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Religion / Prayer Effect And Facilitators by bobdoe(m): 6:03pm On Jul 21, 2019
today sermon from dunamis church headquarters
The senior pastor was speaking on the effect of prayer and the things that facilitate prayer.
Apart from praying what are the things that can facilitate and make effects to prayer
the senior pastor spoke from the book of Jerimiah 33:3 King James Bible
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
and he said that Prayer facilitators are organic fertilizers.
How do we do to make our prayers result more bountifully?
Praying and fasting Isaiah 58:6

King James BibleIs not this the fast that I have chosen? to loosed the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?
It is possible to pray and get results but when fasting is added to prayer it boosts results, now what is fasting, to fast in an intense desire.
Fasting facilitates the breaking forth of light
Fasting amplify spiritual authority
Mathew 17:21 King James Bible
Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
There are some kinds of devils and situations needed fasting to go out.
Fasting enhances spiritual sensitivity
During fasting, it is easy to dream it is easy to hear from God it is easy to see a vision.

Praying in the spirit (praying in tongues)

Impact of praying in the spirit
Praying in the spirit helps us to pray effortlessly and tirelessly by praying in the spirit you can pray for long
Ephesians 6:18 King James Bible
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Praying in the spirit helps us to pray into the realm of the Unknown
Roman 8:26 - 27 King James Bible
Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
verse 27And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
Pst Paul said the reason we pray in the language we don't know is because we don't understand the unknown situations.
Praying in the spirit helps us to be charged up in faith and audacity
Jude vs20 King James Bible
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
Praying in the spirit grant access to revelations, insights, and mystery
1corinthian 14:2 King James Bible
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

Praying with sacrifice

when you decided to add sacrifice it facilitate prayers sacrifice
Psalms 20:1 psalms 60:14to15
God uses sacrifices because sacrifice establishes an altar.
Sacrifice moves God into battle.
Captivity is turn around as a result of a sacrifice
Psalm 126
It is not just sacrificial giving but with faith
Secondly when answers are slow to come a sacrifice is necessary
Luke 7:5

Praying in the deep night

spiritual transaction takes place mostly at night
exodus 12:21
He further cited an example whereby Jacob's destiny was changed at night from Jacob to Israel.
Enemies activities take place https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2019/07/prayer-effect-and-facilitators.html
Religion / The Unity Of Christians ~ (speaking In Tongues) by bobdoe(m): 8:39pm On Jul 18, 2019
by bobdoe richard
When the world is full of diverse kinds of language it causes disunity and commotion among inhabitants of the earth.
Because God is unity and unity is in God.
So, therefore, unity is constantly under attack. Majorly among God's peoples. God needed to unite his creation together in one accord to worship him, therefore he sent his son Jesus to redeem and unite us. But still, the disunity has not been solved because the children of God still speaks the divers' language, because unity must be bound in Christianity, a solution has to come for us to be United in one accord.

It was solved by Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
And there came about the speaking in https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2019/07/the-unity-of-christians-speaking-in.html
Religion / Is Sex Good Before Marriage - What Does The Bible Says About Sex? by bobdoe(m): 2:19am On Jan 22, 2019
What does the Bible say about sex?
The classic Christian view is that sex should be within marriage, and that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. In order to understand why, we need to explore what the purpose of sex is, according to the Bible.
You'd have to work hard to explain that God is not against sex. In fact, he considers it something good. It was, after all, his idea. God could have made us reproduce the way plants do, with floating spores and pollen. But he preferred human life to spring from the exultant, loving embrace of intercourse. So it only makes sense that the all-knowing God who invented sex should know how it can best be celebrated. God wouldn't sacrifice his own Son to redeem us, and then turn around to arbitrarily spoil our fun.
Sex has two purposes. The first is obviously procreation. However, it is important not to imply that procreation is the only purpose of sex. First, this is true because many marriages are childless. A few are childless through choice, but most are childless because of infertility. But that does not make them bad marriages! And on the flip side, there are many kinds of sexual union which can result in procreation, but which are deeply harmful and wrong (such as rape, adultery and incest). Objections to same-sex sexual relationships solely on the grounds that they can never be procreative therefore do not succeed. There must be more to sex than procreation.
There must be more to sex than procreation
And this is exactly what we find in the Bible. As well as giving the gift of sex to be the means of procreation, God also gives it as a gift which brings husband and wife together into a physical union (‘the two shall become one flesh’, Genesis 2:24). This physical intimacy expresses and strengthens the bringing together of their lives. So, according to the Bible, sex has two purposes: not just procreation, but also delight and intimacy.
A whole book (the Song of Solomon) celebrates the sensuality of erotic love. The Bible reflects exactly the attitude you'd expect from an inventor writing about his invention. God, better than anyone else, appreciates what his invention means. He understands how it works and knows exactly what it's good for. He tells us how to use it—and how not to.
...sex has two purposes: not just procreation, but also delight and intimacy
But why must this be restricted to Continue watch the video here at https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2019/01/is-sex-good-before-marriage-what-does.html

