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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 9 by achmed1(m): 7:06am On Nov 13, 2019
ITA fall on me today. Currently swimming in the pool at 471.

Will be 30 by 26 November.


Business / Re: Sam & Steve Nico Williams Biography, Twins Invent Cryptocurrency PPT, Net Worth by achmed1(m): 1:12am On Sep 18, 2018
But you still can't tell what will happen tommorrow. People who lost money diet follow a properly defined strategy.

You buy when there is blood in the streets and sell when the land is green not the other way round.

Buy when everyone is afraid and sell when people get greedy.


Business / Re: Inside Metering Industry In Akwa Ibom State (Photos) by achmed1(m): 6:07pm On Sep 02, 2018

Pray that meter does not get to your home. Then you know what paying bills mean.
Like my area, we have 13-16 hrs light daily.. Those hours, washing machine mostly works, AC is 5 rooms busy, Water heater in 5 rooms, Fridge, microwave etc etc ...
If I am metered, I will pay nothing less than 40k monthly. I hopenI am not metered soon.
A friend on myne is metered, and he is not finding life funny.


2 Likes 1 Share

Phones / Re: MTN New Cheap Data Plans (Photo) by achmed1(m): 5:41pm On Aug 20, 2018
Not falling for this trap, anything MTN gives you, they end up collecting X2 from you somehow. Waiting for Ntel to fix their network so I can continue enjoying my 58gb for 3000 grin

how's that possible? I also have ntel
TV/Movies / Re: Money Heist Is The Best Series I've Ever Watched by achmed1(m): 10:15pm On Aug 02, 2018

Nope only Spanish

I watched it in English on Netflix . Superb series
Career / Re: 5 Reasons Why ACCA Is Better Than ICAN by achmed1(m): 2:06pm On Jul 20, 2018

Do you have statistics to support this claim or did you just pluck the figures from the sky?

Baba I work in a big 4
Career / Re: 5 Reasons Why ACCA Is Better Than ICAN by achmed1(m): 7:46am On Jul 20, 2018

You concluded it's better simply cos it's conducted Bubba foreign body...

For your info The Big 4 in Nigeria rate ICAN higher!

That's a big fat lie.

90% of people who enrol newly for accounting professionals at the big 4 chose acca .

Although the firms only pay the ican equivalent of the exams.... It's just for convenience and the cost.

The only people in big4 doing ican have already started b4 joining
Politics / Re: Metering: You’re Wrong, Power Distributors Reply Fashola by achmed1(m): 10:00am On Jul 18, 2018
Was charged 16,000 for a mini flat last month. My next door neighbor using a prepaid meter spend BTW 2k to a Max of 5k a month.

Its just day light robbery.


Career / Re: I Recently Lost My High Paying Job And I'm At A Crossroads On What To Do Next by achmed1(m): 9:07pm On Jul 15, 2018
The job paid me well, and i was able to save a substantial sum of money in five months before being fired last week by my boss, i was double crossed by a co worker and my boss replaced me with him, he got what he wanted but thats not my problem, i already got what i wanted. My problem now is what to do with the money i was able to save.

I have skills i am eager to put to good use but i don't know if it'll bring results, I'm good with website creation, graphics, writting and a bit of programming, so i was thinking of getting myself a costly laptop capable of handling everything and hone my skills/passion, delve into fiverr and freelancing, then start a gaming blog, the first of its kind because I'm a game addict. Is there a way can succeed with this plans?

Lalasticlala please help a brother

I did say you improve your coding skills.... get a mentor in software development..and start providing freelance software coding service online on websites like codementor . You could be making upwards of 1 million a month.

Thank me later
Business / Re: Equities Market Remains Bearish On Profit Taking In Banking Stocks by achmed1(m): 1:56pm On Jun 28, 2018

Wrong you Sell Red buy Green

Lol you buy when people are fearful and sell when people are greedy.

You don't buy at all time highs rather buy at all time low and sell at all time high. That's how you profit.

Buy when there is blood on the street.
Business / Re: Equities Market Remains Bearish On Profit Taking In Banking Stocks by achmed1(m): 8:35am On Jun 28, 2018
Buy the red sell the green.

1 Like

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Pricewaterhousecooper (pwc) Latest Job Recruitment (14 Positions) by achmed1(m): 5:11pm On Apr 27, 2018
I know at least 3 persons with their PR just waiting to drop the letter. Serious brain drain happening.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Pricewaterhousecooper (pwc) Latest Job Recruitment (14 Positions) by achmed1(m): 5:09pm On Apr 27, 2018
No be small thing oh I swear.
Travel / Re: Iceland Set To Deport Nigerian Couple, Daughter by achmed1(m): 7:09pm On Aug 30, 2017
cc; lalasticlala

