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Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos - Politics (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos (11485 Views)

Army Foils Suicide Attack In Adamawa By Woman With Explosives In Handbag / 2 Vehicles Filled With Explosives, Arms Reportedly Intercepted In Maiduguri / Police Recovers 147 Bomb Explosives In Borno (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by passionate88: 3:28pm On Jul 23, 2012
By there dress sense ye shall know them
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by 10over101: 3:30pm On Jul 23, 2012
alaoeri: Cooked story.
nice one from u joor..I wonder why some people can't just read inbtw lines.." some items suspected to be explosives"!!!
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by Cabsso(m): 3:32pm On Jul 23, 2012
Is it dat we dnt hav bomb dictators or u guys dnt knw ur job?
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by Okijajuju1(m): 3:35pm On Jul 23, 2012
Eze Promoe: Ok, i'll be waiting and if it doesn't happen so then i will move a motion for it's internet access to be blocked, so that you can get another modem.

You are on your own.. Dont say I didnt warn you..

No dey carry the gods play o!!
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by tunshe: 3:35pm On Jul 23, 2012
Eze Promoe: There's nothing these BOKO HARAM guys can't do to achieve their aims, you and i know that they are good in disguising themselves but come to talk of it how would Christians team up to bomb their church, even those foolish BOKO HARAM guys still acknowledge their religion, how much we who are sane by nature.

Brother,read the article before you comment.Forget religion,people do a lot of evil deeds and I got infuriated with your first comment,although your last comment isn't 100% out of point,specifically,the first clause before the BUT. grin
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by str8talk1: 3:41pm On Jul 23, 2012
floriana: Lawd have Messi!
If u r writing short-hand try not 2 dessicrate d name of God. whatz lawd? dis is a rubbish attitude dat doesnt speak well of a xtian.

1 Like

Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by sportfeva(m): 4:12pm On Jul 23, 2012
(He said: “A man was arrested and we are still interrogating him and cannot say whether what was found on him are explosives or not for now”.)
Whether he was caught with explosives or not, we should just be alert and this might be strategy for the terrorist to device the best method to attack. Just testing different strategy to know their weakness.
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by mekaboy(m): 4:33pm On Jul 23, 2012
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by gbadexy(m): 4:55pm On Jul 23, 2012
If the devices are truly what was found on him, then it is most likely a bomb.
What I don't understand is why he allowed the church members to observe him closely first, then waiting for them to invite other two security operatives without detonating the device.
The stories about bomb attempts in lagos sound fishy, as if someone is trying to cause panic or something else.
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by nairalady(f): 4:56pm On Jul 23, 2012
na waoo angry

Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by mu2sa2: 5:07pm On Jul 23, 2012
Supposing the "shabbily dressed" man turns out to be mentally unstable fellow carrying shit?
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by mekaboy(m): 5:17pm On Jul 23, 2012

1 Like

Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by oladayo042: 6:02pm On Jul 23, 2012
Na bomb, I say no be bomb grin grin
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by samkoro: 7:10pm On Jul 23, 2012
If you worship Allah,please repent and worship the true God Jehovah by emulating the ways of Christ Jesus,so that u will make paradise.The Religion of murder shall only lead you to hell fire.

All christians should copy this and post via emails,tex messages and post to both christians and moslems.Let us fight the devil by fighting ignorance.Let's do this evangelism together.The fight is for everyone and victory over satan is sure.

Differences Between Muhammad and Jesus


Mohmd Said Allah hates those who don't accept Islam.
(Qur'an 30:4, 3:32, 22:38)

Jesus. Said God loves everyone. 
(John 3:16)

Mohamed "I have been commanded to fight
against people till they testify that there
 is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad
 is the messenger of Allah"
(Muslim 1:33)

Jesus. "He who lives by the sword
will die by the sword."
(Matthew 26:52)

Mohamed. Stoned women for adultery.
(Muslim 4206)

Jesus. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
(John 8:7)

Mohamed. Permitted stealing from unbelievers.
(Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)

Jesus. "Thou shalt not steal."
(Matthew 19:18)

Mohamed. Permitted lying.
(Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)

Jesus. "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
(Matthew 19:18)

Mohamed. Owned and traded slaves.
(Sahih Muslim 3901)

Jesus. Neither owned nor traded slaves.

