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Nairaland Forum / BeckyE's Profile / BeckyE's Posts
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Here's something that I've been thinking about for a while now: A very common idea is that more education equals greater economic growth. What's more, one of the main ways that Third World countries could advance is to spend more money on education. Now this may not be true at all: According to Alison Wolf's research, there's no proven connection between increased education and increased economic growth. But even if it's true to some minor extent, the thing that bothers me is that we only seem to be talking about formal education. Schools . . . universities . . . years spent in a classroom. It seems to me, however, that two propositions are likely true: A) The most useful skills that you will ever get from formal schooling are fairly basic: reading, writing a coherent description or argument, and basic math. A lot of what's studied in high school or college may be very interesting, and can make one a well-rounded person, but has little or no relevance to economic growth. (I'm all for studying Shakespeare or Western Civilization or Physics 101 or our local culture, but unless you plan on pursuing one of those subjects as a career, I don't think that your studies have anything to do with economic growth.) B) By contrast, if there exists any knowledge that leads to economic growth, the overwhelming majority of it is captured in businesses and other institutions, and cannot be taught in schools. I'm not talking just about "job training," i.e., formal training classes that might last a day or a week at the beginning of one's employment (or formal "continuing education" classes in various professions). Instead, I'm talking about all of the informal knowledge that relates to "how we do things here in Nigeria or should I say “how we see things here in our country.” Please I want you to ponder over these few thoughts or points I have raised and see what you make of it. Courtsy: |
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Could you be interested in getting all the neccessary information's regarding Admission modalities in our Universities and other related info's at a GLANCE or in one place. All the names of higher institutions in Nigeria namely Universities, Polytechnics, College of Educations and their Admissions guidelines, who is who, latest news at a glance. Get every details and more! at |
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Hi Folks, Just joined Nairaland. I thought I should say hello to everybody. Without doubt, Nairaland is a wonderful forum, the best around. I know I stand to gain quite a lot from established forumites, also I have one or two skills that I can impact on forumites. It is a win-win proposition, Thanks, BeckyE |
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