Foreign Affairs / Re: Carnegie Mellon University Reacts To Uju Anya's Tweet About Queen's Death by cayorday89(m): 11:42am On Sep 09, 2022 |
NaijaMutant: We are not ignorant of the slavery, oppression and thievery of the British colonialist headed by Her Majesty.
However, we also cannot deny it open the door of civilization to us.
Being vile and hateful will not bring healing to the past. We cannot continue to live in the past Also, by calculation almost all African countries gained independence under her reign and also gave opportunities to Africans who went over to her country to get educated and used that knowledge to seek for independence but overtime what has African leaders done to better the life of the African masses... How many of us will truly mourn the death of our leaders like they are doing right now in Britain? 1 Like |
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Fc Barcelona Fan Thread: "més Que Un Club" by cayorday89(m): 8:16am On Sep 09, 2022 |
That Haaland is more or less a box 18/tap-in player. Mpabe is far more deadly than him likewise lewy. If you look at the type of goals mpabe and lewy scores even outside box 18, you will know these are dangerous 9s. I will disagree with you here, if you had seen Haaland while he was at Dortmund, he runs with the ball, dribbles and scored tap ins like, from outside box 18 and golazos like Lewie and Mbappe have been doing and doing now. At City, many were sceptical about him adjusting to Guardiola style but he has done just that which is him positioning himself for all the tap ins because behind is a system that encourages players to hold on to the ball and give it to a target man who will not miss... Imagine he was a Spaniard in that 2010 world cup, they would have scored more goals and win by wide margins than they eventually did. Haaland is an all rounder but for now his job is simple, hang around the 18yard box and put the ball into the net ably assisted by seasoned passers of the ball. 5 Likes |
Family / Re: Case closed by cayorday89(m): 7:12pm On Sep 07, 2022 |
Klass99: This is Dramaville Reloaded. Where is Ayamatanga, do you still think the single life is a scam after reading this? 
Graduate2015 paragraphs will help readers take in your story without zoning out. If you can edit and summarize that's even better.
Dear commenters please avoid quoting her whole post to make your contribution. The thread will become unnecessarily longer than River Nile.
All issues she narrated comes at a fast pace, so it will be hard breaking them in writing by adding (.) (,) and paragraphs... I feel sorry for her though, wetin to advice sef no dey for now, her case is kinda unique.. 1 Like |
Food / Re: What Adjustments Have You Made To Cope With The Rising Inflation (Pictures) by cayorday89(m): 5:37pm On Sep 07, 2022 |
Where I reside has light roughly 20hrs a day, and we don't use prepaid meter, after the price of pure water went up, an idea came to mind, I boiled water and store in a container refrigerate it and I have my own pure water. Also I buy pepper and tomato in bulk, blend, boil and cook some then store in freezer. Gas is meant for emergency blackout as I use electric cooker. Clothes are also washed once a week, so that minimal detergent will be used to wash them all. If not for my me alone lifestyle, na to find roommate to share rent fee.
For data, I switch between two sims, one with data and the other without data to access Nairaland for free and to prevent me from numerous notifications that will make me check them every now and then, thereby wasting precious time and data... 11 Likes 1 Share |
Family / Re: Mothers Please Advice A Frustrated Married Man. by cayorday89(m): 12:25pm On Sep 07, 2022 |
Him thinking he can/should have sex everyday is probably because he has been starved of it so much. The hunger is making him overreach.
Realistically, I don't know that he will still have the desire to have it every single day once he starts getting it more often (even if his wife were willing to indulge). So true sha, but what if it comes to him naturally to have it everyday without getting tired, we never can tell, he should just have it in mind that his wife might fail him in that aspect but on other things he complained about, his wife can adjust. |
Education / Re: I Want To Barb My Hair — Is It Correct? by cayorday89(m): 12:19pm On Sep 07, 2022 |
Ishilove: All these long stories. The correct usage is "I want to barber my hair"  A Friend to me: "I called you earlier and you did not pick, what have you been up to". Me: "I have been BARBER(R)ING my hair". Which is correct for the highlighted? |
Romance / Re: When You Greet People And They Don't Respond, What Do U Say In Your Mind? by cayorday89(m): 11:46am On Sep 07, 2022 |
I assume the person did not hear me, because what will make you not answer my greeting will have been made known to me for me not to even make an attempt to greet you at first. And if it turns out I am deliberately avoided so be it, I move on. |
Family / Re: Mothers Please Advice A Frustrated Married Man. by cayorday89(m): 11:37am On Sep 07, 2022 |
Neptunium: My friend's mom in Nigeria is a single mother. His father, a civil servant, was killed in a car accident when he was 14. He's the second oldest, his younger ones were little when the father was killed, the youngest, a girl was 1. His mom, a school principal, singlehandedly raised all of them. Till now, she has never remarried.
