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Family / Re: Can One Split His/her Tithe For Personal Reasons? by bowee4u: 1:55pm On Sep 07, 2023

I came across this piece on a Whatsapp page and it so represented my views on tithing that I could have written it myself. Please enjoy the read!

The Trial of Pastor Jones (Author unknown)

*Judge*: *Mr. Jones* you have been charged with multiple counts of extortion. Your crime spree covers 20 years and thousands of victims. You have defrauded people out of their money with fear and manipulation, telling them they had to tithe 10% of their income as per the LAW to your Regd. organization (called Church) and that God would bless them if they did. You also told them that if they didn't tithe God would curse them.

How do you plead?

*Mr. Jones*: I plead not guilty your Honor, I have done nothing wrong. I have only preached what the Bible says. In the Bible Abraham tithed to Melchizedek and God blessed him for his faithful giving. The Bible even says he was rich in silver and gold.

*Judge*: Is it not true, *Mr. Jones*, that in Genesis Chapter 13 verse 2 the Bible says Abraham was rich with livestock, silver and gold?

*Mr. Jones*: Yes, you are exactly right, that's what I just told you.

*Judge*: Ok, we read about Abraham being a rich man in chapter 13 but it is not until Genesis chapter 14 that we read about Abraham's tithe to Melchizedek. So Abraham was already a rich man before he tithed to Melchizedek, wasn't he?

*Mr. Jones*: Yes, I suppose you are right.

*Judge*: So his riches were not the result of his tithe to Melchizedek?

*Mr. Jones*: No.

*Judge*: *Mr. Jones*, you also say God blessed him for his faithful giving. How many times is it recorded that Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek?

*Mr. Jones*: Well, just once.

*Judge*: So the Bible never said that he gave week after week?

*Mr. Jones*: No it does not.

*Judge*: Where did Abraham get the things that he gave to Melchizedek?

*Mr. Jones*: Well the Bible says it was from the plunders of war?

*Judge*: So you are telling me that he gave from the plunders of war?

*Mr. Jones*: Yes that's what the Bible says.

*Judge*: So he basically took things that were not really his in the first place and gave them as the tithe?

*Mr. Jones*: That is what the scripture seems to indicate.

*Judge*: Is it recorded that he ever took anything from his own possessions and tithed them to Melchizedek or anyone else?

*Mr. Jones*: I guess not

*Judge*: You guess not, you are a teacher and you are only guessing, is it or is it not written that he ever gave any of his own possessions as a tithe to anyone?

*Mr. Jones*: No it is not written anywhere that I have seen.

*Judge*: Is it recorded as to what exactly Abraham did give Melchizedek?

*Mr. Jones*: I believe it says plunder?

*Judge*: So plunder could be any number of things?

*Mr. Jones*: Yes, I suppose

*Judge*: It could have been food, cattle, sheep, the people's possessions or any number of things. It does not say it was all money correct?

*Mr. Jones*: Yes you are correct, it does not say just money

*Judge*: As a matter of fact money is never mentioned in that account at all is that correct *Mr. Jones*?

*Mr. Jones*: Yes your Honor, money is never mentioned just goods and food and people.

*Judge*: So there is no way you can say with any certainty that Abraham in fact gave Melchizedek any money at all?

*Mr. Jones*: That is right.

*Judge*: I only have one last question for you
*Mr. Jones*, did God command Abraham to give this plunder tithe to Melchizedek?

*Mr. Jones*: No, it appears that he did this voluntarily.

*Judge*: So are you trying to tell me that because of this voluntary, one time gift by Abraham, that may not have even consisted of money, all Christians everywhere are obligated to bring 10% of their weekly paycheck to a local Regd.Organization-church?
Considering all the evidence I would say you are beyond any shadow of a doubt guilty of deliberately trying to make the scriptures says things they have not said for financial gain.

*Mr. Jones*: Ok your Honor, I can see how foolish I was to try and use the story of Melchizedeck to try and get the people to tithe money. But there are many other verses that will support my belief on tithing. Jacob said he would give God 10% of everything. I think we should follow his example.

*Judge*: Let's see what Jacob said. Please read the verse you are talking about for me *Mr. Jones*.

*Mr. Jones*: In Genesis chapter 28 starting at verse 20 it says. Jacob vowed a vow, saying, "If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and clothing to put on, so that I come again to my father's house in peace, and Yahweh will be my God, then this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, will be God's house. Of all that you will give me I will surely give the tenth to you."

*Judge*: You said we should follow Jacobs example, is that right *Mr. Jones*?

*Mr. Jones*: Yes that is right, he vowed to give a tenth and we should too.

*Judge*: Let me point out one thing for you *Mr. Jones*, Jacob said he would Give God a tenth, ONLY if He blessed him first. So as you said previously, we should follow Jacob's example and tell God that we will only give him a tenth if he blesses us first. Is that right?

*Mr. Jones*: That is not what I meant.

*Judge*: What did you mean then?

*Mr. Jones*: That we should give God a tenth also.

