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Untitled Fiction - Literature (2) - Nairaland

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Untitled / Untitled Fantasy Novel: Read And Review,people! / Untitled (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Untitled Fiction by Luckygurl(f): 6:22pm On Jun 23, 2012
Keep d flag flying.CHEERS.
Re: Untitled Fiction by Fyngal1(f): 1:49pm On Jun 25, 2012
Ok. I've found a new soap opera. "....pump her up with red bull and power horse drinks that flowed straight from his throne..." i love this.
Re: Untitled Fiction by Gentiejag(f): 5:37pm On Jul 04, 2012
Everybody gathered in the conference room...as Teniola stepped in,she noticed the look on their faces...she did not need pity from any one of them. Pity was not going to make her company grow neither was it going to bring in new funds. So they had better get those pity-faces of theirs in the trash can and put on the ''teniola'' face.

''Goodmorning everybody'' she greeted.
Different mumbles and tones of ''Goodmorning Teniola'' was said back.
She scanned their faces, someone was missing, she looked around again,trying to put everybody in their places in her mind, she looked around again,yea,she knew someone was missing.

Micheal was missing.

There were a lot of whisperings in the conference room, which amounted to a little amount of noise.

And then,she voiced out at last.

''Where is micheal?''

An heavy cloud of silence fell on the room. No one could reply.

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Re: Untitled Fiction by koolkamzzy(m): 8:44pm On Jul 06, 2012
Op where have you been hiding? Oya come and continue jor before I go lipsrsealed grin
Re: Untitled Fiction by Kriskutter(m): 10:51am On Jul 07, 2012
datz my baby... Keep it coming
Re: Untitled Fiction by Mynd44: 8:25am On Jul 08, 2012
Where is thi girl nah? I am not getting younger
Re: Untitled Fiction by Gentiejag(f): 9:04am On Jul 09, 2012
''Can someone please tell me where micheal is?'' Teniola asked,looking at the faces in front of her.
''Am sorry people, this meeting will no go further if someone does not speak up.'' she said,relaxing back in her chair.
He paced the room, here he was in the deepest part of the jungle and he could not even think. 'no one is going to find me ere' he thought.
He had dyed his hair to a light shade of brown, as much as he wanted to keep his moustache,he had shaved it.
'Where is this guy?' he murmured.
He sat on the bed and kept his head in his arms.
Just then there was a knock on the door. Picking up his gun,he walked slowly to the door.
''Who is it?'' He asked.
''Dead man walking'' the voice on the other end replied.
He kept the gun at the back of his jean and opened the door.
Grinning from ear to ear, Alex came in.
''Hey micheal, I heard you were dead''.
Re: Untitled Fiction by Gentiejag(f): 8:01am On Jul 11, 2012
''Hmmm...Teniola'' Evelyn said.

''Yes, Evelyn, you've got something to say?'' Teniola said turning and looking into evelyn's face.

''I think we should go to the office and talk about this'' Evelyn replied,looking down.

''Oh no, whatever you have to say, you say it now and in front of everyone.'' she said, not blinking.

''Ok..On ur birthday, Micheal came to my office to drop his resignation letter, he wanted to give it to you, but it was your birthday and i ddn't think he should drop something like that on you....so i...''

''Excuse me, evelyn, don't i decide what would be a shock to me, and what the heck is the big deal about my birthday?...so because its my birthday, you thought i couldn't cope with a resignation letter?'' Teniola cut in.

''I just ddn't want.....'' Evelyn attempted to reply.

''I think you have said enough,evelyn'' she said looking at her face.

Turning to face the others, she said ''Every head of department should submit a summary of all that has happened between when i was here last and today, i want those set of reports on my table in 2 hours''

Rising up and walking to the door, she said ''This meeting is over''.

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Re: Untitled Fiction by Mynd44: 8:14am On Jul 11, 2012
Re: Untitled Fiction by Gentiejag(f): 8:29am On Jul 11, 2012
@mynd44...abeg wetin b dat?
Re: Untitled Fiction by Mynd44: 8:40am On Jul 11, 2012
I want more.
Re: Untitled Fiction by Gentiejag(f): 8:47am On Jul 11, 2012
Really?....wats ur fb name?
Re: Untitled Fiction by Mynd44: 8:52am On Jul 11, 2012
Gentiejag: Really?....wats ur fb name?
I will mail it to you
Re: Untitled Fiction by Nobody: 8:53am On Jul 11, 2012
@Gentlejag keep it coming some more...
Re: Untitled Fiction by Fyngal1(f): 12:24pm On Jul 11, 2012
Na wa o! Y u dey do me so? This last post waz shooort.
Re: Untitled Fiction by Sapphiredamsel(f): 7:58am On Jul 12, 2012
continue nah,abeg
Re: Untitled Fiction by oladayo042: 4:34pm On Jul 12, 2012
Wow! So beautiful.
Re: Untitled Fiction by Mynd44: 5:06pm On Jul 12, 2012
Where this girl go nah? I go vex oooo
Re: Untitled Fiction by Gentiejag(f): 5:30pm On Jul 12, 2012
'' What happened, micheal'' Alex asked.