My aunt's husband is in the U.S working while she's in Naija taking care of their 3 kids. She's not a single mother however the point is her husband no dey around though he visits Naija from time to time.
In another thread last month i talked about some FB groups I'm in where lots of single mothers in Naija plenty, as in single mothers looking for husbands.
My point is there are single mothers raising kids by themselves, or mothers who get husband working abroad while they're in Naija with the kids or husbands working in another state in Naija while the wife is at home taking care of the kids. OP's wife no get excuse other than laziness. OP's wife is just lazy and she is the kind of person who does not consider the plight of her husband or see things from his pint of view, and she procrastinates(something many of us are guilty of) a lot, reason why she does things at the tail end of the day despite being home all day.. Yes children can be difficult at times but she is doing little to nothing to curb their excesses. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Family / Re: Mothers Please Advice A Frustrated Married Man. by cayorday89(m): 11:31am On Sep 07, 2022 |
Ulunne777: That was how she was raised.go to their house and you won't be surprised .It stems from laziness and disorganized lifestyle,leave this mental health talk.
My mom raised us with cooking dinner early,its a life I'm used to and also adopted.If i eat later than this time food becomes a baggage to me and do you know it even helps to curb bedwetting in kids eat by 6:30pm and I'm a working mom.On the days I may come home late,I precook so that once I'm home,food will be ready in less than 30mins and by 8:30 tops the kids are asleep.
Ppl should stop enabling bad behavior,every time mental health mental health until this young man dies off early as a result of inadequate rest and bad eating habits .I'm even sure he will be served Eba and soup by 10pm like my neighbor does.
Beautiful and well written... Someone up there even said the OP was asking for too much, despite his effort and not minding the toll it is having on him regarding his output and efficiency at work. The only part I will not support the OP is asking for daily sex. 5 Likes |
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: I Thought Honesty And Hardwork Pays? by cayorday89(m): 1:27pm On Sep 05, 2022 |
Amb1045: you're just like me, I'm a straight forward person, I hate taking things that don't belong to me. My conscience will always judge me when I do. I started studying animal behaviours and compare it to humans. Then I found out the truth. Check lion kids they can't hurt other animals until nature catch up with them they have to eat or feed. They have to do what they have to do to survive. Until you get to that stage where you have to survive. You will understand what life is all about. Keep moving you will get there. I remembered before if I have something and someone who needs it ask me of that thing I will gladly give it out. But not now again, I will compare what I have gain from you before I support you with my own things. Eyes dee back now. Most politician has sold their soul like a tiger in the forest that hunt for fun, they steal for fun. Try to awake yourself early. This is a war you have to fight within yourself. Reason why you see most top people are supporting tinubu, they just want to survive. They feel they're closer to success through him than other politician I saw what you did there, you are indeed straight forward without actually cutting corners with your advice for the OP... I want to be straight forward like you too... |
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Should I Just Venture Into Akara Business??? by cayorday89(m): 5:00am On Sep 05, 2022 |
You're still asking. I finished NYSC in August. My boyfriend got me a shop The money I saved from allowee and the one my parents and brother gave me, I put everything into fabric selling business.
