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Why I Love The Cloud by ektbear: 10:49pm On Jun 07, 2012
I'm building a certain application on the cloud.

The app was running slow (you only get a certain amount of computing power for free on this service).

I was having some folks help me test the UI of the app.

Knowing that many people would be using my app simultaneously, I just spun up more worker instances on this cloud computing machine.

Then my application became lightning fast.

As soon as my users stopped using my app, I reduced the number of workers.

I just found this really amazing.

Compare it to a traditional web application where you host it yourself on some server you've pre-purchased. You have no ability to scale your application without buying more hardware.

Cloud computing is an amazing, wonderful technology.
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by Javanian: 11:09pm On Jun 07, 2012
@op How much does it cost to do such in Nigeria?...also are they any limitations in the performance of the Application?
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by ektbear: 11:18pm On Jun 07, 2012
I've been looking at a few cloud hosting services. Heroku is the one I use. However it is somewhat expensive. 0.05 USD per hour for what they call a "worker instance."

Rackspace also offers cloud hosting too.

I'm not an expert on this stuff though.

I'm not sure if it is available in Nigeria. I think if you have a US/Canadian/European credit card or something, then you'll be fine. You can also pay via Paypal too?
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by Javanian: 2:09am On Jun 08, 2012
wow! shocked$0.05/hour is about 66,000 Naira yearly....Thats quite expensive..but like i asked before, are they any limitations in the application performance?...
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by ektbear: 2:17am On Jun 08, 2012
Rackspace is a lot cheaper:


1.5 cents/hour for a 256MB ram machine equivalent.

Heroku is pretty pricey I suppose...you can do a lot cheaper by going for Rackspace.
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by Javanian: 2:22am On Jun 08, 2012
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by Nobody: 4:28pm On Jun 09, 2012
Javanian: wow! shocked$0.05/hour is about 66,000 Naira yearly....Thats quite expensive..but like i asked before, are they any limitations in the application performance?...

66k is cheap, you will spend a minimum of $49 monthly on cheapest dedicated server
thats $588 anually, thats 88k
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by Javanian: 11:58pm On Jun 09, 2012

66k is cheap, you will spend a minimum of $49 monthly on cheapest dedicated server
thats $588 anually, thats 88k

Have you hosted a desktop application on the cloud before??
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by Fayimora(m): 5:16am On Jun 10, 2012
Heroku is IMHO the best out there. However, there was an argument on IRC #rubyonrails about using heroku. We came to an agreement that there is never a reason to use something like heroku except your site is earning more than enough to pay for the services. Note that when I say 'use heroku', I mean for a serious app in production. Also, if you aren't interested in setting up VPSs and servers(#sadmuch), then heroku is yours. At the end of the day, setting up your production server really gives you an edge. You get to learn a lot and for as long as possible, you save a lot of money.

Apart from the argument above, it is Cloud Computing all the way. Life is too short to be dealing with petty details wink.

@ekt did you know that Heroku was built on EC2?? When I read about this, my jaw dropped. You get this **ahh, that's why it is very expensive** feeling. Have you tried using EC2 directly?

Another good thing about Heroku is Deployment. Holy sh$t deployment is as simple as `heroku create --stack cedar && git push heroku master`. wooot!
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by ektbear: 4:42am On Nov 23, 2012
picloud.com is a site i've been using a lot recently.

expensive...but worth it if you don't have a big computing network handy.
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by Nobody: 7:00am On Nov 23, 2012

Have you hosted a desktop application on the cloud before??
didnt follow the thread,

yes, if it's a windows instance, you can connect via remote desktop connection, use your username/password and you have a complete windows UI where you can click and drag.
This is very good if you love to work in a windows environment and want to deploy a service
just upload the installer or files to your cloud server, double click it and the service should be available

Fayimora: Heroku is IMHO the best out there. However, there was an argument on IRC #rubyonrails about using heroku. We came to an agreement that there is never a reason to use something like heroku except your site is earning more than enough to pay for the services. Note that when I say 'use heroku', I mean for a serious app in production. Also, if you aren't interested in setting up VPSs and servers(#sadmuch), then heroku is yours. At the end of the day, setting up your production server really gives you an edge. You get to learn a lot and for as long as possible, you save a lot of money.

I will appreciate it if you can take time to explain how Heroku works, i have never used it.
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by allemark: 5:43am On Dec 10, 2012
Well, Companies are outsourcing the responsibilities and demand flexible wit complete IT solutions. Cloud Desktops are the answer for it. Now Cloud desktop is one of the main aspect for managing various applications all over.
Re: Why I Love The Cloud by Seun2580: 3:21pm On Jan 08, 2023
All of you sirs/ma'am must have gone so far by now. Since 2012 shocked. I respect you all

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