Mohamed. Beheaded 800 Jewish men and boys.
(Sahih Muslim 4390)

Jesus. Beheaded no one.

Mohamed Murdered those who insulted him.
(Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)

Jesus. Preached forgiveness.
(Matthew 18:21-22, 5:38)

Mohamed. "If then anyone transgresses
the prohibition against you,
Transgress ye likewise against him"
(Qur'an 2:194)

Jesus. "If someone strikes you on the right
cheek, turn to him the other also."
(Matthew 5:39)

Mohamed. Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one's position in Paradise by a hundred fold.
(Muslim 4645)

Jesus "Blessed are the peacemakers, for
they will be called Sons of God"
(Matthew 5:9)

Mohamed. Married 13 wives and kept sex slaves.
(Bukhari 5:268, Qur'an 33:50)

Jesus. Was celibate.

Mohamed. Slept with a 9-year-old child.
(Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)

Jesus. Did not Be Intimate with children.

Mohamed. Ordered the murder of women.
(Ibn Ishaq 819, 995)

Jesus Never harmed a woman. 

Mohamed. "O you who believe!  Fight those of the
 unbelievers who are near to you
and let them find in you hardness."
(Qur'an 9:123)

Jesus "Blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth."
(Matthew 5:5)

Mohamed. Ordered 65 military campaigns
and raids in his last 10 years.
(Ibn Ishaq )

Jesus Ordered no military campaigns, nor
offered any approval of war or violence. 

Mohamed Killed captives taken in battle.
(Ibn Ishaq 451)

Jesus Never took captives.
Never killed anyone.

Mohamed Encouraged his men to Molestation enslaved women.
(Abu Dawood 2150, Qur'an 4:24)

Jesus Never encouraged Molestation.
Never enslaved women. 

Mohamed. Demanded captured slaves and
a fifth of all other loot taken in war.
(Qur'an 8:41)

Jesus "The Son of Man came not
to be served, but to serve."
(Matthew 20:28)

Mohamed. Was never tortured, but tortured others.
(Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)

Jesus Suffered torture, but never tortured anyone.

Mohamed. "And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah"
(Qur'an 8:39)

Jesus. "Love your enemies and pray
for those who persecute you"
(Matthew 5:44)

Mohamed Blessed the brutal murder of a half-blind man
(al-Tabari 1440)

Jesus Healed a blind man
(Mark 8:28)

Mohamed Ordered a slave to build the very pulpit
from which he preached Islam.
(Bukhari 47:743)

Jesus Washed his disciples feet.
(John 13:5)

Mohamed What are the Greatest Commandments?
"Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause"
(Muslim 1:149)

Jesus What are the Greatest Commandments?
"Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself."
(Matthew 22:34-40)

Mohamed Demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship
(Qur'an 4:102)

Jesus Chastised anyone attempting
to defend him with force.
(John 18:10-12)

Mohamed Died fat and wealthy from what was
taken from others in war or
demanded from others in tribute.

Jesus Demanded nothing for himself. 
Died without possessions.

Mohamed Advocated crucifying others.
(Qur'an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)

Jesus gave his life for others, Was crucified himself.

