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Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 7:32pm On Aug 14, 2012
Here's what the new design looks like.
[size=13pt]FINAL DESIGN[/size]
[s]even if I think of a way to make it more efficient I am not going to change it[/s] I don't even have time, so its stamped as the final thing!

Front, rare and some side elevation.

Appologies for the typo in my previous post, using a mobile phone.

Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 7:38pm On Aug 14, 2012

Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 8:15pm On Aug 14, 2012
Charge controller!
The circuit diagram is a little different.
The not so clare one is the real thing.

Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 9:48pm On Aug 14, 2012
homerac7: Hello Sadiq,

I just saw ur post after a friend (who posted earlier on pg 1) told me abt it. Well done, keep it up.

I did works on wind turbine in my undergraduate project and I have followed the technology passionately for over 6 years. I'm quick to notice that u haven't provided some basics before you selves Into construction.

1. What's d average windspeed of d area/site u plan mounting it?

2. What's d surface roughness class?

3. What's d cut-in speed and cut-out speed of d turbine?

4. Have you done your material strength analysis for d blades?

5. What's d blade tip speed ratio?

These r some of d basic info I think you will need even before you go ahead to construct. But ASSUMING u hav done these, then I understand the mix up between electric motor and generator. Usually, AC generators are more used. DC motors have limited use. That does not mean that it won't work though. An experienced electrician can explain better.

I can see that its a roof type u plan to construct, although I don't know what height u have selected to mount it and type of buildings and vegetation around u. I will also ask dt u consider needle bearings for d yaw assembly against roller balls bearing because of losses since d load is not much.

I may not b able to say much more than ds for now based on d scanty info I hav from ur posts so far.

For d power amplification, go to oshodi under bridge where Igbo guys sell electronics parts and components, usually there r electronics technicians there who can virtually help u construct any circuitry as long as u can explain urself clearly.

Wish u well.

I have the answers to this questions in my next attachment.

homerac7: Wow...wow...wow...

Bro, I guess u hav ur cart before the horse. U normally do all those calculations before u go on to select ur materials and determine d blade dimensions. If you can't even be sure of the wind speed and quality on site u want to use it, it appears you have been guess working wc is not good when working with wind because Its d most treacherous among all the renewable energy sources. It's highly site specific, so a turbine performance in Bauchi may not b same in Abeokuta or Dutse. In fact, d first data set u need before proceeding on design are your average windspeed, humidity and temperature and surface roughness class. The first 3 u can get ESTIMATE values for your locality from NIMET or ur climatology section of Geography department if such exists. Based on d data u get ur wind quantity and quality which is what helps u to derive ur availability and cut-in speed and cut-out speed ( these after u have done ur material selection against d energy available in d wind over ur availability period). By now you can calculate ur blade tip ratio and select ur angle of attack. At ds stage, d surface area of d blade can be calculated easily and from there u can select ur length of blade. At ds point u would also have known d wind force expected against ur blades and height u can harvest best wind quality and quantity.

U were mentioning "6", I guess that's ur tip speed ration. With that I expect a not-so-broad blade but slightly long designed to run fast under low wind. That u have chose 3 blades shows u want slightly more torque at speed expense. Good selection, I say.

Back to my earlier analysis, its at point of design of d prime mover (turbine) dt u were supposed to have selected and matched it with load torque requirements. Again, the calculations would help u to determine the RPM of the designed turbine. All these parameters u can alter to suite the characteristics of d generator or final load. It's at end of these that u go on and start construction based on ur earlier design.

Now, I can only hope along with you that ur gamble works. Wind is unlike any other energy source because of its treacherously unpredictability.

Your major concern for now I guess is on generator selection. Well AC motors r more compact than their DC equivalents, what dt means to u is that it will require lesser torque. U r faced wt compromise of dt with having extra circuitry for amplification and rectification on downstream side versus higher torque whc will demand higher machine (turbine) size.

Ouch!! That's how I felt when I read this post but I can only thank you because this shaped the project in the right direction. Thank you for this post!

Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 10:31pm On Aug 14, 2012
The first shows the view of my school.
The second, however is zoomed into my site.
Red dot for where I want to mount the turbine, if you look closely, its away from the buildings and trees.
Blue dot is where I am suppose to mount, close to my department.

Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by homerac7: 5:16am On Aug 15, 2012
u have done a good job bro. keep it up!

FEM will do just fine wt d analysis
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 4:14am On Aug 17, 2012
homerac7: u have done a good job bro. keep it up!