*Judge*: There you go again, trying to make the scripture say what you want it to say for your benefit. I would also like you to tell me the scriptures that say that Jacob kept his vow with God. I would also like to know where he gave the tenth to because there was no temple or levites to give it to at that time.

*Mr. Jones*: I can not think of any scriptures that say where or if he ever tithed after his vow.

*Judge*: It seems fairly obvious to me that Jacob made a voluntary and conditional vow to God. This in no way can be used as a reason to demand others to bring their income

*Judge*: You have not said anything yet to convince me one little bit that people are obligated to tithe money to the local organizational institutions -churches and that you were justified in what you were doing. You have taken scripture and misapplied it to your beliefs and for your gain. But in order to be fair to you I will allow you to present more evidence.

*Mr. Jones*: In the book of Malachi chapter 3 starting at verse 8 it says, will a man rob God? yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, In what have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house, that there may be food in my house, and prove me now with this, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. So you see your Honor, we are commanded to bring the tithes into the storehouse or God will curse us.

*Judge*: Answer me this Mr Jones, Who was God Speaking to here?

Mr Jones: To the People of Israel

*Judge*: Can you please read Malachi 2: 1 Please Mr Jones

Mr Jones: Now This command is for you O PRIEST !!

*Judge*: Did God stop talking to the Priest in Chap. 3, Mr Jones?

Mr Jones: No your Honor!

*Judge*: Answer me this *Mr. Jones*, were you aware that God never required anyone to tithe money?

*Mr. Jones*: No I didn't know that.

*Judge*: The tithe spoken of here was always edible products never money.

*Mr. Jones*: Well your Honor that is because they didn't have money at the time so God had them tithe food instead.

*Judge*: Not true, money is first mentioned in Genesis and Malachi was written hundreds of years later. God had them bring food in so that the levites, the fatherless and widows may eat and be satisfied. The tithe was used mainly to take care of people. Also notice it says in the verse you quoted, that there may be food in my house. The food was the tithe. How do you completely overlook the word food in those verses?

*Mr. Jones*: I don't know

*Judge*: I also want you to know that these verses speak to nation under the Old Testament law. As you may or may not know Jesus fulfilled the law, it is no longer binding. Once again you have tried to completely take a scripture out of context and apply it to others for your benefit. Can you give me a single scripture where God changed the tithe from food to money?

*Mr. Jones*: I do not know of any.

*Judge*: So if God never changed it from food to money who did?

*Mr. Jones*: Man must have.

*Judge*: So far all you have done *Mr. Jones*, is take Old Testament scriptures out of context and try to apply it to believers under the New Covenant. Is this all the proof you have?

*Mr. Jones*: I do have a New Testament scripture that will show that Jesus told us to tithe.

*Judge*: Ok let me hear it.

*Mr. Jones*: Jesus said in Matthew 23:23 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cumin, and have left undone the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faith. But you ought to have done these, and not to have left the other undone. See Jesus said we should be tithing.

*Judge*: Let me ask you a question, who was Jesus talking to?

*Mr. Jones*: The scripture says the Scribes and Pharisees.

*Judge*: Are you a scribe or Pharisee?

*Mr. Jones*: Of course not.

*Judge*: Jesus also said in that passage, you have left undone the weightier matters of the law. Are we under the law *Mr. Jones*?

*Mr. Jones*: No.

*Judge*: Why not?

*Mr. Jones*: Because Jesus fulfilled it.

*Judge*: When did Jesus fulfill the law?

*Mr. Jones*: When He was crucified.

*Judge*: So the law was still in effect until Jesus death?

*Mr. Jones*: That is correct.

*Judge*: I think you know where I am going with this don't you?

*Mr. Jones*: Yes your Honor. Since Jesus had not yet been crucified and the law was still binding the Pharisees were required to tithe because it was part of the law. Once the law ended, tithing ended also.

*Judge*: I want you to take a look at that verse again. Also tell me, what were they tithing?

*Mr. Jones*: The scripture says it was mint, dill and cumin.

*Judge*: Is money mentioned?

*Mr. Jones*: No it was not.

*Judge*: Once again it was edible products that they were tithing, not money. Do you have anything else you would like to say?

*Mr. Jones*: If people only tithed edible products like the scripture says, then how would the church survive? We have our mortgage payment, utility bills, staff salary and a host of other things that we have to pay each week. We depend on the money from the people.

*Judge*: By "church" you mean your organization isn't it Mr Jones ?
-The need does not justify the means. In other words, just because you have all these debts does not give you the right to twist and manipulate scripture and cause people to give under fear of being cursed by God to meet your needs. Does It Mr Jones?
In closing, let me recap a few things for you *Mr. Jones*.
-The tithe was never money;
-The tithe was an Old Testament law, which is no longer binding. When it was binding the tithe was used to take care of people, not buildings.
- We are under a new covenant now.
Paul instructs the Corinthian believers how they are to give. He says in second Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7, Let each man give according as he has determined in his heart; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. So each believer is supposed to give as he or she has determined in his or her heart.
If they determine to Give 10% well and good, If they keep aside some every week to meet this more better.If you are trying to make people give under the threat of being cursed or any other reason even blessing, you are wrong. Someone can not give cheerfully if they are being forced to give. If 'your church can not survive on freewill offerings maybe God is not part of your church at all.
Mr Jones, do you intentionally put your people under a Curse or a Bondage?