Nairaland / General / Limiting What Your Children Watch On TV - See Why It Is Dangerous by bobdoe(m): 2:11pm On Jan 10, 2019
My husband says that in today's world we cannot protect our children from things that are on television or the internet because they need to know what the world is really like. But I am concerned that bad behavior that is celebrated can harm them. Am I wrong?

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Years ago, some wells in a particular part of the country were contaminated because of a nearby chemical waste dump. Parents would not send their children to drink from these wells. The reason is obvious. The parents were compelled to protect their children from danger.
Train up a child in the way he should grow and when he his old he will not depart form it
The same thing applies when it comes to protecting our children’s moral and spiritual health. Just as they are affected physically by the things they eat and drink, so they are affected morally and spiritually by the things they see and hear—whether on television or anywhere else. While children must learn that the world is steeped in evil, they should not be exposed to it through entertainment. Children need clear cut guidelines in every area of life. The Bible instructs that we “set nothing wicked before (our) eyes” (Psalm 101:3).
The home is under attack. Satan, the great deceiver, wants us to think that society is good. He wants us to believe that the culture provides all we need for our happiness and social welfare. But beware, the devil is out to destroy continue reading @https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2019/01/limiting-what-your-children-watch-on-tv.html

Religion / How Do We Even Know Heaven Exist? May Be We Just Die And That The End. by bobdoe(m): 10:15pm On Dec 14, 2018
Have you ever stopped to think how hopeless and meaningless life is, if death is the end? If there is no Heaven, it means we’ll never see our loved ones again. And if there is no final judgment, it means all the wrongs of this life will never be righted, and evil and injustice will never be punished.
But death is not the end! You and I are not here by chance; God created us, and He put within each of us something of Himself: our soul or spirit. Eventually your body will die, but your soul or spirit will live on. Just as God cannot die, neither can that part of God that He has placed within you ever die. In our hearts and minds we all sense this is true; death is not the end, and there must be something beyond the grave. The Bible says, “He has also set eternity in the human heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
But the main reason we know Heaven is real and there is life beyond the grave, is because of Jesus Christ. He was God in human flesh, and He came into the world to make our salvation possible through His sacrifice for us. And by His resurrection from the dead, He conquered death and Hell forever—and Continue reading at https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/12/how-do-we-even-know-heaven-exists-maybe.html
Religion / Do You Believe In God - See The Proof That God Exist (atheist) by bobdoe(m): 4:03pm On Nov 24, 2018
According to atheists, there is no supernatural Power or Being separate from the universe and responsible for its creation. There is therefore no Creator to whom human beings are accountable. Furthermore, they argue, life has no ultimate meaning or purpose, since not only do all individual lives end in death, but the universe itself is doomed to run down until all life is extinct.

Is there any proof that God exists? Thomas in the Bible who would not believe that Jesus was alive until he could touch Him. That is the same analogy many people use today when it comes to answering the question “Is there any proof that God exists?” They want physical proof for something that must be taken on faith value.