Mohamed. According to his followers:
Had others give their lives for him.
(Sahih Muslim 4413)

Jesus. According to his followers:
Gave his life for others.
(John 18:11 and elsewhere)

1 Like

Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by curtain: 7:12pm On Jul 23, 2012
I tink the police ar trying 2 down play d issue 2 avoid tension.. If u see any mad man in ur street dont hesitate 2 cal d police if u cant seize him. Mad men dont pretend bt pretenders can b mad. If a boko bomber is caught b4 he acts, his next tactics may b 2 feign maddness .
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by tunshe: 9:19pm On Jul 23, 2012
samkoro: If you worship Allah,please repent and worship the true God Jehovah by emulating the ways of Christ Jesus,so that u will make paradise.The Religion of murder shall only lead you to hell fire.

All christians should copy this and post via emails,tex messages and post to both christians and moslems.Let us fight the devil by fighting ignorance.Let's do this evangelism together.The fight is for everyone and victory over satan is sure.

Differences Between Muhammad and Jesus


Mohmd Said Allah hates those who don't accept Islam.
(Qur'an 30:4, 3:32, 22:38)

Jesus. Said God loves everyone. 
(John 3:16)

Mohamed "I have been commanded to fight
against people till they testify that there
 is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad
 is the messenger of Allah"
(Muslim 1:33)

Jesus. "He who lives by the sword
will die by the sword."
(Matthew 26:52)

Mohamed. Stoned women for adultery.
(Muslim 4206)

Jesus. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
(John 8:7)

Mohamed. Permitted stealing from unbelievers.
(Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)

Jesus. "Thou shalt not steal."
(Matthew 19:18)

Mohamed. Permitted lying.
(Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)

Jesus. "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
(Matthew 19:18)

Mohamed. Owned and traded slaves.
(Sahih Muslim 3901)

Jesus. Neither owned nor traded slaves.

Mohamed. Beheaded 800 Jewish men and boys.
(Sahih Muslim 4390)

Jesus. Beheaded no one.

Mohamed Murdered those who insulted him.
(Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)

Jesus. Preached forgiveness.
(Matthew 18:21-22, 5:38)

Mohamed. "If then anyone transgresses
the prohibition against you,
Transgress ye likewise against him"
(Qur'an 2:194)

Jesus. "If someone strikes you on the right
cheek, turn to him the other also."
(Matthew 5:39)

Mohamed. Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one's position in Paradise by a hundred fold.
(Muslim 4645)

Jesus "Blessed are the peacemakers, for
they will be called Sons of God"
(Matthew 5:9)

Mohamed. Married 13 wives and kept sex slaves.
(Bukhari 5:268, Qur'an 33:50)

Jesus. Was celibate.

Mohamed. Slept with a 9-year-old child.
(Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)

Jesus. Did not Be Intimate with children.

Mohamed. Ordered the murder of women.
(Ibn Ishaq 819, 995)

Jesus Never harmed a woman. 

Mohamed. "O you who believe!  Fight those of the
 unbelievers who are near to you
and let them find in you hardness."
(Qur'an 9:123)

Jesus "Blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth."
(Matthew 5:5)

Mohamed. Ordered 65 military campaigns
and raids in his last 10 years.
(Ibn Ishaq )

Jesus Ordered no military campaigns, nor
offered any approval of war or violence. 

Mohamed Killed captives taken in battle.
(Ibn Ishaq 451)

Jesus Never took captives.
Never killed anyone.

Mohamed Encouraged his men to Molestation enslaved women.
(Abu Dawood 2150, Qur'an 4:24)

Jesus Never encouraged Molestation.
Never enslaved women. 

Mohamed. Demanded captured slaves and
a fifth of all other loot taken in war.
(Qur'an 8:41)

Jesus "The Son of Man came not
to be served, but to serve."
(Matthew 20:28)

Mohamed. Was never tortured, but tortured others.
(Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)

Jesus Suffered torture, but never tortured anyone.

