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Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? - Car Talk - Nairaland

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Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by blacklion(m): 2:45pm On May 08, 2012
I'm taking delivery of a Toyota Sequoia SR5 2005 model shortly. I'd love to hear from Sequoia owners especially as regards reliable mechanics, fuel consumption and related issues. Apologies if there is already a thread on this.

Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by gulfer: 7:56am On May 09, 2012
I am not one but drive a V-6 Suv; and i will tell you two things:
1. Expect more power (Torque) from the engines
2. Expect a considerably higher fuel consumption especially for city driving.
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by blacklion(m): 8:10am On May 09, 2012
gulfer: I am not one but drive a V-6 Suv; and i will tell you two things:
1. Expect more power (Torque) from the engines
2. Expect a considerably higher fuel consumption especially for city driving.

Thanks bro! More torque sounds very encouraging for when I hit Lagos-Benin-Asaba expresswaysmiley wink

What make is your SUV if you don't mind sharing?

This car is going to be on daily city driving in Lagos. Well, its too late for me now, I've already paid and the car arrives in couple of weeksgrin

I read the thread on V6 engines with much interest and noticed there were some conflicting opinions about fuel consumption. I think most people agreed there is definitely higher fuel consumption in city driving.
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by cretin: 9:10am On May 09, 2012
yeah..its too late....the v8 isnt designed for city driving..its for highways and towing.the sequioa has crappy fuel consumption

15mpg city, 18mpg highway..........thus in lagos holdups u will be averaging about 10mpg, compared to the v6 highlander that gets abt 25mpg highway and 20/21 city.

big suvs are gas guzzlewrs..nuthing u can do about it.
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by blacklion(m): 10:14am On May 09, 2012
cretin: yeah..its too late....the v8 isnt designed for city driving..its for highways and towing.the sequioa has crappy fuel consumption

15mpg city, 18mpg highway..........thus in lagos holdups u will be averaging about 10mpg, compared to the v6 highlander that gets abt 25mpg highway and 20/21 city.

big suvs are gas guzzlewrs..nuthing u can do about it.

Guess I'm well and truly scr@w*d!

Funny enough, Lagos is right now virtually flooded with 2001-04 model of Sequoia. Every junction or corner, there's one in front, beside or behind you grin I wonder how they cope with the fuel guzzling?
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by Lexusgs430: 10:19am On May 09, 2012

Guess I'm well and truly scr@w*d!

Funny enough, Lagos is right now virtually flooded with 2001-04 model of Sequoia. Every junction or corner, there's one in front, beside or behind you grin I wonder how they cope with the fuel guzzling?

By just closing your eyes and opening your wallet each time you pull into a gas station !!!
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by cretin: 11:08am On May 09, 2012
yeah..lagos is flooded with it, cos most nigerians have a herd mentality....they dont do due research before buying an automobile...they forget that a car isnt an investment...its rather a liability .my advice to you is to search and register on a sequioa forum.that way u wud keep abreast of info , TSBS recalls etc...and also compare data with other users worldwide.

note: most v8/v6 engines have timing belt and not chain..and its recommended to change every 20k miles.this goes for the rear differential[axle] and front differential oils.

even the transmission fluid, water and oil pump hv recoomended mileages that it shud be changed..about 50k miles or so 2yrs which ever comes first
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by gulfer: 12:26pm On May 09, 2012

By just closing your eyes and opening your wallet each time you pull into a gas station !!!
grin grin Funny! @poster mine's a Montero sport, a V-6 and truly made for the highway (i get 350+Miles from a full tank when traveling) but for the stop and start Lagos rush hour traffic, i get <270Miles. This also depends on the prior owner service culture, i have seen many registered Montero sport put up for sale and am sure its because of fuel consumption; mostly triggered by unlearned auto-mechanics who fiddle around for the particular problem rather than utilize a fault detector like a scanner. For you it won't be too bad if you sort out any pending CEL light issues as this is a very great factor in fuel consumption for all vehicles. Get a handy OBD2 gadget or the installable and you won't regret having the Sequoia that much. Follow the tips by @ Inspired (one of the stickies) on this section of the forum; it will help.
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by Fruittyswaqboii(m): 1:54pm On May 09, 2012
All I'll say is ===> GO FOR IT! You will NOT regret is. That car is a mad runner

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Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by Fhemmmy: 2:01pm On May 09, 2012
Piedpipper owns one, talk to him . . .
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by Fruittyswaqboii(m): 2:22pm On May 09, 2012
Wow @Fhemmy you use a montero? Does it really serve you well? I have this fear for mitsubishi cars
gulfer: grin grin Funny! @poster mine's a Montero sport, a V-6 and truly made for the highway (i get 350+Miles from a full tank when traveling) but for the stop and start Lagos rush hour traffic, i get <270Miles. This also depends on the prior owner service culture, i have seen many registered Montero sport put up for sale and am sure its because of fuel consumption; mostly triggered by unlearned auto-mechanics who fiddle around for the particular problem rather than utilize a fault detector like a scanner. For you it won't be too bad if you sort out any pending CEL light issues as this is a very great factor in fuel consumption for all vehicles. Get a handy OBD2 gadget or the installable and you won't regret having the Sequoia that much. Follow the tips by @ Inspired (one of the stickies) on this section of the forum; it will help.
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by Fruittyswaqboii(m): 2:24pm On May 09, 2012
alright. thanks
Fhemmmy: Piedpipper owns one, talk to him . . .
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by blacklion(m): 9:13pm On Nov 25, 2012

Can any one familiar with Sequoia please recommend a good mechanic in Lagos? Not satisfied with the one I'm using now. Thanks!
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by sultaan(m): 11:24pm On Nov 25, 2012
Six months and you are at the mechanics already, that truck is barely due for the first oil change.

Hope they haven't messed things up

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Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by skyfall: 8:53pm On Nov 28, 2012
blacklion: Folks,

Can any one familiar with Sequoia please recommend a good mechanic in Lagos? Not satisfied with the one I'm using now. Thanks!

There's a thread on this site specifically for this purpose. Try and do a search.
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by BE811APP: 3:59pm On Nov 29, 2012
cretin: yeah..its too late....the v8 isnt designed for city driving..its for highways and towing.the sequioa has crappy fuel consumption

15mpg city, 18mpg highway..........thus in lagos holdups u will be averaging about 10mpg, compared to the v6 highlander that gets abt 25mpg highway and 20/21 city.

big suvs are gas guzzlewrs..nuthing u can do about it.

Wow...highlander drinks fuel like dat??
And I was tinking of getn one!!!!!
I HATE cars dat Consume Fuel....
Re: Any Toyota Sequoia Owners In The House? by cretin: 9:57am On Dec 01, 2012
if u want a car that doesnt consume fuel..either get a toyota prius, a hybrid car[which isnt advisable for naija, due to maintaince]...or get a sedan..like corrola/elantra....most suvs are fuel hogs. rav4 01 to 05 model has the best consumption of small suvs

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