It takes greater faith to believe that an unseen God exists than it does to just dismiss Him because you cannot physically confirm that He is there. For those who deal in evidence there is proof all around you and inside of you that God does exist.

Is there any proof that God exists? Take a good look around. When most people look at the world around them, they see Animals, the trees and different types of creation; . It should be obvious that God exists because of His creation, not only us humans, but the world we live in, the galaxy that world is in, and the universe that the galaxy is in.

Our universe contains too much order for our existence to have been created out of chaos. We are complex beyond our imaginations and when you look at such a complexity, you see God and His creation.

Is there any proof that God exists? Take a good look inside yourself. Most people fail to look inside themselves for God. Instead, they look to their surroundings and conclude that since the world is such a mess, God must not be there, if He ever existed at all. They forget that since God created us, we bear His fingerprints and those fingerprints point to His existence.

First, we are all born with an innate knowledge of what is right and wrong. Even a young child knows that when they misbehave they are doing something that goes against their parents’ wishes. The knowledge of good and evil comes from God. It was put there to keep us in balance and to allow us to understand why we need to come to God for forgiveness.

Second, we have a desire to seek love. Our whole life is spent trying to fill a gap that exists in our souls; a gap that only be filled by the love of God. No matter what we do to try and fill this gap -- money drugs, alcohol, sex, possessions -- the hole will never be filled until we turn back to God and accept His Son as our Savior and Lord.

These are only two of the inward feelings that should tell us that we are more than just some random mistake of nature; that we are created, that a real God that created us, and that He is still there watching over us.

Take a good look at the bible the christian sacred book with diligent study you will found out that everything about the world, humans affairs are all stated in the scriptures most especially the book of Psalms, Proverbs,and Ecclesiastes, Most people just flip and read the bible and says it is written by men yes of course it is, the scriptures let us to know that God (Jehovah) is an invisible a Spirit.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. And perhaps many people testify on how the bible context has helped them in their daily living and many writer got their inspiration from the scriptures. so you can just give credits to science evolution because atheist says so. God is Science.

Is there any proof that God exists? Take a good look at His Son, Jesus Christ. All we need to do is take a good look at the life of Jesus to see that He was a man, but more than a man, He was God. When was the last time you saw a man walk on water, calm a storm, or make a man rise from the dead? Even Jesus Himself conquered death and rose again to ascend to Heaven.

Think about the imp continue reading https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/11/do-you-believe-in-god-proof-that-god.html

Music/Radio / Can Music Influence People And A Nation by bobdoe(m): 6:53pm On Nov 21, 2018
It is claimed that music can influence a people and a nation, good or bad. Do you agree?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
If oratory is the highest art, music must surely be a close second. George Frideric Handel’s “Messiah” is a splendid example of how the written word set to music affects the human heart. The text for the music was compiled from the Bible by Handel’s friend Charles Jennens, who chose 1 Timothy 3:16 for Messiah’s epigraph: “God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up to glory.”
When it was first performed in 1742, a member of the audience expressed gratitude to Handel for “producing such a wonderful piece of ‘entertainment.’ “Entertainment!” Handel replied. “My purpose was not to entertain, but to teach them something.” For centuries Handel’s message has resonated in hearts, proclaiming that Jesus is the Lord who died and rose again. A soprano solo in the Messiah masterpiece combines Job 19 and 1 Corinthians 15 to proclaim: “I know that my Redeemer lives … for now is Christ risen from the dead.”
On the other hand, music can also continue reading https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/11/can-music-influence-people-and-nation.html
Religion / Re: How Can You Prove That Jesus Christ Existed by bobdoe(m): 6:13pm On Nov 20, 2018

Do not become insultive, you are not chatting with your girlfriend, I asked that question so I can explain something to you.

Now, I will bring someone to teach you much about this on the forum: Musicwriter, please if you are here, please permit me to put your link here for this boy to study about the Gods who were born on December 25 in history and I will buttress the facts with what Yahushuah Ha Masiach represents. I believe Reno Omokri has done justice to the word 'Jesus' which is actually fabricated.