Mr Jones: Of Course not !!

*Judge*: Can you Read in context Gal 3:10-11: For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them ....
Gal 5:1-4 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage....

*Mr. Jones*: I never realized all these things, I have always been taught that we had to tithe money to the local church and that is what I have always taught. I can see now that I was completely wrong. I did not study the scripture for myself, I only took mans word for it.
Yes ' am guilty. I will not teach this error anymore.
Sentencing....... All Arise .....


Religion / Re: Pakistan Christians Worshipping God In Churches Destroyed By Extremists(Videos) by bowee4u: 8:55am On Aug 27, 2023
Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.

Considering everything that's going on all over the world, it's obvious that we are approaching the end of the world. Even politicians such as Donald Trump admitted to the fact that the first seal has been opened.

Please build a personal relationship with our Creator, I am not talking about relationship centered around pastors.

May Yahusha keep and protect the brothers and sisters in Pakistan.

8 Likes 3 Shares

Foreign Affairs / Re: Dollar Dumped? India Bought 1m Barrels Of Oil From UAE Using Rupees Instead Of $ by bowee4u: 8:23am On Aug 27, 2023
The world is seeing the raise of a new global order, the one world government, the government of the lawless one, America will have to loss the global power to emerging new powers, a world that will not be controlled by any country but united nations.


Politics / Sincere Apology To All Igbo Brothers & Sisters by bowee4u: 3:55pm On Mar 19, 2023
To all our Igbo brothers and sisters, please bear in mind that those making inciting statements against you because of Lagos politics do not represent the Yorubas.

All of them have their children living abroad with dual citizenship, thier children vote abroad without any harassment, and politicians abroad do not destroy their children's businesses and send them back to Nigeria. The same people have ruined Nigeria as a Nation, hence cannot represent the good people of Yoruba land.

Kindly ignore their statements as the good people of Lagos irrespective of tribe will defend and protect you if the need arises. My Sincere Apology to You All.

27 Likes 3 Shares

Politics / Re: ISWAP Kills 200 Boko Haram Terrorists, Families In Clash by bowee4u: 5:48pm On Mar 06, 2023
If you know anything about mainstream media, you will know that this news is a distraction from what’s currently going on in Nigeria. The people have got no idea what’s coming, farmers are getting killed and kidnapped, zero employment, cashless society, zero infrastructure, most regions in Nigeria are not safe and citizens cannot live peacefully anymore etc.

Either we accept reality or not, we are in a war zone fighting the forces of evil hiding under government/democracy.


Politics / Re: Fulani Herdsmen Kill Pastor And His Two Workers During Attack In Edo (graphic) by bowee4u: 5:32pm On Mar 06, 2023
Farmers are being killed and no one is saying anything. Nigerians sure don’t know what’s coming.
Politics / Re: Malami: I Can't Advice On Monetary Policy by bowee4u: 7:26pm On Mar 05, 2023
What is there to advise? with or without supreme court judgement, is it a must to implement anti-peoples policy.

I have told several people that it's all about cashless society, a controlled system is the agenda, they do not care if people are losing their businesses or dying of hunger.



Politics / Re: New Naira Notes: We Have No Information On The Supreme Court Ruling - CBN by bowee4u: 8:40pm On Mar 04, 2023
They don't honor the legal system
Politics / Re: How Emefiele Silenced Top Officials Of DSS - Sahara Reporters by bowee4u: 10:00am On Feb 09, 2023
This scarcity of cash is all tired to making Nigerian embrace digital payments.
Politics / Re: FG Awards Zinox Technologies Over N85bn 2023 Digital Census Contract by bowee4u: 8:27pm On Feb 07, 2023
Of what benefit is census to Nigerians? they cannot even afford to feed themselves due to not having cash, while the government has failed to protect life and property.


Politics / Re: Opposition Parties Preventing Buhari From Ending Naira Scarcity - Lai Mohammed by bowee4u: 7:16pm On Feb 07, 2023
India and china have lunched digital currency, Nigerians are still struggling with using ATM, the power that be want to force us to start using digital payment, they want to end cash.
Politics / Re: A Man Shot In Abeokuta, Others Injured As Customers Destroy Banks (Graphic Video by bowee4u: 7:15pm On Feb 07, 2023
Who else I feeling this is a planned effort to cause uprising and create an interim government otherwise what's so difficult in making cash available

Digital currency is the target, this is not by accident.
Politics / Re: A Man Shot In Abeokuta, Others Injured As Customers Destroy Banks (Graphic Video by bowee4u: 7:11pm On Feb 07, 2023
Nigerians do not want to move to digital payment, the power that rules this world is trying to force them.

