keep your suggestion of being healed to your self.

The latest picture before my post actually has a better shot of the feet with the band aids removed. it is with this kinda shot you can make your suggestions comfortably.

From my own investigations, I conclude the boy really needs help, his neighbors also all said the same things about Oke; most strikingly, and as I noticed, his beaming smile.

If you are convinced not to aid Oke, so be it; but for the sake of Mike, don't kill the efforts of others without a report made from a conclusive and thorough investigation.
Sir, The differnce between you and IFY is she actually SAW those legs. The images in the first post are obviously photoshopped and grossly exaggerated. And the 2nd pic you referred to you have automatically taken it as Oke's legs even without his face showing, for all we know it could be someone else's diabetic foot. If people are going to ask for help, let them, but when they begin exaggerating and sensationalizing, that's obtaining under false pretences, fraud aka deceit. Nobody likes being lied to or deceived.

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Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by OAM4J: 5:53pm On Mar 22, 2012
TCD: Sir, The differnce between you and IFY is she actually SAW those legs. The images in the first post are obviously photoshopped and grossly exaggerated. And the 2nd pic you referred to you have automatically taken it as Oke's legs even without his face showing, for all we know it could be someone else's diabetic foot. If people are going to ask for help, let them, but when they begin exaggerating and sensationalizing, that's obtaining under false pretences, fraud aka deceit. Nobody likes being lied to or deceived.

Thank you! Exactly my point.

Why deceive people with pictures of legs full of sores instead of already healed legs?

Ify made 3 assumptions base on what she saw, and one of her assumptions is still very valid, that the legs are healed.

I really don't know what Oke is going to do in india, amputate the legs or reconstruct the legs?
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by Seamate(m): 12:32am On Mar 31, 2012
This is horrible. God!!
Re: Please Help Save Oke's Legs And Life (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT..........) by kelz88(f): 12:39am On Mar 31, 2012
Cute guy.

And to think people are throwing ridiculously expensive parties everyday or buying overly expensive designers, etc. God where are you oh?! All these things don tire me, I swear.

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