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When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? - Health (3) - Nairaland

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Hiv Test 21 Days After Sex / Cancer Drugs A Cure For HIV – Says Researchers / CSA-54: A Possible Cure For HIV/AIDS! (2) (3) (4)

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Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Nobody: 6:39pm On Jul 05, 2012
It's good to know your status for early treatment and intervention. PLWHIV have normal life when on ART treatment. Being positive is NOT a dead sentence as we generally believe. I know influential people in this country that are positive and also Nigeria professional footballers, active and retired, that are on treatment and living a normal life. Best practice, USE condom if you can't abstain....


Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by adonisyung(m): 6:46pm On Jul 05, 2012
I will do it wen I gO mad.......dOse dat die Of hiv are dOse dat knw dey have it!diabitis kils moredan aids O
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Nobody: 6:51pm On Jul 05, 2012
adonisyung: I will do it wen I gO mad.......dOse dat die Of hiv are dOse dat knw dey have it!diabitis kils moredan aids O
Those that died of HIV did not know their status on time and could not access free HIV care that could keep their immune system normal like every normal living person. With proper counseling and adherence a +ve patient is not different from a -ve living person.


Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Ehinafe: 7:01pm On Jul 05, 2012
I did it 2ice last year and also twice when my wife was to be ordained as a minister of the gospel, all turn negative. There really is nothing to be afraid of.
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by 9jawear(m): 7:01pm On Jul 05, 2012
http://liamscheff.com/2011/11/6033/ Liam Scheff
for the Robert Scott Bell Show and Natural News

It may come as a shock to realize that if everyone in the world who was supposed to be HIV positive, suddenly no longer cared about this designation, and returned the diagnosis and red ribbon to the doctor or clinician who gave it to them, that no further infections would occur, no HIV would be spread, and the entire notion of this virus would disappear entirely. What would be left in this scenario is not a world plagued by HIV infection, but a world in which many people are ill for many reasons: Poverty, pharmaceutical poisoning, street drug abuse, toxic environmental poisoning, pure starvation, filthy parasite-ridden water and fear. A fear promulgated and propagated by the AIDS medical front.

We on the Robert Scott Bell Show are proud to present a new video documentary release from the “House of Numbers” special edition film series – “HIV Testing Exposed, Revealed and Deconstructed.”

Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/32537863

What are HIV tests? What do they do?

They are protein tests – they look for reactions between proteins in the test kits, and proteins in your blood.

But where do the proteins come from? The answer will astound, and possibly liberate you, and anyone you know who has ever been given one of these fraudulent tests.

In the course of two hours, we hear from AIDS industry and medical experts, who in their own words reveal in no uncertain terms that HIV tests are a complete and utter fraud – a game of three-card-monty, that overlay a cult-like belief system, a myth – the myth that AIDS is a transmissible sex disease.

AIDS – acquired immune deficiency – is real enough, and easy to ‘acquire’ through many means – through drug, pharma, water, food poisoning; through prolonged intoxication with chemicals, or restriction of essential nutrients.

But while immune deficiency is quite real, HIV is entirely fake. Does this statement surprise you? Shock you? In the course of two hours, investigative journalist Liam Scheff, and host Robert Scott Bell will walk you through the experts on parade, as they tell you, in their own words, how the HIV test was constructed out of entirely normal proteins, that occur in both sick and healthy people. These proteins were supposed to come from one virus – but they come from a witch’s brew of cultured, contaminated cell lines in government laboratories, which had been growing for most of the 1970s. They were useless proteins looking for an illness to attach themselves to. Why? To keep the funding going.

The CDC was saved from destitution by the invention of the “HIV” paradigm. The World Health Organization has grown into a world policing, economic weapon of war, in light of their ability to ruin nations with make-believe “HIV” tests, (and the SARS, Bird and Swine flu tests that followed suit). Much of the ‘third world’ has been made into pharma slave states, because we have been given this profoundly effective myth: That sex is dangerous for some people, and so they must be tested.

But what are we testing them with, and what for?

You will hear Hans Gelderblom, electron microscopist, admit on camera that what became HIV tests, was from the beginning, “Eighty Percent Dirt.” You will hear Ph.D. researchers describe the invention (by fiat, and consensus agreement) of “HIV proteins,” out of normally-occuring cellular proteins. And you will hear the high priests of “HIV,” Robert Gallo, Luc Montagnier and their peers, describe HIV tests as entirely flawed Rube Goldberg devices – one leading to another, leading to another, all in an attempt to create an overwhelming conclusion that a dozen useless tests must be more meaningful than just one.

When they know the truth: A dozen times a fraud is an even more profound fraud – and this fraud is now being perpetrated against Africans, Indians, Chinese, Eastern and Western Europeans, South and North Americans, and citizens worldwide, with entirely disgraced ‘rapid tests,’ now used in vans and at folding tables in parking lots, to grab the poorly-educated and hurl them into the pharmaceutical maw.

