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Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 2:51pm On Nov 05, 2023
please, how were you able to handle this? I am currently facing the same challenge. Do I go ahead to click yes, even though my case number starts with LGS2023...?
Please, I will appreciate an answer. Thanks.
Just click yes and proceed. Provided your case is ready at the Embassy
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 12:49am On Aug 10, 2023
please add me to the WhatsApp group ‪+234 702 084 7887‬
Interview dates were opened today and we all got appointments. Did you get?
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 8:25am On Aug 03, 2023

Please add to group, link not working
Drop your number
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 5:04am On Aug 03, 2023

Please add to group, link not working
Seems the link isn’t working here. Kindly drop your number.
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 5:01am On Aug 03, 2023
Please how can I join the WhatsApp group for the interview date?
Kindly drop your number. The group link doesn’t work here
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 5:00am On Aug 03, 2023

Please this link is not working, I need the correct link🙏
Drop your number
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 1:48pm On Aug 02, 2023
Hey guys. We already have a WhatsApp group right now to look for interview dates in Lagos for K1. (Type the link exactly as is on your search bar without any space in between. Or make sure that you copy and paste everything on one line without space and then it will go). Feel free to join if you want.


We have a group already, but we could join yours. I will discuss it with them.
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 2:45pm On Aug 01, 2023
Hi bro, Good morning.. im interested please
Drop your number
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 10:55pm On Jul 31, 2023
Good day ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to our K1 Watsapp group, where all applicants meet. Strictly for those already in the process.Put your number....
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 10:45pm On Jul 31, 2023

I heard the 4 months expiration date on the NOA2 will be extended by the Consular Office, because they’re aware that the delay is not from applicants.
Also, I don’t think the information about creating interview slots every 4months is true. Disregard it.

If there is no K1 Visa WhatsApp group currently, we can start one together and others in the same situation can join. So that we can share information there. Running this race alone can be really draining. Kindly let me if you’re cool with the idea.

We now have a K1 Fiancé Visa WhatsApp Support Group. We are all in this together. Please anyone interested in joining the group, kindly indicate so that you can be added you. Thanks


Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 10:37pm On Jul 31, 2023
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 10:30pm On Jul 31, 2023
Hi Nairalanders, so we have created a K1 Fiancé Support WhatsApp Group for us to be able to help each other. If you are interested, please for the link to join
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 9:22pm On Jul 31, 2023
Have you paid the fees and filled out the DS160 application already?[/quote]quote author=steeltrust post=124359325] hi
Please I need some clarity
On CEAC website it shows ready
Am I to wait for a letter from the American embassy in nigeria or there’s something else I could do to facilitate the whole process

Thanks you for help as I wait your reply [/quote]
Have you paid the fees and filled out the DS160 application already?
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 9:18pm On Jul 31, 2023
I’m equally at same stage, but since you receive the packet, you just click yes.
Still checked this morning, there are no available dates. My Notice of Action expired 20th of this month, still unsure of the implication. I’d appreciate any advice given on that, please.
Got a report from someone today who said the embassy only open slot for K1 visas once in 4months. Last it was opened was early June. I think it’s wrong information, however, if any one can confirm this, I’d appreciate.
That said, I’d like to be added to the K1 interview date group, if there’s any at the moment. Thank you.

I heard the 4 months expiration date on the NOA2 will be extended by the Consular Office, because they’re aware that the delay is not from applicants.
Also, I don’t think the information about creating interview slots every 4months is true. Disregard it.

If there is no K1 Visa WhatsApp group currently, we can start one together and others in the same situation can join. So that we can share information there. Running this race alone can be really draining. Kindly let me if you’re cool with the idea.
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 6:19pm On Jul 31, 2023
My fellow nairalanders please help me
I don’t know what happening with my k1 visa process
On the CEAC website it show ready but they said I need to wait for a confirmation letter from the embassy it 3months and nothing has come up
My fiancé over is almost giving up
Cause she’s been waiting for me for a year plus

It like I’m been frustrated to be here
I beg is there anything I can do who I call or email to know what the situation is or fast track the whole process and get done with my interview

This whole process is taken too long

I’ll be grateful if I get an answer cause this whole process is becoming frustrating

If them no want make person go make them talk so person go focus on other things

Cause I’ve spent so much resource just to get this whole thing to this stage

I am also on the K1 journey and still waiting for slots to book interview appointment. If you’re interested, we could start a WhatsApp group together. So that we can help share information. Kindly let me know if you’re interested. Thanks
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 6:13pm On Jul 31, 2023
I heard the 4 months expiration date on the NOA2 will be extended by the Consular Office, because they’re aware that the delay is not from applicants.
Also, I don’t think the information about creating interview slots every 4months is true. Disregard it.

If there is no K1 Visa WhatsApp group currently, we can start one together and others in the same situation can join. So that we can share information there. Running this race alone can be really draining. Kindly let me if you’re cool with the idea.
Travel / Re: USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 10:17pm On Jul 28, 2023
Thank you so much. I was literally confused. This means a lot.🙏
Travel / USA Fiancee (K1) Visa Thread by Amebito: 6:35am On Jul 28, 2023
Hey my fellow Nairalanders, please help me.

I have received the K1 Packet message from the embassy in Lagos to proceed with scheduling the interview. I have paid the MRV Fees and submitted the DS160. But I am unable to schedule an interview appointment because of this particular message instruction that keeps reoccurring. The message prevents you from moving to the next stage if your case number does not begin with LGS2019, LGS2020 or LGS2021 and my case number begins with LGS2023.

It is so frustrating and mind draining 🤦🏻‍♂️.

Is this is normal thing or is there anyone experiencing the same thing? Please if anyone can advice on how to go around it, it will be appreciated. Thanks.

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