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Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick - Romance - Nairaland

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Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by cindyrella(f): 1:59pm On Jun 26, 2012
help dis man out he need ur advice.... A man and his lady intended to get married in 3 months time.. Suddenly she fell terribly sick and was rushed to the hopital only to find out that she has Cancer of the Blood.. Doctor says she has only about 3yrs to live and she mite not be able to give birth to a child.. Pls what would u advice? Continue with the wedding or call it off?Please be truthful
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Nobody: 2:04pm On Jun 26, 2012
cindyrella: help dis man out he need ur advice.... A man and his lady intended to get married in 3 months time.. Suddenly she fell terribly sick and was rushed to the hopital only to find out that she has Cancer of the Blood.. Doctor says she has only about 3yrs to live and she mite not be able to give birth to a child.. Pls what would u advice? Continue with the wedding or call it off?Please be truthful

Go ahead with the wedding and believe God for healing.
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Idowuogbo(f): 2:05pm On Jun 26, 2012
its quite unfortunate!

but! he can only do wot he feels.

Remain loyal or vamoose.

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Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Nobody: 2:05pm On Jun 26, 2012
Idowuogbo: its quite unfortunate!

but! he can only do wot he feels.

Remain loyal or vamoose.

Idowu God dey ooOoo. sad
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Idowuogbo(f): 2:10pm On Jun 26, 2012

Idowu God dey ooOoo. sad

Yes dere is God! but! in trying times people often forget he exists.

d dude can only do wot he feels.
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Nobody: 2:11pm On Jun 26, 2012

Yes dere is God! but! in trying times people often forget he exists.

d dude can only do wot he feels.
What you feel atime self can 'ko ba' U.
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Tsmooth1(m): 2:26pm On Jun 26, 2012
would be a real test to his faith, would he believe in the doctors or in
God. Allah knows the best, he does the best, he is the best, may he make
the best decision for this man. Amen
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Mynd44: 2:29pm On Jun 26, 2012
It will be selfish of the woman to even expect the man to marry her.
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Nobody: 2:32pm On Jun 26, 2012
I have already made up my mind to marry her till death do us part, and the wedding date has been fixed. The cancer is rather unfortunate and we did not plan for it to happen. Everyone will die one way or the other. That her death is 3 years away only makes it painful because our forever will unavoidably be cut short.

I will marry her. . .

Why is because of the love we have for each other. This is Just a test of that love, and i am not about to fail it. It could have been me diagnosed with cancer, and worse still, while going back home that same day, i could have an accident, and die. . . Death is an eventuality that befalls us all. Sometimes, it helps to look beyond the current situation and tell your self - it could have been worse!

Now, nothing is more painful than telling someone she has an expiry date. Compounding that pain and sadness will be calling off that wedding. I'll rather use that 3 years to show her love like never before. It's better she dies knowing that i was there for her till the end, rather than dying an abandoned spinster. . . Heartbroken and lonely.

As long as I'm alive, there is always an option to re-marry, but for her, she's dead forever. The love that made me stick loyally to her, to the extent of wanting to marry her will never allow me to abandon her when she needs me the most.

Love, is more than a four letter word. . .


Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by kay9(m): 2:33pm On Jun 26, 2012
Had to google ''cancer of the blood'' to avoid saying something stewpid...
But seriously cindy, if everyone commenting here says to go ahead with the marriage, what then? The dude takes the advice?
My point is, i think anyone who's seriously considering making a life-changing decision based on advices he/she received on a PUBLIC forum is, i dunno, dont evn know what to call that person grin
Its one thing to ask NLers 'umm, anyone know where best to buy land' or 'where to find a good dentist'... But ''should i MARRY so-so person'?? Come on...
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by kay9(m): 2:35pm On Jun 26, 2012
By the way, sexkillz, why must u write an epistle each time u comment, eh?
My own long small shaa grin
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Nobody: 2:36pm On Jun 26, 2012

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Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Nobody: 2:41pm On Jun 26, 2012
kay9: By the way, sexkillz, why must u write an epistle each time u comment, eh?
My own long small shaa grin
What is your own "concernment?" grin
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by claremont(m): 2:48pm On Jun 26, 2012
What's the point of getting married to someone that will die in 3 years time, and she is barren as well?! We keep on calling "god this, god that" as if god wasn't there when she had the cancer in the first place; and even if there is a god, why should god heal her at the expense of the 50,000 kids who die of malnutrition everyday in Africa?