On World AIDS Day, we at the Robert Scott Bell show declare a worldwide moratorium on HIV testing — you can now download this show, and the House of Numbers exclusive HIV testing video, walk it into your clinician, your doctor, your school, workplace, your CEO or C.O.’s office; bring it to social studies, science and math classes, discourse and debate clubs; post them on your webpage and blogs, burn them onto CDs and MP3 players, and spread the word.

Turn in your HIV test result. Return it to the manufacturer. After all, they’ll tell you in the fine print that it is a ‘diagnosis’ with no value at all. And begin to reclaim your life, sanity, and your sexual identity – it is not the government’s right or responsibility to decide for you how you shall choose a partner, nor how you shall be drugged.

Take this information, and spread the well-described and understood reality of HIV testing: It is an absolute, irredeemable  fraud. And if you are ill, and have any kind of immune deficiency, your challenge is to slowly but concretely educate yourself about the illnesses that plague us in our modern world. Illnesses of toxic exposure, from denatured and chemically altered food, polluted water and air, and chronic exposure to gut-rending pharmaceuticals.

We on the Robert Scott Bell show will continue to talk about how to recover from immune deficiency. It is a challenge for all of us. What we need to do for the innocent victims of the HIV test fraud, is to NULLIFY that false label, and let them have the mental space and sanity to pursue health without being chased by the pharma nightmare that is daily inflicted upon so-called “AIDS patients.”

This is going to be a two hours like no other we’ve done. We will plumb the depths of the HIV testing fraud, and let the mainstream, in their own words, describe it to you, and release you from it.

Join us today at 12pm EST, and then downloadable for your MP3 player, on NaturalNewsRadio.com for World HIV Fraud Day.

And spread the word, by sharing the broadcast and the “House of Numbers” documentary with everyone you know, at every level of professional life in your town, village or burg, wherever you live in the world.

Join us to listen, and later click on the Robert Scott Bell archives link for the show download.

And remember – the power to heal truly is yours. And the power to turn in your HIV diagnosis, belongs to you, today.

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Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Connoisseur(m): 7:01pm On Jul 05, 2012
I remember the first tym I had the test as an undergraduate. After a fitful sleepless nite, I was told the next day when I went to collect the result that I had to redo the test cos sth went wrong wif the 1st one. I ran and never came back for another 2 weeks.
Trust me, that was the worst 14 days of ma entire life. Went back though after counseling and the result was negative. You need to hear the shout!!!
The last time I did the test was April and it was still negative.

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Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by touchmeder: 7:40pm On Jul 05, 2012
its been a while now. i did mine during NYSC Camp in Lagos. There were virtually pleading with everyone to come and be tested free of charge and get the results within minutes. i chop liver enter that tent and by his grace it was negative. Ive not done anyone since then but i intend to get one done this year.The thing nor easy jare...
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by nikkyhoney(m): 7:49pm On Jul 05, 2012
[/color][color=#990000]Last week wednesday
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by tribalism(m): 7:51pm On Jul 05, 2012
the first time was when i first thought of marrying and the second was just on a visit to the hospital with a friend who just suggested we should run the test, i just said ok. but he asked what if you test positive and I just told him, sebi they have ARV.


Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by chumafresh(m): 8:11pm On Jul 05, 2012
2 days back apparently
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by poweredcom(m): 8:18pm On Jul 05, 2012
Why will I do such a test hiv lie lie when ma system is strong well I encourage people to eat well and take jobylyn tablets its an immune booster ok its just 1200 naira very good tablet
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by tribalism(m): 8:30pm On Jul 05, 2012
yamunla: Me ke..! Even if dem go pay me 1.5 milla for the test,I no go gree do am..with the way I dey phuck with flesh nowadays like HEN..! Test ko! Aptitude ni.!
you must be a Sex FieldMarshall.
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by yamunla(m): 8:46pm On Jul 05, 2012
you must be a Sex FieldMarshall.
no be so broda..I go born again for 2 days.,,,after the 2 days I go enta streets back..igboro,2go,FB,BBM,PINSHARE and the rest....
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by pauloman(m): 9:10pm On Jul 05, 2012
I have actually done it thrice now and the first two i knew was negative,the last being 2weeks ago when i was asked to do a full medical examination by an Organisation. Although i was not shown the report of the medical examination but i was told i that i do not have any medical abnormality....could that also mean a negative status for the HIV test too ?
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Reference(m): 10:09pm On Jul 05, 2012
lexonah: 1.if u luk closely at da punny wit a red lamp...cos dats wot i put on in ma rum wen i wana get down..and u observe dat da lips below gives u secondary kolors,run for dear lyf if not enjoy da ride.