My boyfriend also finished NYSC with me. He studied architecture, he already learnt it before going to higher institution, so he's very very very good at it. His PPA boss gave him all his projects to supervise, to draw and even attend board meeting on a federal government project for the man. Long story short, after NYSC, no job He applied for job, none is forthcoming One day he told me he wants to be selling beans, I said no way, after calculating the cost and capital, I said moimoi elewe (leaf moimoi) is better. We started looking for space by main road, we no see, everyone was saying there's no space. I convinced him to come and use the front of my shop I learned how to wrap moimoi in leaves from my mum when I was very young. That's how we started, we spent about 35k getting big pot, tire rim coal pot, turning stick, portion spoon, ororo, maggi, leaves, half bag of charcoal etc Now we're making sales, even though it's not that huge but alhamdulilah. Sometimes when it's 6pm and we still have plenty moimoi, I'll take it to the main junction of the express in a cooler and shout to passersby to come and buy moimoi elewe. I've only sold fabrics twice but we sell moimoi everyday. Oga was feeling ashamed when he first told me about it. But I didn't see anything to be ashamed of coz he isn't lazy and he's a really good guy So, uncle you can use morning and afternoon to learn the tech stuff someone told you here Then in the afternoon -evening, fry Akara and sell, and make sure you keep money everyday. If you make 2k, keep 1k, if you make 3k, keep 2k as savings. The remaining ones you didn't put in savings is your running capital, it should be use in getting what you need for business e.g more beans or more ororo when you have small left, or charcoal. And don't spend the profits for your personal bills for like 2 weeks so you don't cripple the business from start. That means you should get foodstuffs at home while getting what you need to start up the business and don't go on buying excessive things or things that are not really needed. Buying in few quantities, you can later get a place where you can buy stuffs at cheaper rate. May God be with us all and bless our hustle. You can call me sisi oni moimoi or sisi alaso Great advice there especially your last paragraph, same mindset I have and working on, relocated recently and about to start a business which will likely kickoff this month... Your last paragraph says it all and same should also applies to salary earners, most times I don't even spend my salary at all because I already budgeted money I will spend for the next few months from previous salaries and that is how I have been able to save for this business and of course with support from parents. 1 Like |
Food / Re: Yoruba Uziza Soup by cayorday89(m): 4:33am On Sep 05, 2022 |
descarado: U are a very ungrateful fellow.
Not just ungrateful, he is also very opinionated and entitled, like the lady was suppose to know his mind, instead of him to tell her his preferences for her to adjust next time, he made it a tribal issue and not wiling to accept corrections from people he expectsed to bash the lady and her tribe. Food and methods of cooking them varies across humans and the various ways that divides/classifies us. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Education / Re: 2k For Anyone Who Can Solve This For Me....mathematicians Food Don Land by cayorday89(m): 2:54am On Sep 05, 2022 |
Bro abeg help me edit everything abeg na beg I dey beg.... You just dey make me laugh... I am sure it's one of those topics you found difficult as I am asking myself why you have to put yourself through this, copying what you don't even understand, because as for me, from SS2 onwards, my maths note was never meant to be completed, assignments were a no go area, how I always manage to escape punishments then for not doing them I can't even explain.. I still have my New General Maths textbook very new and not opened, did not even bother to buy that of SSS3. What if you end up being the only one who got it right and you are asked to come solve it and explain to the class... Just thinking out loud... |
Crime / Re: FG Launches Central Database Of Arrest Records by cayorday89(m): 4:37pm On Sep 03, 2022 |
Hope they will include all past and future corrupt leaders and politicians... |
Music/Radio / Re: The Lyrics Of This Popular Song From The 90s Will Melt Your Heart (Video) by cayorday89(m): 5:05pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
I am too sure you are the one who is wrong.
If you indeed know the language you mentioned, you would know that 'lepa' is a modern day word/slogan, not an old indigenous word. About mid 90s, this word wasn't even known or used, not even for slim person. Go figure. Opposite of 'lepa' is 'Orobo', do you also know the song/singer who also brought about orobo mainstream usage and adoption to describe someone on the fatty side? It's true that new words are being coined and added on the daily to lingo and local dialect, but also note that some have been around longer to know the origin and difference in the adapted and original root word. The guy below is very right, lepa I knew about in the 90s, even orobo was far back beyond your stated period. phemmyfour: More reason why you're wrong
Gauo was released in late 99/2000 The movie below was done in the 90s On point boss, immediately I saw his comment, I remembered this lepa chandy movie in the 90s, though I never saw the movie but I know because we were still in our old house and Gaou became a hit when we packed to our new house. 3 Likes |
Family / Re: My Colleague's Husband Stresses His Wife Daily by cayorday89(m): 11:50am On Sep 02, 2022 |
Bro we only see or talk Monday-Friday (official hours)
She had to tell me for advice.