Call me a sadist, but I will take the only logical approach in this matter, which is to break up with her. Any other approach besides this is completely irrational.
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Mynd44: 2:54pm On Jun 26, 2012
The woman might have three years to live but how many years will she be health for? Don't lets be sentimental about this, if it was HIV, fine but less than 3 health years? I don't subscribe that he should leave her or something but there should be bigger concerns like making the rest of her days comfortable and that can be done without marriage
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Bisjosh(f): 3:04pm On Jun 26, 2012
Mynd_44: The woman might have three years to live but how many years will she be health for? Don't lets be sentimental about this, if it was HIV, fine but less than 3 health years? I don't subscribe that he should leave her or something but there should be bigger concerns like making the rest of her days comfortable and that can be done without marriage

Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Rocktation(f): 3:08pm On Jun 26, 2012
Cancer of the blood ke...dat kind rich man sickness. Even chemo can't help again at this stage. Please let's not lie to ourselves here. This isn't an american movie where love will always surpass all....and i know Nigerians will always go by their logic, so please please please......
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by drnoel: 5:29pm On Jun 26, 2012
cindyrella: help dis man out he need ur advice.... A man and his lady intended to get married in 3 months time.. Suddenly she fell terribly sick and was rushed to the hopital only to find out that she has Cancer of the Blood.. Doctor says she has only about 3yrs to live and she mite not be able to give birth to a child.. Pls what would u advice? Continue with the wedding or call it off?Please be truthful
abeg which one os cancer of the blood. Pls tell us which type...
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by cindyrella(f): 5:51pm On Jun 26, 2012
abeg which one os cancer of the blood. Pls tell us which type...

I really don't know... Just trying to help a brother out..
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by MrCork17: 6:03pm On Jun 26, 2012
cindyrella: help dis man out he need ur advice.... A man and his lady intended to get married in 3 months time.. Suddenly she fell terribly sick and was rushed to the hopital only to find out that she has Cancer of the Blood.. Doctor says she has only about 3yrs to live and she mite not be able to give birth to a child.. Pls what would u advice? Continue with the wedding or call it off?Please be truthful

Cigralla and her nollywood stories... I give up! undecided
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by cindyrella(f): 7:03pm On Jun 26, 2012

Cigralla and her nollywood stories... I give up! undecided

undecided undecided
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by elari(m): 7:36pm On Jun 26, 2012
she got just 3yrs to live? Wtf! I will marry her sharp, sharp n make those 3 years d best she eva had. N how she go born and dat pikin go be her legacy.

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Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by otokx(m): 9:46pm On Jun 26, 2012
somethings are easier said than done.

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Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by somebodybobo: 10:14pm On Jun 26, 2012

undecided undecided

Sheby i look like mumu to you aby??
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by cindyrella(f): 10:31pm On Jun 26, 2012

Sheby i look like mumu to you aby??

Wetin you mean?
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by MrCork17: 10:40pm On Jun 26, 2012

Wetin you mean?

Cingrella.. sweeey please speak proper english. This is not a goat market. By the way,how are you? wink
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by somebodybobo: 10:44pm On Jun 26, 2012

Wetin you mean?

So u know saby Zeb ejiro for your story aby??
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by GboyegaD(m): 10:55pm On Jun 26, 2012
It is a very difficult one but if I were in his shoes, I would go ahead to marry her however, no child bearing for her and we would need constant help to ensure she lives a very healthy life and that way, she can last much longer than 3years.
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by dexterush(f): 11:07pm On Jun 26, 2012
claremont: What's the point of getting married to someone that will die in 3 years time, and she is barren as well?! We keep on calling "god this, god that" as if god wasn't there when she had the cancer in the first place; and even if there is a god, why should god heal her at the expense of the 50,000 kids who die of malnutrition everyday in Africa?

Call me a sadist, but I will take the only logical approach in this matter, which is to break up with her. Any other approach besides this is completely irrational.

Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by dexterush(f): 11:09pm On Jun 26, 2012
Sadist,put urself in her shoes,wat wud it take to give her 3yrs of happiness.....
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by Nobody: 11:17pm On Jun 26, 2012
This is sad embarassedThis is sad but they can visit pastor chris or TB JOShua na! May God help us
Re: Her Wedding is in 3 months and She Falls Terribly Sick by claremont(m): 11:23pm On Jun 26, 2012
dexterush: Sadist,put urself in her shoes,wat wud it take to give her 3yrs of happiness.....
We need to get rid of this mentality of marriage being a route to happiness, because it is definitely not. If I were in her shoes, I will live each day like it's my last i.e drink, smoke, and safely indulge with multiple sex partners!

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