The end is upon this world.


Politics / Re: Many Feared Dead As Violence Erupts In Anambra Communities by bowee4u: 6:35pm On Feb 07, 2023
There is no government in Nigeria, the politicians are only interested in bringing the agenda of WEF and UN upon us through sponsored crises.

Oduduwa nation will so start violence in the south west very soon
Politics / Re: Emefiele Meets Yakubu, Says CBN Will Not Be Used To Frustrate 2023 Elections by bowee4u: 6:27pm On Feb 07, 2023
Foreign Affairs / Re: Death Toll Crosses 5,000 In Turkey- Syria Earthquake by bowee4u: 3:00pm On Feb 07, 2023
Rest in peace to the departed souls. To think that the earth quake happened during the satanic Grammy awards ritual says alot.

The vengeance of the Lord is not far away from this world.


TV/Movies / Re: See Randburg, Sandton City Where BB Titans Is Hosted In SA (PICS) by bowee4u: 8:54pm On Jan 26, 2023
Religion / Re: What Is The Significance Of Tithe In The Bible? by bowee4u: 3:02pm On Jan 15, 2023

I came across this piece on a Whatsapp page and it so represented my views on tithing that I could have written it myself. Please enjoy the read!

The Trial of Pastor Jones (Author unknown)

Judge: Mr. Jones you have been charged with multiple counts of extortion. Your crime spree covers 20 years and thousands of victims. You have defrauded people out of their money with fear and manipulation, telling them they had to tithe 10% of their income as per the LAW to your Regd. organization (called Church) and that God would bless them if they did. You also told them that if they didn't tithe God would curse them.

How do you plead?

Mr. Jones: I plead not guilty your Honor, I have done nothing wrong. I have only preached what the Bible says. In the Bible Abraham tithed to Melchizedek and God blessed him for his faithful giving. The Bible even says he was rich in silver and gold.

Judge: Is it not true, Mr. Jones, that in Genesis Chapter 13 verse 2 the Bible says Abraham was rich with livestock, silver and gold?

Mr. Jones: Yes, you are exactly right, that's what I just told you.

Judge: Ok, we read about Abraham being a rich man in chapter 13 but it is not until Genesis chapter 14 that we read about Abraham's tithe to Melchizedek. So Abraham was already a rich man before he tithed to Melchizedek, wasn't he?

Mr. Jones: Yes, I suppose you are right.

Judge: So his riches were not the result of his tithe to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: No.

Judge: Mr. Jones, you also say God blessed him for his faithful giving. How many times is it recorded that Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: Well, just once.

Judge: So the Bible never said that he gave week after week?

Mr. Jones: No it does not.

Judge: Where did Abraham get the things that he gave to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: Well the Bible says it was from the plunders of war?

Judge: So you are telling me that he gave from the plunders of war?

Mr. Jones: Yes that's what the Bible says.

Judge: So he basically took things that were not really his in the first place and gave them as the tithe?

Mr. Jones: That is what the scripture seems to indicate.

Judge: Is it recorded that he ever took anything from his own possessions and tithed them to Melchizedek or anyone else?

Mr. Jones: I guess not

Judge: You guess not, you are a teacher and you are only guessing, is it or is it not written that he ever gave any of his own possessions as a tithe to anyone?

Mr. Jones: No it is not written anywhere that I have seen.

Judge: Is it recorded as to what exactly Abraham did give Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: I believe it says plunder?

Judge: So plunder could be any number of things?

Mr. Jones: Yes, I suppose

Judge: It could have been food, cattle, sheep, the people's possessions or any number of things. It does not say it was all money correct?

Mr. Jones: Yes you are correct, it does not say just money

Judge: As a matter of fact money is never mentioned in that account at all is that correct Mr. Jones?

Mr. Jones: Yes your Honor, money is never mentioned just goods and food and people.

Judge: So there is no way you can say with any certainty that Abraham in fact gave Melchizedek any money at all?

Mr. Jones: That is right.

Judge: I only have one last question for you
Mr. Jones, did God command Abraham to give this plunder tithe to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: No, it appears that he did this voluntarily.

Judge: So are you trying to tell me that because of this voluntary, one time gift by Abraham, that may not have even consisted of money, all Christians everywhere are obligated to bring 10% of their weekly paycheck to a local Regd.Organization-church?
Considering all the evidence I would say you are beyond any shadow of a doubt guilty of deliberately trying to make the scriptures says things they have not said for financial gain.

Mr. Jones: Ok your Honor, I can see how foolish I was to try and use the story of Melchizedeck to try and get the people to tithe money. But there are many other verses that will support my belief on tithing. Jacob said he would give God 10% of everything. I think we should follow his example.

Judge: Let's see what Jacob said. Please read the verse you are talking about for me Mr. Jones.

Mr. Jones: In Genesis chapter 28 starting at verse 20 it says. Jacob vowed a vow, saying, "If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and clothing to put on, so that I come again to my father's house in peace, and Yahweh will be my God, then this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, will be God's house. Of all that you will give me I will surely give the tenth to you."