FEM will do just fine wt d analysis
Thank you.
I'll work on the FEM.
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 8:17pm On Aug 17, 2012
homerac7: u have done a good job bro. keep it up!

FEM will do just fine wt d analysis
Unfortunately, I can't use FEM for the blades, no wood in d material options. cry cry
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 9:11pm On Sep 02, 2012
Hey guys!
Its been a while, things have been very hectic for me. The fasting, then its almost exams and all that.

Anyways, I have started fabrication and today I got a first look at my project cheesy cheesy
It look just lik the diagram, I didn't take pics but by tomorrow I should takes some pics. I am scared though, its HEAVY!! Tuesday is a seminar(progress report) so I am going to have to put some presentation together and try to woo them. smiley
Wish me luck guys.

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Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by homerac7: 6:45am On Sep 03, 2012
good one. i must tell u dt d biggest problem i had was material selection. d adequate materials are either not available or very costly to get and fabricate. unfortunately, dats d very very important as wight will dtermine inertia, hence cutt-in speed, availability and general performance.
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by Mynd44: 7:18am On Sep 03, 2012
Keep up the work bro
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 10:58am On Sep 03, 2012
homerac7: good one. i must tell u dt d biggest problem i had was material selection. d adequate materials are either not available or very costly to get and fabricate. unfortunately, dats d very very important as wight will dtermine inertia, hence cutt-in speed, availability and general performance.

Yeah, exactly!
I knew it was goint to be heavy but did not anticipate it to be that much! But its alright, it'll work out for the best.
How did yours go? Did it change much of your theoretical expectations?

Mynd_44: Keep up the work bro
Thanks man! Where have you been, just thought about sending you a mail. How's yours going?

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Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 4:28pm On Sep 11, 2012
Hey guys..
Nacelle supporting arm.

Sorry upload them later, just realised I don't have it on my phone.
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 12:44pm On Sep 12, 2012
Nacelle support arm

Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 1:12pm On Sep 12, 2012
My fav part and most interestinart of the project cheesy cheesy
Although its not finished, but what is left is not much, just to drill the holes for the bolt and smoothen it oust and use resin on its surface.. cheesy cheesy
I am not going to lie though, as it comes close to completion, I am kind of getting scared.. But hey!! Who wouldn't be! smiley

Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by ignis: 2:33pm On Sep 12, 2012
Am actually a geologist... But am falling in love with your project. May God give u the grace to see it to completion.
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 3:52pm On Sep 12, 2012
ignis: Am actually a geologist... But am falling in love with your project. May God give u the grace to see it to completion.
Thank you brother. Ameen to that.
Thanks for the encouragment.
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by samkoro: 8:55pm On Sep 21, 2012
Ur blades are too small.They need to be large enough for wind to have a great push and mechanical advantage on it.
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by joey4jo: 12:30pm On Sep 22, 2012
Nice work.
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 8:07pm On Sep 22, 2012
samkoro: Ur blades are too small.They need to be large enough for wind to have a great push and mechanical advantage on it.
Yeah, I know it looks that way, but it depends on what the final out put or load is, besides this is a small wind turbine. It is also based on my calculations, I didn't just decide to choose the size.
Obviously larger blades = larger sweap area = better efficency/capture more wind.
This is just fine and will work for its purpose. ISA.

Also, bigger blades= more distance to cover one revolution= more time= slower revolution which is not what need.
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 10:22pm On Oct 18, 2012
Just finished mounting..
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 1:32pm On Oct 19, 2012
Here she is..


Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by HWatt(m): 4:15pm On Oct 23, 2012
though am not a graduate for now bt I run my projects wit simple ideas that look stupid wit these simple ideas of mine I was enble to create my own transformer n it works well n now am lukin forward to create my fuelless generator wit same simple ideas of mine.for ur wind turbine I think low rmp motor means a lot so to knw a beter motor to use is the revese of wat u wnt to do I.e fine an electric motor which consume either highvolt when connected to electricity or highcurrent when connected to electricity wat it consume when connected to electricity is wat it wil produce if its revese. I hv experiments on this wit little dc motor the which use highvolt to operates produce highvolt high enough to light 2 led light d other uses highcurrent to operates n produce highcurrent to light a current bulb light. when I tested it wit a meter d highcurrent produce lowvolt n highvolt produce lowcurrent. so wit dis simple ideas u can find a low rmp(d one wit just little turns produces volt)which is the highvolt electric motor. soon to finish my fuelless generator .see u bro to produce ur windturbine. I will share more ideas wit u now I need to practicalizes more k see u ME from EE hwatt

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Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by BlackBaron: 9:31pm On Oct 28, 2012
Impressive work. If only you had better media exposure

Any data on electricity generation?
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 2:50pm On Nov 02, 2012
Got a call from my supervisor last night!
My project won an award!!
I am so happy, although he didn't revel any more information, it was worth the work..

