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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / University Of Ibadan(ui) Post-utme Cut-off Points(2012/2013 (6338 Views)
2013 JAMB CUT-OFF: List Of Universities And Their Jamb/post-utme Cut Off Marks / List Of Schools & Their 2012/2013 UTME Cut-off Marks / Jamb Set Cut Off Points-180 Varsities, 160-polys, Coes (2) (3) (4)
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University Of Ibadan(ui) Post-utme Cut-off Points(2012/2013 by MrNigeria2(m): 1:02am On Jun 23, 2012 |
The Points below are the official post- utme cut-off points, for Invitation to the 2012/2013 University of Ibadan (UI) post-utme. Kindly note that consideration of candidates to fill-up the locality and ELDS criterias of JAMB (asterisked below) is done by selecting a candidate from each state of the federation with the highest scores (for locality) and same is done for ELDS (Educationally Less Developed States). UNDERSTANDING THE CUT-OFF • The First mark above stands for the merit cut off. • The second following it, stands for the Locality/catchment cut-off • The third and final represent the ELDS cut-off marks. Simply locate that for Your selected course. ________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENTS MERIT CUT-OFF *LOCALITY CUT-OFF *ELDS CUT-OFF COLLEGE OF MEDICINE BIOCHEMISTRY 255 227 201 DENTISTRY 252 241 202 HUMAN NUTRITION 249 239 200 MBBS 262 250 226 NURSING 264 260 238 PHYSIOLOGY 244 210 200 PHYSIOTHERAPHY 259 254 211 SCIENCE ANTHROPOLOGY 231 212 200 ARCHAEOLOGY 231 212 200 BOTANY 242 235 200 CHEMISTRY 246 218 200 COMPUTER SCIENCE 260 231 223 GEOGRAPHY 252 240 203 GEOLOGY 250 241 200 MATHEMATICS 233 202 200 MICROBIOLOGY 258 251 215 PHYSICS 237 213 200 STATISTICS 242 204 200 ZOOLOGY 240 206 200 ARTS ARCHAEOLOGY 250 249 200 ANTHROPOLOGY 250 249 200 ARABIC LANGUAGE & LITERATURE 246 243 200 COMMUNICATION & LANGUAGE ARTS 255 246 217 CLASSICS 241 232 200 ENGLISH 247 237 206 EUROPEAN STUDIES French 241 229 223 German 232 226 212 Russian 200 200 200 HISTORY 250 232 200 ISLAMIC STUDIES 246 235 200 LINGUISTICS Linguistics 251 236 243 Yoruba 247 226 218 Igbo 208 200 200 PHILOSOPHY 261 253 215 RELIGIOUS STUDIES 240 227 200 THEATRE ARTS 254 248 216 MUSIC 235 226 200 DEPARTMENTS MERIT *LOCALITY *ELDS EDUCATION ADULT EDUCATION 243 235 200 EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT 256 241 206 GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING 247 235 200 KINETICS & HEALTH EDUCATION Health Education 259 245 254 Kinetics Education 240 206 203 LIBRARY & INFORMATION STUDIES 255 244 204 SPECIAL EDUCATION 249 242 200 TEACHER EDUCATION Arts 243 - 241 Pre-Primary 263 237 - Science 212 258 200 Social Science - 200 237 THE SOCIAL SCIENCES ECONOMICS 262 246 221 GEOGRAPHY 237 202 200 POLITICAL SCIENCE 261 250 227 SOCIOLOGY 259 245 218 PSYCHOLOGY 253 236 206 TECHNOLOGY AGRICULTURAL & ENV. ENGRG 244 219 200 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 258 254 225 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS ENGRG 259 256 233 CIVIL ENGINEERING 258 251 206 PETROLEUM ENGINEERING 258 253 241 INDUSTRIAL & PRODUCTION ENGRG 246 231 200 FOOD TECHNOLOGY 233 207 200 WOOD PRODUCTS ENGINEERING 231 225 200 FACULTY: AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY AGRICULTURE 231 202 200 FORESTRY RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 221 205 200 WILDLIFE & ECOTOURISM MANAGEMENT 216 211 200 ACQUACULTURE & FISHERIES MANAGEMENT 243 232 200 LAW 258 234 207 PHARMACY 257 249 212 VETERINARY MEDICINE 236 204 200d |
Re: University Of Ibadan(ui) Post-utme Cut-off Points(2012/2013 by MrNigeria2(m): 9:37am On Jun 23, 2012 |
University of Ibadan Post UTME hold 9th July | Shortlisted Candidates For University of Ibadan |
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I'm 22yrs Old I've Stayed 6yrs At Home, Help!! I'm Worried / ASUU Calling Off Strike Is A Rumour / JAMB Registrar, Prof. Oloyede: I Don’t Have Social Media Accounts
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