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Health / Re: Menstrual Cramps Disturbing Me Badly. Please What Can I Use For It? by candlestick: 3:25pm On Jan 07, 2024
final solution: hustle for a husband. Dont wait for a man to ask for your hand in marriage, ask for a man's hand in marriage. After getting married, do everything you can to get PREGNANT. Pregnancy is the only solution to your problem. I'm talking out of experience
Business / Re: Thread For Bakery Owners And Intending Owners In Nigeria by candlestick: 7:06pm On Apr 09, 2021
pls house help me with the recipe of a delicious doughnut
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 12:54am On Apr 05, 2021
boss infofirst how do i update my fxblue account
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 3:26am On Mar 20, 2021
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 6:07am On Mar 18, 2021

Yes it was deducted from my trading account
leave that broker bro, their spread is crazy.
Romance / Re: She Is Rejecting My Advances, Yet Wants To Know Everything About Me by candlestick: 7:14am On Mar 14, 2021
op u don't need to toast a girl before u start. What matters is your relationship. You guys have a good relationship already. You don't need a prophet to tell you that d girl likes you already. Don't be in a hurry just take your time. The first thing in a relationship is likeness. You guys liked each other. Every woman have ego, she is just trying to protect her ego. You don't expect her to say yes immediately.
Politics / Re: 10 Things Nigerian Senators’ Jumbo Allowances Can Fix In Nigeria by candlestick: 9:43pm On Mar 11, 2021
if you help me see ego
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 6:40am On Mar 11, 2021
Bosses in the house, is consolidation and range the same thing Or is there a difference?? make Una pity me, I need answers....
consolidating market is a market that has no definition while a ranging market moves between support and resistance. Another term i can use for a consolidating market is a choppy market. If you see this kind of market, it is better u take a break from trading.


Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 5:05pm On Mar 08, 2021

Why I like gold is that just 1 correct trade can wipe away your sorrows.
just like 1 wrong trade can add salt to your injury


Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 1:50pm On Mar 05, 2021
Top 3 going into 1st weekend

@Aluspeciality $15
@Terrafx $10
@don_sheddy $5

@Terrafx risk management was the best of the 3 so far. Mr Sniper Trader. Keep it up . Meanwhile, Its just starting as the swing traders are still coming to give a run.

Dm to claim the prize.

Thank You
pls sir reply my message
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 11:34am On Mar 05, 2021
If you can not trade demo profitably, you are not likely to trade live profitably. If you can not trade one pair profitably, you can never trade two or more pairs successfully. If you can not trade major pairs successfully, you can never trade cross pairs, exotic and non currency pairs successfully.

The similitude to me is like someone that can not read. How do you expect such a person to pass a written exams?
boss i sent u a mail, please reply
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 1:16pm On Mar 04, 2021

I see it, clearly.
what do you think i did wrong for me not to see other people's results
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 12:03pm On Mar 04, 2021
Price moves only in 3 ways.No more no less. Understand the three ways, train your greed to follow those moves with the right position sizing and nothing can stop you except yourself.

Despite the fact that I picked first 3, if you noticed, i have always reward those that trade responsibly and outside of top 3.

So any one that knows those three ways prices move?
i asked u a question yesterday but u did not reply
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 12:45am On Mar 04, 2021
boss infofirst, i have not been seeing the results of other contestants and i dont know if others are seeing mine as well. Is there anything i'm doing wrong?
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 9:26pm On Feb 22, 2021
infofirst, how are d winners of d contest selected?

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Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 12:22pm On Feb 21, 2021
your spread though!
Investment / Re: Fisayo Fosudo: Nigerian Tech Apps That Helped Me Make Money In 2020 by candlestick: 6:58am On Jan 25, 2021
Stories. But in December 2020 I had 200k which I wanted to use for my rent. I was caught in a dilemma between fixing the money(I won't have access to it till february ) and investing in bitcoin. At that time bitcoin was about N9 million , this was on the 22nd or so. I met some colleagues for advice and they said dobt invest your rent. I opted for the safer option of fixing the money. Guess what bitcoin grew from 9million to N15million. About 70% profit. Access Bank paid me 16 naira for fixing my 200k. I would have made atleast 120k if I had invested in bitcoin. E pain me die.
laws of money no 1; money is knowledge. You dont need money to make money. What u need is d knowledge of money.Now is d time for u to invest in knowledge


Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 21 by candlestick: 8:37am On Jan 21, 2021
I have taken time to go through my posts and I can see that it is quite insensitive. I am not trying to put up a defence, but my posts were written out of the sadness that he would call me out without even trying to communicate with me if he thought there was an issue.
The exchange rate was not an issue and I never even showed anything but gratitude to him.
I am sorry and would like to apologize to everyone who felt offended at my posts.I will also try to settle things out with pip. Thank you
you did nothing wrong bro, pipsbaskesting is the one acting like a baby. Dragging u out here is not necessary. He thinks he is better than everybody here. We are all imperfect humans and so long as we are imperfect, we are bound to step on each other's toes. If anything is wrong between u and your fellow man, settle your differences with him privately. If he refuses, before u tell d third party. You owe him no apology.


Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by candlestick: 8:29pm On Dec 03, 2020
Let's c how it goes
hmmmm, ur chart sha
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by candlestick: 8:52pm On Nov 12, 2020
so i blew 50% of my account yesterday and took it back to 40%. from my observations, a 100$ account doesn't give much room for being flexible in the markets since my SL has to always be tight. Nothing were wrong with my predictions of the direction of the market as i did my best to stick to the trend, but my next goal is to learn how to "enter" the market. it also amazes me how the pros in the house, pipsbaskets, meshpips, pipnator, saxy4c are able to keep track of a long list of trades. i often forget which trade setups i have prepared and have to start checking charts one by one. remarkable!!
the truth is u want to 'blow' with that money. Forex is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time and patience to succed in this game. 100usd is not too small to start trading live, before u place anymore trade, do the d following; reduce ur leverage, trade on high timeframes, set a profit target, don't trade with more than 0.01 lot

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Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by candlestick: 3:56pm On Nov 08, 2020
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are u for real
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by candlestick: 2:11pm On Oct 24, 2020
I entered EA about 7hrs ago, this trade will last another 4-8days. As long as my SL is not hit, one or two candles going opposite do not mean an entry is a failure, let's get it right.
if ur position on EA is long, then you're not patient enough. If you are, you should have wait for a re-test of resistance turned support before u pull the trigger.
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by candlestick: 10:47am On Oct 23, 2020
guys please which broker is advisable i use to open a 150 dollars trading account?
does it come with signup bonus also using a persons link?

A broker with a good spread also which I can use a voters card or student id card or doesnt even require id card to register.
A broker that one can easily deposit into,'

liteforex ecn acc will do the trick. U dont even need any verificattion to deposit or withdraw
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by candlestick: 10:32am On Oct 23, 2020
[quote author=Easychamp post=95134213]
Thanks. I am however more concerned about withdrawing.make profit first before u talk of withdrawal

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Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by candlestick: 9:18pm On Oct 08, 2020
I usually set just tp and no sl after analysing the chart trend. Does anyone think this is a good or bad trading pattern as I have been making profits and few losses ..
u don't need to worry about sl because of ur small account
Family / Re: Ladies What Will You Do In This Situation? by candlestick: 5:30am On Sep 20, 2020
Assuming you are married to a man who works as self employed selling some wholesale items that fetch him 70k every month and you have three kids with him.

Meanwhile you the wife work in a private institution earning 60k as well as selling things online that fetch very little like 10k to 15k everymonth.

So you have adviced him to get something else doing to augment your joint income because the money both of you make is barely enough for both of you and three children. You suggest you both need to add more sources of income to your present jobs to move ahead in life and advance, send your children to better schools, maybe build a house, to just upgrade yourselves generally.

So after suggesting different jobs for him he refused to do anything else except his wholesale business because he believes one day he will suddenly make it big from selling his market.

You give up and start your own third business which is part time catering and start making some considerable amount of money from it so you buy new clothes, shoes, nice snacks for your kids from time to time.

Your husband sees all this and tells you to also buy gifts for him from your 'plenty' money. Tells you to not buy new things for only your kids but you should buy also add his own.

How will you react please?

This isn't a made up story please. It's very true, I just want to know if the way I responded was reasonable or if I was wrong.
how did u respond to his request?
Programming / Re: Eyeopener: Aspiring Nigerian Game/App Developers Should Read This by candlestick: 2:44pm On Sep 07, 2020
Damnnnnn niggarrr
Nice write up
Computer science student and programmers like us say well done ogbeni op
great NACOSS

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Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by candlestick: 6:45pm On Sep 04, 2020

Use a Visa card and you will have no issues. That's what I use.
And don't use a payment agent. E get why.
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by candlestick: 4:18pm On Sep 03, 2020
Does anyone know how I can deposit using my MasterCard on binary.com, it keeps rejecting my card. Or do I need to go to the bank for any activation
mastercard is for only uk clients. For u to deposit to your binary account, you need a payment agent. If u want, i'll send u d link of d agent i use for deposit and withdrawal
Business / Re: Forex Trade Alerts: Season 20 by candlestick: 9:30am On Sep 01, 2020

Gold should b on its way up considering d chart outlook on daily and 4hrs tf.
your chart be like small pikin drawing book


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