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Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by firestar(f): 3:01pm On Nov 02, 2012
كلورين: Got a call from my supervisor last night!
My project won an award!!
I am so happy, although he didn't revel any more information, it was worth the work..
Well done Sadiq!
Been following your blog for awhile now. Don't let your blades droop.
Cheers. smiley
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by Mynd44: 3:08pm On Nov 02, 2012
Hey great work dude. It was really worth the effort. Sorry I have been off lately.
Mine scaled through the first defence and I will be buying the materials at the weekend. School is on strike right now so I am in lagos.
Congratulations anyway
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 3:12pm On Nov 02, 2012
HWatt :
though am not a graduate for now bt I run my projects wit simple ideas that look stupid wit these simple ideas of mine I was enble to create my own transformer n it works well n now am lukin forward to create my fuelless generator wit same simple ideas of mine.for ur wind turbine I think low rmp motor means a lot so to knw a beter motor to use is the revese of wat u wnt to do I.e fine an electric motor which consume either highvolt when connected to electricity or highcurrent when connected to electricity wat it consume when connected to electricity is wat it wil produce if its revese. I hv experiments on this wit little dc motor the which use highvolt to operates produce highvolt high enough to light 2 led light d other uses highcurrent to operates n produce highcurrent to light a current bulb light. when I tested it wit a meter d highcurrent produce lowvolt n highvolt produce lowcurrent. so wit dis simple ideas u can find a low rmp(d one wit just little turns produces volt)which is the highvolt electric motor. soon to finish my fuelless generator .see u bro to produce ur windturbine. I will share more ideas wit u now I need to practicalizes more k see u ME from EE hwatt
Thanks bro.
I knew what you pointed out even from the begining, I bet you didnot read through the thread. This your theory is very correct, but in reverse it can NEVER give the rated voltage, it has to be lower, efficiency is not 100%. That was a long time ago, when I was searching for motor, I later found an industrious motor, which I used for the project. Thanks for the input, Good luck with your fuel-less generator.
BlackBaron: Impressive work. If only you had better media exposure

Any data on electricity generation?
Yeah, the target was 12+ VDC, I was able to put out 9+ VDC I was just a lil bit short of the target output, I did not do any modifications, If I had I am sure I would have been able to achieve it. The location and height is not favorable also, my initial site was not approved by my supervisor, he claimed it could be vandalized. My height was suppose to be 8 meters because of this, but the pole wasn't strong enough to carry the weight, galvanized iron was so expensive. So I had to reduce to 5 meters.
If I had found neodymium magnets like the one my friend wants to use for his fuel-less generator, the output would have been magnifico!!! I had to improvise.
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 3:21pm On Nov 02, 2012
Well done Sadiq!
Been following your blog for awhile now. Don't let your blades droop.
Cheers. smiley
Thanks bro! Wouldn't have been possible without you guys! I really appreciate all the effort and encouragement..
Mynd_44: Hey great work dude. It was really worth the effort. Sorry I have been off lately.
Mine scaled through the first defence and I will be buying the materials at the weekend. School is on strike right now so I am in lagos.
Congratulations anyway
I was just about to send you an email. I have been very busy my self, that's why I have not been able to update or mail you all these while, that's nice to hear about yours, sorry about the strike thing, don't worry the journey is almost over(undergrad chapter I mean). I bet you will do an amazing job also,there was a time I started to wish I did VAWT(you always come to mind then). Lol
Keep in touch ok!?
Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by member10: 3:27pm On Nov 02, 2012
I am going to make a video of the whole process, I have some clips and pics I can join together to form a short video, I'll post it when I am done. Once again I want to thank everybody, I can't start listing names but everybody that helped make this possible. Thank you very very much!

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Re: Wind Turbine Construction With Pics by Mynd44: 3:48pm On Nov 02, 2012
Thanks bro! Wouldn't have been possible without you guys! I really appreciate all the effort and encouragement..

I was just about to send you an email. I have been very busy my self, that's why I have not been able to update or mail you all these while, that's nice to hear about yours, sorry about the strike thing, don't worry the journey is almost over(undergrad chapter I mean). I bet you will do an amazing job also,there was a time I started to wish I did VAWT(you always come to mind then). Lol
Keep in touch ok!?
Don't be shy to send that mail.

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