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DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame - TV/Movies (2) - Nairaland

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Nando Disqualified From Big Brother Africa / Goldie Evicted From BBA Stargame / Roki And Maneta Disqualified From BBA Stargame For Fighting (2) (3) (4)

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Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by Nobody: 5:19am On Jun 05, 2012
I really don't see the point of vilifying one bad behavior over another. Supporting one gender over the other, because one is a woman or the other is a man. I don't support ghettofied, crude, crass and classless behavior of which both of them displayed. According to the big brother rules violence can refer to self-inflicted violence, or violence towards another. Violence includes provocation, goading, bullying and victimisation. Both of them are guilty of these things.

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Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by seedord247(m): 5:25am On Jun 05, 2012

What kind of demonic comment is this?

To you. . . she sounds as if she hasn't be slapped by a man b4.

Where I live isn't the issue here, and NO! Women are not beaten in my family! For what reason?... I am a Nigerian mind you!

Yes.. It's.

You sound as if you haven't seen a guy beaten a lady. I asked you the question bcus you sound as if it only happens in Nigeria.

Whereas the africans american count it as a boxing match. grin
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by mspookie: 5:33am On Jun 05, 2012
Please how can I save this video. tongue #justkiddin# nice way to treat a lady like Zainab. I think wat she did was quite Rude and a simple apology cuda worked.. So, DKB played NINTENDO on Zainabs Face, welldone.D only reason I think DKB deserved d RED CARD was cos he raised his hand on a lady.UNACCEPTABLE!!!
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by obo389(m): 5:37am On Jun 05, 2012
ms pookie: Please how can I save this video. tongue #justkiddin# nice way to treat a lady like Zainab. I think wat she did was quite Rude and a simple apology cuda worked.. So, DKB played NINTENDO on Zainabs Face, welldone.D only reason I think DKB deserved d RED CARD was cos he raised his hand on a lady.UNACCEPTABLE!!!
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by obo389(m): 5:41am On Jun 05, 2012
cry very right ms pookie.guys these days should learn to be self restraining on annoying gurls somtimes.but u gurlsluna get wahala sha!!!
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by DSB(m): 5:42am On Jun 05, 2012
Eventhough I do not support violence against women, I believe that women should also act more responsibly. If you watch the video again, you'll notice that she slapped him first. Now dat was the peak of the provocation. Afterall, if it is good for the goose, it should also be good for the gander.
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by luvinhubby(m): 5:47am On Jun 05, 2012
Condone immorality but not violence, this BBA does not represent African value system in anyway. It's a load shit. angry angry
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by eghost247(m): 5:51am On Jun 05, 2012
Girl was rude and the guy was wrong to have hit her
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by dreu2fine(m): 5:59am On Jun 05, 2012
Bb,ur rule is wrong ,even if u add to send some one home not zainab.its all part if d game.its it wrong to peep some1?den u guys need to change sm1 rule lk bringin alcohol,men sleepin in girls rooms etc.bb u guys no try diz season,its all fuckup.from naija
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by PrinceDudu(m): 6:30am On Jun 05, 2012
Bigbrother did d best thing in that situation but I wished it was Maneta.
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by luvinhubby(m): 6:40am On Jun 05, 2012
I've asked this question repeatedly with no sensible reply.
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by zangiff(m): 6:44am On Jun 05, 2012
i've never slapped a girl and will never,even on tv with millions of viewers.the guy act is even on search engines now
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by dowjones(m): 6:45am On Jun 05, 2012
nanidee: Yes, she was being quite lousy and all, but I think he had already made his point when he approached her. The next reasonable thing was to walk away and leave her bitching like a local gangstar.