Mohamed. "And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah"
(Qur'an 8:39)

Jesus. "Love your enemies and pray
for those who persecute you"
(Matthew 5:44)

Mohamed Blessed the brutal murder of a half-blind man
(al-Tabari 1440)

Jesus Healed a blind man
(Mark 8:28)

Mohamed Ordered a slave to build the very pulpit
from which he preached Islam.
(Bukhari 47:743)

Jesus Washed his disciples feet.
(John 13:5)

Mohamed What are the Greatest Commandments?
"Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause"
(Muslim 1:149)

Jesus What are the Greatest Commandments?
"Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself."
(Matthew 22:34-40)

Mohamed Demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship
(Qur'an 4:102)

Jesus Chastised anyone attempting
to defend him with force.
(John 18:10-12)

Mohamed Died fat and wealthy from what was
taken from others in war or
demanded from others in tribute.

Jesus Demanded nothing for himself. 
Died without possessions.

Mohamed Advocated crucifying others.
(Qur'an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)

Jesus gave his life for others, Was crucified himself.

Mohamed. According to his followers:
Had others give their lives for him.
(Sahih Muslim 4413)

Jesus. According to his followers:
Gave his life for others.
(John 18:11 and elsewhere)
One of the reasons why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today.When you spread false information and truth seekers search,understand and rather than get confused become convinced that Islam is more than a religion but a perfect way of LIFE.

On the other hand I wonder why you compare Prophet Mohamed(SAW),messenger,a man and [b]your LORD,god and personal saviour?[/b]Any basis for comparism? shocked
However,I will take pain to debunk the fallacy you stated above.
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by tunshe: 9:53pm On Jul 23, 2012
Nobody has excess time online to read this your LONG copy paste falsehood.

Checking through the Holy Quran,I discovered your first comparison is false,I conclude that other statements lack integrity.

Mohmd Said Allah hates those who don't accept Islam.
(Qur'an 30:4, 3:32, 22:38)
See one of the Quranic verses you wrongly quoted:
Quran 30 verse 4
Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice.

Jesus. Said God loves everyone.
(John 3:16)

....and contradiction below:
John 8:44: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." In this passage, Jesus is speaking to Jews who, like the majority of the residents of Palestine, rejected his teachings. He says that they are sons of Satan.
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by blackbeau1(f): 10:26pm On Jul 23, 2012
All dis false stories.chei.abi to identify explosives don turn rocket science? Abeg,police if una no fit identify am,just watch 24 from season 1 to the end and you will have a degree in 'the Art of identifying explosives 101'
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by Whymee: 8:04am On Jul 24, 2012
Police in Lagos yesterday confirmed that they are interrogating a man believed to be carrying some items suspected to be explosives.

It was gathered that the suspect was arrested at Orile Bus stop in Lagos.

The Commissioner of Police in charge of the bomb disposal unit, Mr Foluso Adebanjo, confirmed that the man is in their custody.

He said: “A man was arrested and we are still interrogating him and cannot say whether what was found on him are explosives or not for now”.

The suspect who was simply identified as Lawal had joined members of Living Faith Church, aka Winners’ Chapel, who were going for worship at the church’s headquarters in Sango Ota, Ogun Sate.

He was suspected to be carrying explosive by some of the church members who raised the alarm.

One of the worshipers who pleaded anonymity said the suspect was shabbily dressed and was acting strangely.

“He was looking shabby but when scrutunised closely, we discovered he had some celotaped substances with a celotaped mobile phone on his hand.

“We became suspicious because wire was attached to the substance and it looked carefully seal,” he said.

According to a source, the members wondered how he would be carrying those items.

Two members of the church- who are security operatives - and were also riding in the bus [/b]were invited to examine the items found on the suspect.

The source said after the examination by the security men, the [b]man was arrested and handed over to the police at Orile Police division.

A source at the Orile Police Station confirmed that the suspect was carrying heavy gadgets including a cell phone connected with a wired attached to the substance and carefully sealed and cellotaped.

The Police source said the suspect also had an extra phone that was equally cellotaped
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by Whymee: 8:07am On Jul 24, 2012
See above

Cooked story,
See conflict in bold type.

