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Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent - Romance (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by stannydon(m): 4:42pm On Apr 10, 2012
fatterman: It so crazy that my wife could even do such, when she knows i dont fancy it? what promt her doing such in the first place? i dont trust my wife, i have been having serious doubt about her, because she behave funny these days.

You better shine your eyez wella. May be she is disclosing it to another people she belief that fancy it.. Lol, Girls will not kill us oo!
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by GboyegaD(m): 4:43pm On Apr 10, 2012
fatterman: I am married and Live with My wife at Home ,This morning as my wife was sleeping and her phone was ringing, so I woke her up to her pick calls, to my surprise she was rushing very fast and hiding her body, and I ask what is wrong with you, what i saw was so suprsing, she has tattoo all over her body, she never tell me her plans to draw a tattoo on her , and i never like a tattoo, she draw the tattoo on her bosom, waist, private parts, and shoulders, hmmm, I am still at shock, I don’t know what to do, I ask her what is the meaning of what she did, she never responded to me, My question is how can a married woman draw a tattoo without her husband permission? I am very angry now, I just rush out now, and still thinking what to do?

She was wrong. . . She needed a consent from her husband. If she wasn't married, she owns her body and can do whatsoever she pleases! Maybe she thought her husband would like it, and wanted to surprise him. What a futile exercise. . .

Couldn't have said it any better however, I am still trying to wonder why she did it knowing well that he doesn't like it as he claimed. We should always try not to put others in tight positions because of our desires. She could have kept persuading him to make him see reasons.

Sometimes, it is not ideal to be too rigid. Whilst I understand you don't like it, perhaps the 1st time she ever raised the topic the way you shoved it aside wasn't polite. You just have to live by this and I hope it isn't a permanent one at that.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Pain(m): 4:45pm On Apr 10, 2012
How would feel as a hussy if you have to see this face of your wifey's ex lover every-time you go on the "d*ggie" stylie.

Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by neyostica: 4:59pm On Apr 10, 2012
Op u Bleep gan o, if my wife tries that with me, na that day she go return to her papa house. Nonsense
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by chievo: 5:03pm On Apr 10, 2012
deniyor: Even though you are married to her, its still her body to do as she pleases.
The norm is that the wife should be considerate of the husband's feeling before doing such
but she has ignored your feelings on it (assuming she knew already).
I also find it annoying that there is a possibility that a guy drew it on her thereby exposing the family jewels.

If she knows you don't like tattoos, she has taken a risk that you might find it unappealing or worse, disgusting to you.
Now its up to you to determine how you want to react to it.

I am tempted to say don't let her get away with it easy, but ask yourself, is your marriage worth a tattoo?

PS: you both need to start working on your trust and communcation issues.
...not only dat, frm d little i knw about tatoo, is 4 showin off, u cnt just hav a tatoo inside ur bdy 4 no reason u will wnt it 2 be seen, n she knws dat d husband dos nt like, dats y she tries 2 cover herself frm her husband... My point is , if its nt 4 her husband she is dfinetly showin it to someone els...
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Billygene: 5:04pm On Apr 10, 2012
My broda that act is totally unacceptable in my own house and my wife cannot think about it
how much more placing her private part for another human being who i don't know to draw whatever
on it....God forbid!!It seems you are a loosed man and your wife doesn't have iota of respect for
you.How their you!!! You can make any make up to any extent but not drawing tattoo on your private
part without my consent.Your family where i married you from will all see those tattoo both on your
private parts and other places.If you had drawn it before i married you,that's apart but for the fact
that we are married,it aren't gonna work between us.You must be a wick man indeed.You house is on fire.
And i suspect that the artist man must have f****d your wife before leaving his place.that's really bad
broda.Even you insisted to do a tattoo on your body,i must know and also know the artist in question;
otherwise,both you are the artist himself are in big time wahala.I love and respect you but your private
part should be sacred.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Reptyle(m): 5:06pm On Apr 10, 2012
Strange that some folks here think tis ok for a married woman to run off and modify herself without discussing with her spouse and getting his consent shocked Her action is grave enough to end some marriages!!! Even as oyinbo dey crase reach, them still dey get the consent of their husband before dem dey do body modification...at least I dey watch Doctor 90210 and "Skin Deep" and I dey see how men dey escort dem wives come tattoo parlour or hospital to come get breast implants etc. Using myself as an example, I have been trying to get a power bike for years but because my wife does not agree, I have not been able to get one. This is inspite of the fact that she is fully aware I used to own one in school right up to the point where we started dating. Its not like I cannot afford one or just run off and get one inspite of her protest. I hold back out of respect for her as my significant other.