Not everyman who sleeps with any woman he talks to
You don't need to reply those people... 2 Likes |
Family / Re: My Colleague's Husband Stresses His Wife Daily by cayorday89(m): 11:38am On Sep 02, 2022 |
They can maybe get a helping hand to ease the work load on the woman's end if they are able. If not, a young cousin, neice or nephew from either family side. Boss try read the content you quoted to the end and not just halfway... How will they get extra hand on a salary less than 50k by a man who eats only daily meal. For me, the wife is an enabler and the biggest culprit, if he can't adjust she ought to have gotten put of the marriage... I am here wondering how far his income will take him in a month living alone with such lifestyle not to talk of a family if not that the wife bears the burden of the greater part of the finance and still have to go through all that stress... 1 Like |
Family / Re: What Should I Do With My Big Fat Inheritance? by cayorday89(m): 6:19am On Sep 01, 2022 |
MatrixReloaded: A fortune is to enable the inheriter tuple on choicest of business. If the business that was left behind is active then I see no reason the latter won't continue where his father stop. Given out to anyone is not advisable rather invest and make profit which inturn shows his capability to give to others A valid point you made here, he can also employ people who genuinely need jobs and are ready to put in the work and reward them handsomely outside their normal pay depending on their output. As a company, they can embark on community projects in rural areas to help them with what they lack as their CSR... |
Religion / Re: . by cayorday89(m): 9:52am On Aug 30, 2022 |
With my experience in cases like this, what he has succeeded in doing is getting you hooked to him as he, by means of him helping you spiritually he knows much about you and how much you earn and he will not stop asking for funds and creating fears in you with prophecies that will most likely be false because he already told you the ones that come to past. He will continue manipulating you with the ones that will never happen just to feed on your fears and cash out from you. Tell him the spirit tells you it's time you give your tithe to the church you worship and see his reactions.. He has played his part in your life and its time to let go except you want to extend the olive branch once in a while to him. 2 Likes |
Family / Re: Mouka Foam Issues by cayorday89(m): 12:19am On Aug 30, 2022 |
1 Like 1 Share |
Religion / Re: Why do Nigerian spend huge amount of money on religion? by cayorday89(m): 4:02pm On Aug 29, 2022 |
79,000 Nigerian muslims spent $5,000 each to go to Saudi Arabia to kill the devil with stones. $395 Million from a poor underdeveloped country like Nigeria. Saudi economy is growing through tourism. 50,000 Christians went to Israel to kiss Jesus statue there and attach JP to their names. $250 Million == $645 Million - ( over Half a BILLION dollars�♂️) This happens 2 times a year. $1.3 billion. Let's not convert it to naira because some of us will not sleep, but let's try. ( 782 billion naira, Over half a trillion naira.) This amount can be used to fund fresh graduates who have innovative ideas and in turn, create millions of jobs. Since we have been traveling to Israel and Saudi Arabia, has our economy improved? �
Africans (especially Nigerians) what is wrong with our logic?
That is on a national level, I bet you don't want to know the effects of that on the family level, it has made many not to cross the poverty line and it's not as if the money was never made but it was spent on religious grounds with the promise that more will definitely come in miraculous way even if God has no need for it, reason why MOGs and SOGs are living large at the expense of their followers. 1 Like |
Travel / Re: Untold Truth About Why Immigrants Are Leaving Canada by cayorday89(m): 3:43pm On Aug 29, 2022 |
InvertedHammer: / Because most Nigerians have no slightest clue about finance, they only consider income and exchange rates. When they earn that $50k and realize that they are barely hanging on, reality starts to set in gradually. $2000/month rent? Consider the kind and location such amount will get you in a year in Nigeria. But then, you don't earn $50k/year in salary in Nigeria.
Solution: If you live in Nigeria and can get a remote job/contract that pays you in $/€/£, three-quarter of your financial problems in this world is solved.