'' You see, Alex, I will explain to you lateron, there is no time now''

''Tell me what went down man, was it true you could not kill your boss?''

''Alex,pleeeease,not now!'' Micheal said, anger obvious in his face

''Ok, what do you need me for?'' Alex asked.

''I need you to complete what i could not finish for me.''

Raising a brow, alex asked ''Whats that?''

''Killing my boss,Teniola''
2 months had passed since Teniola received micheal's resignation letter, she had employed someone else in his place but no, no one could be as efficient as micheal. She was sure the newly-employed samuel was annoyed with her especially for the first three weeks he started the job, she was always annoyed with him, made him put in extra hours and Teniola told him to re-write lots and lots of reports.

Today, early in the morning, she had received a call from her mom asking her to come see her, but she knew what her mom wanted to say. ''Marriage'' she dreaded that word, why she couldnt get pregnant by accessing one of those sperm banks and having a child or two without people having different thoughts was annoying. She wasn't going to allow somebody to keep a track of her whereabouts,ask why his meals aint ready, why she hadn't done the laundry yet and why she had not gotten pregnant yet.

She was not ready for such a life but anyways she would go to her mom's place and pretend as if she did not know what she wanted to say.

Re: Untitled Fiction by kayClt(f): 9:54pm On Jul 12, 2012
WoW......can't stop reading,lovely story line,kip it up.
Re: Untitled Fiction by EyesWideOpen(m): 10:00pm On Jul 12, 2012
Awesomest piece I've ever read! Pls do keep it coming.
Re: Untitled Fiction by Gentiejag(f): 10:03pm On Jul 12, 2012
We did it!!!....yes people!...we made the front page....For everyone who has encouraged me...God bless you.
Thank you
i promise not to disappoint you.


Re: Untitled Fiction by kq(m): 10:04pm On Jul 12, 2012
it seems like you have a good storyline going there. But i must advise that you make the necessary investigation that will make the story real yet fiction. for example if you are describing a medical condition please dont just use everyday words like just memory loss there is more to having memory loss and the after effects. It is fiction yet so real when a writer knows what he is talking about and can make readers feel and imagine every word and every action or event described. If you are going to use places make sure you are at least familiar and can transport the place into a readers imagination. Please do consider all this in your writing. Hope you dont get writers block and can give us a good time.


Re: Untitled Fiction by Cuddlemii: 10:05pm On Jul 12, 2012
Gentiejag: We did it!!!....yes people!...we made the front page....For everyone who has encouraged me...God bless you.
Thank you
i promise not to disappoint you.

You deserve it. Keep it up!


Re: Untitled Fiction by lwise(m): 10:10pm On Jul 12, 2012
I can't wait where are you?
Re: Untitled Fiction by gentlejohn(m): 10:13pm On Jul 12, 2012
Nice story, but B4 I get addicted are u sure u will b able 2 finish wat u started?I don't want 2 b heart broken cos of a story again. Taught a big lesson 4rm Campus blues which was neva completed.


Re: Untitled Fiction by dramaticspeak(m): 10:14pm On Jul 12, 2012
Gentiejag: We did it!!!....yes people!...we made the front page....For everyone who has encouraged me...God bless you.
Thank you
i promise not to disappoint you.
if it hadn't made d frontpage i would have been suprised.it would b a priviledge if i get to chat wit some1 lyk y.fb:hansel praise

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Re: Untitled Fiction by Sandyperkins(f): 10:19pm On Jul 12, 2012
Good storyline
Re: Untitled Fiction by drpompay(m): 10:26pm On Jul 12, 2012
This is d most sensible post/follow-up on nairaland; with a good and strong storyline and d best comments (devoid of sentiments, abusive language and ethnicity) by nairalanders. P.S. Pls keep it up, cos d sky is too close to be ur limit.
Re: Untitled Fiction by Sapphiredamsel(f): 10:30pm On Jul 12, 2012
i neva knew my gentiejag's story made d front page.cograts,fellow diarian
Re: Untitled Fiction by Nobody: 10:34pm On Jul 12, 2012
Wow Gentiejag...awesome piece! I'm subscribing sharpally.
Re: Untitled Fiction by OAM4J: 10:35pm On Jul 12, 2012
Interesting! Please keep it flowing.

I hope it wont be one of the 'Never unending stories' or one of the abandoned stories.

Well done!

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