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Favorite Android Apps? - Phones - Nairaland

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Favorite Android Apps? by ektbear: 11:16pm On Jun 04, 2012
Just want to hear some recommendations from you guys on apps.

I like:
Dropbox (reading documents)
Skype (calling folks in Europe and Nigeria for free)
Friendstream (Facebook and Twitter feeds)

What apps do you guys like or use a lot?
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by ektbear: 11:17pm On Jun 04, 2012
And how can I forget Instagram, lol. I really like that app a lot.
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by 4llerbuntu(m): 9:23am On Jun 05, 2012
twicca - twitter

playerpro - music player

rockplayer - video player

printshare - network/cloud printer

whatsapp - messaging

engadget - tech news

xda developers app - the koko

operamini - easy cheap light browsing

instagram - picture sharing

quickoffice -- document editor

aldiko -- ebook reader

Aptoide -- u dont need to know grin grin

facebook - facebook

Terminal Emulator

Android VNC - VNC viewer for remote access

Arseblog - arsenal news and blog

Market enabler - ......


atorrent --torrent downloader

couple of games ......

really tho I ain't got favorite apps cuz needs differ and as long as they get met, im good


Re: Favorite Android Apps? by PhysicsQED(m): 5:57am On Jun 07, 2012
Barnes & Noble Nook (reading)

Amazon Kindle (reading)

Aupeo (radio) <--- I especially like this one. I stumble across a lot of good music I had never heard before from here.

Pandora (radio, comedy, etc.) <--- Also good.

Netflix (movies, TV shows, documentaries) <--- not free of course

That's about it. Those are the essentials, although I might get skype if the need arises.
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by eghost247(m): 5:31pm On Jun 15, 2012
Google Chrome
Tune in radio
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by SisiKill1: 5:33pm On Jun 15, 2012
We did this before, no?

I swear I am having a strange deja vu moment going on here.

Anyhoo,My Apps. . .in no particular order

Angry Birds

Amazon Kindle

Amazon Cloud Player




Visual Voicemail (Makes it very easy to skip messages from people you don't wanna hear from cheesy )

Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Nobody: 5:38pm On Jun 15, 2012
4llerbuntu: twicca - twitter

playerpro - music player

rockplayer - video player

printshare - network/cloud printer

whatsapp - messaging

engadget - tech news

xda developers app - the koko

operamini - easy cheap light browsing

instagram - picture sharing

quickoffice -- document editor

aldiko -- ebook reader

Aptoide -- u dont need to know grin grin

facebook - facebook

Terminal Emulator

Android VNC - VNC viewer for remote access

Arseblog - arsenal news and blog

Market enabler - ......


atorrent --torrent downloader

couple of games ......

really tho I ain't got favorite apps cuz needs differ and as long as they get met, im good
For twitter, I use SEISMIC
Messaging - WHATSAPP
Games - Temple run, Where's my water, Lock and roll deluxe
E-books - Amazon kindle
Keyboard - GO keyboard
Launcher - MIUI Home, Nova Launcher
Camera app - Camera 360
Dialer - ExDialer with dark theme
Browser - Dolphin, Opera Mini (for nairaland)
Notes and planning - Evernote

Samsung galaxy s2 running ICS Stunner Rom cheesy
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by fubbyy(m): 5:39pm On Jun 15, 2012
4llerbuntu: twicca - twitter

playerpro - music player

rockplayer - video player

printshare - network/cloud printer

whatsapp - messaging

engadget - tech news

xda developers app - the koko

operamini - easy cheap light browsing

instagram - picture sharing

quickoffice -- document editor

aldiko -- ebook reader

Aptoide -- u dont need to know grin grin

facebook - facebook

Terminal Emulator

Android VNC - VNC viewer for remote access

Arseblog - arsenal news and blog

Market enabler - ......


atorrent --torrent downloader

couple of games ......

really tho I ain't got favorite apps cuz needs differ and as long as they get met, im good

Pls does android apps work in bb too?

1 Like

Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Nobody: 5:41pm On Jun 15, 2012

Pls does android apps work in bb too?
NO, they do not..
But an app may have a BB version...
I've never used a blackberry, have no idea how apps are installed on that..
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by iykescream: 5:54pm On Jun 15, 2012
Guys,pls how can i get adobe flash player on android,or any other recomendable flash player
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Nobody: 5:57pm On Jun 15, 2012
ekt_bear: Just want to hear some recommendations from you guys on apps.

I like:
Dropbox (reading documents)
Skype (calling folks in Europe and Nigeria for free)
Friendstream (Facebook and Twitter feeds)

What apps do you guys like or use a lot?
I use Galaxy Note, how do i get skype number on it ?
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Akanniade(m): 6:00pm On Jun 15, 2012
Aldiko book reader
MX player
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by tiarabubu: 6:15pm On Jun 15, 2012
Spinlet - for buying and downloading naija artists songs and album.. It's insane!

