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Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria - Travel Ads - Nairaland

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Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by dashiki(f): 9:57am On Apr 04, 2012
[color=#770077][/color]Shop from the comfort of your home.

Save your Ticket and Visa Fees and use it(or add to your capital) as capital instead! We will buy your goods e.g. Electronics,Bags, shoes, clothes, computers & accessories etc and deliver to you in Nigeria. (Wholesale)

Call +971567944821 or email dashikibaby@yahoo.com for more info, enquiries or advice.

Thank you


Re: Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by lammygloooooooo(m): 10:24am On Jul 17, 2012
how much is laptop of different product i am interested in buying laptop,i pad,computer accessory that will fetch me gain here
i need to know mode of payment and how to get the goods here
Re: Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by gowaga68: 3:18am On Jul 28, 2012
How about gold jewaries price and whats the mode of payment?
Re: Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by enaeni(f): 8:25am On Nov 13, 2012
Jus sent you a mail pls reply
Re: Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by Deeola1(f): 7:20pm On Nov 13, 2012
This is to inform you about the opportunity to advertise your website/product/services on http://forumcitizens.com. We are an online News, Stories, Events & Gossips portal with 12,000+ twitter followers, 1500+ facebook likes, and about 210,000 monthly pageviews. These are currently our stats and steadily growing.

We are offering a 125x125 ad spot on our website FREE (for one month), and you can start paying our normal rate(s) found on this page for any ad format - http://forumcitizens.com/advertise, starting as low as 375 Naira per week.

Interested in a FREE one month ad slot and subsequent weekly or monthly payments? Send an e-mail to advertise@forumcitizens.com with this information...

1) Explanation of the ad you want to run on ForumCitizens.com (i.e
persons, business, event, products, stories, etc).
2) Your phone number and e-mail address.
3) Your 125x125 ad design.
Re: Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by derickjefferson: 2:44am On Oct 02, 2014
Dear Listener, i hereby bring to your notice, i have so many goods to sell you can contact on my email... (michealcole127@gmail.com) I will attend to you urgently...
Re: Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by uchedim(m): 1:05am On Jul 18, 2015
Carry a Parcel while traveling abroad or returning home from abroad & get paid!!

When someone we know is travelling Abroad, to a destination our love once live, we give them something to deliver to them. Or when someone we know is coming home from abroad, we either ask them to buy products(s) we want or ask our love once to buy it and give it to them do deliver to us. Although this happens once in a while, but we do send and receive parcel(cloths, food, documents, electronic gadgets, money, e.t.c ) with our small network of people travelling abroad and/or return Home from Abroad(Europe, America or Asia).

Now imagine that your small network can grow into a BIG VERIFIED NETWORK (Everyone can be verified by 2 to 3 persons in this Big Network and individual verification done by CarriParl), grow to the point, that any time you want to send or receive a parcel you can find someone travelling to the destination you want the parcel delivered to or find someone coming home to deliver the parcel to you.

Imagine you can get paid travelling, carrying a parcel for someone or Imagine you can always find someone who is travelling to carry and deliver your parcel to your love once faster and cheaper!

This is what the platformwww.carriparl.com is trying to do. We can change and disrupt the cargo industry together and empower ourselves doing it and this disruption can begin right at the heart of Africa, Nigeria.

We believe your Carriparl Network can deliver your parcel faster and cheaper and you make new friends or family while your at it!!

Join us grow the Carriparl network and start getting paid when you are travelling abroad.

Visit our Facebook group and read all about Carriparl and how we intend to solve the issues that might develop or issues users might be worried about. https://www./carriparl/

Re: Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by Gebims: 12:48am On Nov 02, 2015
Buy from All Your Favorite Stores and Ship your item using SHYPMATE
How does SHYPMATE work?
1. Buy online from your favorite store or any store of your chose

2. When you go to www.shypmate.com , click on ‘Make A Request’, this will then direct you to where you can put the item description, the item link, as well as airport information. If you need help, Contact SHYPMATE: info@shypmate.com or chat with one of SHYPMATE on the website.

3. Once you place your request and pay for your order, SHYPMATE then finds you a traveler to carry your package to the destination.

4. Once your item is handed to the traveler, the traveler meets up with you at the destination airport and then gives you your item.

5. Now one might ask, how those the traveler benefits from this? Simple! The traveler gets paid for the expense of ship the product to the destination

6. If you have more questions, please contact SHYPMATE: info@shypmate.com or call: (+1) 646.685.4085

7. If you want to become a traveler? Great!
Become a Shypmate traveler and use the money you earn to pay for your plane tickets, up to $300 for empty space in your luggage!

Re: Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by wink2015(m): 7:51pm On Jul 24, 2018
Nice share
Re: Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by ProGSM(m): 1:46am On Jul 25, 2018
What and what can I buy from Dubai?
Re: Buy Goods From Dubai And Have Them Delivered To You In Nigeria by gidtex: 2:55pm On Aug 15, 2018
can any one happy me on how to travel to dubai live and work over they

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