Go through the link Ass09
you will be fabricated in five years to come people will say you never existed.
Religion / Re: How Can You Prove That Jesus Christ Existed by bobdoe(m): 6:09pm On Nov 20, 2018
did aristotle existed,
oh it is better to believe than die believing nothing

Let me get something straight to you.

That guy on that picture is a paint job, I am sure you know that.

So believing that the fellow existed, when in essence he never existed is an intentional act of self-deceit, not faith. Who ever taught you that, lied to you, and I do not care if he is a Pastor or some hunter, Lie is a Lie.

Are we clear on that ?
Religion / How Can You Prove That Jesus Christ Existed by bobdoe(m): 4:22pm On Nov 16, 2018
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Christianity is a faith-based assurance that believes Jesus Christ is the very Word of God (John 1). The Old Testament predicted Christ’s birth, death and resurrection, and the New Testament documents the fulfillment of these prophecies—His biography. Why is it that the biographies of others are believed when they were written long after their deaths?

Alexander the Great’s biography was written 400 years after he died, so its author obviously never knew him. Many people through the centuries never had a record of their own births. Yet the existence of Jesus is still called into question despite the intricate genealogy recorded. Skeptics question His existence because of the “silent” years from age 12 to 30. Yet the Bible documents great numbers of eyewitness accounts of His life.

William Shakespeare wrote plays that bear his name but not one of his original manuscripts survived. Some see him as a legend because there are no documents dating his birth or wh continues reading https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/11/how-can-you-prove-jesus-christ-existed.html

Religion / Five Ways To Detect Modern False Prophets. by bobdoe(m): 10:39am On Nov 11, 2018
False prophets are becoming more prominent in today’s age of tolerance and rebellion against God. This culture is eager for an easy religion – one that requires no effort and offers no consequences. This generation more than any other wants to live however they’d like, without boundaries or authority. Unfortunately, there are plenty of teachers and preachers eager to give the people what they want to hear—and usually, they end up making a large sum of money off it.

From feel-good prosperity preachers, to teachers who deny the literal existence of eternity, to religious leaders of the popular earn-your-way-to-heaven efforts; false prophets are everywhere.

2 Timothy 4: 3-4, "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths."

The Bible warns us not to be bitter about this, but to be wise and discerning. 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21, "Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good."

Here are five ways to detect a modern false prophet.

1. False prophets preach the gospel of prosperity.
False teachers will lead their congregation to believe that God wants them to be happy and wealthy yes that is true. Some teachers even take it further, and declare that if a Christian isn’t financially rich, or isn’t emotionally and relationally prosperous, they just “aren’t praying hard enough” or “need to increase their faith”. This type of teaching is dangerous and inaccurate. The Bible clearly states otherwise about the expectations of what this world has to offer.

Mark 10:25, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God."

Matthew 6:19-21, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

2. False prophets refuse to call out sin.
False teachers don’t like to offend anyone, so they gloss over sin in order to keep their fans happy. They often do this by stating a particular controversial sin such as homosexuality, fornication, adultery, gluttony or greed isn’t a sin after all, so there’s no need to worry or change. They don’t realize that by condoning sin, they’re leading their congregation—happy as they might be—straight to hell.

The Bible teaches that sin is a real issue—and a big one. It’s what separates us from God. It’s what condemns us to hell. Without the intercession of Christ, we would have never been able to get to Heaven or to a right relationship with God. This is the message of the Gospel.

Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Colossians 3:5-6, "Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming."

To ignore sin is to ignore our need for a Savior. And to ignore the Savior is to reject Him.

3. False prophets don’t believe in hell or the need for repentance.
False prophets are content to preach that hell is figurative. They believe there’s no need for repentance because Jesus died for everyone. They teach that we should just be grateful and that’s all there is to it.

This lie is especially tricky to decipher, because it sounds true at first. Jesus did die for the sins of the world. But salvation isn’t head knowledge alone. After all—James 2:19, “You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.”

The Bible teaches that to be saved, we must repent. Acts 2:38, “And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Hell is real—a real place, with real fire, and real separation from God. Isaiah 5:14, “Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.”