Annoying as it can be to have someone speak to you in that manner, it's always good to choose the high road of not dignifying such rantings with an answer. He totally showed how quick tempered and immature he is. SMH!

few years ago at jibowu bus stop lagos, a chic was insulting a soldier for stepping on her and not apologizing. the soldier chose not to apologize because she was quick to run her mouth and didn't give him time to realise what he just did. she blasted this dude with insults and i felt embarrassed for him (soldier). surprisingly, the soldier didn't respond.An agbero (thug) and elderly woman threatened to beat her if she didn't keep quiet and that's when she finally kept shut. that soldier was educated and self controlled and probably saw the need to ignore her stupidity but people at the bus stop almost took it on themselves to beat her up. some ladies are animals that get what they deserve .
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by deshclones(m): 6:53am On Jun 05, 2012
moremi2008: There is a reason why Africa is backward. And no, it isn't because of our colonial history. Only backward illiterates think words are enough to provoke physical aggression. A human being should not be a daft animal without self-control.

There is nothing a woman can say to a man that should provoke the man to physically assault her. A real man would have just walked away. Of course the Zainab chick was running her mouth all over the place but that's what guilty chicks do! Chicks like to run their mouths because it's often their only weapon. A real man with self control will find other ways to make his point without getting physical. He is lucky he isn't in the US. He will be spending some time in jail on a battery or assault charge where he will find plenty of other men like him to fight with. Bloody disgrace to manhood!

ps - what exactly was he so ashamed of Zainab seeing? A tiny d[i]i[/i]ck? I know if a young woman came to check me out in the showever, i'll have nothing to complain about! In fact, I'll invite her to join me! I have got nothing to hide and plenty to share with the ladies! wink No dulling at all! grin

may amadioha punish u a million times for the bolded...its like making yourself a prey to a lion and expect not to be devoured...wish you were near me when you made that silly statement..i would have bitch slapped your ugly face..swine..making unguarded statements anyhow angry angry


Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by ochallo: 6:53am On Jun 05, 2012
for a stupid decision they made some years back which was to stop shower hour, if there was shower hour, the whole of africa would have been checking up on DKB's tiny d.i.c.k and so he would have to slap the whole of Africa.

End of Thread.


Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by deshclones(m): 6:58am On Jun 05, 2012
I would have done worse if it were me..so many guys on here are as fake as fake can get...geeez...she disrespected him on live tv....its like When you see a lion approaching you, you do not offer him meat and then wonder why he ate you alive. She saw he was angry, and yet challenged him. she was even telling him Bleep you etc..when the guy never insult am..I do not condone violence especially that towards women, but Zainab was in the wrong here for
1.) sexually assaulting him by peeping when he was showering,
2.) provoking him saying 'slap mi neow bish'....but that slap was legendary..hmmmh..the slap impact even removed her eye glasses..lol grin grin grin

women tend to hide under some freaking weaker sex ish and unleash their foul tongue on guys...i will not condone it..i go slap devil commot for her body..rubbish angry angry angry

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Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by Afam4eva(m): 8:04am On Jun 05, 2012

may amadioha punish u a million times for the bolded...its like making yourself a prey to a lion and expect not to be devoured...wish you were near me when you made that silly statement..i would have bitch slapped your ugly face..swine..making unguarded statements anyhow angry angry
My name is Afamefuna and I endorse this message.


Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by escobar07(m): 8:33am On Jun 05, 2012
guys, provocation can be used as a legal excuse for violence. In some places, it can even reduce a murder charge to voluntary manslaughter.

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Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by stagger: 8:34am On Jun 05, 2012
moremi2008: ^^^^^^ lol @ all the responses on here. You guys have clearly never stepped outside Africa before otherwise you would know better than to go around slapping women. If you slap a woman (or a man)in the US and in most other civilized countries, she can call the cops and file assault charges. The cops don't care what she said; if you're the first to get physical, then you're in trouble with the law. That's an automatic criminal record for you; good luck finding good jobs, especially in the US! Most decent employers will assume that you have anger issues and zero self-control. That's the way it works here oh! Women have rights and you just can't slap them anyhow. If a woman is verbally assaulting you, nobody is forcing you to hang around to listen to her insults. A true gentleman with a healthy self-esteem will keep his emotions in check and get-out. At the very worst, he'll insult the woman back. I just can't imagine what a woman will say to me that'll make me physically assault her; words only hurt you if you let them in my opinion.

