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Thoughts On Other Countries? - Politics (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by hotangel2(f): 10:15am On Aug 05, 2005
I live in the US and folks urinate on the streets (even on the train) all the time. No biggie.

Obong, you obviously live in tha hood. Jeezz...which part?? When u talking about Black hooods, i feel u for that side..but saying US You must be kidding me. Do it and get tickets.

The only country i have a view on is, Britain, London. They call themselves great britain, yet they ain't great.
Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by DEKING3(m): 11:16am On Aug 05, 2005
Gash guys, I'm almost cracking my ribs cheesy grin cheesy grin grin grin with all these peeings and pissings with soooooo much freedom. grin grin
Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by kazey(m): 1:48pm On Aug 05, 2005
I heared that people spit on streets in the UK, you see spatum everywhere !! is that true?
Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by obong(m): 2:00pm On Aug 05, 2005
kazey, you're right racism is everywhere. But i'm yet to meet nigerians racist towards whites, or anyone else for that matter. we seem to hate only ourselves
Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by kazey(m): 2:03pm On Aug 05, 2005
well you have met one, wink. I cannot go out with blondes. yuck
Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by obong(m): 2:08pm On Aug 05, 2005
hotangel, why do you assume I live in the hood, or the pissing takes place by my home? I see it all over the business districts, even by a police station, where people park thier cars open the door and hide behind it to piss. You may not have noticed, but it happens. I dont know where you saw me write anything about "black hoods." That goes to me point earlier that we tend to hate ourselves more. Go check out the whie trash areas

I live both in brooklyn and have a home in upstate NY, suburbia, and it happens in upstate Ny and in Brooklyn. Don't feel bad for me, small pikin.
Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by obong(m): 2:10pm On Aug 05, 2005
kazey, who you date doesnt make one racist. But in nigeria, i tell you, we make a lot of accomodations for white people. even at the airport, the useless people allow the whites to walk to the front of the line and cut off everybody. nonsense people
Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by WesleyanA(f): 5:16am On Aug 26, 2005
i want to go to micronesia sometime. just to tell people i've been there. tongue
Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by terry(m): 5:45am On Aug 26, 2005
@ kazey, i dont feel you on that, you think blonde gurls yuck, broda where on earth do you live. Blondes are super sexy, i am attrcted to all kinds of women blk, african, african american, white, caucasian, asian, latino. As long as the woman is good and gat what i want. Blondes are beautiful.
Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by WesleyanA(f): 6:02am On Aug 26, 2005

kazey, I am refering to current events. If you read about the culture of japanese in japan you will see.

I have read many accounts of foreigners in Japan and they all agree. They are racist towards both whites and blacks but they look more down on blacks as objects of pity.

I will try and remember the books and articles i read and post them here. I like the Japanese culture and plan to visit Tokyo and hence why I was reading up on the culture.

Those people you know are removed from Japan and obviously not evryone will be the same but I am talking about a foreigner living in Japan.

be right back.

I agree with you to some extent. my japanese friend when she first came to the united states @ 10 told me that she's never seen a black before and when she saw one she got really scared. she said she only saw them on tv or books as thieves or gangs....i don't know if they were like that towards whites too but .... i don't know. most of the time all we do now is compete (healthily smiley).....

i still want to visit micronesia tongue
Re: Thoughts On Other Countries? by Nobody: 1:32pm On May 20, 2008
Asians are big time racists, from China to Thailand to Japan. . . name it. They have derogatory names for black people all over.

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