4. False prophets don’t believe Jesus is the only way.
“Multiple paths, one destination” is a common belief in today’s society. For the sake of being tolerant and for fear of offending, recent generations are content to believe that everyone will make it to the same
continue reading https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/11/five-ways-to-detect-modern-false-prophet.html

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Religion / What's Wrong With Getting Involved In Things That Are Usually Labeled Occult by bobdoe(m): 2:35pm On Oct 11, 2018
Let me ask you a question: Do you think the devil would like for you to get involved in these practices? The answer is yes—and that should be a solemn warning to you.
The Bible is very clear: If we want to please God, we will avoid everything that has anything to do with the occult (even if it seems innocent or harmless on the surface). The reason is because occult practices of any kind could involve you with spiritual forces that are opposed to God and are, in fact, in league with the devil continue reading https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/10/whats-wrong-with-getting-involved-in.html
Religion / Why The Bible Warns Against The Occult & Witchcraft by bobdoe(m): 4:13pm On Oct 09, 2018
The supernatural has become an increasingly popular topic in books, movies, and TV shows. But the late evangelist Billy Graham reminds us that the Bible very clearly warns against the occult and witchcraft. And for good reason — our own protection!
Read also 12 prophecy that will be fulfilled before Christ returns
Today’s movies and TV shows often portray the occult as something “cool.” Many view things like ouija boards, palm reading and séances as entertainment. They fail to see the very real danger lurking behind these pastimes.
But when he was still alive, Billy Graham shared an important reminder for all of us:
“The Bible is very clear: If we want to please God, we will avoid everything that has anything to do with the occult (even if it seems innocent or harmless on the surface).”
Why The Bible Warns Against The Occult
But what’s th continue reading https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/10/why-bible-warns-against-occult.html
Religion / 12 Prophecies That Will Be Fulfilled Before Christ's Return by bobdoe(m): 11:07am On Oct 05, 2018
Instead of fearing the end times, or battling uncertainty over future events, simply knowing God’s word will give us power to live out our days with the understanding and wisdom that He is still at work, even when difficult things surround us.
He hasn’t lost control, not ever.
12 Scriptures that Remind Us, Jesus Is Coming Again:
1. Mark 13:24-27
“But in those days, following that distress, “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.”
2. Acts 1:11
"Men of Galilee," they said, "why d continue reading https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/10/12-prophecies-that-will-be-fulfilled.html
Music/Radio / Is It Good For Christians To Listen To Secular Music by bobdoe(m): 11:06pm On Oct 01, 2018
Answer: Many Christians struggle with this question. Many secular musicians are immensely talented. Secular music can be very entertaining. There are many secular songs that have catchy melodies, thoughtful insights, and positive messages. In determining whether or not to listen to secular music, there are three primary factors to consider: 1) the purpose of music, 2) the style of music, and 3) the content of the lyrics.

1) The purpose of music. Is music designed solely for worship, or did God also intend music to be soothing and/or entertaining? The most famous musician in the Bible, King David, primarily used music for the purpose of worshipping God (see Psalm 4:1; 6:1, 54:1, 55:1; 61:1; 67:1; 76:1). However, when King Saul was tormented by evil spirits, he would call on David to play the harp in order to soothe him (1 Samuel 16:14-23). The Israelites also used musical instruments to warn of danger (Nehemiah 4:20) and to surprise their enemies (Judges 7:16-22). In the New Testament, the apostle Paul instructs Christians to encourage one another with music: “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs” (Ephesians 5:19). So, while the primary purpose of music does seem to be worship, the Bible definitely allows for other uses of music.

