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Politics / Re: Former Biafran Chief Scientist Turns 90yrs. Prof Felix Oragwu. Wish Him Well! by Caveatemptor(m): 5:05pm On Nov 12, 2024

Empty Biafran/IPOB soliloquy and lamentations as usual.
If this so called professor was so good and intelligent a creator,as the jobless and demented IPOB WhatsApp group members on this thread are claiming he would have been lured to the USA as a scientist. It is obvious that this so called Ogbunigbe was a glorified petrol bomb that every protester weilds nowadays. But trust our chest beating brothers to elevate a mere petrol bomb or its variant into a supersonic ballistic missile.
A few years ago on this same Nairaland the Ibos LIED and spread their vile PROPAGANDA that Phillip Emeagwali was the father and creator of the internet until their lies were exposed and Emeagwali was exposed for the charlatan he is.

There is no tribe with the propensity to twist black into white or turn lies into truth like the Ibo man while playing the eternal victim at the same time.
A very vile and dangerous set of people who lies are ingrained in their DNA.

Autos / Re: Kakakiautos - Case Of Fraud by Caveatemptor(m): 9:21pm On Feb 21, 2024

Hope you have new lines for tomorrow.

Just look at a person lamenting and gnashing his teeth over a used television less than 50k having the temerity to ask someone not to lament and cry over a 45 million Naira car deal that has gone south?
You are a dangerous personality and evil ore seeps out of all the pores in your skin.
We are watching you,you this over rated kazeem of a mechanic!

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Autos / Re: Kakakiautos - Case Of Fraud by Caveatemptor(m): 7:44pm On Feb 21, 2024
One question please

What if Kakaki die before e settle op, who op go hold for im 45m?

Abi op 45m go become compulsory Condolence Levy?

Op whatever you have to do, do it fast... You or Kakaki fit die anytime... If u die before una conclude dis matter, Kakaki don die ur moni be that.. If Kakaki die, im still die ur moni because you no go see im family to give you shishi

Op, make hay while the sun shines

It is very obvious that the OP has been threatened and warned to stop commenting on this thread if he wants to see his car.
You can see that the OP stopped commenting since GAZZUZZ hinted that the thread will not help him get his vehicle. It is subtle blackmail and threat tactics that fraudulent people use to subjugate their victims.
Like I warned this was the tactics inspiredm and the fraudulent moderator Chelseabmw used on the poor victim revulution to deny her for receiving the vehicle she paid for. In the end she was given an inferior vehicle and not what she paid for.
Yesterday I warned the OP that he will be subjected to subtle blackmail from GAZZUZZ and his cabal but he probably did not take me serious.
Let's watch and see how this ends because I know they will either give him a vehicle different from what he ordered OR the refunded money will be short OR not available at all.
We are watching!


Autos / Re: Kakakiautos - Case Of Fraud by Caveatemptor(m): 11:33pm On Feb 20, 2024

Thanks chief. I know them all too well

Remain focused on the goal!
Don't let the hypocritical GAZZUZZ and his gang to bully you.
You must collect either the specified vehicle OR the current exchange rate of the forex or the appropriate Naira equivalent


Autos / Re: Kakakiautos - Case Of Fraud by Caveatemptor(m): 11:18pm On Feb 20, 2024

At this point I have no car. No money. And no Seller.
What's your point?

Concentrate on your goal,which is to either get your vehicle(and not an alternative) OR your money (At the CURRENT exchange rate) Anything less than this means you have allowed GAZZUZZ and his band of 40 thieves to have their way.
Can you see how the kakaki guy is silent while his oga GAZZUZZ does all the talking. Meanwhile other members of their criminal gang are trying to turn the thread into a joke/ comedy in order to derail.
These guys are a syndicate and they try to control the narrative on the auto/ car talk section. Terrible group of horrible people. However they are feeling the heat from this thread. You must never relent unless you get your specific vehicle or the Forex equivalent of what you paid the fraudulent Kakakibuy 5 months ago. Simple.