@ Kemmye
While I respect your opinion, I beg to differ a bit. When you get married, your body no longer belongs to you by implication. It is no longer yours to do with it what you will...just as your husband's body is no longer his to do with it what he wills without your buy-in. That is why it's called "Cheating" when you lay with another person or he with another ooutside...except it be by mutual consent...
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Nobody: 5:12pm On Apr 10, 2012
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by jice(m): 5:13pm On Apr 10, 2012
Take it easy sha. the world can't give you the needed solution. Go back and re-analyse your years together. you may get where you got it wrong to begin afresh. God be with you and divorce is not an option because Christ has risen for you.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by emsquare(m): 5:34pm On Apr 10, 2012
donjohano: If your name is Yomi, and her new tattoo says Deji, or if your name is Nduka, and her new tattoo says Chuks, then you really have a problem!

Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by emsquare(m): 5:36pm On Apr 10, 2012


why do you think men pay bride price?

if the husband doesn't have any right to do so..

then please tell me why he is her husband

...olodo oshi...

na una type dey marry at 40 after several unhappy endings

wawiya..dan shegiya

No mind am! Mtcheew.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by banky1987(m): 5:44pm On Apr 10, 2012
Away from drawing a tattoo this guy said he didn't trust hi wife, but you never stated why you don't trust her. I will advice that you take your time to study everything about her and possibly if you choose to forgive over this tattoo issue the friends she keep, her movement, her calls,sms,BBM. And if possible change her phone number if you didn't do that immediately after the marriage. The way I see it as well I suspect a fowl play here but whatever maybe
it only takes time to know and if truly she's keeping other guys you know what to do....and pls this is very important, if she had a kid for you pls don't hessitate to go and have a DNA test to ascertain weather the kid belong to you. And If you need more advice listen to Loversdiary on EKO FM 87.9 every thursays time is 11pm Am out of here.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Enice(m): 5:55pm On Apr 10, 2012
Your wife is facking some dude
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by worldman2: 5:59pm On Apr 10, 2012
kemmeye: you dont own her she can draw a tattoo whenever and wherever she wants. you dont get to decide for her even though she's married to you
I believe u most be out of ur senses a house wife that he paid her bride price if u don't have some thing to say keep quiet
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by worldman2: 6:06pm On Apr 10, 2012
fatterman: I am married and Live with My wife at Home ,This morning as my wife was sleeping and her phone was ringing, so I woke her up to her pick calls, to my surprise she was rushing very fast and hiding her body, and I ask what is wrong with you, what i saw was so suprsing, she has tattoo all over her body, she never tell me her plans to draw a tattoo on her , and i never like a tattoo, she draw the tattoo on her bosom, waist, private parts, and shoulders, hmmm, I am still at shock, I don’t know what to do, I ask her what is the meaning of what she did, she never responded to me, My question is how can a married woman draw a tattoo without her husband permission? I am very angry now, I just rush out now, and still thinking what to do?
sorry sir may be u did not pay her bride price or she is the husband and u are the wife u don't need any advice from anybody send her packing immediately tel her to go and ask her mum if that is how she behave to her dad
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by dasparrow: 6:13pm On Apr 10, 2012
worldman2: I believe u most be out of ur senses a house wife that he paid her bride price if u don't have some thing to say keep quiet

How do you know that the OP paid the wife's bride price? I know quite a number of Nigerian bred married women living in Nigeria whose Nigerian bred husbands could not afford the bride price and the family of the woman or the wife had to pay it herself without the elders of her village knowing of course. With the rising number of unemployed males in Nigeria nowadays, most cannot even afford a nutritionally balanced three square meal much less bride price money, goats, chicken and whatever else to marry a woman.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by dasparrow: 6:16pm On Apr 10, 2012
Jenny Agun: Hey!!!
She only did tattoo on her body and you all (guys) are going bananas.

Now you understand how it feels when the one you love or are married to gives his body to someone else (which 99% of married men do and they feeel it is okay).

Enjoy the fun mister, she may just be trying to get back at you for all your hedious activities.