Camscanner - fantastic scanner and emergency photocopier (scan and print to a wireless printer or through lappy bluetooth)

Soundhound/shazam - instant song identification, lyrics and information search. Beautiful!

Email client - instant emails.. Who needs blackberry?

GPS scanner - location, location, location. Priceless

Virtual table tennis - beyond addictive

WhatsApp - dealing a mortal blow to blackberry

Office suite - complete business person

Travel app - local and international flights, hotels hotel bookings, car hire services, such currency converter. Its beyond amazing

Go shells and locker. - for that pimped out phone that gets apple fan boys drooling

So many more I can't list.
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by GideonG(m): 6:16pm On Jun 15, 2012
My favorite app is pulse.me
I am the biggest android fan ever. I love Android with all my heart.
Other apps I can't do without are
Angry bird
And youtube
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by rockiedink(m): 6:20pm On Jun 15, 2012
Sisi_Kill: We did this before, no?

I swear I am having a strange deja vu moment going on here.

Anyhoo,My Apps. . .in no particular order

Angry Birds

Amazon Kindle

Amazon Cloud Player




Visual Voicemail (Makes it very easy to skip messages from people you don't wanna hear from cheesy )


I'm addicted to that thing mehn!!! You gotta luv those birds...
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by folahann(m): 6:30pm On Jun 15, 2012
Surprised that nobody mentioned Shazam and Google goggle.
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by KayDee4: 6:38pm On Jun 15, 2012
Angry Birds - If i want to have a useless day, I start in the morning. cheesy cheesy

E-book and Memo

Unit Converter


Merriam Webster dictionary

Facebook and twitter.

My blackberry (BBM) gets a huge chunk of my free time though.

Aupeo (radio) <--- I especially like this one. I stumble across a lot of good music I had never heard before from here.
just got this and still checking it out.

Trying to find a way to make and receive phone calls with the galaxy tab P7300 (SIM enabled). Any ideas ? I heard there's a 3rd party app that can be installed to do this.
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by norrisman: 6:50pm On Jun 15, 2012
stocks (native)
Co-Pilot 8
ES File Explorer
browser (native)
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by otumfour(m): 6:56pm On Jun 15, 2012
folahann: Surprised that nobody mentioned Shazam and Google goggle.

u juz mentioned it
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by solaONI: 7:00pm On Jun 15, 2012
@fubyyy: if u r using a BBplaybook, u can install ur android apps on the playbook without any fuss if u've installed the Bridge on the BBplaybook... You can google "installing android apps on BB playbook" sorry I can't help with a good URL to visit now, just kinda busy ATM but I'm sure of what I told you.
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Fxmarket: 7:16pm On Jun 15, 2012
Billyonaire: I use Galaxy Note, how do i get skype number on it ?

U need to register for skype, just like yahoo messsenger

@ OP i dont really see skpe as free, as it drains my balance when ever it is being use, Am on GT-N7000
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Fxmarket: 7:18pm On Jun 15, 2012

U need to register for skype, just like yahoo messsenger

@ OP i dont really see skype as free, as it drains my balance when ever it's being use, Am on GT-N7000
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by leslieu63(m): 7:41pm On Jun 15, 2012
my best andriod apps are google night sky and youtube downloader
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Leopantro: 7:48pm On Jun 15, 2012
on my tablet;
Blood and Glory
Google currents
Disk usage
TSF Shell

On the android phone;
mainly for hacking wifi and free browsing

for making calls on the samsung tab,try smart dialer
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Ninilowo(m): 7:51pm On Jun 15, 2012
Vault, vault and vault. It keeps away d embarrasment of someone seeing ur secret pix and videos such as mojos and so on.
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Sike(m): 8:14pm On Jun 15, 2012
4llerbuntu: twicca - twitter

playerpro - music player

rockplayer - video player

printshare - network/cloud printer

whatsapp - messaging

engadget - tech news

xda developers app - the koko

operamini - easy cheap light browsing

instagram - picture sharing

quickoffice -- document editor

aldiko -- ebook reader

Aptoide -- u dont need to know grin grin

facebook - facebook

Terminal Emulator

Android VNC - VNC viewer for remote access

Arseblog - arsenal news and blog

Market enabler - ......


atorrent --torrent downloader

couple of games ......

really tho I ain't got favorite apps cuz needs differ and as long as they get met, im good
WoW! I like these. cheesy
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Nobody: 8:24pm On Jun 15, 2012
opera mini
temple run
angry birds seasons, space, classic
chess free
Google maps
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by Ezemarcel(m): 8:40pm On Jun 15, 2012
which phone is the best andriod enable phones...pls tell me
Re: Favorite Android Apps? by NEROSKY(m): 9:01pm On Jun 15, 2012

with all these apps, you must be using hell of a bandwidth
na big boy naw,im go dey subscribe lik say na laptop!

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