Are you a gynaecologist.
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by mrkels(m): 10:27pm On Jul 05, 2012
When I was in school , I went with my friend for my first test, I just escorted him there..when I got there to my surprise I met my babe in the hall waiting to do her...I nearly sh*t for body that moment. Though the test came out negative, I never trusted that girl again in my life, I even had to tell the counsellor that the lady that went in b4 me was my gf just incase there was something she would like to advice me about..i grin grin grin

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Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Mandelaguy(m): 11:14pm On Jul 05, 2012
December. I subscribe to doing it every six months.

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Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Tolaaaaannni(f): 11:34pm On Jul 05, 2012
fittty: Why would I go take a test dat tells me the number of years I have to left to live on earth Its simply just like looking into d future to know when God has destined u to leave d world.... I'll rather live healthy and stay away from such tests
You sir/ms are an IDIOOT! so you had rather live with HIV and get sick constantly and possibly die a very painful and shameful death than get a test done dude we are in the 21st century, HIV is no longer a death sentence you can get treated for it like malaria. WAKE UP PEOPLE!


Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by chucky234(m): 11:51pm On Jul 05, 2012
Never tested and not planning to either,I don't live a reckless life as I always have the capital word AIDS at the back of my mind 24/7
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by boomssey(f): 12:15am On Jul 06, 2012
Well its a gud tin 4 one 2 knw his or her HIV status no mata d outcome. anyway av had hiv test lik 4 or 5times 2 b precise.d last time i checkd was 2wiks ago.i wasnt avin any positiv feelin while w8ng 4 d result n it hapns lik dat weneva i wana av an hiv test infact d 1st time i did it,it wasnt lik d world was comin 2 an end cos i already knu wot d result wuld b(negative).i'm not mockin dos wit it bt d earlier u knw d better!
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Nobody: 12:34am On Jul 06, 2012
kwenu: As for me its been a year , i had mine own Test during Navy screening Excercise, ohh boy i was so scared before i got tested, the soldiers extracting blood didnt show mercy with Injections. my mother and my sister were praying for me when i told them we were to go for HIV Test,since they know i am very vulnerable to women (You know what i mean).me too prayed that day and Night.

But before the Test was conducted i was shown the test result in my dream that wasnt HIV POsitive, still yet i didnt believe it until the test was taken and was announced Hiv Neg.. ohh boy i was happy for the result.

I shall go for another this year.hopefully by the Lords grace

something very similar too happened to me.I had a dream the morning i was to go for a test that i proved positive..but when i prove nega,come see shout..lol
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Nobody: 12:36am On Jul 06, 2012
you must be a Sex FieldMarshall.

Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by fankasibe: 12:56am On Jul 06, 2012
I will go for test immediatelly the cure is found..... Tèsti kò éxamù ni
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by iykak47: 3:40am On Jul 06, 2012
Hiv test kwa, if one is positive what follows? angry
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by alhussanglegma: 4:52am On Jul 06, 2012
I intentionally sleep with HIV Positive girls since the death of my wife in 2004 as a result of HIV. But i refuse doing the Test 4 fear of the Psychological implication shd i be tested Positive.
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by hapi(m): 5:53am On Jul 06, 2012
I don't buy whatever the united states, glaxo and w.h.o sales passionately. The whole hiv stuff is a fraud, billions of dollars are being trown into it yearly and no cure except that arv that will surely kill u when u take it. Those in the medical field, have u ever re-done gallo experiment to prove that hiv exist?
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Sike(m): 6:32am On Jul 06, 2012
O.K. Imma try do mine tomorrow. smiley

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Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Otses(f): 6:37am On Jul 06, 2012
I have done it four times now. The first time I did it, I almost fainted before the result came out, the second one was in camp, the third was when I was terribly sick and it looked as if nothing was working, but I wasn't afraid then. The last one was last year December. Negative in all
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Olutozn54(m): 8:04am On Jul 06, 2012
lexonah: ol of ya ar shouting negative,!! negative!!!......wer did da positives go to? In mathematics :negative,negative is positive o.....just saying.
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by Patsey: 8:19am On Jul 06, 2012
Caracta: In the school i teach, one of the staff (who just found out to be HIV positive), had s*x with eleven of our students. He agreed to help them out in the just concluded WASSCE @ the price of s*x. Now u can imagine the plight of these young students.

So this happen even at post-primary school level? OMG. WASSCE students must be minors and the teacher, as an adult, acting in locum parentis yet shagging minors is simply a paedophile. He should be sent to jail. But this is Nigeria where ANYTHING HAPPENS AND PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH IT WITH IMPUNITY! VERY VERY SHAMEFUL.
Re: When Last Did You Go For HIV Test? by ace4luv69(m): 9:23am On Jul 06, 2012
Whenever i have s*x i go 4 test, even if its twice or thrice in a week since I'm an eligible bachelor wink

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