shocked grin cheesy

Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Onasa22: 6:17pm On Apr 10, 2012

what does "Bitches always gone be bitches.." have to do with anything

i don't care about what she did: its her body she can do whatever the hell she likes to it she's old enough to

you want me to answer reasonably dude you don't even talk like you're reasonable you just insulted me because you felt you had to

i don't think its reasonable for me to talk to you because you're already even insulting me for giving my own opinion why would i want to encourage you to insult me. please just back off cuz i don't want to talk to you
please, the woman is at fault for not seeking her husband permission, unless u don't know what it entails to be married.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Nobody: 6:21pm On Apr 10, 2012
Peer pressure might have overtaken her love for you.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by jaybee3(m): 6:37pm On Apr 10, 2012
Would you also complain if she decided to do thread her eyebrow without taking permission from you?
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by phadat(m): 6:39pm On Apr 10, 2012
Wrong,wrong and so wrong tattoo? On her privy ?a married woman without her husband consent? Just so wrong .Me thinks she is not interested in the marriage anymore WTF!!!
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Rogerss(m): 6:43pm On Apr 10, 2012
If i ever get married and my wife draws a tattoo with my name saying 'she is mine forever', she will still go to her parents house.
We re Africans, its like saying being GAY is cool.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by freecocoa(f): 6:49pm On Apr 10, 2012
jice: Take it easy sha. the world can't give you the needed solution. Go back and re-analyse your years together. you may get where you got it wrong to begin afresh. God be with you and divorce is not an option because Christ has risen for you.
Did the OP by any chance say he's a christian?btw if he realizes she's cheating on him will divorce still not be an option?
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by neyostica: 6:51pm On Apr 10, 2012
jay bee: @OP
Would you also complain if she decided to do thread her eyebrow without taking permission from you?
Try to be reasonable mr
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by jaybee3(m): 6:56pm On Apr 10, 2012
Try to be reasonable mr
What's not so reasonable about my post? I hope you know some people are very liberal when it comes to relationships
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Nobody: 6:56pm On Apr 10, 2012
do u read the bible at all? U dont see anything wrong with one drawing a tattoo

absolutely NOTHING!!!!
there are many things written on the bible that are out of context today (thus means absolutely nothing TO ME). if you have a problem with that then so be it.

here are some of the stuff that hypocrites like you see (or do) everyday, but yet keep quiet:

dwell on that for a minute.

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Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Zilja(f): 7:03pm On Apr 10, 2012

If she is a good woman
You need to give her a break but
You need a heart to heat meeting with her
I was in a mall with my wife and my 6 year old
At a makeup store, my 6 year old ask me to leave the store
I said OK and walk out
Few minutes later, I was walking back into the store and she said leave Dad
It final get done on me why my 6 year old was asking me to leave the store , so that she can get some makeup
She know I don't like her have a makeup

I'm sorry but that's stupid on your part to obey your 6 yr old. Makeup should not even be in her vocabulary let a long asking you to leave the store.

It's just not the same.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Koolking(m): 7:07pm On Apr 10, 2012
Pain: She has just shown you her true colors. Ask any psychologist, and they will tell your about the profile of people who tattoo or scarify themselves.
They are mostly people with a huge sense of low self esteem who have a huge gap to fill in their belated egos. Most of them exhibit a great degree of denial and self deceit as to why they tattoo or scarify themselves and are quick to defend their actions.

But///The truth and nothing but the truth is that ladies who tattoo are mostly those that have been sexually molested or have felt betrayed by a lover in the past
. Im sure your wife was recently dumped or molested by a secret lover. Have you wondered why most sex peddlers tattoo themselves? It is because of the way clients treat them e.g Facials,rough handling, short-changing, violation etc...for me a Tattoo is a Taboo on a married woman.. undecided

Well spoken PAIN. You got the drill. May your days be long.
Some people are just ignorant that there are connections with tattoo. What people see in tattoo freaks is not exactly what they get. Get down and research if you need an answer
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Zilja(f): 7:10pm On Apr 10, 2012

absolutely NOTHING!!!!
there are many things written on the bible that are out of context today (thus means absolutely nothing TO ME). if you have a problem with that then so be it.

here are some of the stuff that hypocrites like you see (or do) everyday, but yet keep quiet:

dwell on that for a minute.

Hmmm.... Please show me some reference as to where you find this. I'd like to read it.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by Nobody: 7:14pm On Apr 10, 2012

Hmmm.... Please show me some reference as to where you find this. I'd like to read it.

the reference is THE BIBLE, bwaaaah.....or do you just listen to your pastor like a sheep, instead of reading the good book by yourself?

which part exactly do you want me to educate you about?
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by deluxecad(m): 7:29pm On Apr 10, 2012
If the tattoo cannot be cleaned off, then she has to simply go. She could as well come home with a pregnancy I'm not a party to. Her body is mine, as much as mine is to her.
Re: Wife had Tattoo Inked all over her body Without My Consent by SAFO(m): 7:47pm On Apr 10, 2012

Your wife is demonic hence her action No reasonable woman will go and have her body tattooed while married without the consent of her husband.

Well, you knew who you married and understood her better. To me, her actions goes to show you that she has irresponsible people that gives her wrong advise.

I was waiting for this bush mentality response, but I'm surprised it took 3 pages long before it arrived.

NL never fails me grin

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