Judge: You said we should follow Jacobs example, is that right Mr. Jones?

Mr. Jones: Yes that is right, he vowed to give a tenth and we should too.

Judge: Let me point out one thing for you Mr. Jones, Jacob said he would Give God a tenth, ONLY if He blessed him first. So as you said previously, we should follow Jacob's example and tell God that we will only give him a tenth if he blesses us first. Is that right?

Mr. Jones: That is not what I meant.

Judge: What did you mean then?

Mr. Jones: That we should give God a tenth also.

Judge: There you go again, trying to make the scripture say what you want it to say for your benefit. I would also like you to tell me the scriptures that say that Jacob kept his vow with God. I would also like to know where he gave the tenth to because there was no temple or levites to give it to at that time.

Mr. Jones: I can not think of any scriptures that say where or if he ever tithed after his vow.

Judge: It seems fairly obvious to me that Jacob made a voluntary and conditional vow to God. This in no way can be used as a reason to demand others to bring their income to you or any other place.

Mr. Jones: I do have a few more scriptures that I believe will show that we are supposed to tithe.

Judge: You have not said anything yet to convince me one little bit that people are obligated to tithe money to the local organizational institutions -churches and that you were justified in what you were doing. You have taken scripture and misapplied it to your beliefs and for your gain. But in order to be fair to you I will allow you to present more evidence.

Mr. Jones: In the book of Malachi chapter 3 starting at verse 8 it says, will a man rob God? yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, In what have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house, that there may be food in my house, and prove me now with this, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. So you see your Honor, we are commanded to bring the tithes into the storehouse or God will curse us.

Judge: Answer me this Mr Jones, Who was God Speaking to here?

Mr Jones: To the People of Israel

Judge: Can you please read Malachi 2: 1 Please Mr Jones

Mr Jones: Now This command is for you O PRIEST !!

Judge: Did God stop talking to the Priest in Chap. 3, Mr Jones?

Mr Jones: No your Honor!

Judge: Answer me this Mr. Jones, were you aware that God never required anyone to tithe money?

Mr. Jones: No I didn't know that.

Judge: The tithe spoken of here was always edible products never money.

Mr. Jones: Well your Honor that is because they didn't have money at the time so God had them tithe food instead.

Judge: Not true, money is first mentioned in Genesis and Malachi was written hundreds of years later. God had them bring food in so that the levites, the fatherless and widows may eat and be satisfied. The tithe was used mainly to take care of people. Also notice it says in the verse you quoted, that there may be food in my house. The food was the tithe. How do you completely overlook the word food in those verses?

Mr. Jones: I don't know

Judge: I also want you to know that these verses speak to nation under the Old Testament law. As you may or may not know Jesus fulfilled the law, it is no longer binding. Once again you have tried to completely take a scripture out of context and apply it to others for your benefit. Can you give me a single scripture where God changed the tithe from food to money?

Mr. Jones: I do not know of any.

Judge: So if God never changed it from food to money who did?

Mr. Jones: Man must have.

Judge: So far all you have done Mr. Jones, is take Old Testament scriptures out of context and try to apply it to believers under the New Covenant. Is this all the proof you have?

Mr. Jones: I do have a New Testament scripture that will show that Jesus told us to tithe.

Judge: Ok let me hear it.

Mr. Jones: Jesus said in Matthew 23:23 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cumin, and have left undone the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faith. But you ought to have done these, and not to have left the other undone. See Jesus said we should be tithing.

Judge: Let me ask you a question, who was Jesus talking to?

Mr. Jones: The scripture says the Scribes and Pharisees.

Judge: Are you a scribe or Pharisee?

Mr. Jones: Of course not.

Judge: Jesus also said in that passage, you have left undone the weightier matters of the law. Are we under the law Mr. Jones?

Mr. Jones: No.

Judge: Why not?

Mr. Jones: Because Jesus fulfilled it.

Judge: When did Jesus fulfill the law?

Mr. Jones: When He was crucified.

Judge: So the law was still in effect until Jesus death?

Mr. Jones: That is correct.

Judge: I think you know where I am going with this don't you?

Mr. Jones: Yes your Honor. Since Jesus had not yet been crucified and the law was still binding the Pharisees were required to tithe because it was part of the law. Once the law ended, tithing ended also.

Judge: I want you to take a look at that verse again. Also tell me, what were they tithing?

Mr. Jones: The scripture says it was mint, dill and cumin.

Judge: Is money mentioned?

Mr. Jones: No it was not.

Judge: Once again it was edible products that they were tithing, not money. Do you have anything else you would like to say?

Mr. Jones: If people only tithed edible products like the scripture says, then how would the church survive? We have our mortgage payment, utility bills, staff salary and a host of other things that we have to pay each week. We depend on the money from the people.