2) The style of music. Continue reading https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/10/is-it-okay-for-christians-to-listen-to.html
Religion / 10 Churches You Need To Avoid by bobdoe(m): 6:15pm On Sep 30, 2018
Churches come in all shapes, sizes, and sometimes even beliefs.
In Revelation 2-3, the Bible gives us some descriptions of a church that might have lost its way. Although, the Bible also mentions positive things that these very same churches were doing, so they weren’t all bad. This is an important idea to remember, because no church is going to be one hundred percent perfect; after all, they are run by humans.
Be wise and be aware, but before you leave any church, take some time to evaluate your own motives. Any problems that you see might be a result of your own perception and not really issues at all. Your inclination to avoid a particular church may be valid, but it could also be your own pride thinking you deserve better. Always check yourself and your motives.
Still, certain characteristics may be a good reason to go elsewhere:
1. Lost Its First Love
The Church of Ephesus lost its first love. I believe that this means they had forgotten the heart of the Gospel—God’s love for repentant sinners. They worry over the politics of running a church instead of sharing God’s love. Gaining numbers in money and attendance becomes a prime concern.
The love of God is a pleasing aroma to anyone seeking it. Preach it and people will come. You don’t have to bend over backwards to please the congregation.
Your first love is the reason you desire to do good for others. Christ’s love should always be your motivation.
2. Doesn't Preach the Cross
The cross is the heart of the gospel. Jesus came to earth so that He could be a holy sacrifice for our sins. He didn’t
continue reading https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/09/10-churches-you-need-to-avoid.html
Dating And Meet-up Zone / 5 Signs They Might Not Be Right For You by bobdoe(m): 10:02pm On Sep 29, 2018
A young person’s guide to healthy relationships.
We brought together young people from five countries in southern Africa to ask them what the biggest issues were for them and their peers when it came to protecting their sexual health.
It might surprise you to hear that their answers weren’t just about accessing services or getting condoms, but were about avoiding ‘unhealthy’ relationships.
But we get that knowing when something’s wrong with your relationship isn’t always easy, so together we came up with 5 signs that the person you are with might not be right for you.
1. You’re not communicating
Feeling like you can’t talk to your partner can make you feel stuck or lonely in your relationship. In some cases it might even mean that you end up doing things that you don’t want to.
When it comes to sex and your sexual health, it’s so important that you and your partner feel able to chat about your desires, boundaries, and how you can play safe.
Talking through these things can make you and your partner feel closer, make sex more fun and even help you look after your sexual health.
2. You don’t trust each other
Without trust in a relationship talking about sex https://www.sapphiregospels.com.ng/2018/09/5-signs-they-might-not-be-right-for-you.html
continue reading...
Politics / Pastor Adeboye 'I Never Called Tinubu To Beg For Ambode', Preacher Says by bobdoe(m): 2:12am On Sep 18, 2018
Pastor Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God has denied media reports that he called Bola Tinubu to beg for Governor Ambode
General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, has denied putting a phone call across to APC godfather Bola Tinubu on behalf of Governor Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos.
Ambode has fallen out with Tinubu and the APC godfather has settled for 53-year-old Babajide Sanwoolu to end Ambode’s bid for a second term in office.
Transcripts of an alleged phone conversation between Pastor Adeboye and Tinubu were made available to various media outlets in the past week
But the preacher says he n
Religion / Pastor Adeboye 'I Never Called Tinubu To Beg For Ambode', Preacher Says by bobdoe(m): 1:57am On Sep 18, 2018
Pastor Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God has denied media reports that he called Bola Tinubu to beg for Governor Ambode
General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, has denied putting a phone call across to APC godfather Bola Tinubu on behalf of Governor Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos.
Ambode has fallen out with Tinubu and the APC godfather has settled for 53-year-old Babajide Sanwoolu to end Ambode’s bid for a second term in office.
Transcripts of an alleged phone conversation between Pastor Adeboye and Tinubu were made available to various media outlets in the past week
But the preacher says he never https://sapphgospels..com/2018/09/pastor-adeboye-i-never-called-tinubu-to.html
Family / Finding Your Spouse� According To God's Design! by bobdoe(m): 1:26am On Sep 06, 2018
So many stories confuse our picture of what love is. Romantic love has been the subject of most popular music, much poetry and fiction. The message is often that the exciting feelings can last forever. Or that there is one person out there with whom everything will fall into place automatically. True love, people say, will complete a person. But if we have such high expectations, and if we aren’t very clear about God’s plan for romantic love, how can we avoid being swept up in the world’s songs and stories? Do you really want Jesus to be at the center of your future marriage? If so, how can you get started His way?
1. Wait for God’s Awakening
In the account of Eve’s creation, have you ever noticed how God prepared Adam? How do you get someone to notice something missing? God had said, “It is not good that the man should be alone…” (Genesis 2:18) God said as He announced His intention: “…I will make him a helper fit for him.” How did God get Adam to notice his own aloneness? God brought all the animal life He had created to Adam: “The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him.” (Genesis 2:20) By getting Adam to notice the animals with their corresponding mates, God alerted him to his own uniqueness and the fact that he had no one like him. Then God met the very desire He had awakened in Adam: “…the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.” (Genesis 2:22)

