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Captainobvious's Posts

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Food / Re: Man Who Went To Harvest Yam, Catches A Giant Squirrel In His Farm (Photos) by captainobvious: 3:59pm On Oct 11, 2018

Na wah oo, This is a mongoose..

lol in ops voice: noooooooo this is a giant squirrel grin
Food / Re: Man Who Went To Harvest Yam, Catches A Giant Squirrel In His Farm (Photos) by captainobvious: 12:58pm On Oct 11, 2018
Thats not a squirrel angry

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Literature / Re: These 5 Books Helped Me The Most In Life. Let Me See Yours. By Ilegend by captainobvious: 9:29am On May 25, 2016
Wow bro does your life revolve around sex?


Politics / Re: Okupe: "Obasanjo Forgave Me And I Kissed Him" by captainobvious: 3:03pm On May 13, 2016
I cant seem to shake the feeling that okupe is next in line to recieve a miracle from magu. just negedu.


Education / Re: 14 Amazing Psychology Facts Everyone Needs To Know by captainobvious: 11:34pm On Jan 02, 2016
Its really true I admire ur courage and sense of humanism.

what are you saying

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Health / Why You Should Never Ignore These 5 Pains by captainobvious: 11:04pm On Jan 02, 2016
Pain is our bodies way of telling us that we are hurt or healing. Not every pain requires immediate attention, but there are some that do, especially those accompanied by fever. Find here below the main types of bodily pain that medical experts agree should be checked out immediately.

1) An ache between the shoulder blades may be a sign of a heart attack. Many people, especially women, don’t experience the classic symptoms of a heart attack, like chest pressure or numbness in the arm. Instead, they may experience dizziness, shortness of breath, jaw pain, nausea, and a very sharp, stabbing type of pain in the upper back area. It’s best to seek medical attention when you feel this.

2) A thunderclap headache, the likes of which you have never felt before, and it’s far worse beyond the average type of migraine or headache pain. Instead, the headache will come on extremely quickly, like a clap of thunder, hence the name. Severe head pain may be a sign of an aneurysm, which is when a blood vessel develops a blood filled bulge in its wall that can burst at any moment. These are extremely dangerous and need to be dealt with immediately and aggressively.

3) Dull stomach pain that gets increasingly sharper over the course of a day or so. This could be appendicitis, which feels like you’re being stabbed in the lower right side of your abdomen. If the pain is accompanied by feelings of nausea or a fever, you should go to the emergency room immediately or risk having it burst.

4) Mid back pain accompanied by a fever could potentially be a dangerous kidney infection that stems from an untreated urinary tract infection. When you touch your lower back it will feel extremely tender and sore. If ignored and left untreated, the toxins in your body might stop being filtered, as the kidneys can shut down.

5) Menstrual cramps or severe pain that accompanies your period, which fails to be alleviated by medication and gets progressively worse each month, could be a sign of endometriosis. Endometriosis is when tissue that lines and grows inside the uterus grows outside of it instead. So if your periods are excruciatingly painful, there is a high probability that it could be due to Endometriosis.

These are just a few of the most common and severe types of pain that people may experience. Brushing aside pain can sometimes lead to much more serious complications, therefore it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Nobody wants to go through life worried about why they are hurting.


cc: dominique, lalasticlala

26 Likes 12 Shares

Education / Re: 14 Amazing Psychology Facts Everyone Needs To Know by captainobvious: 11:53pm On Dec 28, 2015
This is sooo true...people shhould really take note of no. 8 and 14 goinng into the new year. This should be in the front page for all to see, lalasticlala where are you?

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Nairaland / General / The Plight Of A Nigerian Youth Summarised In Just A Photo. by captainobvious: 1:42am On Nov 04, 2015
At first when i saw this picture i tought it was hilarious, but on second thought i felt really bad! cry
To all nigerian youths out there struggling to gain admission into higher institutions, those that are struggling to cope with the university system, and those that eventually graduated and still struggling to gain Meaningfull employment- may God see y'all through and change your situations to success stories (Amen)

Food / Why Is Suya Not Being Sold In The Day Time. by captainobvious: 8:17pm On Oct 27, 2015
Hello guys, i was listening to a program today on radio and a question was asked: why is it that they dont sell suya in the morning or the day time...all those that called in couldnt provide a single tangible answer to the question....so pls does any know why ?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 6 Interview Tips That Will Leave Them Wanting More by captainobvious: 3:46pm On Oct 05, 2015
nice write up op, but please move it to the appropriate section.
Business / Re: I Need Your Advise On A Business To Start With 10k? by captainobvious: 12:21pm On Sep 25, 2015
Except u want to start frying akara...10k?
Romance / Re: In Church With Your Wife And The Pastor Says********* by captainobvious: 9:14pm On Sep 20, 2015
most churches are afraid to speak against fornication and adultery, before dey loose all their members...my observation!