The man joined the bus, there are a thousand ways that lead to winners church in sango otta, why should he join a bus conveying church members with security guards,Having such deadly assignment, besides being a stranger.
The man was arrested in Orile bus stop, yet the bus was conveying worshippers to Winners in Sango otra, was the bus not moving at all,
Worshippers bla, bla, bla.

While the bus was on his way to Sango, the man has been detail in Orile police station.

While the security were scrutinizing the mans items, where were the bus occupant, were they still sitting comfortably in the bus to ascertain wether his items were explosive or not.

After the arrest of the man, did the bus continued hid sango trip or the bus was further subjected to thorough search or impounded bybthe police.

Will reasonable worshiper still join such bus to a worship ground.

Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by Egelife(m): 11:13am On Jul 24, 2012
Nigeria Police and their incompetency, after the discription by the eye witness, the police boss is shameless to state that they are tryinG to figure out what the substance is cry
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by henrychubayo: 11:33am On Jul 24, 2012
samkoro: If you worship Allah,please repent and worship the true God Jehovah by emulating the ways of Christ Jesus,so that u will make paradise.The Religion of murder shall only lead you to hell fire.

All christians should copy this and post via emails,tex messages and post to both christians and moslems.Let us fight the devil by fighting ignorance.Let's do this evangelism together.The fight is for everyone and victory over satan is sure.

Differences Between Muhammad and Jesus


Mohmd Said Allah hates those who don't accept Islam.
(Qur'an 30:4, 3:32, 22:38)

Jesus. Said God loves everyone. 
(John 3:16)

Mohamed "I have been commanded to fight
against people till they testify that there
 is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad
 is the messenger of Allah"
(Muslim 1:33)

Jesus. "He who lives by the sword
will die by the sword."
(Matthew 26:52)

Mohamed. Stoned women for adultery.
(Muslim 4206)

Jesus. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
(John 8:7)

Mohamed. Permitted stealing from unbelievers.
(Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)

Jesus. "Thou shalt not steal."
(Matthew 19:18)

Mohamed. Permitted lying.
(Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)

Jesus. "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
(Matthew 19:18)

Mohamed. Owned and traded slaves.
(Sahih Muslim 3901)

Jesus. Neither owned nor traded slaves.

Mohamed. Beheaded 800 Jewish men and boys.
(Sahih Muslim 4390)

Jesus. Beheaded no one.

Mohamed Murdered those who insulted him.
(Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)

Jesus. Preached forgiveness.
(Matthew 18:21-22, 5:38)

Mohamed. "If then anyone transgresses
the prohibition against you,
Transgress ye likewise against him"
(Qur'an 2:194)

Jesus. "If someone strikes you on the right
cheek, turn to him the other also."
(Matthew 5:39)

Mohamed. Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one's position in Paradise by a hundred fold.
(Muslim 4645)

Jesus "Blessed are the peacemakers, for
they will be called Sons of God"
(Matthew 5:9)

Mohamed. Married 13 wives and kept sex slaves.
(Bukhari 5:268, Qur'an 33:50)

Jesus. Was celibate.

Mohamed. Slept with a 9-year-old child.
(Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)

Jesus. Did not Be Intimate with children.

Mohamed. Ordered the murder of women.
(Ibn Ishaq 819, 995)

Jesus Never harmed a woman. 

Mohamed. "O you who believe!  Fight those of the
 unbelievers who are near to you
and let them find in you hardness."
(Qur'an 9:123)

Jesus "Blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth."
(Matthew 5:5)

Mohamed. Ordered 65 military campaigns
and raids in his last 10 years.
(Ibn Ishaq )

Jesus Ordered no military campaigns, nor
offered any approval of war or violence. 

Mohamed Killed captives taken in battle.
(Ibn Ishaq 451)

Jesus Never took captives.
Never killed anyone.