Shut up my friend. Is US better than your father's house? Nonsense!
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by timbros(m): 8:38am On Jun 05, 2012
nanidee: OMG... I want to believe people are taking the piss on here undecided. Are people really supporting the guy?...Small wonder some Africans choose to remain backward.

I really dont care what it was the lady said to him to provoke him, but the fact is that he is a totally violent man. I had to watch the video, and just seeing a man slap a woman like that really sent chills down my spine.

Whenever I am in Nigeria, I hear lots of stories about how some men treat their women, I even saw sometime ago on facebook, that a guy beat his girlfriend to death in the Lekki area of Lagos Nigeria. I marvel and wish these men try that in civilized countries. angry angry angry angry

I did not even notice any slap that she supposedly gave him. All I saw was a girl running her mouth, and a guy push her, and then slap her. The way he kept going on and on about how she should'nt try whatever it was she did, really showed that he is an aggressive man, the kind of guy that women should be wary of.

DAYUUUMMM!!! That guy is one hell of an angry bastard. He really has got serious issues. (maybe he's got a tiny little willie.......). He needs to go for anger management classes! Looser!! angry
@bolded: How biased u are! How can u notice her slapping him first when ur so busy being biased?
Take a moment and turn the table around....Zainab is taking a shower and DKB peeped, then Zainab came out furious and slapped him. What will ur exact words be? Will u make that bolded statement above? Or "DKB deserved the slap"?
Dont get me wrong. Its completely unacceptable to hit a woman. Very wrong... But call a spade a spade. Zainab did wrong AND even hit him first. Tell me u didnt notice her blocking DKB's way...
Stop being biased abeg!


Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by touchmeder: 8:51am On Jun 05, 2012
i know this girl provoked this boy but he is clearly a silly man. farmer. stupid thing
he promised the slap first ''if you try that again i'd slap you''
why he is an uncultured man. just think she was a silly girl but if this guy had ignored her and walked away
i would have respected him more. lipsrsealed
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by Demdem(m): 9:00am On Jun 05, 2012

So in your opinion, it is always ok for a woman to deploy "her only weapon" while the "real man" just stands by abi? Did u watch that video at all? Did you notice that he was walking away when she stepped in front of him? Did you notice that she hit him first? KMT joor! Y'all keep talking about this America like it isn't people that leave there or its a place on another planet that no one else has gone before. Google the statistics of domestic crimes in the US and compare to any country in Africa, then come back and talk to me about how America is this eldorado where women always get away with sexual and verbal assault. By the way, are you also aware that in some parts of the US, Zainab could go to jail for been a peeping tom?

I dont watch BBA because i feel its a crap show however if the above truly happened then i think its a well deserved slap. Am not for beating ladies but i can honestly excuse this.


Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by Trimia(f): 9:02am On Jun 05, 2012
XFive: This is Africa and a woman must respect a Man. The slap was well deserved
a woman must respect her HUSBAND not every random guy that provokes her. She shouldn't have pushed him though. Why should a man hit a woman? Its very un gentlemanly.
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by Demdem(m): 9:05am On Jun 05, 2012
Trimia: a woman must respect her HUSBAND not every random guy that provokes her. She shouldn't have pushed him though. Why should a man hit a woman? Its very un gentlemanly.

why should a woman get in front of his way?