Islam for Muslims / Re: Guide On How To Slaughter Your Ram On Eid Il Adha by captainobvious: 3:14pm On Sep 18, 2015
Beautiful peICe...jazaKALLahu khairan ya akhi op! wow 2013 post? maclatungi?

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: My Husband Needs A Job by captainobvious: 12:37am On Sep 16, 2015
KPMG is currently recruiting!

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Romance / Re: Ways Nigerian Babes React When You Deny Them Sex (SEE HERE) by captainobvious: 7:55am On Sep 14, 2015
She bleeps a close associate of yours, and then dump your sorry-ass.
Career / Re: When Your Degree No Longer Guarantees Success! by captainobvious: 1:18pm On Sep 09, 2015
Career / Re: 10 Hilarious But Real Office Rules To Live By by captainobvious: 11:49pm On Sep 06, 2015
Awesome. Really nice tricks especially d last one were yu go out buh hang a spare suit to give d impression yu avnt gone far

hav tried that several times...it works!!!


Career / 10 Hilarious But Real Office Rules To Live By by captainobvious: 11:21pm On Sep 06, 2015
Are you having a hard time making the right impression at work? Do you need to get ahead at work? Well, I have just the right advise for you! Follow these funny, yet indisputably useful office pointers and you will soon see results.

Please note, these office rules are funny and not to be taken too seriously. Enjoy!

1. Always look irritated, impatient and annoyed

Do you want to avoid being hassled by co-workers or management? Always try to maintain an irritated or annoyed expression on your face throughout the day. Act as though you are on a deadline and cannot afford to be disturbed. This implies you are busy and in the middle of something important (even if you’re not!)

2. Walk with purpose!

Never, ever walk casually from one office or desk to the other – this just looks like you are slacking off work. You need to look purposeful so others believe you have reason to get up and move away from your desk. In reality, you could just be off to CHAT with your colleague, but if you walk there like you mean it, people will never suspect!

3. Keep your desk messy

Have you not heard that messy is the new busy? Top management can get away with a clean desk. For the rest of us, it looks like we’re not working hard enough. Therefore, stack your table high, even if you are a neat freak at home, trust me, you’ll need a messy desk at work. A messy desk simply shows you have work piled up to your eyeballs and are flooded with tasks to get through; therefore no-one will want to bother you!

4. Type on your computer whenever someone walks by

Even if you are researching something important or just staring at the screen of the PC, unless you are typing away furiously at your keyboard, it won’t look like you are actually working! Type and look engrossed in what you are doing. (Just don’t draw too much attention!)

5. Always carry one or two documents around with you

This is a renowned tactic to having that look of a hard worker. For all your colleagues know, you could be carrying around blank papers! Remember, walk briskly, with an irritated look on your face, and carry a few DOCUMENTSwith you, and you will most definitely look the part!

6. Smile at the boss, always

Irrespective of how miffed you are at the boss, always give him or her a smile and a nod of the head. This shows a level of respect (even if you are cursing them under your breath!)

7. Send emails at unearthly hours

Do you want to create the impression that you are a workaholic and that you take your job seriously? Simple! Just set your alarm at home for some insane hour, get up, email work with something (anything work related in fact), and bingo – you look like you have been up all night slaving away at work projects whilst everyone else is fast asleep in bed!

8. Never leave the office on time

You should try to leave the office at least 10 minutes after you’re ‘allowed’ to leave. This shows that you are not running out the door soon as the clock strikes 5pm!

9. Creative Sighing for Effect

Sigh loudly when there are many people around, giving the impression that you are under extreme pressure.

10. Have 2 Jackets

If you work in a big open spaced office, and you want to dash somewhere, always leave a spare jacket draped over the back of your seat. This gives the impression that you are still on the premises. The second jacket should be worn while having fun elsewhere.