See the hypocritical GAZZUZZ crying like a b1tch on the thread below . You cannot take it but you want the OP to accept your gangsterism?


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Autos / Re: Kakakiautos - Case Of Fraud by Caveatemptor(m): 9:40pm On Feb 20, 2024

Did You remember how you called out a Moniker sometimes last year to be a scammer because you paid for a Television and the guy saw a better offer then sold to the highest bidder and wanted to refund you the actual amount you paid whereby you said he must add something to the money you paid him?

So now you're here typing rubbish and supporting kakakiautos to pay him the actual 45M... So Naso life be I wonder how you'll be resolving differences between your children. So sad this is coming from you!!! SMH

The guy is extremely cantankerous and has no scruples. I remember that television thread very well.
Very unstable personality. Everything is dollars and pounds to him. Very dangerous character that should be avoided. Unfortunately some ignorant people worship him on these boards as their Ashiwaju.
Watch how he and his cohorts will try to derail and turn this thread into a comedy central.

See him here fighting over motor engine not costing up to 45 million Naira. Very hypocritical character.



Autos / Re: Kakakiautos - Case Of Fraud by Caveatemptor(m): 8:32pm On Feb 20, 2024

in short Caveatemptor.

Now ask yourself, will the thread make the car leave the USA any faster?

The dollar jumped from 1600 to 1825 today, expecting the min of finance to jump on it and increase duty. Whose fault?

Business sometimes has its ups and downs in the real world.

This is why everything is UPSIDE DOWN in Nigeria today. People like you with warped mind sets who twist white to black are one of the major problems in this country because everything is Naira,dollars,pounds,Euros...PROFIT to you.
No sense of justice,equity,compassion or empathy for your fellow human beings. Everything is BUSINESS to you no matter how crude!
The Kakaki guy who obviously is your boy should provide the OP's vehicle that he has been paid for. The OP will certainly source money for duty and he should not allow Kakaki guy to introduce him to any clearing agent because if I recall correctly there was a thread of where Kakaki guy introduced someone to a clearing agent who falsified customs documents and the car in question was impounded by customs at Benin,Edo state. A word is sufficient for the wise.

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Autos / Re: Kakakiautos - Case Of Fraud by Caveatemptor(m): 7:42pm On Feb 20, 2024
I might share an unpopular opinion, but I still stand by my words.

Kakaki is not a fraud, the thread title is totally out of place.

The thread title is PERFECT until the kakaki guy proves otherwise!
In the case of fraudulent activity: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,I am going to assume what I am seeing is a DUCK!

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Autos / Re: Kakakiautos - Case Of Fraud by Caveatemptor(m): 6:34pm On Feb 20, 2024

Over the years a lot of car dealers have fallen short of expectations on this platform. They have defrauded clients and they have either left or have started using new profiles.

The thread title for starters is not appropriate . A contract was entered into by both parties to purchase and deliver a vehicle . Money was paid to purchase the vehicle , vehicle was purchased. Vehicle was not resold to a third party vehicle was not stolen or vandalized . So for starters fraud does not come to play.
What you have here is a common situation that happens once in a while . It has happened to every vehicle importer on this platform.

One of the reasons I will not tolerate kakaki slander is because he is one of the very few good guys who have integrity , one of the few good guys that you can send 100's of millions of naira and sleep easy. He has built a name for him self by being upright in his dealings.

Again as I said if I was in his shoes and I was threatened this way, I would refund the exact amount credited to me.

Business does not always go the way we expect and he is doing his best.

A lot of dealers have come and gone, but kakkaki stands out and will continue to thrive because of his integrity. I will continue to defend him.

