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Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG - Education - Nairaland

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Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by cold(m): 11:46am On Jun 25, 2012
Court stops FG from renaming UNILAG

A Federal High Court in Lagos on Monday granted an interim order restraining the Federal Government from renaming the University of Lagos.
The order was granted by Justice Stephen Adah, who was ruling in the suits brought against the May 29, 2012 renaming of the institution by the students and alumni of the University of Lagos.
The court, however, advised the litigants to harmonise the suits into one and adjourned further hearing till July 4.
The defendants in the suits are UNILAG, the UNILAG Governing Council, the UNILAG Senate, the Attorney-General of the Federation and the National Assembly.

President Goodluck Jonathan had last month renamed the University of Lagos after the late businessman and acclaimed winner of the June 12, 1993 presidential election, MKO Abiola.

The renaming of the institution as Moshood Abiola University was greeted by protest from the students and staff of the school. Others criticized the president for not following due process in renaming UNILAG. They insisted that the president should have consulted with the National Assembly before making the pronounciation on democracy.

President Jonathan on Sunday during a presidential media chat with selected journalist said that he did not breach the consititution of Nigeria in renaming the University of Lagos. He said the renaming the insitution is similar to the process the president can declare state of emergency before subjecting the matter before the National Assembly.

He supported his arguement by saying that he just signed the act establishing the University of Uyo, a university that according to him have being producing Phd graduates.



Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by Frank3n2(m): 11:58am On Jun 25, 2012
Na wha oh....I be 1st sha

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Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by superior1: 12:01pm On Jun 25, 2012
Maybe the Judge is a Unilag Alumni
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by isquar3d3(m): 12:02pm On Jun 25, 2012
I tel u, na real wah. Make dese eediots let us hear word na. D president is nt subject 2 d bloody senate of d school. Only d Senate, i mean d national assembly senate, can undo dis. Mumus.
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by Nobody: 12:03pm On Jun 25, 2012
Nice develo


Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by Kockane(m): 12:05pm On Jun 25, 2012
The FG wld probably appeal and this would drag on and on and on till we all grow tired of the whole charade. D mata don dey taya person alredy sef...
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by drealsirhid: 12:06pm On Jun 25, 2012
Unilag students have won round 1........i dey laugh grin grin grin
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by amaba: 12:08pm On Jun 25, 2012


Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by solamesin(m): 12:08pm On Jun 25, 2012
Is renaming unilag matter of urgency? Mr president


Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by chino11(m): 12:13pm On Jun 25, 2012
Yorubas are silly and sycophantic what the world now know is Mooshood Kikiola Abiola University (MKAU).

The same man they handed over to the ordinary almajiris to be slaughtered for a mere plate of ewedu. Whether you vagabonds wants it or not the school has been renamed MKAU. So deal with it.

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Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by floriana(m): 12:16pm On Jun 25, 2012
Coming immediately after GEJ's best performance and most accomplished appearance in front of camera. This judge is wicket o. What a bubble buster of a judge!
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by cyril83(m): 12:17pm On Jun 25, 2012
Why won't he said the renaming of unilag was a matter of urgency while he has notin to do with his dear life than drinking alcohol what a shameless drunk....havin a drunk as a leader is vry dangerous to country's health


Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by honouruy(m): 12:17pm On Jun 25, 2012
Weda it's unilag or maulag, it has notin 2 do wit d academic problem of dis country.
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by doctokwus: 12:22pm On Jun 25, 2012
Paraphrasing mr pres:"how wud d renaming of UNILAG solve d problem of BH,pple(d fg dis time)are just chasing shadows while leaving out the substance".I ddnt say it o,its our president dat sed so

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Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by cyril83(m): 12:23pm On Jun 25, 2012
chino11: Yorubas are silly and sycophantic what the world now know is Mooshood Kikiola Abiola University (MKAU).

The same man they handed over to the ordinary almajiris for a plate of ewedu. Whether you vagabonds wants it or not the school has been renamed MKAU. So deal with it.
you are nothing but a m.o.r.o.n...is the Mr president a yoruba man? So what yoruba issue is got to do with matter on ground,u must be a b.a.sta.r.d no wonder seun is correcting ur slogan coz am very sure u mean to say s.t.u.p.I.d buh seun modified it to silly,dat makes u an I.mbe.ci.l.e


Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by hoyehdiran: 12:26pm On Jun 25, 2012
chino11: Yorubas are silly and sycophantic what the world now know is Mooshood Kikiola Abiola University (MKAU).

The same man they handed over to the ordinary almajiris to be slaughtered for a mere plate of ewedu. Whether you vagabonds wants it or not the school has been renamed MKAU. So deal with it.
You are damn naïve, ill-mannered, stupid and foolish


Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by bisiaet: 12:34pm On Jun 25, 2012
@Chino 11 Quote "Yorubas are silly and sycophantic what the world now know is Mooshood Kikiola Abiola University (MKAU).
The same man they handed over to the ordinary almajiris for a plate of ewedu. Whether you vagabonds wants it or not the school has been renamed MKAU. So deal with it.

Bros Chino 11 biko I beg you in the name of God this is a sensitive issue dont digress it to tribal issue its the UNILAG students and some few people that has stood against the changing of name stuff pls get it right that it was not the entire Yoruba that are saying No to changing of name please always get inform before you start saying things.

By the way this University is in their land so how deos it be your own problem or anybody problem if even the entire Yoruba say No which is not the case so how does it concern me or you that are not Yoruba for goodness sake? Pls be sensitive not everything you abuse a whole tribe for or turn to tribal sentiment just for God sake bros mind your business. Its so funny and even disgraceful that people who want to kill them because of UNILAG name is changed are not even from the Southwest.Its not the first University name to be changed if the people say No or Yes that is left to them that concern not mr nose divers biko bros lets mind our business for once. Dont take it personal plsss.


Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by tintingz(m): 12:36pm On Jun 25, 2012
Round 1: FG 0 vs UNILAG 1 cool
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by PeterKbaba: 12:37pm On Jun 25, 2012
cyril83: you are nothing but a m.o.r.o.n...is the Mr president a yoruba man? So what yoruba issue is got to do with matter on ground,u must be a b.a.sta.r.d no wonder seun is correcting ur slogan coz am very sure u mean to say s.t.u.p.I.d buh seun modified it to silly,dat makes u an I.mbe.ci.l.e

My brother, just ignore that imbecileeee Ok

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Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by elvis10ten(m): 12:42pm On Jun 25, 2012
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by poj(m): 12:42pm On Jun 25, 2012
Lets keep our fingers crossed, i m liking the trend of things. Unilag forever.
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by Dollarman101: 12:43pm On Jun 25, 2012
That order wil be vacated. In law, there's no place for a court to issue a restraining order to prevent another arm of Govt from performing its constitutional role. This matter is already before the senate. The president forwarded it as an amendment Bill. So the court cannot prevent a legislation in process.
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by tintingz(m): 12:44pm On Jun 25, 2012
bisiaet: @Chino 11 Quote "Yorubas are silly and sycophantic what the world now know is Mooshood Kikiola Abiola University (MKAU).
The same man they handed over to the ordinary almajiris for a plate of ewedu. Whether you vagabonds wants it or not the school has been renamed MKAU. So deal with it.
Bros Chino 11 biko I beg you in the name of God this is a sensitive issue dont digress it to tribal issue its the UNILAG students and some few people that has stood against the changing of name stuff pls get it right that it was not the entire Yoruba that are saying No to changing of name please always get inform before you start saying things.
By the way this University is in their land so how deos it be your own problem or anybody problem if even the entire Yoruba say No which is not the case so how does it concern me or you that are not Yoruba for goodness sake? Pls be sensitive not everything you abuse a whole tribe for or turn to tribal sentiment just for God sake bros mind your business. Its so funny and even disgraceful that people who want to kill them because of UNILAG name is changed are not even from the Southwest.Its not the first University name to be changed if the people say No or Yes that is left to them that concern not mr nose divers biko bros lets mind our business for once. Dont take it personal plsss.
you dey mind that goat of a tin, i knw say na igbo(marijuana) guy always make sensless speech
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by talk2hb1(m): 12:51pm On Jun 25, 2012
For now
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by PeterKbaba: 12:51pm On Jun 25, 2012
tintingz: you dey mind that goat of a tin, i knw say na igbo(marijuana) guy always make sensless speech

Why cnt u igbo little children just mind your business. If na hausa they kill una now, fear no go let una open mouth talk, talkless to insult hausa man. But when it comes to yoruba una go fit open that diry big mouth talk. silly people, no wonder hausa people hate una seriously, u think you know things but u guys are so blind........ ABEG MAKE UNA MIND UNA BUSINESS. EPUASUN NA POGI
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by israelbenzion: 12:59pm On Jun 25, 2012
Dollarman101: That order wil be vacated. In law, there's no place for a court to issue a restraining order to prevent another arm of Govt from performing its constitutional role. This matter is already before the senate. The president forwarded it as an amendment Bill. So the court cannot prevent a legislation in process.

Y are u advertising ur ignorance? Ever heard of d term checks and balances? So u hv never seen d Court restrain another arm of govt from doing an act declared unlawful by d Court? And dat it is before d Senate does not oust the jurisdiction of d Court, u hear?
If u don't knw how the legal system works, ask a lawyer.
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by gregg2: 1:01pm On Jun 25, 2012
The University still remains
Mooshood Abiola University, Lagos (MAULAG)
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by oddy4real(m): 1:01pm On Jun 25, 2012
Its an Interim Order and would be vacated after 7 days.
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by edicolove: 1:03pm On Jun 25, 2012
Very stup1d stuff! No judge has the power to stop the NASS from making a law. Judges interpret laws, they don't make them. Sometimes you wonder if Nigerian judges really passed their law school exam. The only people that can stop it is NASS and sometimes the president can still use his veto power if he needs to.

Senseless waste of time and resources.

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Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by tintingz(m): 1:07pm On Jun 25, 2012
Why cnt u igbo little children just mind your business. If na hausa they kill una now, fear no go let una open mouth talk, talkless to insult hausa man. But when it comes to yoruba una go fit open that diry big mouth talk. silly people, no wonder hausa people hate una seriously, u think you know things but u guys are so blind........ ABEG MAKE UNA MIND UNA BUSINESS. EPUASUN NA POGI
dats why i dislike igbos dey are high class in racism
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by israelbenzion: 1:07pm On Jun 25, 2012
And where is that Beaf that was also advertising his ignorance here on NL? Wen Afe Babalola gave his erudite view which was of course basic to any lawyer, Beaf was prancing up and down talking as if he owned d Courts. Now how far? see as GEJ has been humbled.
For those who don't understand d ruling, it means that as of now, the Court has declared that d University of Lagos remains d University of Lagos.
Next time GEJ will seek advise from his team of lawyers before coming out to disgrace himself.

Shebi y'all have seen that his word on d issue was not final?
Re: Court Restrains FG From Renaming UNILAG by MumaBee: 1:08pm On Jun 25, 2012
elvis10ten: Why the protest. If you were abiola and from the grave u see what is happening how will you feel ?

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