This is very true, I saw a documentary recently on the high exchange rate of the Sri Lankan currency to the dollars, and the high cost of things yet salary is very low, and there was a man who works for a foreign pharmaceutical company and paid in dollars, he feeds his group of friends and their families and he could still afford to live large due to the huge amount he is paid after exchange compared to his friends who have no salary raise but prices of goods had gone up to about 200% or more sef. |
Romance / Re: I Just Found Out That My Girlfriend Of Four Years Is A Chronic Cheat ... by cayorday89(m): 10:27pm On Aug 28, 2022 |
Actually the begging continued when I gave her the phone but I know she’s trying to manipulate me , hence why I will never forgive her If it's the forgiveness she needs, give her and let her go with a stern warning that you don't want to see her around you or anywhere close to you, if not you will continue from where you stopped rendering help financial wise. |
Romance / Re: I Just Found Out That My Girlfriend Of Four Years Is A Chronic Cheat ... by cayorday89(m): 9:21pm On Aug 28, 2022 |
immortalcrown: Hmmm! What I do not understand is the essence of her apology. Has she not told her brother she prefers the other guy to you? Is she now begging to change her preference? If she no beg, how she go take get the phone to communicate with her other lovers, at least op is out of the equation, must lack of phone make her lose others too? |
Romance / Re: I Just Found Out That My Girlfriend Of Four Years Is A Chronic Cheat ... by cayorday89(m): 9:18pm On Aug 28, 2022 |
1 Like 1 Share |
Romance / Re: MEN!! This Happens When You Let A Woman Have Some Power Over You!! (Photos) by cayorday89(m): 9:13pm On Aug 28, 2022 |
Islandlady: Ohh what a very sick mentality you got 
"It is said that behind every successful man there is a woman", this statement has been right since time memorial So you guys should stop marrying women that will exploit you, go for the ones that can aid your success story! Every right thinking man's wish, but to differentiate the real from pretenders is where the problem is. 1 Like |
Romance / Re: I Just Found Out That My Girlfriend Of Four Years Is A Chronic Cheat ... by cayorday89(m): 9:03pm On Aug 28, 2022 |
My brother. You own good ooo I don’t need any useless love to be happy in this life. Keep your love. Anything that doesn’t pay my bills is useless. Love doesn’t pay my bills and it is useless. Oga Emma, you don marry na, we still dey market and parents no get two prayers pass this time next year na with wofe and children especially on b'days... 1 Like |
Romance / Re: I Just Found Out That My Girlfriend Of Four Years Is A Chronic Cheat ... by cayorday89(m): 9:02pm On Aug 28, 2022 |
emmyluizzz: op you never see anything...I pray the worst hit you hard.. nonsense
keep carrying woman matter for*ot Of a truth op effed up, but he no need the swear wey you dey carry give am... I feel his pain and I am sure he has learnt, only that he will have double minds and doubt the good ones from now on.. 1 Like |
Romance / Re: I Just Found Out That My Girlfriend Of Four Years Is A Chronic Cheat ... by cayorday89(m): 8:59pm On Aug 28, 2022 |
Innocent fellow, kwa? E be like say you don haze and you dey high.
Kayode there's nothing innocent about you people no dey deceive yourself abeg. Hahahaha, both gender are guilty and both gender are victims, na make we no jam bad person. At least we will know who to avoid because this game some of us have conscience and can't hurt people's feelings, I can speak for myself. 2 Likes |
Romance / Re: I Just Found Out That My Girlfriend Of Four Years Is A Chronic Cheat ... by cayorday89(m): 8:56pm On Aug 28, 2022 |
Tbh, I don’t think it is the book that worked.
Deep down, your guts has been telling you something is wrong and your woman is cheating, you only had to face your fear by taking the bold action. Very true, it was not the book, the signs were there, with communication not frequent as usual but he still did not believe she could do it, my experience, I just lock up till the day the truth will be made known in the open as she gave excuse of been unable to show up, and when truth came out I messaged her to let her know and we have not even seen since then. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Romance / Re: I Just Found Out That My Girlfriend Of Four Years Is A Chronic Cheat ... by cayorday89(m): 8:49pm On Aug 28, 2022 |
It's so painful cocoboss, you have learnt the hard way and it's a pity it's people with good intention that suffer this mostly...
Be like we go start to dey share photos of these jilters alongside the thread so many of us out there can know who to avoid because as you dumped her now, another innocent fellow will fall in...
She is only begging you to get the phone back, because you have set back her transactions for days before she gets another.... 2 Likes |
Politics / Re: Inibehe Effiong Remains Upbeat After Release by cayorday89(m): 11:55am On Aug 26, 2022 |
The lord is your strength... 1 Like |