Mohamed Encouraged his men to Molestation enslaved women.
(Abu Dawood 2150, Qur'an 4:24)

Jesus Never encouraged Molestation.
Never enslaved women. 

Mohamed. Demanded captured slaves and
a fifth of all other loot taken in war.
(Qur'an 8:41)

Jesus "The Son of Man came not
to be served, but to serve."
(Matthew 20:28)

Mohamed. Was never tortured, but tortured others.
(Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)

Jesus Suffered torture, but never tortured anyone.

Mohamed. "And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah"
(Qur'an 8:39)

Jesus. "Love your enemies and pray
for those who persecute you"
(Matthew 5:44)

Mohamed Blessed the brutal murder of a half-blind man
(al-Tabari 1440)

Jesus Healed a blind man
(Mark 8:28)

Mohamed Ordered a slave to build the very pulpit
from which he preached Islam.
(Bukhari 47:743)

Jesus Washed his disciples feet.
(John 13:5)

Mohamed What are the Greatest Commandments?
"Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause"
(Muslim 1:149)

Jesus What are the Greatest Commandments?
"Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself."
(Matthew 22:34-40)

Mohamed Demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship
(Qur'an 4:102)

Jesus Chastised anyone attempting
to defend him with force.
(John 18:10-12)

Mohamed Died fat and wealthy from what was
taken from others in war or
demanded from others in tribute.

Jesus Demanded nothing for himself. 
Died without possessions.

Mohamed Advocated crucifying others.
(Qur'an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)

Jesus gave his life for others, Was crucified himself.

Mohamed. According to his followers:
Had others give their lives for him.
(Sahih Muslim 4413)

Jesus. According to his followers:
Gave his life for others.
(John 18:11 and elsewhere)
Your points has been noted. The ones you said about the jesus are all true and the quotations from the bible also goes inline with your points. Even though i have never read a Quran or whatever the name of their scriptures are but i believe your points here since they at as exactly as you stated here. Islam what a religion. Thank God am a true christian cause i don't know what life would be like if am not especially if am not brainwashed to kill ppl as a suicide bomber to go to heaven. Thank God cause we know the truth and we strive to live by it
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by Idokojimmy: 5:20pm On Jul 24, 2012
NPF deserve commendation. Nigerians should continue to support them o.
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by tunshe: 5:33pm On Jul 24, 2012
Your points has been noted. The ones you said about the jesus are all true and the quotations from the bible also goes inline with your points. Even though i have never read a Quran or whatever the name of their scriptures are but i believe your points here since they at as exactly as you stated here. Islam what a religion. Thank God am a true christian cause i don't know what life would be like if am not especially if am not brainwashed to kill ppl as a suicide bomber to go to heaven. Thank God cause we know the truth and we strive to live by it

Your comment shows you already form your opinion without seeking the truth,let me remind you that there is no compulsion in religion.

If the teaching of Islam is about killing and suicide bombeing as you claimed to go to heaven,there would be suicide bombings everyday across the country where you have Muslims,including your school,office and neighbourhood.

Please find below the following Biblical verses to satisfy your curiosity:

* “When the LORD your God brings you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites, and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you. And when the LORD your God delivers them before you and you defeat them, [b]then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them and show no favor to them” (Deuteronomy 7:1-2)[/b] shocked shocked shocked

* “When you approach a city to fight against it, you shall offer it terms of peace. If it agrees to make peace with you and opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall become your forced labor and shall serve you. However, if it does not make peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it. When the LORD your God gives it into your hand, you shall strike all the men in it with the edge of the sword. Only the women and the children and the animals and all that is in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as booty for yourself; and you shall use the spoil of your enemies which the LORD your God has given you. [b]Only in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes” (Deuteronomy 20:10-17).[/b] shocked shocked shocked

* “Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves” (Numbers 31:17-18).
shocked shocked shocked
Re: Police Arrest Man With Explosives In Lagos by fatf13: 10:10pm On Jul 24, 2012
na wao

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