Judge: By "church" you mean your organization isn't it Mr Jones ?
-The need does not justify the means. In other words, just because you have all these debts does not give you the right to twist and manipulate scripture and cause people to give under fear of being cursed by God to meet your needs. Does It Mr Jones?
In closing, let me recap a few things for you Mr. Jones.
-The tithe was never money;
-The tithe was an Old Testament law, which is no longer binding. When it was binding the tithe was used to take care of people, not buildings.
- We are under a new covenant now.
Paul instructs the Corinthian believers how they are to give. He says in second Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7, Let each man give according as he has determined in his heart; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. So each believer is supposed to give as he or she has determined in his or her heart.
If they determine to Give 10% well and good, If they keep aside some every week to meet this more better.If you are trying to make people give under the threat of being cursed or any other reason even blessing, you are wrong. Someone can not give cheerfully if they are being forced to give. If 'your church can not survive on freewill offerings maybe God is not part of your church at all.
Mr Jones, do you intentionally put your people under a Curse or a Bondage?

Mr Jones: Of Course not !!

Judge: Can you Read in context Gal 3:10-11: For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them ....
Gal 5:1-4 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage....

Mr. Jones: I never realized all these things, I have always been taught that we had to tithe money to the local church and that is what I have always taught. I can see now that I was completely wrong. I did not study the scripture for myself, I only took mans word for it.
Yes ' am guilty. I will not teach this error anymore.
Sentencing....... All Arise .....
Health / Re: Are Energy Drinks Really That Bad? by bowee4u: 2:15pm On Jan 15, 2023
As much as possible, stay away from anything produced with chemical, including soft drink.

Africa does not have the medical infrastructure to support health care when the effects start. Please eat and drink natural things like vegetables, water, palm wine, fruits, homemade juice etc.

47 Likes 2 Shares

Celebrities / Re: Olamide's Babymama, Maria Okan Wears Bikini For The First Time In Public (Photo) by bowee4u: 4:32pm On Jan 04, 2023
How does this news benefit the Nigeria youths?
Religion / Re: Moment A Pastor Revealed To A Lady That Her Husband Is Her Dead Brother by bowee4u: 5:14pm On Jan 03, 2023
Why do people still believe in all these arranged dramas? if you have any issue beyond what you can resolve, please go to the Lord in prayers and fasting, you do not need the assistance of these fake pastors.

28 Likes 2 Shares

Crime / Re: Ike Okolo, President-General Of Obosi Shot Dead (Graphic Pics, Video) by bowee4u: 5:04pm On Jan 03, 2023
When Pastor Adefarasin made an announcement last year that every Nigerian should have a plan B, I believe this is what he meant, Nigerian leaders both political and religious know what is about to befall this country, enough weapons have been supplied to kill and destroy, it's so unfortunate that so many will be unable to afford plan B.

I weep for Nigeria as a country.

5 Likes 3 Shares

Health / Re: Man Discovers His Wife Of 3years Is HIV Positive (video) by bowee4u: 4:38pm On Jan 03, 2023
HIV is a scam, with or without drugs, nothing will happen to the husband. Medicine is more corrupt than politics.


Romance / Re: My Husband Cut Short My Sexual Pleasure With His Cousin When He Caught Us by bowee4u: 1:49pm On Dec 26, 2022
This type of thread is polluting the minds of our ones. Not worthy of front page.
Religion / Re: Paul Enenche: Gospel Truth Of The Tithe Revealed by bowee4u: 7:33am On Nov 26, 2017

I came across this piece on a Whatsapp page and it so represented my views on tithing that I could have written it myself. Please enjoy the read!

The Trial of Pastor Jones (Author unknown)

Judge: Mr. Jones you have been charged with multiple counts of extortion. Your crime spree covers 20 years and thousands of victims. You have defrauded people out of their money with fear and manipulation, telling them they had to tithe 10% of their income as per the LAW to your Regd. organization (called Church) and that God would bless them if they did. You also told them that if they didn't tithe God would curse them.

How do you plead?

Mr. Jones: I plead not guilty your Honor, I have done nothing wrong. I have only preached what the Bible says. In the Bible Abraham tithed to Melchizedek and God blessed him for his faithful giving. The Bible even says he was rich in silver and gold.

Judge: Is it not true, Mr. Jones, that in Genesis Chapter 13 verse 2 the Bible says Abraham was rich with livestock, silver and gold?

Mr. Jones: Yes, you are exactly right, that's what I just told you.

Judge: Ok, we read about Abraham being a rich man in chapter 13 but it is not until Genesis chapter 14 that we read about Abraham's tithe to Melchizedek. So Abraham was already a rich man before he tithed to Melchizedek, wasn't he?

Mr. Jones: Yes, I suppose you are right.

Judge: So his riches were not the result of his tithe to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: No.

Judge: Mr. Jones, you also say God blessed him for his faithful giving. How many times is it recorded that Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: Well, just once.

Judge: So the Bible never said that he gave week after week?

Mr. Jones: No it does not.

Judge: Where did Abraham get the things that he gave to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: Well the Bible says it was from the plunders of war?