Tell me u are d one in that DP

1 Like

Phones / Re: Glo Posts Largest Data Penetration In 2017 Quarter 1 by achmed1(m): 8:13am On May 21, 2017
Glo is crappy in my house at Yaba. Does work in my room. I have to move close to the window to get network. Even at that to open a single page na war.
Investment / Re: Mmm Crashed Again Frozen 2017 mavro by achmed1(m): 4:21am On Mar 27, 2017
Nigerians never learn
Religion / Re: I Think I'm Losing My Belief by achmed1(m): 7:11am On Oct 26, 2016
Athiesm is a scary way of life

1 Like

Politics / Re: Arrest Of Judges: DSS went beyond its boundary - Senate by achmed1(m): 7:32am On Oct 12, 2016
A gathering of past and present thieves want to tell us how to Stop corruption. These guys are jokers.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Why You Must Lie On Job Interviews And What You Must Lie About by achmed1(m): 7:35am On Sep 30, 2016
i lied alot. if i no lie i for still dey jobless. how i believe so much in team work, how i executed a cds project, how i lead people hahahahah. God go understand

Be careful....i fit be ur HR person.. E go surprise u..
Politics / Re: Patience Jonathan Must Forfeit $15m - EFCC by achmed1(m): 8:22am On Sep 16, 2016

So you know that before you and your co travellers are whipping unnecessary media trial. Nigeria, the only country were accused are tried on the pages of newspaper and sentenced as well while the accused walks free.

Shame, shame, shame!!! She is yet to be invited for interrogation, why?

No body is being tried on the pages of news papers. The media are simply doing there jobs.
Autos / Re: Custom agent @ seme border, duty payment for your cars & goods via Cotonou? by achmed1(m): 8:40am On Sep 02, 2016
Autos / Re: Custom agent @ seme border, duty payment for your cars & goods via Cotonou? by achmed1(m): 9:46am On Sep 01, 2016
Mr Anthony's BMW X6, successfully delivered yesterday at his Ajah Resident.

Autos / Re: Custom agent @ seme border, duty payment for your cars & goods via Cotonou? by achmed1(m): 9:46am On Sep 01, 2016
[quote author=lifezone247 post=48753288][/quote]

Has work started at seme border?

And please how much wud it cost to clear a Camry 08/09 presently.
Education / Re: Unilag 2016/2017 Admission Guide ( Unilag 2016 Jambites). by achmed1(m): 2:01am On Sep 01, 2016
Pls I need urgent answer cos dis admission is wat must happen....I'm a DE applicant,I've submitted my credentials to d admission office...do I still need transcript to b sent to unilag from d college of Edu dat I finished from.....pls...help me answer ASAP

Bro please whats the admission process for DE candidates
Education / Re: Unilag 2016/2017 Admission Guide ( Unilag 2016 Jambites). by achmed1(m): 1:50am On Sep 01, 2016
Hello. I am a unilag direct entry candidate. Pls add to unilag admissions Whatsapp group 08143786748

Hi please whats the status for Direct entry students?
Autos / Re: Custom agent @ seme border, duty payment for your cars & goods via Cotonou? by achmed1(m): 1:20am On Sep 01, 2016
Please bro...has work resumed at Seme Border.? Has the strike been called off at seme border?
Education / Re: UNILORIN Admission Screening Registration Instructions For 2016/2017 by achmed1(m): 10:29pm On Aug 31, 2016
The management of University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) has released admission screening registration instructions for 2016/2017.

However, the registration portal is yet to be enabled for that purpose. Similarly, the admission cut-off marks for the various departments is yet to be released.

We will keep you updated on that.

Meanwhile, below are the admission screening registration instructions;

-Candidates are to visit http://www.uilugportal.unilorin.edu.ng/putme_instruction.php
-On Admission Menu displayed on the left-hand side, click "Pre-Admission Screening Instruction" and read carefully.
-Type in your JAMB Registration Number and SURNAME in the boxes provided. Carefully type in your JAMB Registration Number as any error committed will not allow your details to be displayed. Thereafter,
-UTME candidates should click on the Get Details button for your JAMB information;
-DE candidates should click OK button on the dialog box displayed and enter your names; and
-Click on Make Payment link to go to WEBPAY page. Note: UTME Candidates who are qualified for the courses originally chosen can proceed to make payment by supplying the required information. However, UTME Candidates who are not qualified for the course originally chosen are advised to change their course as indicated on the payment page. Note the sum of N2,500 is charged for change of course.

Make Payment
-Select your ATM card type (e.g Verve or Master Card)
-Enter your Card Number
-Enter Card Expiry Date and the card CVV2 (the 3 digits on the reverse side of the card and lastly enter your card pin; and
-Then click on Pay.

Please note: (Do not Refresh your browser while the process is going on to avoid multiple deductions from your account. If nothing is displayed after 10 minutes, close the browser and restart again).

-After Login, click on Continue Registration Link on the main menu.
-Fill in your other bio-data and necessary details truthfully on the webpage. All candidates should upload their Passports by clicking on Browse button and select your picture. Your Passport must not be more than 20KB.

