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Re: awper by 195(f): 8:41am On Jun 25, 2012
skydeep: A 90day rule? undecided

I know yours was certainly 90mins rule before you sh[i]a[/i]gged the hell outta xynerise grin grin
Re: awper by SmashingM(f): 8:50am On Jun 25, 2012
Staying off sex for 90 days after meeting a guy does not guarantee a good relationship. If a man really wants (marriage/serious relationship) you for himself, the only one that can keep him away is you. After all, people do get crazy into having a one night stand that led to marriage not that they engage in one night stand'o. Withholding or giving yourself sexually to someone you like does not make you a good person.
Re: awper by Nobody: 9:09am On Jun 25, 2012
A woman does not sleep wit a man until she has been with him for a solid 3months...jus enjoying each other's company and getting to know each other
Speak 4 urself o. Some women its 3 months , some its 3 weeks, some its 3 days, some its 3 hours. I love the 3 hours sha. cut the chase.
Re: awper by Dandy1(m): 9:11am On Jun 25, 2012
The 90day rule is not a punishment for men, but a way of creating a concrete relationship without being sensual...if a guy can't control himself for a simple 3months before dating you then he is jus getting into the relationship for the sex...count how many relationships u have had where u have given it up too early that actually lasted for a long time without him cheating... If a guy has the decency to go for 3months its proves he has self-control and that's what u need in a real man

Referring to the latter part of your post,what happens to the guy having some on d side while he plays along with the so said 90 days shiit.seems U don't av idea how cunning some guys could be.He could even be getting it on d side from as worse as a brothel,till he finally gets ur golden porarro later on.En u'd be surprised how soon he leaves afterwards.Hehehe!
Re: awper by amaechijay: 9:37am On Jun 25, 2012
I see why many of you all are single.

Please explain what you mean?
Re: awper by tunxlaw2(m): 9:47am On Jun 25, 2012
sexkillz: If i find such a lady, I'll rather cut the crap, and get serious. . . She'll make a good wife. The rule makes no sense to me by the way. . . And such rules doesn't mean she has standards. Also, the rule is not a guarantee that its impossible to sweet talk her out of it.

Now, if you are talking about an all rounder kinda lady that has standards and applies them to her everyday activities, then I'll be down and ready. But a lady who only has a 90 day rule as her standard, and is free spirited in her other activities, and actually classifies herself as having standards? I'd rather hug a moderately wet transformer.
word up! Any lady that will sleep with you in 3mths will sleep with you in 3days, If you speed things up.
Re: awper by queensmith: 9:50am On Jun 25, 2012

Referring to the latter part of your post,what happens to the guy having some on d side while he plays along with the so said 90 days shiit.seems U don't av idea how cunning some guys could be.He could even be getting it on d side from as worse as a brothel!

a woman like the op will be fine with that, she will regard herself as the 'keeper' and the others 'sportsfish' because these connotations are somehow dignifying. *smh* soo much.
Re: awper by AjanleKoko: 10:15am On Jun 25, 2012
Free-spirited girls or guys are only good for free-spirited flings. Nothing serious, because the last thing you want in a permanent relationship is unpredictability, and a no-rules regime.

If you want a keeper, go for a stable person with standards. The higher the standards, the more of a keeper that person is. We need standards in this amoral world, especially if you're planning to raise children.
Re: awper by worthytalk: 10:29am On Jun 25, 2012
wot i nid nw is som1 dat cn Bleep d hell out of cock. Spirit, standard wot is d diff? ;Dwot i nid nw is som1 dat cn Bleep d hell out of cock. Spirit, standard wot is d diff?
Re: awper by sashaa(f): 1:15pm On Jun 25, 2012
flanrey: 90 days rule shocked
#Justhinkin, Some guys I knw will go all the way acting all nice until dt 'Golden Kitty Day' and move on the very minute the deed is done
Re: awper by Afam4eva(m): 2:35pm On Jun 25, 2012
queensmith: a free spirited person cannot have standards? what is this?
I wonder oo.
Re: awper by olaboy1: 5:03pm On Jun 25, 2012
At first it was so difficult to grasp this topic in-depth, but reading comments from other people here cleared things up.

I really respect Vilivey's comment and openness below

"None...but the question is how many have I kept without sex?once agAin None.sex can never b a derterminant.u will be fooled to think intimacy will keep him or without it will prove to him u r modest.
Damn it aLl he will find open legs anywhere,if he wants to. The truth is if its meant to be...with or without sex,he will stay because he sees something worth staying for. And this also apply to we ladies.

And pls can we drop that 90day stuff.its just un- realistic.what if after ninety days u sleep with him and the ninety-first day he leaves...so much for the long wAit.huh?
Its always has to be what WE want"
Re: awper by Happytina(f): 5:44pm On Jun 25, 2012
I agree wit u dear. Premarital sex is a sin. D earlier u knw dis d better 4 u. Bi guided
Re: awper by newmaonza: 7:52pm On Jun 25, 2012
Happytina: I agree wit u dear. Premarital sex is a sin. D earlier u knw dis d better 4 u. Bi guided
What of Post Marital sex
Re: awper by Nobody: 12:11pm On Jun 26, 2012
new maonza: What of Post Marital sex
Hahaha its not allowed either...what do u think?
Re: awper by newmaonza: 12:15pm On Jun 26, 2012
Hahaha its not allowed either...what do u think?
why shouldnt it be allowed
Re: awper by Nobody: 2:35pm On Jun 26, 2012
new maonza: why shouldnt it be allowed
Of course its meant for after marriage
Re: awper by 9zeros(m): 4:01pm On Jun 26, 2012
Speak 4 urself o. Some women its 3 months , some its 3 weeks, some its 3 days, some its 3 hours. I love the 3 hours sha. cut the chase.
i luv d 3 mins type. life's too short.
Re: awper by vilively: 8:04pm On Jun 26, 2012
ola_boy: At first it was so difficult to grasp this topic in-depth, but reading comments from other people here cleared things up.

I really respect Vilivey's comment and openness below

"None...but the question is how many have I kept without sex?once agAin None.sex can never b a derterminant.u will be fooled to think intimacy will keep him or without it will prove to him u r modest.
Damn it aLl he will find open legs anywhere,if he wants to. The truth is if its meant to be...with or without sex,he will stay because he sees something worth staying for. And this also apply to we ladies.

And pls can we drop that 90day stuff.its just un- realistic.what if after ninety days u sleep with him and the ninety-first day he leaves...so much for the long wAit.huh?
Its always has to be what WE want"

ThAnk u

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