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How Are You Doing? - Jokes Etc - Nairaland

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How Are You Doing? by ituen(m): 8:40pm On Oct 29, 2007
A lone tourist who is passing through the suburbs on the way to town by car, unfortunately experiences mechanical problems with the automobile. The car stalls and the tourist parks the car by the side of the road and waits for help.

Not much later, a farmer happens to pass by with a truck full of farm animals. The farmer offers the tourist a lift to town and proceeds to explain that he is bringing his farm animals to the town market, where they will be auctioned off to the highest bidders.

Well, it so happens that on the way to the town, the farmer being so engrossed in his story, unintentionally wanders into the other side of road where another vehicle is approaching in the other direction.

The farmer realizes his absent mindness and attempts to avoid the possible collision with the other vehicle. He just misses the other car, but unfortunately crashes the truck into the side of the road. The tourist winds up thrown into a ditch and suffers broken ribs and a broken arm and leg and is obviously in extreme pain. The farm animals are all messed up very badly and the farmer, although remaining inside the vehicle, still suffers cuts and scrapes.

The farmer gets out of the truck and looks at his farm animals.

The chickens all have broken limbs and can barely move. "These chickens are all useless! Nobody will want to buy these chickens anymore!" bellows the farmer. With that, he grabs and loads his shotgun and blows away the chickens.

Next, he sees the pigs and they are all lame and bleeding profusely. "These pigs are all worthless now! I'll get nothing for them!" yells the farmer. With great rage, the farmer reloads his shotgun and blows away the pigs.

The farmer looks at the sheep and they all have broken limbs and their wool is all bloodied. "Worthless sheep!" screams the farmer and with that, he reloads his shotgun and blows away the sheep.

Meanwhile, the injured tourist witnesses all of this carnage in great horror.

The farmer then moves over to the side of the ditch and looks at the tourist. "Are you okay down there?" asked the farmer.

"NEVER FELT BETTER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!" the tourist yelled back.
Re: How Are You Doing? by showbobo(m): 8:45pm On Oct 29, 2007
nobody wan die ,if na you nko??;d ;d ;d
Re: How Are You Doing? by ituen(m): 9:03pm On Oct 29, 2007
When life plenty well well
Re: How Are You Doing? by showbobo(m): 9:25pm On Oct 29, 2007
Re: How Are You Doing? by topeteadr(m): 11:49pm On Oct 29, 2007
Nobody wan die but them wan go heaven.
Re: How Are You Doing? by showbobo(m): 11:50pm On Oct 29, 2007
Yeah.the champion said that
Re: How Are You Doing? by topeteadr(m): 11:51pm On Oct 29, 2007
Who's the champion.
Re: How Are You Doing? by showbobo(m): 11:54pm On Oct 29, 2007
Eldee the Don in the song I GO YARN
Re: How Are You Doing? by kronkykay(m): 2:40am On Oct 30, 2007


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