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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Celebrities / Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? (35692 Views)
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Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by muyannie: 3:20am On Nov 22, 2007 |
ITS All A BLATANT LIE!!!!!!!!!I have a copy of an interview they (mr&mrs edoho) granted to CITY PEOPLE magazine in last week's issue that contradicts dis whole story |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by IykeD(m): 3:31am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Let's not be quick at jumping into conclusions.i do not believe this piece of story, one it was an interview isn't it?, then the poster should have pasted the link, why did he have to type it? Please let's not forget this guy is a public figure, and things like this can tarnish his image. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by teckzilla(m): 7:01am On Nov 22, 2007 |
THIS IS REAL SAD MAYNE, really wish it werent so,tsk tsk tsk, am speechless, |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by 9ja4eva: 7:14am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Ha na wa oh, Very sad |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by opokonwa(m): 7:26am On Nov 22, 2007 |
People should mind their own damn business! Because Frank and wife are stars or public figures does not mean these things don't happen with other people. People should mind their damn business. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by upchair(m): 7:28am On Nov 22, 2007 |
If this is true, that may explain why Kate has been of the air. She has not been on NTA's AM EXPRESS for a few months now. God that would be terrible. Such a sweet lovely thing. I really admire her on air. To Frank: IF THIS IS TRUE, no matter what she may have done, you have no right to beat her. IF you think u can beat her because she did some things wrong, remember that YOU yourself are not perfect. Beating her is babaric & definitely not the solution to the problem. It will only give her enough reason to love you less overtime. If you love her as you claim, beating her should make your heart bleed. She is a woman, not a punching bag. She has feelings and feels pain when she is hit. A punching bag does not. I saw both of you on AM express when she (your wife) coincidentally interviewed you earlier this year. You even cracked a joke and told her to say hello to her husband. You guys seems so cool together. Frank You are already a house hold name in Nigeria, Every Friday evening, millions of Nigerians round the country tune into you in the evening cause of your sense of humour and the way you handle the program brilliantly. You may not realise it, but you are becoming a brand in Nigeria if you are not already one. If this is true, you are on your way to ruining your image as a person and your career. It means you are using your hands to destroy what you have built. Frank I will stop here cause I am shocked and lost for words if any of this is true. I pray and hope it is not. May God deliver you if it is. Amen. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by 9ja4eva: 7:34am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Kate dey AM Express? Which one? |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by amaikama(m): 7:51am On Nov 22, 2007 |
We should change his programme to "who want to beat his wife" ![]() |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by mac73(m): 8:21am On Nov 22, 2007 |
For the record, Frank and Catherine granted separate interviews detailing their marital squabbles.So, this was not a case of a soft-sell magazine publishing rumours or hear-says in order to sell.If you had read the interviews, believe me, you would have been disapponited in the Edohos.They displayed crass immaturity in washing their dirty linen in public. Their subsequent joint interview(obviously after they had reconciled) only served to further confirm the veracity of the story. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by Nobody: 8:35am On Nov 22, 2007 |
muyannie: Thank you o, thats exactly what i wanted to say, because i saw their picture on the front page of city people recently and they were looking all happy. I dont usually believe what people have on their blog and besides the interview answers were to watery to believe they were coming out of Her mouth, she is far too intelligent. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by amaikama(m): 8:39am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Aysometin! the interview, was it before or after the beating incident? ![]() |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by shescute4(f): 8:50am On Nov 22, 2007 |
i don't believe goes one great couple i've admired 4 so all boils down to the fact that all that gliters' not gold |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by Nobody: 8:54am On Nov 22, 2007 |
This isn't entirely new, this rumor has been brewing for a very long time now, and credible source or not, there has to be a veneer of truth on this issue Frank, some of us have looked up to you, and you owe it to your fans who will still stand by you no matter what to change. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by PapaBrowne(m): 8:55am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Nah, nah, nah. This is wrong of the poster.[/b]There is no source. And it is coming on the same day Katherine appeared on Mnet as a marriage counsellor. I watched [b]Katherine Edoho on Mnet's[b]Moments with Mo[/b] yesterday and she was the poster child for a successful marraige. Mo Abudu made her give wonderful tips on how to make a marraige successful. This is a suspicious article ooh!! Slander or libel no good oh!! Visit |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by yimiton(f): 9:03am On Nov 22, 2007 |
I find this pretty difficult to believe. Franks looks really cool and nice but a very credible friend of mine who's been in the 'Who wants to be a millionaire' program confirmed that the guy has a very short and harsh temper, so, if have to put that into consideration, then, it's actually possible. I still think Frank looks too decent and civilzed to do this but if he actually did, he should be thrown into a deep dark prison where he'll have only monkeys for company and the key thrown into the sea! On a serious note, if this is true, the guy needs to see a shrink or a councellor who'll teach him to control his temper. His children will not be safe too if something is not done on time. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by 2dye4(m): 9:10am On Nov 22, 2007 |