Judge: So you are telling me that he gave from the plunders of war?

Mr. Jones: Yes that's what the Bible says.

Judge: So he basically took things that were not really his in the first place and gave them as the tithe?

Mr. Jones: That is what the scripture seems to indicate.

Judge: Is it recorded that he ever took anything from his own possessions and tithed them to Melchizedek or anyone else?

Mr. Jones: I guess not

Judge: You guess not, you are a teacher and you are only guessing, is it or is it not written that he ever gave any of his own possessions as a tithe to anyone?

Mr. Jones: No it is not written anywhere that I have seen.

Judge: Is it recorded as to what exactly Abraham did give Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: I believe it says plunder?

Judge: So plunder could be any number of things?

Mr. Jones: Yes, I suppose

Judge: It could have been food, cattle, sheep, the people's possessions or any number of things. It does not say it was all money correct?

Mr. Jones: Yes you are correct, it does not say just money

Judge: As a matter of fact money is never mentioned in that account at all is that correct Mr. Jones?

Mr. Jones: Yes your Honor, money is never mentioned just goods and food and people.

Judge: So there is no way you can say with any certainty that Abraham in fact gave Melchizedek any money at all?

Mr. Jones: That is right.

Judge: I only have one last question for you
Mr. Jones, did God command Abraham to give this plunder tithe to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: No, it appears that he did this voluntarily.

Judge: So are you trying to tell me that because of this voluntary, one time gift by Abraham, that may not have even consisted of money, all Christians everywhere are obligated to bring 10% of their weekly paycheck to a local Regd.Organization-church?
Considering all the evidence I would say you are beyond any shadow of a doubt guilty of deliberately trying to make the scriptures says things they have not said for financial gain.

Mr. Jones: Ok your Honor, I can see how foolish I was to try and use the story of Melchizedeck to try and get the people to tithe money. But there are many other verses that will support my belief on tithing. Jacob said he would give God 10% of everything. I think we should follow his example.

Judge: Let's see what Jacob said. Please read the verse you are talking about for me Mr. Jones.

Mr. Jones: In Genesis chapter 28 starting at verse 20 it says. Jacob vowed a vow, saying, "If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and clothing to put on, so that I come again to my father's house in peace, and Yahweh will be my God, then this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, will be God's house. Of all that you will give me I will surely give the tenth to you."

Judge: You said we should follow Jacobs example, is that right Mr. Jones?

Mr. Jones: Yes that is right, he vowed to give a tenth and we should too.

Judge: Let me point out one thing for you Mr. Jones, Jacob said he would Give God a tenth, ONLY if He blessed him first. So as you said previously, we should follow Jacob's example and tell God that we will only give him a tenth if he blesses us first. Is that right?

Mr. Jones: That is not what I meant.

Judge: What did you mean then?

Mr. Jones: That we should give God a tenth also.

Judge: There you go again, trying to make the scripture say what you want it to say for your benefit. I would also like you to tell me the scriptures that say that Jacob kept his vow with God. I would also like to know where he gave the tenth to because there was no temple or levites to give it to at that time.

Mr. Jones: I can not think of any scriptures that say where or if he ever tithed after his vow.

Judge: It seems fairly obvious to me that Jacob made a voluntary and conditional vow to God. This in no way can be used as a reason to demand others to bring their income to you or any other place.

Mr. Jones: I do have a few more scriptures that I believe will show that we are supposed to tithe.

Judge: You have not said anything yet to convince me one little bit that people are obligated to tithe money to the local organizational institutions -churches and that you were justified in what you were doing. You have taken scripture and misapplied it to your beliefs and for your gain. But in order to be fair to you I will allow you to present more evidence.

Mr. Jones: In the book of Malachi chapter 3 starting at verse 8 it says, will a man rob God? yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, In what have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house, that there may be food in my house, and prove me now with this, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. So you see your Honor, we are commanded to bring the tithes into the storehouse or God will curse us.

Judge: Answer me this Mr Jones, Who was God Speaking to here?

Mr Jones: To the People of Israel

Judge: Can you please read Malachi 2: 1 Please Mr Jones

Mr Jones: Now This command is for you O PRIEST !!

Judge: Did God stop talking to the Priest in Chap. 3, Mr Jones?

Mr Jones: No your Honor!

Judge: Answer me this Mr. Jones, were you aware that God never required anyone to tithe money?

Mr. Jones: No I didn't know that.

Judge: The tithe spoken of here was always edible products never money.

Mr. Jones: Well your Honor that is because they didn't have money at the time so God had them tithe food instead.

Judge: Not true, money is first mentioned in Genesis and Malachi was written hundreds of years later. God had them bring food in so that the levites, the fatherless and widows may eat and be satisfied. The tithe was used mainly to take care of people. Also notice it says in the verse you quoted, that there may be food in my house. The food was the tithe. How do you completely overlook the word food in those verses?