Once again,I am asking you what the hell you and your usual gang of enablers are always trying to do on these boards?
Somebody had business transaction with the Kakaki guy to supply a vehicle. The Kakaki guy was paid 45 million Naira for this transaction thus fulfilling his part of the transaction. Kakaki guy failed to inform the OP that the vehicle lacked a title which prevented the vehicle from being shipped. The OP was kept in the dark by the Kakaki guy of the stages of the transaction for close to five months. The OP being unsure of the state of the transaction due to the obfuscate attitude of the Kakaki guy decides to open a thread to bring the transaction into the open. The Kakaki guy refuses to respond until you who is obviously his influencer has put your foot in your mouth all over the thread as usual!
I leave the judgement to the readers of the thread but know one thing that to me you come across as an enabler of the Kakakibuy.I can clearly see a sense of deja vu on this thread because this is how inspiredm started and of course he had enablers supporting him just the same way you are supporting this kakaki guy!


Politics / Re: FG Threatens To Open Border For Cement Importation by Caveatemptor(m): 5:47pm On Feb 20, 2024
Meanwhile a single 50 kg bag of cement sells for 10,500 Naira and the price is rising steadily per minute!
Autos / Re: Kakakiautos - Case Of Fraud by Caveatemptor(m): 5:18pm On Feb 20, 2024

I put my self in both shoes without any sentiments .

If I was kakaki I would refund the ā‚¦45,000,000. Very easily . It's a profit on its own.

From your posts on these boards it is obvious you can NEVER tolerate anybody collecting 45 million Naira from you and going incommunicado/silent on you. It is glaring from your posts that you have no iota of sympathy for the OP. It is pretty obvious that your biased sympathys lie with the Kakaki guy who refused to speak on this thread until you prodded him to talk.
Once again,my sincere advise to you is to stop hopping over all the threads in the autos and car talk threads pontificating as if whatever you say should be the law. Just look how the first idea in your head is how the Kakaki guy will make a PROFIT on the OP's head from his own money. This is typical of people with your type of mindset. Profit without any empathy for the owner of the funds!

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Autos / Re: Kakakiautos - Case Of Fraud by Caveatemptor(m): 4:46pm On Feb 20, 2024
Have done over 30 different cardeals with kakaki over the years. If not for the current trend in FX by now we would have already done like 3 this year.

These are a few done in 2023.

What the hell are you trying to do here?
If you have bought a million cars through this guy how does it affect this particular transaction and the fact that the kakaki guy failed to inform the OP that the purchased vehicle lacked a title?
How would you like it if someone collected 45 million Naira from you and then went incommunicado?
You need to learn to put yourself in the OP's shoes and show some empathy. I would sincerely advise you to stop this attitude of jumping all over threads,pontificating as if you are the ashiwaju of the auto and car sections. A word is enough for the wise.

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European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Luton Vs Manchester United (1 - 2) On 18th February 2024 by Caveatemptor(m): 6:33pm On Feb 18, 2024

The guy just spread hands for ball he should punch away from the player rushing on

Casemiro is even worse he should be in Saudi Arabia

He is the slowest dm in the Premier league playing against very very fast opponents

I just wonder how poor the second goalkeeper Altay Bayindir must be that he can't get a game.
Onana is just a disaster waiting to happen!
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Luton Vs Manchester United (1 - 2) On 18th February 2024 by Caveatemptor(m): 6:17pm On Feb 18, 2024
Honestly Onana is a dreadful goalkeeper.
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Luton Vs Manchester United (1 - 2) On 18th February 2024 by Caveatemptor(m): 6:09pm On Feb 18, 2024
Casemiro is courting a second yellow card.
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Luton Vs Manchester United (1 - 2) On 18th February 2024 by Caveatemptor(m): 5:45pm On Feb 18, 2024
Andre Onana is a lunatic!


European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Manchester City Vs Chelsea (1 - 1) On 17th February 2024 by Caveatemptor(m): 8:31pm On Feb 17, 2024
Chelsea attacked city first leg and got a draw. So its not the first time

The point is that it is better to die on your feet like a man rather than die on your knees like a coward.


European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Manchester City Vs Chelsea (1 - 1) On 17th February 2024 by Caveatemptor(m): 8:28pm On Feb 17, 2024
A 1-1 draw is a fair result.