The Bible’s Song of Solomon is a book about a fresh new marriage between Solomon and his bride, called the “Shulamite.” (6:13) Some have seen a parallel to God’s awakening of Adam in her poetic advice to the other “daughters of ......
Continue reading at https://sapphgospels..com/2018/09/see-how-to-find-your-spouse-according.html?m=1

Religion / Why We Should Run From Sexual Sin? by bobdoe(m): 1:59am On Aug 16, 2018
Why Should We Run from Sexual Sin?
The proper place for sex is between a husband and wife. Outside of that relationship, sex is destructive to you and to others, just like an out of control fire.
Written by Dan Lee on 22/02/2015
“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
A fire provides warmth, light and comfort. But if a fire gets out of control, it can destroy your home, your possessions and even your life. Sex is a lot like that. The proper place for sex is between a husband and wife. Outside of that relationship, sex is destructive to you and to others, just like an out of control fire. Here are 3 important reasons to avoid sexual sin.
1. Sex Affects Our Body, Mind and Spirit
God created us with a body, a mind and a spirit. These parts of us are completely woven together. When we use our bodies to do things outside of God’s will, we not only impact our body, but our mind and soul as well.
2. It Offends God
God wants us to avoid....
Read more at. https://www.sapphiregospels.ml/2018/08/why-we-should-run-from-sexual-sin.html?m=1

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Religion / Pastor Adeboye Finally Reveals When The Killings In Nigeria Will End by bobdoe(m): 4:12pm On Aug 15, 2018
Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, the general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), has assured Nigerians that the persistent killings of innocent Nigerians across the country will soon come to an end. Adeboye gave the assurance during the Holy Communion service of the church at its 66th annual convention.
The cleric also urged the congregation to use the dominion they received during the programme to work for all-round peace for Nigeria and generations unborn. 1,603 pastors and 50 honourary elders were also ordained during the convention.
Meanwhile, NAIJ.com previously reported that Pastor Enoch Adeboye expressed dismay over the continuous
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Religion / What You Must Not Share Together In Your Relationship With A Guy: by bobdoe(m): 2:58am On Aug 13, 2018
1. Do not share the same bed with a guy; it is an error for a lady to sleep in a boyfriend’s house. If you have been doing it, U need to stop it right away because you are doing a wrong thing.
2. You must not share your body with your boyfriend. You body does not belong to your boyfriend; it belongs to your husband in future in marriage. No sex with him.
3. Do not share the same apartment with any guy who has not yet married to you. It is only married couple that have the right to live together in one apartment, not boyfriend and girlfriend.
4. Although it is good for you to......
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Dating And Meet-up Zone / Get Him Get Her Int'l by bobdoe(m): 3:35pm On Aug 04, 2018
Get Him Get Her.
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Religion / The Pressure To Have Sex And Be Attractive by bobdoe(m): 11:57am On Aug 02, 2018
The Pressure to Have Sex and Be Attractive
In many cultures, women are pressured to have sex and look appealing to men

Written by Hope
“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.” I Peter 3:3-4 (NLT)
From a young age, what were you taught to “be?” In many cultures, girls are taught how to be pleasing to men. This can cause a girl to stop focusing on God and get consumed with trying to catch a man’s attention through looks, actions and even sex.
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