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Politics / Re: Kogi APC Primaries.... Audu Declared Winner!! by captainobvious: 7:50am On Aug 30, 2015

Am of same opinion with you.. kogi central or west should be given a trial...Ruling kogi state is far beyond dispatching petrol in filling stations..

bro thats just cold...lol
Romance / Re: What Do You Do If Your Girl Comes To A Date Along With 5 Of Her Friends? by captainobvious: 11:52pm On Jul 19, 2015

please click something if you think this guy is a FIRST CLASS GRADUATE OF MUGUVILLE UNIVERSITY

hmmm, bro i dont think youve probably found yourself in such a situation before, thats why u saying that!

1 Like

Education / Re: Weekend Brain Drill: Can You Solve This In 30 secs? by captainobvious: 10:49pm On Jul 19, 2015
The Answer is 5. Handshakes between 5 people will result in a total of 120 handshakes.

5! = 120 handshakes.

this must be the ans because its simple permutation///
Romance / Re: 10 Signs You’re Dating A Woman, Not A Girl by captainobvious: 12:12pm On Jun 13, 2015
no lady or gurl has commented on this...nawa o...lol
Romance / Re: 10 Signs You’re Dating A Woman, Not A Girl by captainobvious: 9:14am On Jun 11, 2015


hmm cool way of booking space wink
Romance / 10 Signs You’re Dating A Woman, Not A Girl by captainobvious: 9:05am On Jun 11, 2015
We have all been there guys. You meet a great woman, she’s nice, she’s sweet, pretty and knows just what to do to make you happy. Then you realize that you haven’t been dating a woman; you’ve been dating a girl. Here are the top ten signs that you’re dating agirl.

1. Sudden Change of Plans-Women keep their word. If they change plans, they better have a good reason. Girls change plans at the drop of a hat.

2. Constant Communication-Women don’t need to call,text or email you all the time. Girls do. Getting ten texts a day is a sign you’re dating a girl.

3. Neediness- Women don’t need gifts on a regular basis. They prefer presents to be special. Girls want gifts all the time. Why? Because they’re insecureand need stuff to know you “love” them.

4. Obsession- Women don’t get obsessed about what you do and who you do it with. Constant questions about where you were and who you were with is a major sign you’re datinga girl.JealousyThis is a big one. Women don’t mind if you have female friends, in fact, they like it because you can get another woman’sperspective on things and grow as a person. Girls don’t like their man to have any female friends apart from them. Again, it’s insecurity that separates the women from the girls.

5. Advertisement threats-Threats are the ultimate sign of immaturity. If yourwoman threatens to hurt you or herself, she’s a girl and it’s time for you to walk away.

6. Dressing Slutty- Women don’t need to “dress sexy” all time: theyknow they’re sexy already. Girls will dress slutty more than necessary for the extra attention.

7. Mind Reading- Girls expect their men to read their minds. Women speak their minds.

8. Picking Up the Check- Women are financially independent, and don’t expect you to pay for everything.

9. Drinking Too Much- Women know how to hold their liquor. Girls don’t know when to stop and get drunk way too fast!

10. Boring Convo- Women know how to have an interesting conversation. Girls haven’t picked up that skill yet.

These are the top 10 signs, if you have you can add to this smiley

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Politics / Re: Caption This Photo! Rochas $ Deputy speaker Emeka after election by captainobvious: 3:33pm On Apr 29, 2015

Ihedioha bet me I will rig you out, no be joke,
the wife laughs because she knows what the
husband is capable of.

even you op hav a terrible caption for it....it doesnt hav to b abt the election u knw...for madam to laugh that way...lol wink wink

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Politics / Re: Caption This Photo! Rochas $ Deputy speaker Emeka after election by captainobvious: 3:29pm On Apr 29, 2015
emeka: chai rochas wetin u dey feed this woman?
rochas: no mind am, all na packaging!
wife: (trys to catch her breath after taking too much dry gin)
grin grin grin grin

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Celebrities / Re: Ali Baba Shows Off His Monster Purple Truck (photo) by captainobvious: 4:56pm On Apr 28, 2015
Ali baba and Chika Ike should be brother and sister.

They can show off, Ali baba own too much, he's a father for crying out loud.

in MI's voice; bad belle is allowed!!!
Celebrities / Re: Photos: Tonto Dikeh Looks Fierce In Her Green Jumpsuit by captainobvious: 4:42pm On Apr 28, 2015
is it just me or is tonto kinda hot

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