the best of men are still men, not angels! i'm surprised @ pples reactions as though the man aint flesh and blood, what makes him less of a wife basher, the armani suits and the attitude? ![]() the story could either be true or false, and with everybody coming up with their own exhibit, its either here nor there, but that frank and kate are celebs does not make their marriage deviod of such trauma, rather it makes it more susceptible. but like a poster proposed, lets just mind our own damn business! |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by Pepeye(f): 9:15am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Such a very sad story, but I guess most marriages are a pretty much like theirs, “marital squabbles” but because they are both TV personalities , their’s is blowing off on the pages of soft-sell mag, I really do admire Frank he has a way of holding his viewers spellbound cos he’s got the wit, humour and very eloquent, but being a wife beater is just barbaric and animalistic in this time and age |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by Pamperme: 9:17am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Amebos, aprokos, overknow. ![]() Chineke! Katherine doesn't speak like this, the replies given to the questions were definately not from her. Frank will not give a show like begging the wife at the Int'l Airport. for God's sake, you guys should get a ![]() |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by semidaraeb(m): 9:23am On Nov 22, 2007 |
i dont weant to believe this but if its true its realy mean,No mata wat she as done she doesnt deserve to be battered in such ways or manner ![]() |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by onyekang1(f): 9:38am On Nov 22, 2007 |
UNBELIEVEABLE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by DoubleN(m): 9:39am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Na wah o! this perfect looking couple? |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by bodeomos: 9:41am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Was this interview conducted by you or you are quoting from a magazine? Its all about what individuals face in their respective life's. No one is perfect but beating your spouse should be the least of things to do at this generational period. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by spora(m): 10:05am On Nov 22, 2007 |
While this may come as a shock, I am not entirely surprised. You need to get close to these "celebrities" to see their skeletons. Some of them believe they are pure God's gifts to women. They are nothing other than female chauvinists! Bigots! Sexists! The list is endless: Nanya of Rythm FM, Charles Anazodo, Yemi Solade. I mean some of them are irresponsible. Linda is a role model and she will never put this on her blog, except she is sure of what she is saying. And Katherine will never say this about her hubby either except she has been pushed to the wall. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by Blackcat(f): 10:21am On Nov 22, 2007 |
'k_francise' my sister, I believe you and I also believe Frank is boxing his wife bad bad |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by aiphiee(f): 10:23am On Nov 22, 2007 |
its simply unbelievable. he looks so fine and nice. na wa o ![]() ![]() ![]() they shud stop the program before he losses his temper on tv. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by Purist(m): 10:25am On Nov 22, 2007 |
This story is very hard to believe considering the fact that I read an interview that Frank and his wife granted recently, where this issue of battery allegation came up and Frank denied having ever hit his wife. His wife also corroborated this by admitting that Frank has NEVER raised a finger on her before. Frank even went on to say that one of the worst things he doesn't hope to experience in his life is divorce, so why would he want to beat his wife? |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by mac73(m): 10:47am On Nov 22, 2007 |
soft-sell magazines may sometimes exaggerate or publish blantant falsehood but in this instance, they were was not a reported story.Both parties granted these interviews and spilled the beans as it were.Subsequently, when they had reconciled, they granted a joint interview to say the whole thing was blown out of proportion by the press.In their separate interviews, they even showed the reporters texts messages from each other to the other.Frank even stated in his own interview that he had informed his wife that he was going to grant an interview to the press. For those who believe, it was made up by the press, endeavour to read the interviews first before you deny the surprises me how people will believe the supposed rebuttal in City people but refuse to accept the interview in Encomium.By the way, city people aso published a story on their squabbles.While i don't really care to know about their marital squabbles, it should be noted that they brought it out in the open by the interviews they granted.And just in case there are people(and from the posts it does apear there are) who think celebrities are all nice and proper as they appear in Tvs and all, here is a reality check, they are not always prim and proper.they as much susceptible to human foibles as us normal folks. My grouse with the Edohos is not that they have marital squabbles but that they allowed what was purely their private life be published for all to read.And then there was the issue of beating up his wife.they may both deny it all they want but to the discerning, it is all medicine after death. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by Seun(m): 10:52am On Nov 22, 2007 |
This is an older interview, from October, from the same "source": What's the cause of the problems in your marriage? |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by yewaman1(m): 10:55am On Nov 22, 2007 |
I have a better idea, lets put Frank in the boxing ring with who again, this nigerian guy that just became famous the police man someone please help with his name that would really be cool. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by yewaman1(m): 10:59am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Samuel Peter that his name, and lets see what Oga Frank has to after. ode, beating a woman. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by yewaman1(m): 11:05am On Nov 22, 2007 |
Samuel Peter that his name, and lets see what Oga Frank has to say after. ode, beating a woman. |
Re: Frank Edoho Likes To Box His Wife? by GeeCee(m): 11:08am On Nov 22, 2007 |
I don't want to believe dis story and i won't beleive it 4 anything. No right thinking woman will grant an interview and admit dat her husband beats her. Even if the husband does, she will not admit it except she is in a court 4 divorce. Since pple here doubt the source, the story cannot be true. |
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