-Acceptable format (JPEG)
-Picture must be digital passport photograph
-Resolution must be at least 200 DPI
-Dimension should not be less than 251 × 297 pixels
-Each photograph should capture head and top of the shoulders so that the faces take up to 70-80% of the photograph.
-Show the eyes looking directly at the camera
-Show skin tone naturally
-Have a uniform red background
-Maximum of 20kb

-Signature must be clearly scanned
-Acceptable format (JPEG)
-Resolution must be at least 200 DPI
-Dimension should not be less than 134 × 33 pixels
-Signature should be in black ink and should be on a plain background (no lines)
-Signature must be clear and bold
-Maximum of 15kb
-On completion of bio-data. click on Next Step button then click OK on the message dialog box.

All Direct Entry (DE) candidates should complete the Institution of choice and click on Save then click OK on the message dialog box.
On completion of choice of Institution click Next Step button.

For Direct Entry (DE)
Direct Entry candidates are required to select their Higher Academic Qualification(s) from the drop down and click on Save. On the dialog box click OK;
To add more Higher Academic Qualifications click on qualifications drop down to select your additional qualifications click on save; and Click on Next Step.

All candidates (UTME and DE) are required to supply their O' level (O/L) details as follows:
-Pick Number of sitting(s) by clicking on the drop-down button
-Enter all the required O' level (O/L) details; and
-Click on Submit button then click OK on the message dialog box.
-Pre-Admission Screening Registration form;
-Payment Receipt.

Note: All candidates are expected to be at the screening centre an hour before their scheduled time and with the above printouts

Thank you for choosing University of Ilorin the BETTER BY FAR UNIVERSITY.

For further enquiries contact : pre-admission2015@unilorin.edu.ng

Read more: http://dailyschoolgist..com.ng/2016/08/unilorin-admission-screening.html

Please Tolu.. what can u tell me of the present status for Direct Entry admission into Unilag.
The school hasnt issued any procedure for DE candidates.
Education / Re: Only Senate, Academic Boards Of Universities Can Admit - JAMB by achmed1(m): 12:21pm On Aug 23, 2016
JAMB have totally put aside Direct Entry candidate

What do you mean by this statement.
Travel / Re: How Lagos Will Look In 2030 - Photo! by achmed1(m): 2:38pm On Aug 22, 2016
Separate wishes from actions.

But if it is going to be achieved, then prepare a yearly budget of $25 billion.

Jemin_ bad guy. How far?
Autos / Re: Classic Autos Available In Cotonuo..See Pictures of different cars i bought. by achmed1(m): 7:06pm On Aug 16, 2016
Are you confuse in making a choose of car(s)?Do you have low budget in buying a car?Do you need a honest and truthful person to handle your car business or help you purchase the car of your choose?You are on the right trend.

I purchase cars for people directly from Cotonou and deliver it to your place,Here are the procedures.

1. Give me a call and tell me your choice of car and i will give you the budget of buying the car.

2. When coming don't bring cash because of security reasons,we have different banks here in Seme border which you can make your transactions from expect GTB Bank and FCMB Bank.You can hold the sum of 50,000 (Fifty thousand Naira) with you.This cash is for the deposit of the car when we see one in Cotonou..Just to secure the car not been sold before we come back to make the full payment.

3. When we see the car of your choice and the deposit is made,we will come to your bank here in seme border and make with drawers which we will change the money from Naira to Cefa right inside the bank,Cefa have high denomination so carry large amount of money is not a problem.My trusted cab man will be waiting to take us back to the market where we make the full payment,Then i can get your full name and address to process your duty papers.

4.It take just 48hrs to finish up this process both buying and the duty too..and your car will be with you the second day or the third day depending on your location.Before we leave Seme border to your destination i will give you your duty papers to walk into any custom office to confirm if your papers are legit or not,when it been confirmed then we can hit the road to your destination.Agency fee is 30k Naira( Thirty thousand naira only).

So contact me for your cheap and first class cars TODAY...I give you my words you will introduce me to your friends and family after doing the first business with me...Am not after the money but the good name and business connection with that i know am bless...Hope to hear from your soonest.

☎: 09091129229

WhatzApp: 09091129229

Email: hiliaryautos@yahoo.com

Thanks smiley smiley

How much should i budget for a camry 2009 fabric clearing cost inclusive.


If you've not checked your duty papers, kindly run them through our agency....






Some of the F. o. U patrols on the highways are now impounding tokunbo and registered vehicles.

We also help with debit note (DN) payments for under payments..


Good Morning brother.

I need to inquire how much it would cost me to clear a Camry 2009 at the seme boder.
Autos / Re: Custom agent @ seme border, duty payment for your cars & goods via Cotonou? by achmed1(m): 8:45pm On Aug 12, 2016
Nice one .Thanks

Bro..1 question pls.

How much would it cost to clear a camry 2009.

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