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Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by Marramlast(m): 9:10am On Jun 05, 2012
I just can't imagine what a woman will say to me that'll make me physically assault her; words only hurt you if you let them in my opinion. [/quote] sometimes you must fight if you are a man, let me tell you, the way you will tolerate your girlfriend or wife is not the same way you will tolerate other women cos if you do that you cannot take care of even ya girl. And everyone is claiming gentleman, america these n that, some of you are worst than that , ME I SUPPORT WHAT HE DID 100%.
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by EmekaDopa(m): 9:21am On Jun 05, 2012
D Guy waz soft and romantic wt d slap. i wsh he finds a beta way 2deal wt d LovePeddler outside d Glasshouse. i can kill 4 too much tongue wagging, ladies beware!
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by maxygirl(f): 9:27am On Jun 05, 2012
I thing both parties are to blame. It takes a very stong man to walk away from that magnitude of insult Zainab heaped on him. As a lady, you are meant to be seen and not heard. Its not a nice thing to emascualte a man like that.

And as a man, ypu have to be self-controlled. Babes can be very provocative and annoying but as a real man, you have to know when to walk away and when to talk. You cant talk to a girl who is not your junior sister like that and expect her not to react. You need to have some finesse and will power.
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by olyivy(f): 9:28am On Jun 05, 2012
escobar07: guys, provocation can be used as a legal excuse for violence. In some places, it can even reduce a murder charge to voluntary manslaughter.
^^^ The statement above is the part that some of us ladies dont seem to understand. A guy can get away with violence like the one on this video if he has a good lawyer.

But that doesnt change the fact that the DKB guy is an asshol-e. He repeatedly threatened to slap her next time before stepping away.
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by ENZOSCIFO1: 9:28am On Jun 05, 2012
I have never hit a woman in my life that I can remember (well aside scuffles I had with elder sister when we were kids.
After watching that video I personally think it would be difficult for me not to act like DKB.Reason?
Aside the lady running her mouth and peeping @ the guy, she clearly invaded the guys private space and even hit him on the chest wt her own chest, which is just wrong. If she was not in the wrong why do u think she was evicted.
And just before you go on about western world and culture. I spent 8 yrs of the last decade living in UK so I. Know what is obtainable.
Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by maxygirl(f): 9:28am On Jun 05, 2012
I think both parties are to blame. It takes a very strong man to walk away from that magnitude of insult Zainab heaped on him. As a lady, you are meant to be seen and not heard. Its not a nice thing to emasculate a man like that.

And as a man, you have to be self-controlled. Babes can be very provocative and annoying but as a real man, you have to know when to walk away and when to talk. You cant talk to a girl who is not your junior sister like that and expect her not to react. You need to have some finesse and will power.


Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by hydroking23(m): 9:43am On Jun 05, 2012
I don't know where women get off thinking its ok to slap a man you don't even know and be shocked that he slaps back. Funny enough, he even warned her he was going to slap her and she kept on. Someone above me stated that if the tables were turned and DKB was the one peeping at Zainab, it would have been completely ok for her to slap him, and thats so true. Is that not a double standard? Not only was she talking trash all in his face, she slaps him!! Do you people get that? She deserved what she got.

If you can slap then you can be slapped, regardless of your gender. Some women say that anything a man can do a woman can do better... Well not in this case!! If you want respect give respect, if you don't wanna get slapped then don't go around slapping people, its really that simple. Its not an African thing, its not a gender thing, go to anywhere in the world and try what Zainab did and I bet you'll come back with ya face marked up more than herstongue tongue

Some guys are on here talking about how they don't hit women and how its wrong and all that. I agree to a degree. I don't condone hitting anyone, men or women, because violence begets violence. But I'm tired of women hiding behind the fact that their gender some how gives them the right to behave any way they please, as if their attitude and behavior is not bound by the rules of rational mature behavior. Not only did she get the piss slapped out of her, she's also getting sent home grin

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Re: DKB And Zainab Disqualified From BBA Stargame by Stallion84(m): 9:44am On Jun 05, 2012
One thing y'all US wannabez should understand is that this is AFRICA! In Africa, we don't dis respect our men. Western education has taught us that it is wrong to hit a lady. How can you insult a man in that manner and stay in front of raging bull with no consequences?

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