Mr. Jones: I don't know

Judge: I also want you to know that these verses speak to nation under the Old Testament law. As you may or may not know Jesus fulfilled the law, it is no longer binding. Once again you have tried to completely take a scripture out of context and apply it to others for your benefit. Can you give me a single scripture where God changed the tithe from food to money?

Mr. Jones: I do not know of any.

Judge: So if God never changed it from food to money who did?

Mr. Jones: Man must have.

Judge: So far all you have done Mr. Jones, is take Old Testament scriptures out of context and try to apply it to believers under the New Covenant. Is this all the proof you have?

Mr. Jones: I do have a New Testament scripture that will show that Jesus told us to tithe.

Judge: Ok let me hear it.

Mr. Jones: Jesus said in Matthew 23:23 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cumin, and have left undone the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faith. But you ought to have done these, and not to have left the other undone. See Jesus said we should be tithing.

Judge: Let me ask you a question, who was Jesus talking to?

Mr. Jones: The scripture says the Scribes and Pharisees.

Judge: Are you a scribe or Pharisee?

Mr. Jones: Of course not.

Judge: Jesus also said in that passage, you have left undone the weightier matters of the law. Are we under the law Mr. Jones?

Mr. Jones: No.

Judge: Why not?

Mr. Jones: Because Jesus fulfilled it.

Judge: When did Jesus fulfill the law?

Mr. Jones: When He was crucified.

Judge: So the law was still in effect until Jesus death?

Mr. Jones: That is correct.

Judge: I think you know where I am going with this don't you?

Mr. Jones: Yes your Honor. Since Jesus had not yet been crucified and the law was still binding the Pharisees were required to tithe because it was part of the law. Once the law ended, tithing ended also.

Judge: I want you to take a look at that verse again. Also tell me, what were they tithing?

Mr. Jones: The scripture says it was mint, dill and cumin.

Judge: Is money mentioned?

Mr. Jones: No it was not.

Judge: Once again it was edible products that they were tithing, not money. Do you have anything else you would like to say?

Mr. Jones: If people only tithed edible products like the scripture says, then how would the church survive? We have our mortgage payment, utility bills, staff salary and a host of other things that we have to pay each week. We depend on the money from the people.

Judge: By "church" you mean your organization isn't it Mr Jones ?
-The need does not justify the means. In other words, just because you have all these debts does not give you the right to twist and manipulate scripture and cause people to give under fear of being cursed by God to meet your needs. Does It Mr Jones?
In closing, let me recap a few things for you Mr. Jones.
-The tithe was never money;
-The tithe was an Old Testament law, which is no longer binding. When it was binding the tithe was used to take care of people, not buildings.
- We are under a new covenant now.
Paul instructs the Corinthian believers how they are to give. He says in second Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7, Let each man give according as he has determined in his heart; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. So each believer is supposed to give as he or she has determined in his or her heart.
If they determine to Give 10% well and good, If they keep aside some every week to meet this more better.If you are trying to make people give under the threat of being cursed or any other reason even blessing, you are wrong. Someone can not give cheerfully if they are being forced to give. If 'your church can not survive on freewill offerings maybe God is not part of your church at all.
Mr Jones, do you intentionally put your people under a Curse or a Bondage?

Mr Jones: Of Course not !!

Judge: Can you Read in context Gal 3:10-11: For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them ....
Gal 5:1-4 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage....

Mr. Jones: I never realized all these things, I have always been taught that we had to tithe money to the local church and that is what I have always taught. I can see now that I was completely wrong. I did not study the scripture for myself, I only took mans word for it.
Yes ' am guilty. I will not teach this error anymore.
Sentencing....... All Arise .....

21 Likes 6 Shares

Romance / Re: What's The Likelihood Of Finding A Decent Girl To Marry At A Night Club? by bowee4u: 8:30pm On Jun 10, 2017


Very possible, the nurse might be one

210 Likes 5 Shares

Politics / Re: Yorubas Are The Problem With Nigeria – By Lamido Sanusi by bowee4u: 2:17pm On Jun 05, 2017
While the north east and north west are the solution ?
Politics / Re: Osinbajo Visits Abuja International Airport (Photos) by bowee4u: 11:56am On Apr 07, 2017
Man of the people


Autos / Re: A Very Clean Nissan Murano 2008 With Sound Engine And Working Gear by bowee4u: 4:49am On Dec 01, 2016

Autos / A Very Clean Nissan Murano 2008 With Sound Engine And Working Gear by bowee4u: 4:48am On Dec 01, 2016
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All Air Bags - Intact
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Windows - Automatic
Rim - Alloy
VIN - JN8AZ08W58W051042
Price - N850,000.00
Call 08077446648
Whatzapp: 08025013778

Politics / Re: 12 Killed As Subsidy Protests Turn Bloody(Flash Back) by bowee4u: 8:20pm On May 11, 2016
Old news

1 Like

Autos / Re: Very Sharp Buy And Drive 2007 Yaris - 850k by bowee4u: 1:41pm On Dec 24, 2015
700k - instant transfer

Call 08077446648

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