European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Manchester City Vs Chelsea (1 - 1) On 17th February 2024 by Caveatemptor(m): 7:51pm On Feb 17, 2024
At least Chelsea are playing brave football and attacking Manchester City. I hate how most teams just sit back and allow City to continue attacking until they score.
Full marks to Chelsea for taking the fight to City. If you are going to lose at least do it fighting .

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TV/Movies / Re: Nigerian Variety Shows Of The 1980s. by Caveatemptor(m): 7:12pm On Jan 28, 2024

The Bar Beach Show was in the late 1960s and 1970s (it's mentioned in the post about Art Alade). This thread is about 1980s shows.

Oh My apologies.
My bad.
TV/Movies / Re: Nigerian Variety Shows Of The 1980s. by Caveatemptor(m): 7:07pm On Jan 28, 2024
The NTA showed a lot of variety shows in the 1970s and 1980s and many highlife artistes performed on these shows. Some of these shows were hosted by the highlife artistes, while others, like Bandstand, featured a different artiste every week. I am now going to post videos of these artistes performing on those shows.

On this thread there will be videos and details of:

The Bala Miller Show (8pm NTA Network)

The Art Alade Show (Sunday mornings, NTA Channel 10).

The Bobby Benson Show (NTA Channel 10 and later NTA2 Channel 5, Saturday afternoons)

Princess Afi Usuah Show (NTA Network, 8pm, I can't remember what day)

The Stephen Osita Osadebe Show (NTA Channel 10, can't remember what day or time)

The YomYem Show (Sunday mornings, NTA Channel 10).

Contact (6pm on NTA2 Channel 5 and later on the Network Service).

Excellent thread as usual, however I am surprised that you failed to mention the BAR BEACH SHOW on NTA channel 10 in the late 70s and early 80s.
The Bar beach show was the precursor of all the shows you have mentioned here.
The Bar beach show was hosted by the late John Chukwu and former Miss Nigerias Rosemary Anieze Adams and Julie Coker and was a regular musical show on which musicians and bands of the day were invited to play popular songs for a live audience,who were invited to the open floor to dance to the music played.

Once again, excellent thread.
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Wigan Vs Manchester United FA Cup (0 - 2) On 8th January 2024 by Caveatemptor(m): 10:03pm On Jan 08, 2024
no way Iā€™m not watching grin

Then you don't want to know why Ten Hang prefers to use Onana despite all his flaws.
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Wigan Vs Manchester United FA Cup (0 - 2) On 8th January 2024 by Caveatemptor(m): 9:40pm On Jan 08, 2024
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Nottingham Forest Vs Manchester United (2 - 1) On 30th December 2023 by Caveatemptor(m): 8:45pm On Dec 30, 2023
Manchester United
20 played
10 won
9 lost
1 draw
Goals scored 21 goals.
Goals conceded 25 goals.
Goal difference-4 goals.
Top scorer Scott McTominay 5 goals.

These statistics tell the sad story of the Erik Ten Hag disaster.

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European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Nottingham Forest Vs Manchester United (2 - 1) On 30th December 2023 by Caveatemptor(m): 8:12pm On Dec 30, 2023
Onana should do and go for afcon abeg...

See the person to replace him. Another basket.



European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Nottingham Forest Vs Manchester United (2 - 1) On 30th December 2023 by Caveatemptor(m): 8:10pm On Dec 30, 2023
See goalkeeper.
Forest 2 Manchester United 1
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Nottingham Forest Vs Manchester United (2 - 1) On 30th December 2023 by Caveatemptor(m): 8:06pm On Dec 30, 2023
Forest 1 Manchester United 1
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Nottingham Forest Vs Manchester United (2 - 1) On 30th December 2023 by Caveatemptor(m): 7:51pm On Dec 30, 2023
See goalkeeper. No attempt.

Forest 1 Manchester United 0
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Nottingham Forest Vs Manchester United (2 - 1) On 30th December 2023 by Caveatemptor(m): 7:35pm On Dec 30, 2023
Here are a compilation of Altay Bayindir mistakes at his former club. This is the goalkeeper who will replace Onana when he leaves for the AFCON in January.
He is certainly more error prone than Onana.


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